General Discussion, Friday, August 14, 2020

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101 Responses to General Discussion, Friday, August 14, 2020

  1. Lucille says:


    Liked by 5 people

  2. Lucille says:

    1950 Buick Special Custom named “Nutten Special”

    The video’s music is wrong for 1950. Rhythm & Blues was popular after 1958, maybe? If you watch “Rebel Without A Cause” which was filmed in 1955, they still played swing music on the radio, not rock and roll.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. ZurichMike says:

    OMG such gorgeous monster cars of yessteryear! LOVE IT.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. WeeWeed says:

    Mornin’ y’all! A good article about these political retired generals we keep hearing from. Best takeaway from the article……”piehole thong.”

    Liked by 2 people

    • Gary says:

      Morning Wee,

      “In addition, a group of former government officials, political operatives, and journalists concocted a scenario in which Trump actually won reelection but Democrat Joe Biden refused to accept the result in hopes that the military would side with him against the president”.

      My sons and I were just talking about this scenario last night.

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    • lovely says:

      Pie hole thong? Do I even need to read the article after the visual those words create!! 😂

      Good morning Wee!

      Liked by 2 people

    • jeans2nd says:

      Morning WW, All.
      Was a good article, but idk what is a piehole thong , and don’t think i wanna know

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    • stella says:

      Hi there, WeeWeed! Disheartening article.

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      • WeeWeed says:

        Mornin’ Stella!

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      • Lucille says:

        Here’s another disheartening article at AmericanThinker…I want to cry, then slap him a good one right across his face with the back of my hand…I know, it’s “judge not lest ye be judged” but don’t these well-known Christians understand what eternal vigilance means? There are those out there who gain great pleasure from seeing the mighty fall, now more than ever. With so much at stake, too…such a foolish man…I’m sick at heart.

        Et Tu, Falwell? The Left’s Playbook at Liberty U
        By Robert Oscar Lopez – August 13, 2020

        Jerry Falwell, Jr. is one of Donald Trump’s most vocal evangelical supporters. He did something foolish, posting a tasteless photo on Instagram. Now he will take an indefinite leave of absence from his presidency and chancellor’s position at Liberty University. The original announcement by Liberty University has been taken down, but a screen shot exists on Twitter.

        Liked by 2 people

        • auscitizenmom says:

          Not meant to be flippant………….but, it appears that this is a case of “the Devil made him do it.” What an absurd, stupid, tasteless, ridiculous, picture to take. I can’t even imagine what he was thinking. I, too, am so disappointed.

          Liked by 2 people

    • Lucille says:

      Good day to you, WeeWeed! If these retired military 20+ year men are lefties now and actually while they were still active, that means it wasn’t merely Obama who encouraged the deluge of men and women who are willing to throw over the Constitution. BHO just continued what someone else started…with perhaps a bit more boldness.

      All this going on and no one stepped forward to stop it is what’s shocking.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. auscitizenmom says:

    Mornin’ everyone. Sun, heat, humidity here… know the drill. I got my hair cut yesterday. Another cut or two and I will no longer be a redhead. Yes, times are a’changin’. People are going to think I am an old lady. {snort}

    Liked by 2 people

    • lovely says:

      Morning Aus. So far a gorgeous day here, yesterday was cool enough by evening to have dinner at a local restaurant and eat on that patio! Open windows !Yay!!!

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    • stella says:

      I’ve been growing mine out too. Very white. I don’t know if I like it or not.

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      • auscitizenmom says:

        I really loved my hair red, but with my rent going up each year about $30 a month I am going to have to cut back somewhere. I have been planning on doing this eventually, but because of COVID and not being able to get my hair done, it seemed like a good time now. It had already grown out several inches. It is totally, glowing white. LOL Like my mother’s.

        Liked by 2 people

    • Lucille says:

      Good afternoon, aus! It’s 72 right now, heading to 81 and a very pleasant day. Come along on this red sail boat (note the red reflected in the water) out of Galway Bay and let your hair blow in the breeze…

      Liked by 2 people

  6. lovely says:

    Another nomination for the Timothy Treadwell Award.

    Warning mild language and our Lords name is taken in vain.

    Good morning folks 🙂 !

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    • lovely says:

      And yes she was really trying to pull a bison over to her while the bison was standing next to its baby. Note the guy with the hand gun who ran to help, (brave man) but apparently he is not too aware of a hand guns stopping power against an angry charging bison, now he may have had armor piercing flowering bullets in there but for a nice quite ride through the hills I would doubt it.

