Black lives matter? These two (for sure) do!

There is such a thing as a black conservative. Here are two – one running for Congress in Baltimore and the other running for the Senate in Michigan.

Kimberly Klacik is running for Congress in Maryland’s District 7. Klacik’s Democratic opponent is former NAACP president Kweisi Mfume. Both are vying for the seat formerly held by Rep. Elijah Cummings. Mfume represented the district for 9 years prior to Cummings’ 1996 election, and won the special election in April to serve out the remainder of Cummings’ term. We hope she wins, but she is a Republican running for a traditionally Democrat seat. Here is her latest excellent campaign ad:

John James is the Republican candidate for the Senate in Michigan, seeking to unseat Senator Gary Peters. I am happy to say that his chances are very good! Polls in the state show the candidates running neck and neck.

Here he is on Fox & Friends last March:

Give them support if you feel led to do so!

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11 Responses to Black lives matter? These two (for sure) do!

  1. czarowniczy says:

    Let’s hope,BUT, having been given the privilege of getting to look under the hood of a Democrat/black majority city’s politics she’s going to need a miracle.

    Once a black political machine gets its hooks into an area it’s extremely difficult to swap it out, it took the flooding of Katrina and a few Federal arrests to do it in NOLA. The tentacles run deep and have a hold on damn near everything, the power of the black ministers is extremely important and whoever holds sway over them has a powerful ‘in’.

    The black politicians also have control of many programs the public doesn’t know about that funnel ‘resources’ into the black community. Back in the 90 a local TV investigative reporter did a piece on a USDA program tied to food stamps. Those living in the innercity area and on food stamps could get $125 in cash from a program designated as away to help ease the problem of hunger in innercity kids. They just signed up, promised to use the money to help feed kids and – poof – they got $125. They not only had to sign up but show up at a designated place to physically pick up the cash on a certain day at a certain time. What the reporter was investigating was the anonymous complaint that the recipients were forced to kick back 10% of the money to the program and if the recipient didn’t s/he was kicked off and replaced by someone who would.

    The reporter found out that the guy running it was one of the local black pols who was reputed to have his fingers in all sorts of shady deals. The reporter also found out that the guy running the ‘security’ for the program was an ex-NOPD officer who’d been fired for excessive force, something almost impossible in those days, and among the recipients of the $125 was the daughter of the crooked pol running it who lived in a $250,000 house in an exclusive housing area. The story was reported once and the reporter refused to ever talk about it after that, still won’t to this day.

    The innercity/black community politics don’t run like they do in our areas, the power and monet associated with holding the reins isn’t about to go easily. The power folks have their organizers working street level 24/7/365 to ensure they stay in power. Klacik is going to have a uphill fight as she can’t promise the continuation of support programs while those in power can and will threaten a cutback. There’ll be anti-Klacic speeches, either directly or indirectly, in churches, meeting houses and any place social groupings gather. You won’t see this, it’s done on a selective basis inside of the community with the non-black media and observers excluded.

    The Democrats bought the black community over the last 60 years and sold them back into political slavery, a black Republican is seen to much of the black community as a traitor, an Uncle Tom, someone to be destroyed as an example to anyone who’d dare to break the Democratic shackles.


    • stella says:

      What do you think of John James and his chances?


      • czarowniczy says:

        That’s going to be an interesting race, operant word being ‘race’. It seems to be majority white but the whites include a diverse racial and religious groups. The Moslems, to me, would lean Democrat moreso than Republican, I watched someyears back as Hamtramck went from Polish to Moslem in one fell swoop and with 60% of the district being black with that being balanced out with a heck of a mix of races/religions I think
        Peters will prevail.

        Liked by 2 people

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