John Solomon: Josef Mifsud in hiding, gave audiotape deposition re his involvement with western intelligence and fake Russia/Trump operation

John Solomon tells Maria Bartiromo that he interviewed Josef Mifsud’s attorney, and reports what he learned about the manufactured intelligence operation against candidate Donald Trump.

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27 Responses to John Solomon: Josef Mifsud in hiding, gave audiotape deposition re his involvement with western intelligence and fake Russia/Trump operation

  1. auscitizenmom says:

    I think Mufsud is really the key to this whole coup set up.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. glendl says:

    Some of the internal reforms have been completed, by overt actions and attrition.
    1). Investigate Holder & 0bama for Fast and Furious: 2 Federal Special Agents died as a result of this operation. A conspiracy that causes the death of a Special Agent is a capital case. There may be more, but this is the quick list.
    2). The rest involve 0bama, Lynch, and others.
    a. The Lynch – Bubba Clinton tarmac meeting.
    b. Hillary, the DNC, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Rosenstein, Brennan, Baker, et al. for the Dossier.
    c. involves payments by Hillary ($ 6 million), DNC ($6 million), FBI (Comey – $50,000), the creation of it. How it got to Brennan, why Brennan took it to Harry Reid, how and why McCain got involved, who in the FBI received it. As director of the CIA, Brennan reports directly to the President.
    d. Hillary’s use of an unsecured private server, the missing e-mails, and who made the decision not to persecute Hillary. Comey made it look like his decision. That is a call for a prosecuting attorney to decide if there are charges to be filed. Since Comey reports to the Attorney General, I can only guess that Lynch was the prosecutor that made that decision.
    e. Those that signed off on the FISA warrants and what was the basis. We would know the answer to this by Nadler prevented it from being released after the House Committee finished their investigation. I believe both Comey & Rosenstein each signed off on at least one warrant.
    f. What crime was Mueller appointed to investigate? Special Prosecutors are appointed only to investigate a crime. It is a felony to appoint without a crime to investigate and another felony to accept the position without a crime to investigate All the lawyers that worked with Mueller need to answer why joined the investigation. Rosenstein appointed Mueller,
    3). Investigate 0bama, I consider him an Illegal Alien. That is 0bama and anyone who had the opportunity to stop his rise to the Presidency and just …

    There is more that I could write, but I will quit here,

    We are either a Constitutional Republic and a Nation of Laws or we will be ruled by the Cult of Personality. I do mean ruled and not governed.

    Lenin/Stalin, Hitler, Mao are extreme examples of this Cult. 0bama is the American example of this. There are enough calls to do something with conservatives and others that oppose the liberal agenda, that I am not too far off the mark if I am off at all. I have heard similar suggestions to do the same with those that deny Human-Caused Climate Change.


  3. glendl says:

    I lost a lengthy comment and do not have time to re-write now. Some of the reforms have taken place by attrition and termination. All that remains is to prosecute, convict, sentence and make them do the time. The death penalty is in order for some of this but I doubt that will happen. I will settle for life in prison, for a couple of them that would be five years.

    0bama was at the top and some of the participants reported directly to him and since he did not fire anyone, it is safe to assume that he either ordered it or at least approved of the events.

    Fast & Furious: 0bama, Holder, & Hillary.
    Uranium One: 0bama, Hillary, Mueller, etc
    Hillary’s missing emails,

    more to follow.


  4. czarowniczy says:

    There were some of us calling this a coup from ealy on and pointing to the top-level Beltway intel and LEA groups being involved. I still do not see an entire agency being involved but more groups inside who are too powerful to root out but not powerful enough to take control. Anyway, taking control would be bad because that would make them a visible target and as long and they can meet their immediate needs there’s no reason to change their visibility, plenty of time for that when they win.

    It’s not hard to form cliques in Federal agencies, we had certain groups in our agency that had very specific employment agendas. One wanted increased employment from a certain local university while another had a second agenda involving employment. The upper management saw that fighting them, especially with the political climate in Washington, would be a dirty fight and if our top GS and SES ‘leaders’ got into this fight it would surely hurt their careers while if they go along with it their careers will fly along and they’ll eventually, hopefully, move up the chain to bigger positions while the ‘plotters’ move into theirs.

