General Discussion, Tuesday, February 2, 2021

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45 Responses to General Discussion, Tuesday, February 2, 2021

  1. Lucille says:

    Penguins only live in the Southern Hemisphere, and none live at the South Pole itself but do live on the coast of Antarctica…

    How fearless Russian explorers beat the Brits to discover Antarctica
    January 30 2018 by GEORGY MANAEV

    Liked by 8 people

    • Menagerie says:

      My grandson is something of a penguin expert, has been since he was about five. He’s seven now. We do not know where he learned all the things he has, but he can almost always identify penguins. His favorite penguin lives in Peru. Who knew they had them? He also let me know there were African penguins.

      Those families fortunate enough to have autistic members often get unusual and wonderful educations!

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Lucille says:

    THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH is a wonderful 1985 series about the race to the South Pole between Roald Amundsen of Norway and Robert Scott of Britain. Back when VHS recordings were all the rage, I taped each episode of the series…and for my devotion over those seven weeks received a huge crush on the actor who played Amundsen, Sverre Anker Ousdal. You’ll see one particular Brit actor who became a much bigger name subsequent to the filming. All seven episodes are on YouTube. Well worth your time.

    “Poles Apart” – Episode 1

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Lucille says:

    Who is the DC Judge Who Let the FBI Criminal Off Light?
    A troubling tale.
    Tuesday, February 2, 2021 by Lloyd Billingsley

    On Friday, former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith got a “slap on the wrist,” Debra Heine reports, for falsifying an email in the quest to gain a FISA warrant to spy on an American citizen, Carter Page. Clinesmith was facing a maximum five years in prison and a fine of $250,000, so twelve months probation, a $100 fine and 400 hours of community service, is indeed a slap on the wrist. Even so, it still falls short.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. WeeWeed says:

    Mornin’ sports fans!

    Liked by 8 people

    • czarina33 says:

      Nice find! Probably alot more unmasking gonna happen as the libs spread their wings and the radicals take over. Is that AOC around the corner post?

      Liked by 4 people

    • czarina33 says:

      Oh, yes, mornin’ all ya’all! Frost on the grass, warming into the 50-60’s due to bright sunshine and clear skies. A great day for the dogs to run around, then sleep in the warm sun. I have some patients at the local hospital, then need to attack some boxes of old paperwork to see what’s worth saving.

      Liked by 6 people

      • auscitizenmom says:

        Mornin’ Czarina. Windy and cold here, 48* but feels colder because of the wind. I have a lot of paperwork that needs to be sifted through, too. Hope you have a nice day.

        Liked by 2 people

      • stella says:

        Mornin’ czarina! In the 20’s here this morning, snow on the ground and more on the way later this week.

        I need to tackle a couple of the kitchen cupboards, so I may start on that today.

        Liked by 3 people

      • weather257 says:

        “,,,boxes of old paperwork to see what’s worth saving.”
        Oy vey…don’t remind me!

        Liked by 2 people

      • Menagerie says:

        I’m near St. Louis, and it’s cold here. In the twenties last night, and like so many others spoke about yesterday, the winds were awful, making it feel so cold. It was like that at home yesterday when we left, just biting cold wind all day.

        Liked by 3 people

      • Lucille says:

        Good morning, czarina! We’re at a not-bad temperature of 44 degrees but it’ll be raining all day.

        As for paperwork, I’ve been working on reducing mounds of it for years and look at something, saying to myself, “Oh, I can’t throw that out!” What if I someday need a whole file on the 2000 election (Bush v. Gore), for goodness sake! Personal stuff like school report cards and term papers no one is going to want, why am I keeping them? And photos of folks whose names I no longer remember? On and on..I just put them back in the file boxes and promise to think about it another day.

        Liked by 2 people

        • auscitizenmom says:

          I feel that all my excess paperwork has aged quite nicely and it is time to clear it out.

          Liked by 2 people

        • The Tundra PA says:

          I’m feelin’ for ya, Lucille! I hate 40s and raining. It’s bone-chilling. I’d rather have 10 degrees and snowing. We were hovering right about +5 this morning, and now up to 10. Snow predicted for late afternoon and evening. Skies sure look like it.

          Liked by 1 person

        • czarina33 says:

          My mother went at hers day after day after she decided to sell the 4 bedroom house and move into a 1 bedroom apartment. Said each day she looked at what she had decided to save the prior day and usually donated it to Goodwill, because the sentiment was gone, or what would she do with 4 frying pans.

