What do you think about this? Is POTUS in danger?

He appears to be talking about actions his administration is taking against big pharma, but it could be more than that. It’s an odd statement, nevertheless.

Here is the Timcast from yesterday (Tim Pool) discussing this.

Your ideas are encouraged and welcome!

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61 Responses to What do you think about this? Is POTUS in danger?

  1. auscitizenmom says:

    As far as what President Trump said, he has always told us things that we couldn’t figure out at the time. So, we are only guessing, although it is hard not to think along these lines. And, it did seem very strange that all the people in the WH were outside to see him leave.

    Soros? Clintons? Obamas? Others we don’t even know?

    Prayers, more prayers, more often, more fervent.

    Liked by 6 people

    • hocuspocus13 says:

      I must say that I didn’t have a clue just how DEEP the Deep State really is

      Liked by 3 people

      • auscitizenmom says:

        I believe Pres. Trump said even he was surprised by the depth of the swamp. Not only the depth but the breadth. So many people are involved. We have always asked why nobody spoke up because they had to know. I think it is very clear that there are many.

        Liked by 4 people

        • hocuspocus13 says:

          Yes it is a tangled web! 🕷

          Liked by 5 people

        • glendl says:

          A couple of things came to mind.
          1. Basic Blackmail: Information has been gathered on people and it is put away for future use. When that person is in a position to further the agenda, They are then given the choice, “Do As Told Or Face Ruin”.
          I believe this is what happened to General Petraeus. 0bama wanted him to make false statements to Congress/the American People. Petraeus refused and was presented with evidence of his affair with Broadwell (I think that was her name. He saw his life’s work crumbling along with his marriage. Petraeus makes those statements but goes home and puts things in order, like telling his wife, etc. He comes back a day or two later and sets the record straight. ( There are some gaps in this story as I know it, so I could be off on what happened ).

          2. It is massive and people are told do their job as directed and await orders. Sessions & Roberts come to mind here. People are carefully chosen and groomed for the roles they are to play. There is a natural tendency among bureaucrats to naturally to rally to the defense of the department/agency where they work. Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Rosenstein, etc,

          Liked by 1 person

          • auscitizenmom says:

            I agree about Patraeus, I had the feeling he didn’t play ball with them, but at the same time, I lost trust in him.

            Liked by 1 person

          • mugzey302 says:

            Very true. Blackmail is one of the purposes for the child trafficking ~ either the person blackmailed was a willing participant (filmed or photo in the act) or drugged and “positioned” to look guilty. The international cabal that rules the swamp of local politicians/bueaucrats in America and globally, at all levels, has been doing so for centuries with arranged marriages, mind control, financial controls, etc. It is, indeed, breathtaking, and demonic. Understanding the demonic aspect really gives perspective. Those that collude with the supernatural for power and position in this life. We are experiencing an explosion of knowledge and must consider how to help those who cannot cope with it. We must pray for America, every day, at 3 pm EST. 🙏
            🎶God Bless America 🎶

            Liked by 2 people

  2. Patience says:

    What was it Nancy Pelosi recently said (while dressed in pinkO) about the “presidency” and, it “isn’t about a place” ?

    Liked by 3 people

    • auscitizenmom says:

      That didn’t make sense to me.

      Liked by 2 people

    • glendl says:

      The presidency is a job, it can be performed in locations besides the White House. Twice, Congress has tried to run the US. The first followed the Lincoln assassination and attempt to impeach Andrew Johnson. The second followwed Watergate.

      Liked by 2 people

      • glendl says:

        I don’t know why it posted
        We may be experiencing the third occurrence of an Imperial Congress.


      • auscitizenmom says:

        Okay, that makes sense. Of course, her saying it makes it sound very sinister.

        Liked by 1 person

        • glendl says:

          If Pelosi says it, it is either sinister or a drunken rant.
          This is Sinister and I believe she sees herself as having the power of the president.
          Remember, we have President Trump, Vice President Pense, should something simultaneously happen to them we have President Pelosi.
          Only God could help us and would he or punish us for a series of choices?

