General Discussion, Friday, February 12, 2021

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66 Responses to General Discussion, Friday, February 12, 2021

  1. Lucille says:

    Happy Winter Fence Friday….

    Kenai, Alaska…

    Have a blessed day!

    Liked by 9 people

    • The Tundra PA says:

      Yes indeed, a lovely shot of the Russian Orthodox Church in Old Town Kenai. It sits near the edge of the bluff, about 100 feet above Cook Inlet (a branch of the North Pacific Ocean) near the mouth of the Keai River. The church is quite small, and is one of the oldest in Alaska. I don’t know of the other three photos being from this area, but they could be.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Lucille says:

    In keeping with the Alaska theme….

    Scenes From Kenai, AK….

    Kenai Beach Iceberg (please enlarge to see that beautiful ice chunk)…

    Mount Redoubt in the Aleutian Range from Kenai Beach…

    This Kenai Peninsula Sled Dog said, “Yes, I do know I’m handsome and smart, too.”


    Liked by 8 people

    • The Tundra PA says:

      Beautiful! This is my back yard, Lucille. Well, sort of. We are 12 miles north of Kenai, and Mt. Redoubt is at the southern end of the Alaska Range in the view from our living room. Mt. Spur, another active volcano, is at the northern end. There are two more, Mt. Iliamna and Mt. Augustine, just a bit further south of us (not in our view). School children are taught to remember their names because from south to north they spell AIRS. Redoubt is the one that has erupted most recently, a giant one in 1989 that turned day into night for 3 days; and small belches and puffs that have been pretty much continuous since 2009. All our Stellar friends are welcome to come visit if you ever make it up here to The Last Frontier. Alaska is something every American should see at least once in their lives! And not just from a cruise ship.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lucille says:

        Very nice back yard! If my traveling days weren’t over, I’d love to visit, Tundra. A number of relatives and friends have been to Alaska, only a couple have driven from their states or provinces.

        Re school children being taught geographical locations via easily-remembered words, that’s how we learned the Great Lakes…HOMES…and though it’s not a word, the nations at the top of the African continent…MATLE.

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Menagerie says:

    Tundra is going to love all of this! Happy Friday all, hope you are staying war.

    Litenmaus, is it warmed up any there? I know poor Weed is getting blasted now. Best wished to all who are in path of bitter weather.

    Liked by 7 people

    • litenmaus says:

      Mornin’ Menagerie,
      Well, ah, yes, it is 2 degrees warmer this morning than it was at noon yesterday.

      :0) Notice how I embraced the positivity in that response? In reality, no, it hasn’t warmed up. It’s 18 below at the moment and this cold is just flat out brutal….

      Liked by 6 people

      • Menagerie says:

        I’m sorry, hope it ends soon!

        Liked by 3 people

      • Sharon says:

        You did embrace the positive….doesn’t change how cold it is. Good grief.

        Talked with my Colorado son this morning – Denver area. It’s 2 below there, so they are just catching the southern edge. He’s loving it at the moment. He used to work (commercial-road service commercial tires) out of their Fargo, ND location so he knows about the bitter cold, too. I think that’s why he feels free to enjoy the around zero stuff.

        Stella, that photo of the Alaska flat tire really made me bust up into LOL…..that is so great.

        It’s 29 degrees here in the Central Willamette Valley of Oregon this morning. Ice and freezing rain at the moment, heavy snow overnight tonight. The TV hysterial-weather-people get absolutely off the rails whenever there is a touch of normal winter stuff. They should be embarrassed, but they’ve never spent a week on the Hi-Line when 30 minutes an be life-threatening, so I guess I should be kind.

        They are the equivalent of the east coast hurricane hunters who stand in 3″ of water, leaning at a 25 degree to show how windy it is when a five year old quietly walks by in the background….

        Take care of yourself, li.

        Liked by 3 people

        • litenmaus says:

          :0) Mornin’ Sharon….