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    • auscitizenmom says:

      She is really going to be hurting after that.

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      • lovely says:

        Stupidity has its consequences.

        No idea on her condition, but when a 1,400 angry momma bison is flipping you around like a rag doll on its horn and cracking your head again a concrete road that grey thing between your ears can’t fair too well. Seems she was unconscious for a while since she was still motionless when LE showed up and the fact that she wasn’t moves or touched makes me think a possible neck/spinal injury.

        Liked by 3 people

        • auscitizenmom says:

          It really was a stupid thing to do.

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        • czarowniczy says:

          Bison are naturally nasty but most city folk are totally uneducated about any animals outside of the normal city poets. It’s not unusual for city folk to stop with/without kids to try and interact with the cutesy fenced moo cows. Now if they’re dairy cattle you can probably escape unscathed as they’re used to being handled but if they’re beef cattle that are not used to being handled you’re in for a ride, they can stomp/butt you a new one and they don’t need an excuse.

          I’d posted about it last year but we had a ranch on the way into town that had a huge black angus bull, it must have weighed over 1800 pounds. It hung around by the 4-strand barbed wire fence a lot and more than once I saw cars with Louisiana plates parked by the fence with mom, dad and the kids trying to pet the bull. The bull was, apparently, rather mellow as had he wished to he could have taken that fence and turned the petters into statistics. Full time ranchers who deal with cows and bulls every day still get hurt, some folks just have no idea how the real world works.

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      • lovely says:

        “The park’s superintendent, Matt Snyder, told News Channel 1 that the victim, a 54-year-old woman from Iowa, was transported to a hospital via life-flight in unknown condition.”

        I’m sorry but I think people like this should reimburse any money that is spent on them trying to save their lives.

        Liked by 3 people

        • auscitizenmom says:

          Agree. Depending on the state, she may have to do that.

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        • czarowniczy says:

          Lemme go back to the very early 70s in Arches in Utah. We stopped as there was a small crowd of tourists standing by the side of road looking at something and a woman crawling part way up a cliffside as if she’s approaching something.

          When we got out and walked over the climber was trying to get to what was one pissed off female mountain lion. The lion was an adolescent but still had an admirable set of teeth and claws, she was about 20 feet up the cliffside and had stopped rather than continue her escape. Her ears were back and she was ‘humming’ , every now and then she’d let out a grumble. We asked what was going on and were told the woman up the hill had stopped with her family when they saw the lion on the hillside. She’d tried to approach it to commune with it but it retreated and she pursued and was still trying to interact with it. When one of the other groups stopped to watch the potential train wreck they’d told her that it was a wild lion and it might hurt her and she’d replied that it was all right, this lion is in a National Park as if to say that made it tame.

          You can’t fix stupid but wildlife can adjust the situation.

          Liked by 4 people

          • lovely says:

            No words.

            Still laugh over your raccoon story and the chap who wanted to give it a gentle release 😅!

            Liked by 1 person

            • czarowniczy says:

              Back in the early 70s (they were an interesting time) Palm Beach County was using prisoners as labor in the county agencies. The county was exploding growth-wise and all of the new housing was displacing game, especially raccoons. We got a call to go and help with a trustee and when we got there they were unloading a live-catch trap with a huge boar coon in it.

              There was a Jamaican prisoner who took the trap, upended it and said he’d show us how to get the coon out. We were going to slide a choke stick in, lasso it and put it in a truck cage to relocate it but no, the prisoner was going to establish a rapport with it and gently hand remove it.

              To our surprise the director approved it and the prisoner began to talk low and slow to it, lulling it into trusting him. The big boar had squinched himself deep into the bottom of the cage and was tense, looking directly at the prisoner as if he were the only thing in the world that existed. This went on for about 5 minutes while the coon sort of loosened up but never lost eye-lock with the prisoner – meanwhile the deputies and staff were slowly backing up and furiously placing bets.

              The prisoner changed to a happy voice, opened the top of the trap and reached to to pat the calm coon…don’t get ahead of me here…and as soon as his fingertips touched that coon the entire coon became liquid lightening and shot right out of that trap. Now the coon could have easily weighed 20 pounds but it squirted out of that 12×12 opening as if it were a feather. It could have just ran off, no one was going to try and stop it, it could have shot right over the fence and into the scrub that then was around the airport but no, it had to stop first.

