Today’s Twitter hits …

The word ‘racist’ has lost its meaning.

I think Biden is off his rocker.

I have nothing against learning mathematics, but he has a point that kids aren’t taught enough about things that they will need to know as adults.

I wonder if they will ever pay for what they did.

This is stunning. I wonder what will happen.

I love hunting dogs! This is hysterical.


The news today disgusts me. I hate to report it. I love this, though.

The latest anti-Trump meme: Trump is a racist. I wonder if this one will stick. None of the others did.

Battle of the lefties …

Good news!

Good to know.

Yes we do! The best!

Charlie’s prayer.

Happy Monday! Illegitimi non carborundum! A little sad, but this is a beautiful song.

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6 Responses to Today’s Twitter hits …

  1. auscitizenmom says:

    It appears that Joe Biden is a big fat liar. :\

    I am not sure they are teaching students anything about math at all. I think the relationship of numbers to each other helps develop the mind. I am also a believer in teaching practical things like handling a checkbook (which is nearly obsolete today) and a bank account, etc. There are a lot of things they spend time doing in schools now that they shouldn’t be teaching, such as the type of sex ed, etc.

    That picture and incident should be hung around Sandoval’s neck like an albatross. 👿

    Liked by 1 person

  2. litenmaus says:

    Spot on tweet from Paul Sacca regarding the Democrats mantra that everything in our country was founded on “racism”

    “Leftist politicians are the new evangelicals, they preach that you have an original sin and they sell the scheme that only they can lead you to redemption”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lucille says:

    Joe Biden was a liar (a born fabulist) and a plagiarist before he had his brain operation (yeah, they found a brain inside his cranium), but I think the operation disabled him further.

    Buttigieg’s attitudes, opinions and hatreds are a dishonor to the military uniform he wore. I refuse to ever thank him for his service any more than I’d thank Bergdahl (whatever happened to him anyway?).

    Liked by 1 person

  4. czarowniczy says:

    Biden describing what he’ll do as president… another event that never happens.

    “*85% of blue-collar workers say their lives are headed in the right direction

    *Manufacturing optimism at an all-time high

    *Economic confidence is at record highs”
    Yet Fox trelesses a poll that says the top four Democratic possibles ALL beat Trump in 2020. Maybe they meant ‘all of their votes combined’.


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