          LOL…I don’t think one has to live anywhere too extreme to recognize that Williamette Valley weathermen are among the most hysterical people on the planet….

          However, it you’re having an ice storm, please stay inside and stay warm.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Sharon says:

            They are, aren’t they?

            I did an outing for an Rx yesterday and am in for the next three days….even did a triple stack of log-splitting so I could know for sure that if the power goes out (as it often does) I can keep my fireplace going. The temps aren’t cold enough to be life-threatening for sure, and my small house can be kept pretty decent if need be.

            Liked by 2 people

      • The Tundra PA says:

        Ah, maus, I do know what you’re goin’ through! Twenty below is absolutely brutal. The body knows on a cellular level that it is life threatening. My coldest personal experience is 45 below (absolute temp, not wind chill), but once you hit -20 it’s all just dang cold. And after a couple of days, zero feels like t-shirt weather. And you made me laugh out loud at how you embraced the positivity! Stay warm, dear one, any way you can (Menage and I recommend Jack Daniels for the inside).

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Menagerie says:

    And speaking of cold, here are some people in Michigan who embrace it and beat Covid restrictions at the same time. Beautiful pictures included.

    Candle-lit ice chapel allows students in Michigan to attend Mass

    Liked by 10 people

  5. just stevie says:

    Good morning all! Love ~ love ~ love the pics Lucille! And Stella, your pic made me laugh…awesome!

    Bitter cold expected thru this coming week. -5 will be our lowest Monday night. My home isn’t made for these temps so I will be running water and using space heaters to keep pipes from freezing. And lots of snow in the forecast so I may not be making the commute to work next week. I’m sure I have plenty of company that’s gonna just grit our teeth to get thru this! The good note is…God still reigns!

    Liked by 8 people

    • Lucille says:

      Good morning, Stevie! We’re at a balmy 15 degrees in the Idaho Panhandle with the sun trying to peek through. I think it was around 8 degrees last night and I left the heater on the whole time.

      I’m thinking of pitching a nice tent out here and putting out a comfy lounge chair in front…

      Liked by 2 people

  6. WeeWeed says:

    Mornin’ kids! The story of poor Chris.

    Liked by 8 people

  7. auscitizenmom says:

    I love that picture of the sled dogs with the “flat tire”. LO(L

    Liked by 7 people

    • The Tundra PA says:

      Yeah, ya just gotta love the Flat Tire picture! This is a late spring/early summer photo, no snow on the surrounding mountains; probably on a glacier with no hard pulling expected–only 4 dogs in photo and likely a single lead dog from the looks of the gangline. And chain for the neck lines tells me the dogs are biters. This is a commercial tourist-oriented business; the guy in the back is the musher, the two ladies in the front are the clients. Probably out of either Seward or Juneau. This is about the only way most people will ever be able to experience mushing. Good for them! There is truly nothing like it.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Surfhut says:

    Mornin’ all from frigid Oklahoma. Hope we make it up to 23 today. Weather people predict at least a foot of snow Sunday/Monday. This will be on top of what is already on the ground. Snow flurries have been gong on for 2 days. Not expected to be above freezing for about 9 days, and some days we will be below zero. Winter is not my favorite time of year.

    Liked by 7 people

  9. auscitizenmom says:

    Mornin’ All. The weather here is really crappy this morning. It is71*, overcast, and VERY humid. Just terrible……………..Okay, stop throwing things at me. I know the weather everywhere else is much worse. 🙄 I was just talking to my friend who has other friends who really hate Trump. They are glued to the TV and are expecting him to be found guilty. They are actually giving her grief because they know she supports him. People are nuts. We will see what happens today.

    Liked by 6 people

  10. Menagerie says:

    I’d appreciate a quick prayer for my grandson. He’s having a bit of autism related anxiety today over the Valentines Day party. He’s afraid his classmates won’t like his valentines and that he won’t get any in return. He is seven, and old enough now that he tells us he feels different. His mom says there isn’t a problem with his classmates, it is a beginning awareness that he is indeed different.