              That coon hit that prisoner and must have bitten him a dozen times at least. It ran up, down and around his body, knocking him down and just giving him 9 kinds of hell. It stopped for a second and looked at us as if to say “You wan’ summa dis?”, then ran off over the fence and finally into the scrub. We just stood there, what else could you do?

              The prisoner went to the hospital, got the rabies shots and never came back to the animal control office. we got a good laugh and a story that lasts and lasts.

              Liked by 3 people

              • lovely says:

                Just too good a story ! 😅🤣

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                • czarowniczy says:

                  We had a good time. My partner, John, transferred to a PD north of West Palm and was shot (not seriously wounded) by Cubans poaching turtle eggs. He’s now retired to Montana…lordy do we have some stories.

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                  • lovely says:

                    I can only imagine. I know old Chicago Police stories. Many officers would knock the living sh*t out of these ANTIFA punks back in the day.

                    “No Sir, why would I hang someone out of a window and run cold water down his pant’s leg in below zero temperatures?”

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                  • czarowniczy says:

                    Our department in NOLA wore the same pants and shirt as the CPD…different accouterments but same bag.

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                  • lovely says:

                    CPD was interesting to grow up with, Especially my dad’s friends. They all had a good sense of humor.

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              • lovely says:

                The raccoon story reminds of back in the day when the PTB decided that crazy people were capable of making decisions about their own lives. Starting of course with whether or not to medicate.

                Do good liberals would go to the mental institutions and tell the mentally ill about this new found freedom.

                One day a therapist was sitting talking with a mentally patient about the importance of medication and just making small talk trying to get him to engage with some normalcy.

                Meanwhile a mentally patient was tapping her fists on a table near them saying under her breath but loudly enough to be heard “Sam Drummund, Sam Drummund”….not in a happy way and with a few expletives filling the space between “Sam Drummund, Sam Drummund.”

                A beep is heard announcing the entrance of a visitor entering the locked ward.

                The therapist sitting with the mentally ill patient looked up to see one of the do gooders strolling in like the cat who ate the canary, all ready to tell the mentally deranged that they could make their own decisions about medication.

                But what happens.

                The therapist hears the mentally ill women start to hisss “Sam Drummund”. She suddenly is running full speed at the do good liberal.

                The therapist didn’t move.

                Crazy lady took the do goober down in one vicious flying leap and proceeded to pound the living snot out of him, while screaming “Sam Drummund!”

                Don’t know if Raccoon guy or Do Gooder guy looked worse but crazy lady wasn’t small.

                Anyhow Do Gooder never showed his pummeled face again 🙂 !

                That is a win in my book.

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                • czarowniczy says:

                  The city of New Orleans, in the early 90s, visited the issue of mentally ill being released if they promised to take their meds. As with other attempts to treat the mentally ill as Rhodes Scholars, this failed miserably. They either took their meds until they felt better then stopped (” I feel great, why should I take my meds?”) or sold them.

                  We’ve been this taxpayer-funded mentally ill response group route many times over the years and as much as the police/sheriff would LOVE it to work…it don’t. We’re now going to call it something new and try it…AGAIN! Insanity and government is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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                  • lovely says:

                    Speaking of insanity. White man beaten and still dealing with recovery pleads for his attacker to get a lenient sentence.

                    Virtue signaling idiot.


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                  • czarowniczy says:

                    Did the attacker hit him in the head a lot????

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                  • lovely says:

                    Apparently. What an idiot. I’m sorry but prosecute this animal to the full extent of the law, all that Mr. Virtue Signaler is doing is putting another person or persons in line for more attacks. Moron.

                    White Idiocy. It’s the new Vogue. Maybe they should give the animal a Macy’s gift card with a million dollars on it.


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                  • czarowniczy says:

                    I guess it’s fashionable to forgive one’s trespassers but I’m more old testament.
                    There was a small film piece we were shown back before Desert Storm. It showed a tribunal in an Afghani city that was held after the Russians left. An old man had brought a villager up before the tribal council, accusing the villager of being instrumental in killing his entire family. The council heard the evidence, found the villager guilty ans sentenced him to death.
                    The council stood the offender up against a wall and…handed the old man a loaded AK-47. The old man, without expression, dumped the entire magazine into the offender, handed the AK back and left.
                    To the villagers the murder of that family was judged by the state but punishment/retribution/justice was the right of the injured.

