General Discussion, Friday, October 9, 2020

Bird of Paradise, New Guinea.

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66 Responses to General Discussion, Friday, October 9, 2020

  1. Lucille says:


    Liked by 6 people

  2. SGH says:

    Would anyone like to talk about food?!?! Specifically, cooked freezer foods/ meals, or quick recipes. I’m trying to help my sister who is “about to snap,” between her 3 (4, with husband) kids, her Fri-Sun Night weekend nursing job, and the virtual schooling all week (in which the kids are often finding more homework to do at 8pm, when they should be in bed for their 7:30am “classes.”) She’s spent. Irritated, also!

    I have a food vacuum sealer, and have taken pre-cooked 3lbs of ground beef, 3 lbs of taco meat, 7 breaats of chicken (sliced & chopped), etc., last week to help, but they’re a family of 5 and I can’t support them! I’m planning to go and help her on Tuesday with preparing some things there, and hopefully, helping her out with a schedule & weekly menu.

    Any help with meal prep in advance/ recipes, or even advice would be so appreciated!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Menagerie says:

      Do you have a Costco nearby? My favorite quick meal idea is buying their large packages of rotisserie chicken. They bone the chickens and cut the meat into pieces and vacuum seal it. It is enough to make several meals, the easiest one being barbecued chicken. I also use it to make a quick casserole or soup. Also, this time of year they often have great buys on a ham, as does Aldi. Having a ham on hand means you just have to have a side or two.

      When I was a working mom the crock pot was my friend. Even back then, with a hard working husband and three hungry boys, I rarely made a meal without planning to have leftovers. For example, if we grilled something for one night, another meat for the next night went on.

      Sheet meals are easy and good, and there are a ton of recipes on the internet. Pinterest is an excellent resource for recipes and meal prep tips.

      When you are a frazzled mom it is hard to see the forest for the trees, I know, but planning can be everything. At the time, it seems like one more chore you don’t have time for, but a good plan saves hours.

      One last tip. Try to find meal builders, as I think of them. Leftover roast can build a soup.

      Liked by 3 people

      • SGH says:

        Thank you! Costco is somewhere around here, but I have Sam’s & BJ’s memberships. I usually buy meats, in particular, from Kroger in bulk when on sale.

        I mostly cook enough for whomever will eat leftovers, or to add to another meal, or to feed the freezer, as well, but my sister is a mess! I’ve sent numerous recipes that are easy, delicious, and freeze well… But her kids all want something different at different times, and she spends her day in the kitchen just cooking and cleaning up. It’s crazy! And she knows this is crazy, but she’s too tired and worn out to do anything differently than she’s always done.

        My daughter is 17. I’ve been an only parent her whole life. So, intolerant! I’m not arguing with a toddler. Or a 7 year old. My sister makes excuses….
        I guess neither here or there! I do want to try to help her. She’s a new nurse (Feb. 2020). China Virus has been a nightmare, especially with school. Feeding and clean-up after 5 meals a day is a nightmare, too!

        Liked by 4 people

        • Menagerie says:

          How much I admire you for wanting to help your sister and her family! I understand about picky kids, I have two autistic grandsons whose issues with food are so severe that they have had to have feeding therapy to get them to eat more than one or two foods they fixate on.

          When I raised my boys most parents commonly did what I did, which was prepare a meal for them, expect them to eat it or go hungry, and not allow a sandwich or junk if they didn’t eat. Parents today seem totally unwilling to see that that actually works. Back then we had neither the time nor money to have different meals.

          Each family is different. Your sister is just starting her life as a nurse, and she is bound to have to settle into a routine sooner or later. Hopefully she will find a way to pull all things together.

          Liked by 5 people

          • SGH says:

            Aww, thank you, Menagerie! I just want my sister to be happy. It’s been a tough couple of years for her, being a fulltime student as well as working fulltime, and having 4 other people to take care of. I think chaos is all she knows anymore. Much of it self-inflicted, however…

            Her children, from the time they could walk, eat meals/ snacks all over the house, cleaning up after themselves has never been instilled on any level, discipline was never really utilized properly (I spanked my daughter. Sister did time-outs, which consisted of letting kid flail around the floor screeching for 30-45 minutes).

            This should be an easier time for her, but it hasn’t been. I’m determined to help her get things straightened out.

            I pray your grandsons are doing much better. (The things we take for granted… Who doesn’t love food?!) There is so much help available. Sadly, not everyone seeks it. A family with 2 kids has frequented my job for the last decade. The girl is 10, boy is 5/ 6. Girl, I noticed right away, didn’t look anyone in the eye or smile at 5 months. Boy was very engaging and talking up until around age 2. Loved attention. I didn’t see them for more than a year. He had stopped talking by then. Their parents choose to believe that autism (or anything else) is not a factor… Their “kids just don’t talk.”

