General Discussion, Monday, January 18, 2021

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67 Responses to General Discussion, Monday, January 18, 2021

  1. Lucille says:


    Heritage Park, Calgary, Alberta

    Stay warm…probably would help not to sit on snow-covered benches!
    Have a blessed day

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Lucille says:

    From The White House…President Trump’s Magnificent Legacy….

    As of January 2021
    Trump Administration Accomplishments

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Lucille says:

    Hope this posts…it’s a General Flynn post (I’m not sure which social media…not Twit)…quoting Luke 12:2-3….

    Liked by 5 people

  4. auscitizenmom says:

    Mornin’ All. I finally had to turn on the heat yesterday. I got a little chilled and couldn’t seem to get warm. Yesterday, the sun came out and then we got a cloud covering, so it didn’t warm up my living room. The clouds are not as thick today. I have to go. My friend is coming into town for tests this morning, so I am meeting her for breakfast.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. texan59 says:

    Kurt Schlichter at TownHall has some thoughts on how to fight back against our tech overlords. No grandiose ideas, nothing radical. Just fighting fire with fire.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. czarina33 says:

    Thank all of you, posters and lurkers, for you kind and loving words and remembrances. Here is a silly picture of him from September.

    Liked by 7 people

    • WeeWeed says:

      Mornin’ Czarina! Happier days, for sure. Sigh.

      Liked by 4 people

    • Menagerie says:

      I love the smile!

      Liked by 5 people

    • Ruth says:

      Czarina – Thanks so much for the picture! He reminds me of my father who, ironically passed from esophageal cancer 11 years ago. What an ugly disease. My husband and I are thinking about you and praying for your family. Thank you for sharing Czar with all of us.
      My husband and I have been lurkers here since the beginning. First comment. Cannot think of a better subject to comment on – Czar!

      Liked by 8 people

    • auscitizenmom says:

      Love you, Czarina. Wish I knew how to help.

      Liked by 5 people

    • Lucille says:

      Thank you so much, czarina, for giving us this photo. It’s always delightful to put a face to a “Post Pal” and amazingly enough he looks very much as envisioned.

      Liked by 6 people

    • stella says:

      Thanks for sharing his picture, czarina. You are kind to think of us in the midst of – well – everything. If there is anything that we can do, please don’t hesitate to ask. He was a great guy, and we won’t forget him.

      Liked by 7 people

    • Sharon says:

      Hi, Czarina – what a great photo – those documented memories are so important!

      Liked by 5 people

    • stella says:

      Dear czarina, I just heard from Col. (R) Ken by email. He wants you to know that he is willing to help you out, if you need anything.

      It sounds as if his condition isn’t very good, even though he says (with his usual spirit) that he’s “making slow progress”!

      He is reading our comments, so that’s something!

      Liked by 6 people

    • lovely says:


      Czar looks exactly like I would have pictured him a happy happy soul.

      I heard about Czar’s passing through couple of my board friends here.

      I know there are no words to fill the sadness in your heart.

      I am so sorry.

      Whenever Czar comes to mind the first thing I think of is not his service to country, his humbleness (every time I thanked him for his service he thanked me for his paycheck), his love of animals, or even his puns.

      The picture that will always be painted in my mind, the picture that defines Czar for me is whenever someone asked him what his favorite Christmas present was and he would always say you, Czarina.

      And then in his true great story teller fashion he would tell how he saw you by a window, and his world began and ended in that moment.

      Not many people get to experience that type of love. Pure unashamed bottomless love. You were both very blessed to not only experience that moment (I know it took you a little longer to warm up) but to live that love.

      You can not get much more beautiful than that.

      I also seem to remember Czar walking 20 miles to see you without blinking an eye. It was what Love did, a selfless love.

      I know life is real and nothing comes without struggle, but what a prize to have at the end of the day. To have stood by each other through thick and thin.

      I get teary thinking about the two of you and you in the world without Czar.

      And now I will give you advice that your grief makes you too raw to hear right now. Time does not heal all wounds. But there will come a day when you will feel the scar and you will say, today I can do this, if Czar were here he would sew the pieces of my broken heart together tell me to face the sun and feel it on my face not only for me but for him, and you will feel his happiness in your happiness. I promise one day this will happen.

      Allow yourself your grief and your tears but also your laughter.

      “A heart that is broken is a heart that has been loved.”__Ed Sheeran

      Much love sweet Czarina. Email me any time.

      I will try not to be such a stranger here.

      Mourning and morning both are bridges, not always welcome, but still always part of life. . (I hope Czar would appreciate that.)

      A message for you from Sand and Sea “I’m so sad to hear of his passing and I really enjoyed reading his stories, both of you hold a special place in my heart.”

      PS We both said Czar looks exactly like we conjured him up in our heads ❤️

      I wish wishes were real and that Heaven had waited a little longer to take your Czar.