          Liked by 1 person

    • mugzey302 says:

      One of the purposes for the democrats mail-in voting campaign is to ensure the vote tally will be delayed. At that point, Congress can take control and appoint an “Acting” President. No doubt she thinks she has been promised that position. That would explain many of her threatening, disrespectful remarks. The drunken fool can’t string two coherent sentences together, but thinks she should be President! Pfftt! 😒

      Liked by 3 people

  3. delighteddeplorable says:

    I think this is unsettling and odd. POTUS doesn’t make random remarks and this one is very curious. Praying! 🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸

    Liked by 6 people

  4. litenmaus says:

    I can only guess at this point, but my gut tells me that we’re seeing a President that’s not in more danger than usual, but a Commander in Chief that has opened a counter offensive against an enemy. Which enemy, I’m not sure, but the unusual send off of his helicopter at the White House yesterday definitely makes me think ‘the game is afoot ‘

    Liked by 5 people

    • auscitizenmom says:

      Just think about all the parts of government that have been involved in the coup. Probably a lot we aren’t even aware of yet.

      Liked by 3 people

      • glendl says:

        The Supreme Court. Roberts and then a couple of decisions by Gorsuch.
        Some people appointed by Trump and were removed at the “president’s pleasure”

        Liked by 2 people

      • litenmaus says:

        aus, if we even know 25% of who & what has been involved in this coup I would be surprised.

        Liked by 2 people

        • glendl says:

          I agree,
          Do you remember the 1960’s movie “Seven Days In May”?

          Liked by 1 person

          • litenmaus says:

            glendl…oh my yes…..:0)….not outside the realm of possibility.

            Liked by 1 person

            • New Nonna, Again!!! 🤗 says:

              Wait… summarize and share, pls??

              Liked by 2 people

              • litenmaus says:

                :0) Nonna again…..awesome!

                Amazon summary:
                “Gentleman Jim” Scott was a brilliant magnetic general. Like a lot of people, he believed the President was ruining the country. Unlike anyone else, he had the power to do something about it, something unprecedented and terrifying.

                Colonel “Jiggs” Casey was the Marine who accidentally stumbled onto the plot. At first he refused to believe it; then he risked his life and career to inform the President. Jordan Lyman was President of the United States. By the time he was finally able to convince himself of the appalling truth, he had only seven days left to stop a brilliant, seemingly irresistible military plot to seize control of the government of the United States.

                Seven Days in May is a political thriller novel written by Fletcher Knebel and Charles W. Bailey II and published in 1962. It was made into a motion picture in 1964, with a screenplay by Rod Serling, directed by John Frankenheimer, and starring Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas.

                The story is said to have been influenced by the right-wing anti-Communist political activities of General Edwin A. Walker after he resigned from the military. The author, Knebel, got the idea for the book after interviewing then-Air Force Chief of Staff Curtis LeMay.

                Liked by 1 person

                • New Nonna, Again!!! 🤗 says:

                  O wow! Right!? I swear so many holly wood movies are truth in reality.

                  And thank you for this. I should’ve thought to go there to check it out. Duh… 🤓

                  Liked by 2 people

                  • glendl says:

                    Yes, they are, but they portray the enemy as the Right-wing when the danger is from the left They are trying to blame the greatest threat to America as the Right and lay the blame for the riots on the right, it will not stick. It is really difficult when not one Democrat has condemned the riots.


                • glendl says:

                  Thank you,
                  I was 11 years old when I saw the movie and I had no recollection of the plot beyond and attempt to overthrow the Constitution and the President.