          Liked by 2 people

    • stella says:

      Mornin’ WeeWeed! Yes, indeed.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Lucille says:

      Whoah…good one! Good day to you, WeeWeed!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. auscitizenmom says:

    Mornin’ all. Really, really windy here, more than yesterday. Feels really cold. I should be eating oatmeal, but I’m not really interested. So, yesterday I made oatmeal cookies. They turned out pretty good. So, for breakfast, I am going to have an egg, bacon, toast, and a cookie with my cocoa. Oh, yesterday, when I was getting ready to make the cookies, I took the egg carton out of my fridge and dropped some eggs. I thought I saw three, but only found two and cleaned them up. Later, Loki pointed out the third egg that went back under the washer. I had to have a maintenance guy come and move the washer so I could clean under it. I’m glad Loki pointed it out or it would start smelling. 😯

    Liked by 5 people

    • stella says:

      Mornin’ mom! Cold here; more inches of snow expected on Thu/Fri. I hate winter! My hands are always cold. I got some additional fingerless gloves to help keep them warm.

      Liked by 5 people

    • stella says:

      I like oatmeal, but I add cinnamon and dried cranberries or cherries to mine.

      Liked by 4 people

      • auscitizenmom says:

        I add cinnamon and raisins, but I still have to cook an egg to go with it because it doesn’t last but a few hours and I am hungry again.

        Liked by 4 people

      • Menagerie says:

        I love oatmeal, but I eat it and am starving an hour or two later. I’m a protein dependent eater! Also, I only like steel cut oats. But blueberry muffins and oatmeal are a favorite of mine.

        Liked by 4 people

        • stella says:

          I’ve been eating a banana as soon as I wake up, before I take my prescription pills. Then I make coffee and have with toasted bread, spread with butter and honey.

          Not very nutritious, but tasty. I usually sneak in another piece of fruit in the morning – lately a Honeybell (Minneola), since I got a shipment from Florida as a treat.

          Liked by 4 people

        • czarina33 says:


          Liked by 1 person

    • Lucille says:

      Loki is one smart cookie! Have a lovely day…the both of you!


    • jtrstill says:

      I made some overnight oats yesterday for the first time.

      Overnight Oats 2 servings

      1 C Old fashioned oats
      1C coconut milk (or whatever milk you like)
      1T Chia seeds
      2T honey (or maple syrup)
      1 60z. container yogurt (I used mixed berry)
      1 mashed up banana
      Just stir it all up and seal it in a container. This morning, I scooped out 1/2 and topped it with a little chopped pecans.
      It was FABULOUS!
      You can alternate fruits, nuts, milk etc. to suit whatever you have or want. The Chia seeds make it a pudding consistency. You could use flax instead.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. auscitizenmom says:

    I found this posted by Crossthread next door on the Open Thread.
    Replace Fauci for “Priest”
    Replace MaSK(S), FOR hats..

    Locusts for, Covid-19
    Well you get the Idea..
    Credits to the Author..

    One day in a land far away and a time long gone a Priest came to where the Many were tending their crops and livestock and said

    There are locusts coming and we must prepare!

    But locusts come every year and all the years gone by, the Many replied, It is always so, why must we prepare?

    These are not the locusts of all the years gone by, the Priest said, these are new and terrible locusts that I call by a New Name. We must prepare.

    What do these new and terrible locusts with the New Name do? the Many asked in great fear.

    Why, said the Priest, they consume a portion of our crops and then move on.

    The Many trembled in dread.

    But this is what locusts always do, one man of the Many said, why must we prepare this year when we never have before?

    The Priest regarded the one man of the Many.

    Did you not hear me? he said. These are not the old locusts of years gone by, these are new and terrible locusts and they have a New Name. We MUST PREPARE.

    But what do the new and terrible locusts with the New Name do that is worse than the old locusts of years gone by? the one man said.

    Why, are you a fool? the priest cried. Did I not tell you they consume our crops and then move on. We MUST PREPARE!

    Yes, we must prepare! cried the many in unison, though they did not know what this required.

    I do not understand, the one man of the Many persisted, do these new and terrible locusts look different from the old locusts of years gone by?

    I have not said that, the Priest replied.

    Do they consume more of our crops than did the old locusts of years gone by?

    I have made no such claim, the Priest replied.

    Then if the new and terrible locusts do not look different from the old locusts of years gone by and do not consume any more of our crops than the old locusts of years gone by, how are they new and terrible?

    At this the Priest grew wrathful with a priestly wrath.