    Now our agency was a rather open one, we had divisions but they were nowhere as compartmentalized and secretive as the Beltway intel and LEA are. These Beltway agencies aren’t just one building at a particular location, they’re massive compartmentalized organizations with whole divisions not knowing what other divisions are doing. There are separate offices outside of DC in everything from strip malls to stand-alone businesses all over the US and overseas. Precious few even know what the true budgets of the intel agencies are as they’re hidden in appropriations buried in other agencies. Other government agencies will contract with these stand-alone businesses for goods/services which will also bring money into agency coffers. Once inside the money’s it’s lost.

    There are also divisions inside these agencies that handle personnel, operations, plans, logistics, all of those regular functions you find in an active agency and they are all compartmentalized. When one or more are needed for an operation a narrow channel between sections is opened for each requirement, minimum needed information is passed, usually through a control point with no single segment getting any more information than needed to perform its function. There’s more but you should be getting to see how an internal group could make a move on Trump without the rest of the agency knowing. This applies to all of the LEA and intel groups though the intel agencies have a better ability to these compartmentalizations as it’s their job, unlike the LEA, it’s how they operate.

    My major worry is that if they can’t stop Trump at the polls the plotters will resort to other means. There have been assassination plots/attempts against every modern president from Kennedy to, and including, Trump. I wouldn’t put it past the Left/Deep State to go there, two of the Trump-related plots involved foreign persons with ‘mental problems’, sound familiar? Our country’s future is on the line as never before.

    Liked by 2 people

    • jeans2nd says:

      Lt Col Tony Shafer recently said the same thing, re: CIA-FBI-etc. Shafer said there were actions he was required to take, but ‘need to know’ precluded him – and others – to know why. They all just followed orders.
      Shafer brought up waterboarding as an example. The folks just did it, following orders, never anticipating that it was illegal, and we all know the repercussions of not following orders.
      Brings to mind Lt Calley…

      Liked by 1 person

      • czarowniczy says:

        That’s SOP. I had online accesses to various agencies but access didn’t mean open library permissions. Once ‘in’ I had to justify access to certain areas/subjects in writing and wait. Even inside of a subject I had to justify specific topics.

        In some cases you contribute your piece of the puzzle, the specific topic you were tasked to work, and you have no idea of where it’s ultimately going or what it’s to be used for. Ditto on the upstream, you need info for your job so you request info from the provider and they don’t know why you need it. You can guess but you don’t know. You have nodes up and down an operation performing tasks with no idea of WTF they or anyone else in the chain’s doing.

        As far as legal versus illegal, each agency employs a battalion of lawyers that specializer in justification.

        Liked by 2 people

        • glendl says:


          I am looking for some basic information what I consider a terrorist attack that occurred during the 1990s,

          Would you be able to help with some basic information? I can set up a gravatar account to ask my questions.


          • czarowniczy says:

            on’t know if I can, which terrorist attack?


            • glendl says:

              TWA Flight 800 which exploded over Long Island on July 17, 1996.

              The official story, bare electrical wires sparked causing the fumes to explode.


              • stella says:

                I’ve been following Jack Cashill’s investigation into this, and I agree the official story was fishy. Not sure it was a terrorist attack, though. It may have been a friendly fire accident.


                • glendl says:

                  Thank you,

                  It could be a friendly fire accident, but if it was friendly fire, I think it would have been collateral damage so to speak. By that I mean they fired on a bomb-laden plane that was to close to TWA Flight 800. That it was the only chance to prevent the small plane from ramming the airliner.

                  Digging into this incident has been an off and on-again project for some time. Too many things happened surrounding this downing of the airliner that do not make sense. These occurred
                  before, during, and after. I can list them if you want, at least the ones I remember off the top of my head. I haven’t found my notes that would list them.

                  If it has been a terrorist attack, Clinton would have been expected to retaliate, which he would not want to do because of his overall attitudes. If it was an accident, there would be no expectations.

                  I had a class reunion a couple of weeks ago and was hoping a retired FBI agent would attend, he didn’t. I had hoped to get some info from him. After not keeping in touch over the years, I cannot make a cold call.