    He wants to come home and avoid the party out of fear. I’m just praying that all these little kids, my grandson and his classmates, experience some love and joy today through the goodness of God.

    Liked by 7 people

    • Dear Menagerie, prayer said. May i offer a suggestion and then a comment?

      Perhaps ask him something like: if his foot hurt, would he continue to walk on it BECAUSE it hurt? – No, he would stop walking on it. Just like he doesn’t purposely walk on a sore foot because it hurts, if he relaxes more, people will be drawn to him more. The more stressed a person is, the more people stay away. If you have prayers of God’s love for us, perhaps say them with him. Just a suggestion.

      As to him recognizing he is different – It’s interesting about the same age I realized I was different from other kids in that I was always like an older adult, and not really like a kid. I always would rather spend time with adults, I’d say at least 50+ years old – even when I was a child. EVERYONE is different in some way, and thank God for that! In realizing I was “different” I felt almost zero peer pressure to do stupid things so popular when I was growing up, which saved me a lot of life-long heartache. Eventually I found a small number of very close friends, and we have been friends for about 45 years now.
      {{{Hugs to the little guy}}}

      Liked by 6 people

      • Menagerie says:

        Thanks you. When he calms down we have a bit better chance of working with him. When he and his younger brother are caught up in an episode related to the autism, as opposed to say misbehavior or just plain fear, they are laser focused and unreachable.

        I have seen the youngest one, who is much worse, shake and tremble so badly that once my husband thought he’d gone into a seizure.

        All tips and prayers deeply appreciated. We are walking out into the dark.

        Liked by 6 people

      • Menagerie says:

        And I’d like to add, I relate to your comment as well. I was just talking to God the other day about having been an outsider my whole life. Outlying I’m okay with that, even like parts of it, but at 63 sometimes I still feel adrift. I hope that we can all help my grandsons in ways that I missed out on.

        Liked by 6 people

        • “sometimes I still feel adrift” – We all do at times. IMHO, it is usually when we are without family of some sort around us, or we are facing important life decisions. Very, very few people are really true loners. Humans are social beings because that is as a species how we survived.

          Sometimes people feel adrift when they are younger and it is the realization they are on their own to make their own decisions about their life’s path. Some people feel adrift when older and their children are grown with their own lives and families, or they have no family left, then they face the reality of their lives as individuals. In my case it is when older and not having any close family, as well as also having gone through my “9 lives” due to multiple illnesses and accidents. Multiple times being close to death has made me realize even if there are others around you, you’re the only one dyin’ that’s going to face God.

          I read somewhere the only person you have with you from birth to death is yourself, so you better learn to love yourself. But that’s not the whole story, nor the big picture. God is our anchor who is always with us. Even when people act badly towards us, it is not between us and them, it is between us and God. We are all imperfect and need help, but in keeping close to God and following His teachings we know who we are, and to whom we belong. This life is not the end, nor is it really the goal, it is a temporary time of testing and reconciliation. When adrift, I focus on God and His teachings. At times it’s the only one I’ve had, and He has the best advice 😉

          I’m a big fan of “brainstorming”. No one person has all the answers. Sometimes it’s not even someone’s specific suggestion, but that the suggestion triggers an idea in you that helps 😉
          I remember now reading about 20 years ago a doctor in Switzerland studied boys with autism, and he said he thought they had sensory overload from having exceptional hearing ability, and when there was too much audio stimulation they shut down. Sorry I can not remember the doctor’s name or details. I remember it because I have exceptional high -pitch hearing (the neighbor’s dog whistle for example), and find high pitch sounds others can’t hear to be very annoying. I can’t imagine how overstimulated it must be if it’s the whole range of hearing. I really value quiet, but as long as there are electronics, that’s not happening.

          It’s good to have this wonderful group of people here for support for each other that we’ve all needed at one time or another. Our Lady of Lourdes said to Bernadette; we are not promised complete happiness in this life, but in the next. This life is imperfect, but God is always waiting for us to talk to Him, just as you so beautifully do.