                  Liked by 1 person

    • mugzey302 says:

      It is a very real possibility that indictments have been opened and arrests will start. That would cause howling from the Democrat controlled media, Hollywood, sports celebrities ~ the usual yipping jackals, and probably civil unrest, antifa attacks, riots. We must prepare for that.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. lovely says:

    My opinion. (From an email I sent to a friend)

    Apparently there have been a lot of high connected pedophile arrests.


    From all appearances after the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell she is cooperating and the prosecutor has at least some of her files. She was heard in a video court appearance sounding lost and asking “Why is this happening.”

    The Coup Crew was as sure that Maxwell would not be caught or indicted as they were of Hillary being elected. Pulling off Maxwell’s arrest without the coup crew catching wind of it had to be ice water in their face.

    Remember when President Trump said that he wished Ghislaine Maxwell well at a press conference. Of course the world went crazy about Orange man the “Sex Trafficking Sympathizer”.

    Asked about his statement in an interview President Trump said that he wished Maxwell well because her boyfriend Epstein was either killed or committed suicide in prison and he would not like to see that happen to Maxwell. That he would wish anyone well in her situation (even the interviewer).

    I often say that President Trump always tips his hand. I don’t think he tips his hand in a mocking way I think he tips his hand in a warning way. I think he expected to find and rout out mass corruption I don’t think he thought that the pedophillia went hand in hand with the financial corruption.

    Back to the tip of the hand, remember even when he was candidate Trump, DJT said that the downfall of Hillary in particular would come at the information garnered on Anthony Weiner’s laptop.

    There have always been unsubstantiated reports of The Beast and underage girls and now there is the appearance of more proof of Bill Clinton being with underage girls on Epstein’s pedophile island.

    POTUS left with the final destination Bedminster yesterday and other than Ohio and has not made a public appearance since then, (as far as I know), but he has tweeted somethings unrelated to any of this.

    (Some folks say that staffers always watch the President take off)

    Sally Yates threw Comey under the bus in the Kabuki theater of a hearing.

    Clapper also threw Comey under the bus but I can’t find it right now.

    Now if I had to pick an enemy to make of the coup crew, Comey would be way at the bottom of the list, he is ruthless, has information on all of them, has a genius IQ, is a skilled fighter and can turn on the “Aw shucks” demeanor like tap water that fools many people. Yet Team Soros is making Comey the fall guy?

    My opinion is that the evidence is in and the coup crew is on the ropes.

    Nothing is more dangerous than a cornered beasts, other than a cabal of cornered beasts, all trying to attack the same person.

    Hang them all. Each and everyone.

    Liked by 7 people

    • glendl says:

      An all-around excellent recap; ‘clear & concise’. The Coup is massive and when done, there will probably be something akin to Gibbons “Roman Empire” tome.
      Also on Weiner’s computer were emails containing highly classified info Why & What?
      Comey has been tossed under the bus, but he still holds the cards and as I see it, he is a direct link to 0bama, Hillary, & Lynch. Did he create an insurance policy? I would say he did.

      Liked by 1 person

      • lovely says:

        Did he create an insurance policy? You bet cha! And Comey is an incredible liar.

        They have all fallen.

        I do not understand so many people (and if anyone here has done it I apologize ) lamenting the fact that Durham has not to the public’s knowledge interviewed Comey, Clapper or Brennan.

        Why would he interview the top people before he interviews the henchmen? The longer Durham waits to interview the axis of evil the less the trio knows about how much Durham has garnered from the peasants.

        Federal immunity waved in front of one of these fellows is like waving a gasoline soaked rag in front of a a person in a burning building and telling them to grab it and you’ll pull them out.

        Very interesting times.

        Liked by 4 people

      • mugzey302 says:

        The Weiner laptop had a folder labeled “Insurance” which really was evidence against Hillary that protected him from becoming part of the Clinton body count. There are incriminating videos of Hillary and Huma, one so graphic and disgusting that NYC detectives were vomiting in waste baskets after seeing it. When that is released to the public, so they see that level of child torture by a high.level govt official, the chaos and outcry will be tremendous. While I don’t like to deliberately traumatize people, I believe it is vitally important that the public know how these corrupt and degenerate people have been using their positions.