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                  • lovely says:

                    That is acceptable if the injured is up to the task. And in my opinion as it should be. You kill someones family justice belongs to the injured.

                    Today these crazies would probably adopt the perpetrator and call him their new family,

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                  • czarowniczy says:

                    To me the state has no interests in the punishment for damages done by one person if the injured person wants to extract the punishment himself.

                    I’ve seen too many murderers get slaps on the wrist,the perp gets a few years in prison but the family spends its whole life torn. I’m for what brings satisfaction to the injured if the injured party wishes it.

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                  • lovely says:

                    I agree with you there 100% let the family take them out to a swamp and feed ’em to gators.

                    That is all I will say.

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              • Sharon says:

                I must be mean. I’m lol here – – –

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    • lovely says:

      A motorcyclist visiting Custer State Park on Wednesday almost died after approaching a bison, but she escaped serious injury — because her pants fell off, authorities say.

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    • Sharon says:

      “She got too close!”

      Ya THINK????????????

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  7. jeans2nd says:

    The car pics yesterday were gorgeous. The yellow car today looks like one is driving a tank. Perhaps the lingering effects of WWII?
    One sure looks to be safe, sitting within all that pure American steel riding on wide Akron whitewalls. The grill looks menacing.
    Wonder if that car was assembled at the tank factory in Lima?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Gary says:

      The story goes…….
      The gentleman who founded Lincoln Motor Company Henry Lealand was at one time employed by Cadillac (G.M) and tried urging them to begin building tanks before the U.S. became involved in WWI. His employers said no so he left and founded Lincoln in 1917 to build tanks.

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  8. czarowniczy says:

    Hey Col, you out there anywhere?

    The WaPo has an article trashing Trump for not learning the lessons of WW2, instead of continuing the move towards progressivism/liberalism and one-world anti-nationalism governance he’s fostering reactionary politics and nationalism.

    OK, usual BS, but one of their points was that the Vietnam War was the result of the US getting wrapped up in French colonialism, blah, blah, blah. In their interesting historical stretch they said that the Vietnam War cost the US nearly 100,000 deaths…huh? Being a VN vet and having been involved in not only the Wall but also the building of the Louisiana memorial I know the number’s far fewer than 100,000 – though the government keeps diddling with the final count – so I went to the VA casualty site. It appears what the WaPo did was to not only count those who died in the theater of the war but all of those military members who died ANYWHERE in the military during the war’s time frame. If the soldier were in Germany and got killed by a bus, they counted that as a war death. Doesn’t matter if the dead military person was never in VN, all s/he had to do was die between the official beginning and end of the Vietnam War while in uniform and the WaPo considers you a war death. There are statisticians, there are damned liars and there’s the Washington Post.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Lucille says:


    COVID-19 has hit the agency hard sources tell Judicial Watch, though there has been little media coverage or official acknowledgement from management. Last week CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan finally revealed that 10 agents have died in the line of duty after contracting COVID-19. Morgan did not mention the busy and legal cross border traffic that agents have complained about for months while the government claims to enforce travel restrictions. Instead he focused on illegal immigration and seemed to blame agent infections on an epidemic of undocumented aliens, though OFO has also been hit hard and those agents deal with legal cross border traffic.

    In July CBP had around 40,000 encounters with illegal border crossers, Morgan said during a press conference that lasted roughly 40 minutes. Even though some illegal immigrants know or suspect they have COVID-19, Morgan says they still come into the U.S. “They’re exposing everyone they come in contact with during their journey, as they illegally try to enter this country,” he said, adding that “they endanger the lives of CBP personnel and their families and those in our border communities and beyond.” Many illegal immigrants leave border towns and cities, possibly infecting hundreds of others in the U.S. workforce, according to Morgan.

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  10. auscitizenmom says:

    LOL {snort} I am watching Poirot, The Big Four. I am watching it on youtube. The funny thing is the closed captions. I don’t know who is writing them, but they are hilarious. A Russian guy was speaking Russian. I read the captioning and it didn’t make sense. I read it several times more and finally realized it wasn’t actually a translation, it was a phonetic spelling of the Russian sounds, trying to make English words out of Russian words. So, it was just gibberish. They are doing a little better on the British words. It just came up “f%ck all” when Poirot pronounced his name Poirot.

    Liked by 2 people

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