                • glendl says:

                  I am on a roll
                  The US Navy observation plane flying with its IFF turned off.
                  – 3 submarines backed into shore and on the surface.
                  – A US Navy light cruiser in close to shore, closer than anyone had seen before, aside from the dock.
                  – The FBI took the lead, not the NTSB. The FBI does crimes, the NTSB does accident.
                  – Navy SEALs did the recovery efforts, not Navy divers.
                  The FBI and SEALS are more likely to keep their mouths shut and not talk.
                  – All evidence went to the FBI lab. Agents collect evidence and send it, they do not expect a report back on what they found.
                  – An almost gun battle between FBI agents guarding the debris and FBI agents sent to steal some of it.
                  – Witnesses not interviewed, but had a fabricated interview in the official record.

                  A former AF fighter pilot in Vietnam, in the CT National Guard flying a routine mission, noticed a plane without its IFF, He made an official request as to the identity of the plane. Who else would the US Navy have had to respond to? The importance of his Vietnam service is that he would have seen planes hit with missiles.

                  There is more, but I don’t recall anything right now.


              • czarowniczy says:

                Nope, at that time I was doing a different area. That investigation would have been the property of the FAA and the FBI.

                What did bother me was the similarity between it and Arrow Air flight 1285 that ‘crashed’ at Gander in 1985 killing 256 people, 248 being soldiers from Ft Campbell. The connection was that I’d been on that plane a couple of months before, it carried military from assignments in Egypt back to the US. We boarded at Cairo West airbase as it was deemed too insecure to board at the Cairo civilian airport as civilian groundcrews and staff had somewhat unfettered access there. That flight did pick up Ft Campbell (and reportedly ‘other’ military) there and, taking off from Gander on its homeward leg, ‘stalled due to ice and pilot error’ and crashed.

                That crew and plane flew that flight as a bus route, the company owner would even be on some flights. They regularly flew into Gander and were well aware of icing and the operation of that plane, witnesses say they saw a bright glow coming from the plane BEFORE it crashed but investigators ignored their testimony. There were also questions about the accuracy of the passenger manifest and cargo records – also dismissed. The crash site was bulldozed almost immediately after the first and only (controlled) investigation, the debris disposed of. To this day, even though the minority findings of a possible onboard explosion are in the records, the official cause is basically pilot error.

                There are just too many plane crashes that are hammered into a convenient conclusion – ask Ron Brown.

                Liked by 1 person

                • glendl says:

                  Thank you
                  Yes, the FBI who only investigates crimes, whereas the FAA/NTSB does accidents. The FBI took the lead.
                  I posted my ideas in two comments to Stella.

                  I remember that one, I thought it was strange, but not anything more than that. I guess I will have to read up on it.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  • czarowniczy says:

                    The Bureau will move in and run point for the government where and whenever. Their work in AA 1285 is a real piece of…work, read it.


              • czarowniczy says:

                You think TWA 800 ewas fishy, look at Arrow Air 1285:


      • glendl says:


        My Lai had nothing to do with following orders. Lt Calley would not have made NCO in a peacetime army. He did not have the ability to do the job expected of him. With so many of the ‘best & brightest’ dodging the draft and otherwise avoiding military service in Vietnam. the US army did what it could to fill the positions.
        Calley’s unit had been losing men to snipers and booby traps, (IED in today’s language) and they knew the attacks were being staged out of that village.

        They went into that village and the men lost control and Calley was unable to gain control of the situation. When the incident went to courts-martial, the main concern was that the Army would stack the tribunal with West Point graduates who would use Calley to trash the Officer Candidate Program. The individual they chose to lead the tribunal was a Colonel who had rose through the ranks.

        There was a US Army Captain who later testified against Lt Calley, however, he had made no attempt to assume control of the situation. I believe he was a helicopter pilot who had landed for some reason. I do not know if he should have done what he could to gain control of the killing spree his responsibility was to the helicopter and its crew.


        • jeans2nd says:

          glen, respectfully, we must agree to disagree. My late ex was a grunt, a Westbygawd crackshot who volunteered. He walked point, was a tunnel rat, ate and was bathed in agent orange, and saw the horrors of ‘Nam up close and personal. Too many nights were interrupted with me being beaten up in his sleep – he had no idea. He buried more battle buddies in pieces than most have in a lifetime. What was done to our soldiers in ‘Nam was beyond description.
          My late ex never told me the half of it – rarely spoke of it. He showed me some of the pictures after particularly bad nights.


          • Glen de Lough says:

            I am well aware of what your husband went through and what you went through as a result of his time in combat. I am sorry for what happened to your husband and you.

            All I was saying is the Calley did not order his soldiers to shoot up the village.


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