            She’s expecting another baby any day. There is neglect all the way around, beginning with pre-natal care or visiting doctors (mom or kids…ever) to leaving kids separated in rooms of their own as they run a business. CPS has been involved, but nothing changed that I know of.

            I’m thankful that your little ones have parents who are doing the best for their boys! I will pray for all of you.

            Liked by 2 people

        • stella says:

          How old are her kids? If they are old enough, they could be learning to cook, or at least help with prep and clean-up. As well as learning valuable skills, they will learn how much work is involved. Both of my grandsons helped from an early age, and are now both competent cooks and bakers.

          Liked by 5 people

          • Menagerie says:

            Good suggestions, my kids learned to cook and clean early, especially load the dishwasher, wipe counters and table, etc.. My six year old grandson prides himself on taking out the trash. When my kids were in their early teens I talked them through cooking a roast or chicken in the oven, with vegetables, then other things.

            Liked by 3 people

          • auscitizenmom says:

            My DIL has her two oldest daughters help her cook sometimes. They are 3 and 5. But, then, she has an amazing amount of patience. LOL

            Liked by 3 people

            • stella says:

              You need patience at first, but it pays off over time (and the kids love it.) Did I ever tell you about the time that my older grandson added scotch to the pancake batter?

              Liked by 3 people

              • auscitizenmom says:

                LOL. No, I don’t remember that. :D. Oh, yes, my granddaughter’s love to help. I sent the oldest a Disney Princess cookbook for her birthday. Her parents had gotten her a children’s how to cookbook, too, that teaches about the measurements, etc. And, she loves to use it. They are moving soon to live with my DIL’s mother and I know she will be encouraging them to cook, too. I am sure all three girls will know how to cook.

                Liked by 3 people

          • SGH says:

            Early age should be the norm for teaching! They’re 10, 9, & 4. My new plan is to get the kids involved with cooking day, and the clean-up. It wasn’t until you mentioned this, though!!! I was thinking knock some foods out and make a menu. (I only have 1 kid; hers are obnoxious to me… I was going to avoid them in the kitchen, mostly, but that’s dumb!) You’re the best!

            Liked by 2 people

        • stella says:

          Having a special area where the kids will find snacks that they are allowed to have when they get hungry will save her time as well. Think string cheese, fruit, crackers, juice boxes, cut vegs like carrots, or whatever (hopefully healthy) snacks that they will eat. Prepping fruit and veg ahead of time helps too.

          Liked by 4 people

        • czarina33 says:

          I knew a family of 7 with overtime working mom &dad, who cooked what they could afford and told the kids, “eat it now or cold for breakfast”. They did not have money for thrown-away food, and the kids never went hungry unless they chose to. Once they can feed themselves, kids will not starve, they may choose to skip a meal but will catch up later. If a kid does not like meat (and many don’t) be sure alternate protein is available (cheese, milk, tofu, beans+grain). Parents just have to steel themselves to ignore the whine, and explain there will be no other food. Some people negotiate the menu for the week in advance to allow each kid to choose some of the foods at least once a week.

          Liked by 5 people

      • stella says:

        All great suggestions!

        Liked by 1 person

    • stella says:

      Here is a YouTube channel that I think will help you. She does tips on saving money and time for shopping and cooking for a family of six.

      Liked by 3 people

    • stella says:

      Beans and rice are great meal extenders, delicious and nutritious.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Menagerie says:

        As I’ve mentioned before, here in the South pinto beans and cornbread ARE a meal, and we often had it, with or without mashed potatoes, when money was tight.

        Liked by 2 people

      • SGH says:

        I love this, Stella! Added to ground meats is definitely something I never think about unless following a recipe! Thank you! This will help me help her.

        Also, diced mushrooms… They’re good fillers in ground chicken/ turkey for a more “ground beef” like texture. (My family won’t eat either if they know what it is)!

        Liked by 2 people

        • stella says:

          I use mushrooms in just about everything! My grandsons didn’t like them when they were younger, so I would chop them up fine.

          One thing I do is extend chili leftovers by mixing with either rice or pasta, top with cheese and bake. I also add at least two cans of beans to my chili (black and pinto/chili beans usually.)

          Liked by 1 person

          • SGH says:

            That is such a fantastic idea! I have topped leftover pasta with chili out of starvation, but I never thought it could be a meal I’d serve!! This, too, will be helpful with my sister. Thank you!

            Mushrooms are underrated. They can go in/ with any meal. I don’t remember this enough, and everyone in my family likes them. I think because of cleaning them… I clean them with water, wipe them off, then peel the top skin off, (as well as whatever trimming of stems). It’s time-consuming! I don’t buy pre-sliced because that’s much more attention to detail! (Nobody taught me how to cook or prep food… I’ve read that you can just wipe mushrooms off, but if rather not!)