          Liked by 7 people

          • “At times it’s the only one I’ve had, and He has the best advice” – Augh! should be “At times He’s the only one I’ve had and He has the best advice”. Mixed “it’s the best advice with He’s the the only one” sigh…

            Liked by 6 people

    • stella says:

      Definitely praying for him! G&C is right about each of us feeling “different” and uncomfortable with social situations for one reason or another. He will come through this and I pray that it is a very positive experience! He is a lucky boy to have you and understanding parents to help him.

      Liked by 7 people

    • litenmaus says:

      oh how I hated Valentines parties at school.

      Prayers continue Menagerie….

      Liked by 6 people

    • Lucille says:

      Oh, precious boy! If he’s in the Eastern time zone, he’s likely already home by now. I pray that everything went well and he felt included and cared for. Let us know how it went. God bless his dear little heart!

      Liked by 4 people

  11. Sharon says:

    stella, I think my reply to litenmaus went in the bin–having to sign in again and sometimes there’s a glitch…

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Lucille says:

    Good article to keep handy for sending to folks who are either in favor of the increase or who are concerned but don’t have facts at hand….

    CBO: $15 minimum wage will lead to 1.4 million job losses
    Written by Martha Njolomole on February 08, 2021

    In 2019, when the Raise the Wage Act was initially introduced, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) analyzed how implementing the bill would affect the economy. The CBO concluded that raising the minimum wage would lead to a loss of 1.3 million jobs, among other effects.

    Quite recently, the CBO announced an updated report that takes into account COVID-19`s impact on the economy. The new report specifically analyzes the recently proposed Raise the Wage Act of 2021. And according to the new report by the CBO, the results are more or less the same.

    Liked by 3 people

  13. hoosiertruthfan says:

    Nikki Haley is already showing her true colors. I sent this to her action pac:

    Ambassador Haley, please stop impugning the man that gave you your ambassadorship. If you can’t see the rampant fraud that took place in the past presidential election, you are too foolish to be considered a leader of any party I want to be a part of in the future. His leadership and solid conservative governance was the salvation of the Republican Party. Those of us that have been pleading with the Republican Party to secure our borders, restore the military and get us out of unnecessary foreign wars applaud his leadership.

    Please contact Ben Sasse, Susan Collins, Pat Toomey and Adam Kinsinger to see if you can lead the break away from the main Republican Party.

    I will not be donating to any candidate that denounces former President Trump. DO NOT put me on a contact list unless you’d like receive missives like this again.

    Thank you and please go away.

    Liked by 7 people

    • Lucille says:

      Good for you, Hoosier! Nikki really is ignorant of the facts enough to think folks will want her for President if she denounces the person who gave her so much responsibility and respect. Getting on the good side of RINOS isn’t going to buy her anything except a ticket outta town.

      In the meantime our President, Donald John Trump, is out golfing.

      Liked by 3 people

  14. Menagerie says:

    Thanks for all the prayers and encouragement everyone, he’s home, happy and excited. He got lots of valentines from his friends and they loved his as well. His sweet mother was smart enough to get cards that had peel off stickers they could wear, so the extra feature helped make them a big hit. Our boy is riding high right now, all thoughts of his fears forgotten, as childhood should be when they get past the hurdles.

    Thank you, thank you!

    Liked by 9 people

  15. Lucille says:

    Mob Mixes Business with Pressure (+Video)
    By Tony Perkins – Family Research Council

    They used to call it “retail therapy.” But for conservatives, there’s nothing therapeutic about walking the aisles of stores that want to shut down your speech, cancel your bank accounts, or send cents on every dollar to Marxist groups who despise America. In an age when conservatives can’t turn on the TV, send their kids to school, check their Facebook feeds, or watch sports without being reminded about the wokeness of corporate extremists, it’s no wonder they’re fed up. And fed up — Gallup warns — is exactly what they are.

    Liked by 1 person

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