    Who are you little man to put others at risk with these questions? Have I not told you these are new and terrible locusts and HAVE A NEW NAME?

    And the Many turned to the one man and said Yes, fool, do not put others at risk with these questions. The Priest has told you the new and terrible locusts HAVE A NEW NAME! Be silent in your foolishness and let the Priest tell us how we should prepare.

    And then they turned as one to the Priest and knelt before him and begged: Oh wise one, tell us how we must prepare against the new and terrible locusts.

    So the Priest stood before them and said

    I have spoken with great minds and with the gods, and they have told me the only way to prepare against the new and terrible locusts is to wear these hats of Monstrous Foolishness

    and he held a hat aloft of such exceeding monstrous foolishness that the Many were dismayed

    Oh great one, how will the wearing of these hats of Monstrous Foolishness save us from the new and terrible locusts? they cried.

    The great minds and the gods have studied the question and that is sufficient, the Priest replied. All those who have care for others will wear these hats and together we will save ourselves from the new and terrible locusts.

    The Many looked at one another and saw the wisdom of the Priests words, and willingly placed the hats of Monstrous Foolishness upon their heads and went back to tending their crops and their livestock, happy that they had been saved.

    The next day the Priest came back to where the Many were tending their crops and livestock and wearing their hats of Monstrous Foolishness and said

    Alas, I have spoken further with great minds and with the gods and they tell me the wearing of the hats of Monstrous Foolishness is not enough to save us from the new and terrible locusts. More is needed.

    The Many turned to the Priest in great alarm and cried, oh wise one, tell us what we must do! to save us from the new and terrible locusts

    It is this, the Priest said, to save us from the new and terrible locusts you must burn your crops to the ground before they can be eaten!

    Thank you oh wise one! the Many cried.

    Wait, the one man of the Many said, how will burning our crops to the ground before they can be eaten save them from the new and terrible locusts?

    Foolish one, the Priest answered, do you not understand the new and terrible locusts will pass us by if our crops are all gone?

    But, said the man, you said to me that the new and terrible locusts will eat no more than the old locusts of years gone by.

    That is true, said the Priest.

    So, if we let the new and terrible locusts eat their fill and move on we will still have most of our crops as in years gone by, but if we burn them to the ground we will have none.

    The Priest sighed and the Many sighed also, following his example.

    Do you care nothing for those whose crops will be eaten if we do nothing? the Priest asked in indignation.

    Do you care NOTHING for the crops that will be eaten? echoed the Many, in great indignation for the callousness of the man.

    And they went into their fields and burned all their crops to the ground so that a portion would not be eaten by the new and terrible locusts.

    But what will we do for bread, asked the man, now all our crops are burned to the ground?

    The Many looked troubled at this, for truly that question had not occurred to them. They turned to the Priest for answer.

    Sacrifices must be made, in times of need, the Priest said.

    Yes, the Many agreed, finding he spoke the very words they had in their own minds, sacrifices must be made and at least we are now safe from the new and terrible locusts!

    I see the Priest has not burned HIS crops to the ground, said the one man of the Many, why is this?

    The Many turned to him at this and said be silent, fool, enough of your nonsense, the Priest has spoken with great minds and with the gods and he knows best how to save us from the new and terrible locusts. All praise to our Priest and his wisdom.

    Next day the Priest came back to where the people were wearing their hats of Monstrous Foolishness standing in their burned fields and tending their livestock and said

    Alas, I have spoken further with the gods and great minds and they tell me wearing the hats of Monstrous Foolishness and burning the crops to the ground is not enough to save us from the new and terrible locusts! We must also slaughter all our livestock and let their blood water the earth.

    How will slaughtering livestock and letting their blood water the earth save us from locusts? the one man of the Many asked.

    The Many were indeed somewhat troubled by this new question and they turned to the Priest for answer.

    Do you not hear me say these are new and terrible locusts?, the Priest said in his kindly voice. Do you not understand that new ways must be found to save us from them?

    The Many looked relieved at this and found, once again, the Priest had spoken the very thoughts in their own minds. And so they willingly slaughtered their livestock and let the blood water the earth and rejoiced that they were now finally saved from the new and terrible locusts.

    The Priest came a fourth time to where the people were sitting in their burned fields newly watered with the blood of their livestock, wearing their hats of Monstrous Foolishness, and he saw some were dead or dying.