  3. WeeWeed says:

    Ain’t this the truth??? Mornin’ y’all!

    Liked by 4 people

  4. auscitizenmom says:

    Mornin’ all. Going to lunch again today. My friend has fallen, twice, on her “good” shoulder, which is now causing her a great deal of pain. She finally decided to go to a doctor whose office just happens to be near me. She hopes she can be treated with physical therapy and not surgery. She had her other shoulder operated on and it took about 5 months for it to heal and she was miserable. I hope he can help her.

    Weather back to normal, not quite as hot, but just as miserable. 😦 Looking forward to winter.

    You know. I think the Dems are scared to death about the election, knowing they can’t win. They are just totally insane right now. I think Nancy Pelosi is flipping out. If anybody needs to be carried off in a straight jacked by the guys in white coats, it is her.

    Liked by 4 people

    • czarina33 says:

      If she “keeps falling” she may need exercises to improve her “core strength”. PT will assess, because we older folks should not fall! Hope she heals well and soon. My chiropractor has been 5 months since she had shoulder surgery and is anxious to get cleared soon.

      Liked by 2 people

      • auscitizenmom says:

        The first fall was when she was coming out of the pool at a friend’s house. The steps were unusually wide apart and there was no rail, so she caught herself on the side of the pool. Bad fall. The next one was a couple of weeks later when she hurried in to clean behind the fridge before the guy pushed the new one in. She tripped over the throw rug in her hurry and fell against that same shoulder. I told her she had to just make up her mind to never hurry any more.

        The doctor said she just bruised her shoulder and he gave her a shot in it. He said it should heal in a few weeks if she quits hurting it. Her other shoulder had been operated on a few years ago. He looked at it and said the only thing he could do was a total replacement for it. Anyway, she felt better after the shot.

        Liked by 2 people

      • auscitizenmom says:

        Are you two going to be all right? I can’t believe there is another hurricane coming across you.

        Liked by 1 person

        • czarina33 says:

          Well, the winds are gusty but not bad. The humidity is awful. The temperature is low 80’s. The lights went out about 1/2 hour ago, and now the generator has kicked on, so we are fine. The tail of the storm will pass over us with some wind and rain at about 3 a.m. Total rain expected is 1/4 to 1/2 inch from Thursday through Sunday.

          Liked by 2 people

    • Lucille says:

      Good morning, aus! Shoulders can be tricky. Good luck to your friend.

      It’s 9:00 and I’ve got to get around to listen to our President. Have a great day!


    • lovely says:

      Morning Aus! Prayers for your friend, enjoy your lunch 🙂 !


  5. stella says:

    Woke up this morning with no eatable bread (One piece with mold on it). I started a loaf of rustic Italian bread in the bread maker, and these cream scones. Had nothing but fruit for breakfast, but enjoying one of these for lunch. I made mine with dried cherries and slivered almonds:

    Pretty good!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Menagerie says:

      Last weekend I did something I said I wouldn’t. I intended to just go keto and leave bread behind. When I started, all those keto fake breads just looked yuck. But I got the fall baking DTs and gave in.

      I made cranberry orange keto muffins and they were very good. Surprised me so much. I absolutely still don’t believe the loaf bread and biscuits would be worth crap, but I’m going to try the pancakes and more muffins, maybe a mug cake.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. lovely says:

    Good day Stellars 🙂 !

    Le choix difficile… (A difficult choice…), 1953

    Liked by 3 people

  7. stella says:

    Doesn’t sound like much of a right winger, does he?

    Liked by 2 people


    Mike Pompeo: Clinton emails could be released before election
    WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday said his agency was working as fast as it could to release Hillary Clinton’s missing emails after President Trump lashed his top diplomat for not making them public.

    In an interview on Fox News’ “The Daily Briefing,” the secretary said some of his predecessor’s correspondence could also be made public before the presidential election just 25 days away.

    “We’re going to get there. We’re going to get this information out so the American people can see it,” Pompeo said while criticizing Clinton for using a private email server while she was secretary of state in the Obama administration.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Lucille says:

    There is a way to cut through all the polling confusion, according to Dr. Steve Turley…

    Trump Sets GALLUP POLL RECORD as Most ACCURATE Forecast Model Predicts Trump LANDSLIDE!!!
    October 9, 2020

    I’m sure there are many thousands of lifelong Dems who have found President Trump to their liking in 2020. It’s not just those who are used to him and have supported him from the beginning. His appeal is as a common man who speaks the language of action over words, the same type of communication the people themselves use. MAGA is what it’s all about.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Lucille says:

    MORE BOMBSHELL Docs on Anti-Trump Spying, NEW Voter Roll Lawsuit in CO, & MORE!
    October 9, 2020

    (starts @ 1:05)


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