General Discussion, Monday, June 14, 2021

Flag Day!

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28 Responses to General Discussion, Monday, June 14, 2021

  1. Lucille says:

    Happy Flag Day Bench Monday!

    Rough & Ready Antiques, Georgetown, TX…

    The Longest Bench, Littlehampton, West Sussex, GB – Photo by Mike Flaherty…

    Kitsilano Beach, Vancouver, BC…

    The Marginal Way in Ogunquit, ME…

    “Truly, the bench is a boon to idlers. Whoever first came up with the idea is a genius: free public resting places where you can take time out from the bustle and brouhaha of the city, and simply sit and watch and reflect.” – Tom Hodgkinson, British author

    Liked by 3 people

    • auscitizenmom says:

      Thank you for you effort to bring us some rain. It must have rained off and on all night. It was still drizzling when I got up. There was only a about 3/4 of an inch in my rain gauge, but it is not in a good spot and usually underreports the amount. I just noticed it is still sprinkling.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Lucille says:

    Senator Ron Johnson’s Staff is Looking thru 14,000 Hours of Jan 6th Video Footage – 38% of 800 Protesters Were Waved in West Terrace Door by Capitol Police (VIDEO)
    By Jim Hoft – Published June 13, 2021 at 10:12pm

    Senator Ron Johnson joined Mark Levin on Sunday night on Life, Liberty and Levin on FOX News. Senator Johnson was invited on to discuss the unconstitutional imprisonment of Jan. 6 protesters in Washington DC.

    Liked by 3 people

    • auscitizenmom says:

      Funny thing is, I am certain I saw many of those videos when it happened, because I definitely saw the police moving the barricades and opening the doors and ushering the people in. In fact, there were some who took the people on tours. I have been getting more and more upset by the people still being in jail.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. WeeWeed says:

    Who knew there were musical rocks?? Mornin’ all!

    Liked by 5 people

  4. Lucille says:


    Liked by 2 people

  5. stella says:

    Latest report on the poor Deplorables in jail re Jan 6:

    Liked by 1 person

    • auscitizenmom says:

      This is making me so angry I can hardly stand it. This is just third world country stuff.

      Liked by 1 person

    • auscitizenmom says:

      I hadn’t watched Levine yet. I recorded it last night. I want this in the news more.


    • Lucille says:

      And Bide-Harr plans to close Guantanamo, releasing all the REAL terrorists.

      Of course all this is totally against the Constitution and making the arrestees pay before trial along with acting as though they are GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT.

      It’s not only to punish those who have been incarcerated but to place fear in the hearts of citizens forcing them to obey un-Constitutional edicts. The commies are really feeling their oats. YES, INDEED…where ARE the lawyers. Who is representing these people?

      Liked by 1 person

  6. stella says:

    Should be a good one!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Lucille says:

    Rudy Giuliani Makes 2021 Endorsement For Mayor

    Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani endorses Curtis Sliwa (Founder of the Guardian Angels) for the GOP mayoral nomination.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. stella says:

    They can’t really be this ignorant – can they?

    Liked by 3 people

    • auscitizenmom says:

      This is what you get when you are teaching CRT, social consciousness, and sex ed instead of the three R’s along with some geography and science.

      Liked by 1 person

    • czarina33 says:

      Jay Leno used to do this on Jaywalking, 20 years ago. Same answers then. I remember one night he asked where flour came from. The answers were bizarre.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. auscitizenmom says:

    Today I was expecting a grocery delivery late this afternoon, so we went for our walk early. I fed Loki about 45 min early. Well, come 4:30, her regular dinnertime, she is over sitting by her dish waiting on some food. Every time I walk into the kitchen now, she goes over and sits by her dish. I don’t know how to convince her she already had dinner. LOL

    Liked by 2 people

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