    Alas,, he said, because of the incursions of the new and terrible locusts, we now have no bread and no meat and no milk, and even the wearing of the hats of Monstrous Foolishness, the burning of the crops and the slaying of the livestock has not been enough to save us, for see how many are dying.

    At this there was great fear and despair among the Many.

    Oh woe, they cried, truly these new and terrible locusts are a deadly scourge for look how many people are now dying despite all that we have done!

    And they turned to the Priest and begged tell us oh wise one what must be done to save us from the new and terrible locusts that are killing us despite all we have done!

    Truly, said the Priest in great sadness, this land is so scorched and devoured by the new and terrible locusts that nothing remains to be done but to leave our old lives behind and begin again in a new state of equity. You must come to my compound where I will protect you. I have a little food in my own storehouses, which you may have a portion of if you work for the common good by cleaning my house and tending my crops and livestock.

    Thank you oh wise one! the Many cried, and prepared to follow the Priest to the safety of his compound.

    Wait, cried the one man of the Many, it was not the new and terrible locusts that took away our food, it was us at your command, and now you want to make us your slaves?

    The Priest shook his head in pity, and the Many followed his example.

    What must be done with such persistent ignorance? he demanded.

    Terrible persistent ignorance, agreed the Many in unison.

    And the Priest said:

    Do you not understand, that if we had NOT worn the hats of Monstrous Foolishness and burned down our crops and killed our livestock the new and terrible locusts would have made things far, far worse than they are now?

    How? asked the one man of the Many.

    The priest chuckled and the Many followed his example.

    Why, simple fool, because the new and terrible locusts are new and terrible and have a NEW NAME!

    A new name! the Many echoed looking in disbelief at the one man who did not understand what this meant.

    And then they turned and filed into the Priests compound in their hats of Monstrous Foolishness, to work for the common good by tending the Priests crops and livestock and cleaning the Priests house and singing songs of hope for their new beginning that the Priests scribes had written for them to sing.

    Meanwhile, the one man left alone in the barren and bloody fields set out alone to find another path and sing his own songs.

    Liked by 5 people

  7. just stevie says:

    Good afternoon…lunch break! 😉 Sitting here watching the sunny sky with some high clouds drifting across! We’re in for a warm up but our coldest days yet are starting late this weekend! Not looking forward to it! Stella, I have some of those fingerless gloves and love them. I can use my phone with out taking them off too!

    …and six more weeks of winter LOL! I watched that this morning…so fake! 🤣

    Have a great day…🙏

    Liked by 1 person

  8. jeans2nd says:

    Then the Priest said “We will not have herd immunity until all the children are vaccinated against the locusts with A New Name”
    And the Most High Priest said “We will not have herd immunity until every person on the planet is vaccinated against the The Next Herd Of Locusts With The Newest Name…”

    Liked by 4 people

  9. Lucille says:

    Dr. Shiva, Jovan Pulitzer and Others Join World View Weekend and Discuss Steps Going Forward to Uncover the Accurate Results of the 2020 Election
    By Joe Hoft – Published February 1, 2021 at 5:30pm

    In an excellent production last night, Brannon Howse interviewed a number of individuals regarding the 2020 election and what happened to steal the election from President Trump. Mike Lindell and Mary Fanning joined Dr. Shiva and Jovan Pulitzer in discussing the issues with the 2020 election and the suggested remedies.


  10. Lucille says:

    Like Joe even has a clue of what he’s signing or “commanding”…this can’t be sustained. How long until Harris becomes President?

    Joe Biden to Divert $30 Billion in Aid Trump Left For Farmers to Climate Change without Waiting For Congress
    By Cristina Laila – Published February 2, 2021 at 12:18pm

    Biden’s plan is to create a “carbon bank” to pay farmers for using “sustainable farming practices” to “capture carbon in soil.”


  11. Lucille says:

    BREAKING: Trump Eviscerates Democrats’ Impeachment Charges
    By TYLER O’NEIL – February 02, 2021 3:11 PM ET

    On Tuesday, former President Donald Trump’s lawyers Bruce L. Castor, Jr., and David Schoen released Trump’s answer to the Democrats’ article of impeachment accusing him of “incitement of insurrection.” Trump’s response breaks the Democrats’ impeachment article into eight separate allegations and responds to each claim. In a nutshell, the former president argues that it is unconstitutional for the Senate to remove a president when he has already left office and that he is innocent of the Democrats’ charges.


  12. Lucille says:

    Honestly, does this even look real? Amazingly beautiful!

    LIVE 24/7 Kaanapali Beach, Maui Cam

    Liked by 1 person

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