      When I heard of Czar’s passing the first song I heard was this and I could see you praying in those last days…

      Sorry about the cursing but Meatloaf is Meatloaf and this is such a beautiful version of Heaven can wait it is the one I wanted to post. Meatloaf is mature, he knows love and loss during this rendition….

      “For pulling me away when I’m started to fall, for wrapping me up when I’m starting to stall, All in all you know I love you….for praying for my future in the days that remain, Lord know that I love you…But most of all for crying outlaid know that I love you.”

      Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Czarina, He looks so happy – sort of like the cat that ate the canary though 😉 which is right in character for him I guess! Thank you for thinking of us and posting this. Like others I agree it’s sort of how I pictured him. You also had a quiet elegance the way i pictured you would have. I kept it together yesterday, but not so much now.
      Big {{{hugs}}} to you.

      Liked by 3 people

  7. texan59 says:

    Good news for Senator Hawley. Regnery is picking up his book. A stalwart organization on our side.

    Liked by 7 people

  8. just stevie says:

    Good morning…almost afternoon!

    I was going to post this yesterday to follow along with Stella’s theme, but considering the news we received, it just didn’t seem the thing to do. So posting today…

    Liked by 2 people

    • glendl says:

      The Declaration of Independence was our first Founding document and it lays out the purpose for being for America. It explains our relationship with God, that our rights come from God, therefore, man cannot take away what God hath given.
      The Left has managed to separate the Declaration of Independence from the Constitution and then claim the Constitution created a Godless nation.
      The Founders were not Liberals and expected people to remember the Declaration of Independence. The Left would need it to be reprinted regularly.

      Liked by 3 people

  9. hoosiertruthfan says:

    It really is shocking what has happened to our country in what seems like a fairly short period of time. I admit to being in a bit of a fog. I’m trying to fight the fog as I know that it helps those that worked to create it, but holy smokes, what happened?

    I am a fairly recent transplant to Indiana though I was born in the midwest. A conversation I had with a dear friend keeps coming back to me. I was packing up from spending almost all of my life in California.

    We had gone to lunch as it would likely be the last time available before I left for my new home. I was bemoaning packing up generations of things to take with me. I have furniture from the 1840’s on and collecting antiques was a family pastime. I said there were minor pieces, furniture from the 1930’s forward that I couldn’t even give away. No donation place would take them, no one wanted them and it broke my heart. I couldn’t afford to bring it all with me.

    She commiserated and said that while she had very few antique things, her kids didn’t want them. They routinely just purchased Ikea furniture. Something breaks, throw it out. Don’t like it, give it away and replace.

    In that moment I realized we have raised generations of children that hold zero value in our past, be it familial or national. My friend is a staunch conservative and I said flat out, what have we done to our children that they do not value what came before them? They have no admiration or pride in those that settled this country.

    It was a light shed moment for me. Just a little over three years later the state of our nation is dire.

    Liked by 4 people

    • stella says:

      I am happy to say that my child and grandchildren don’t feel this way, although their politics is far from admirable. The grandsons particularly love family traditions, and my daughter (and son in law) have family furniture, china, paintings etc. decorating their home (which is also old.)

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      • hoosiertruthfan says:

        I’ve been pondering your reply since I first saw it. It is fantastic that you have children and grandchildren that value the traditions and items that so few that I saw in California did.

        I think part of the value is in talking about them with the recipients. I could likely recite word for word some of the things said to me by my grandmother about items. I picture her and hear those stories when I look at the different items. Great great great grandmother so and so brought this rocking chair with her when they settled in Iowa and so forth.

        There’s power (and value) in talking about these things we treasure with those that will receive them. In actuality, the dollar value on most of my things is not tremendous. It is the history and connection to the past that is the invaluable part.

        Liked by 3 people

  10. Lucille says:

    Classic case of projection…

    Cuomo Set Up Three Layers of Security at State Capitol for Violent MAGA Supporters – Nobody Showed Up but Liberal Reporters
    By Jim Hoft – Published January 18, 2021 at 7:00am

    These crazy leftists live in their own fantasy world.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Lucille says:

    There MUST be consequences for these arrogant folk who wish to disenfranchise us patriots….

    UPDATE: Conservative Lawmakers Call for Turncoat Liz Cheney’s Resignation – Collecting Signatures for a Vote to Oust Vocal Trump-Hater (VIDEO)
    By Jim Hoft – Published January 18, 2021 at 12:46pm

    Last week Liz Cheney voted to impeach President Trump, without due process, on bogus charges, based on lies that he started a riot at the Capitol on January 6th. Liz announced her decision on House Conference Chair stationary.

    Liked by 3 people

  12. stella says:

    Liked by 3 people

  13. MaryNutmeg says:

    Czarina, I am so sorry. The time not healing all things, and the allowing yourself to grieve… Lovely is wise. You are very much loved by many. Prayers… ♡♡♡

    Liked by 2 people

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