        Liked by 1 person

        • glendl says:

          I agree, with all of it.

          Liked by 1 person

        • glendl says:

          I wish this would not post for some reason.
          I agree with what you just said, that depraved, disgusting evil must be made public along with the crimes. There must be indictments, convictions, and appropriate penalties if we are to have any chance of returning to being a Nation of Laws.

          Liked by 1 person

  6. MIKE says:

    I always worry about this man’s safety, look what the deepstate did to JFK.
    There may be credible threats this time, given that the photo of him departing the white house had the white house staff out on the balcony to see him off.
    That usually doesn’t happen.
    Lord, bless him, and keep him safe. Amen.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Lucille says:

    With numerous well-known retired military folk being quite vocal about hating President Trump, it’s likely many of those who are still in the military might be contemplating a coup being led by the generals…who knows.

    We do know the President gets multiple death threats weekly. Perhaps he’d just been informed of something huge and he was still processing the info when he spoke.

    Patriot prayers required!

    Liked by 2 people

    • glendl says:

      If you remember the coups around the world that occurred in the 1960s, many were led by colonels. They have more contact with the troops, they know who will follow their orders.
      This is Friday afternoon/ evening. The big names of media are off for the weekend, a good time for things to happen and kept from the public.


    • glendl says:

      Good Observation.

      Liked by 1 person

    • jeans2nd says:

      Not having heard the entire context of Pres Trump’s remark, this vid and her explanation helped.

      Our AM radio waves have been inundated with commercials aimed at the Deplorables.
      “They” are trying to install Socialist price controls on our drugs, they say.
      “They” will end up causing drug shortages with these Socialist price controls, they say.
      “But our guy wouldn’t do that to us, he puts America First,” they say.

      The ads are done by Grover Norquist’s group.
      Pres Trump has given Norquist and Norquist’s BFF Steve Moore nearly everything they’ve wanted.
      But at the first deviation from the Koch’s game plan, they turn on Pres Trump and attack him like the real Socialists.

      Pres Trump is stressed by having to deviate from The Approved Party Platform and having his “friends” turn on him.
      But, Trump Does Trump.
      Sounds like a Trumpian light-hearted warning to the former “friends,” to me.
      Pres Trump is the President, after all. Now watch this… !

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Lucille says:

    From Threadreader…Brian Cates….

    You all know why Trump has now left the White House – being seen off by the entire WH staff before he traveled to Ohio – because he won’t be back for awhile – to go to his resort in Bedminster, NJ, right?

    Everybody focuses on SPYGATE SPYGATE SPYGATE. [or OBAMAGATE OBAMAGATE OBAMAGATE, the new name some have adopted for the scandal].

    Step back and remember the big picture. What were Obama & Co. so *desperate* to keep hidden if Trump won the election?

    I can think of THREE THINGS off the top of my head that Obama, Hillary and Biden and A WHOLE LOT OF THE DC SWAMP would be frantic to keep from being exposed:

    1) Uranium One: the sale of 25% of US uranium stocks placing them under the direct control of Vladimir Putin and the Russians.

    Massive bribes paved the way to get that deal done to sell out our country. People who took that dirty $ are **desperate** to keep it buried.

    2) Untold billions of dollars in US aid sent to corrupt foreign governments where US officials not only knew much of this aid was going to be STOLEN, they **kept the money flowing** in exchange for a couple million bucks kicked back to them in DC under the table.

    3) The Weiner laptop, which is reported to have had stuff on it that caused veteran NYPD detectives to throw up.

    I’ll add a fourth:

    4) The secret side deals and bribery that went on to get the Iran Deal done, as well as all the Obama White House spying on members of Congress opposed to the deal & reporters investigating the illegal activity.

    Somethings about to happen.


    Liked by 5 people

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