Ep. 65: Tanner Cross; Facebook State Actor? Covid Orders STRUCK DOWN! Viva & Barnes LIVE

Another big week. Facebook state actor in Fauci emails? Tanner Cross REINSTATED! Covid Order Struck down! Ohio v. Google AND MORE!

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5 Responses to Ep. 65: Tanner Cross; Facebook State Actor? Covid Orders STRUCK DOWN! Viva & Barnes LIVE

  1. jeans2nd says:

    Connection probs. This is the 4th or 5th vid at least I’ve listened this weekend, recorded over the past couple three days, that have had connection probs like this.

    Unless there are sunspots, which I’ve admittedly not yet checked and often occur around this time of year, this is very odd, as all the vids were people discussing conservative positions, including 2 gays (Dave Rubin & Ariella Somebody) during pride month and Alison Morrow w/a gay guy, all discussing their conservative conversion.

    The reason very well be sunspots (personally becoming doubtful of this), but this is def curious.

    Thx 4 the vid, Stella.


    • stella says:

      I’m not having any problems. Sorry that you are!


      • jeans2nd says:

        It was Viva Frei and Barnes who were having the connection probs, not me. Barnes had to disconnect and reconnect.

        The vids I watched were all downloaded (by me) and listened offline while not connected at all to the inet, which is my usual status.. The probs were with the youtubers. Alison Morrow finally had to disconnect and promised to try again another time. Sure hope so; it was a good convo.

        You’ve introduced me to a whole world of interesting people, just by the vids you put up, and following things which interest me. Eric Hunley had a great vid with Mark Groubert about the CIA in Hollywood. I was pooh-poohing the whole thing until .Groubert showed his receipts – his lawsuit and other papers. Totally fascinating.

        What a vast world of minds we have in this world. I had no idea!

        Liked by 2 people

  2. LafnH20 says:

    Stella, I agree with jeans2nd….

    “You’ve introduced me to a whole world of interesting people.”

    Thank You!!

    These VivaBarnes episodes never disappoint.

    Liked by 2 people

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