It’s Caturday!

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21 Responses to It’s Caturday!

  1. Lucille says:

    Happy Caturday…

    Munchkin Cat Cuteness Overload
    MB Vids YouTube – Munchkin Cat – one of the cutest cat breeds.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Lucille says:

    Except for their height, these darlings look just like my male tabby…

    “Little African cats need big parks”
    By Sarah Zielinski – January 6, 2015

    Liked by 3 people

  3. czarowniczy says:

    LOcal anchorwoman who’s been a fixture here for decades died yesterday, she was out doing a human interest piece on a pilot who’s not only been flying for 50 years but was the oldest and one of the few black stunt pilots flying the shows.

    She and the pilot took off from the Lakefront Airport and an eyewitness said the small biplane they were in just nosed over and crashed almost straight down into an industrial area to the south. It was sort of strange to see her that morning on the local ‘morning’ program eating a shrimp po’boy only to get word that afternoon she’d died in a crash chasing a story.

    I’ve always wondered when a reporter with limited knowledge of the risk would get killed injecting his/herself into the story, didn’t think the one would be a local fixture. Other local reporters wasted no time getting face-time doing the stories, feeding off of the tragedy, the day after we even have pictures of the burned and twisted wreckage all over the place. Rough irony there but it’s journalistic cannibalism and to be expected. She leaves 3 children and a reporter husband behind.

    Liked by 1 person

    • stella says:

      I just saw that on Bing news. Sad for her family.


      • czarowniczy says:

        She was a genuinely pleasant person to listen to. Where the style of TV patois is now that irritating forced cocktail party chatter she sounded like some friend you were having dinner with. She’ll be missed

        Now they’re broadcasting a cellphone video of the burning crash while they praise her and talk about her grieving family. The vultures circle.

        Liked by 1 person

    • auscitizenmom says:

      A female weather girl died in a copter crash out in San Diego back in the 80’s, I think it was. She was in a helicopter crash and had just gone back to work, scared of course, and the copter went down on the first trip out. It was an awful story.


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