A Sad Day in New York State

A Board Certified OB/GYN, Dr. William Lile, discusses New York State’s Reproductive Health Act. I would challenge anyone who voted for this horrible legislation to explain to me what it has to do with “Health”.

As reported in Townhall, and other media, New York Democrats celebrated the passage of the bill by clapping and smiling in the state house upon its passage.


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47 Responses to A Sad Day in New York State

  1. rheavolans says:

    For all that the Left claims that science is better than religion, they don’t even give credence to science when it doesn’t agree with what they want.

    New York State’s actions are disgusting, but
    Why not give these breeding mares (I will NOT refer to them as mothers) who think they have a right to murder their child right up until the baby’s head is out of the birth canal a six month grace period after the baby is born to let them decide if their child should live? Really, where should this line be drawn? If New York Democrats want to delude themselves, at what arbitrary point in time in their world does a baby become human?

    Liked by 3 people

    • stella says:

      This has already been seriously suggested.

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    • michellc says:

      I actually saw someone seriously say on FB that we should decriminalize murder for parents and children of elderly parents because there are times a parent can’t take care of a child and death would be better than suffering. Sometimes children are terminally ill and should not be forced to suffer. The same argument for elderly parents. People are evil and in my opinion it started with abortion, it was a way to desensitize and I also believe that’s why they pushed for animal rights, another way to make human life not be important.

      Liked by 1 person

      • rheavolans says:

        It sets my teeth on edge when people wrap themselves in the blanket of moral superiority and say they are in favor of death because they don’t want someone to have to suffer. I wrote a guest post on someone’s blog about why I am pro-life and talked about it in my post.

        Everyone suffers, but these demons who support this death over suffering nonsense can’t be bothered to look for “the beauty that can come from ashes.”

        Everyone suffers, so let these death advocates die first. Let them live and die by their own rules and leave the rest of the world out of it.

        I suffer everyday from Type 1 diabetes and I bet I get a lot more out of life then those worms do out of theirs.

        Liked by 3 people

        • michellc says:

          They are evil and could care less about suffering and probably would like to be able to murder a child or parent if they were an inconvenience.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Menagerie says:

          Have you ever read about redemptive suffering? I am not sure whether it is a Catholic only teaching, but personally, I not only accept it, I find it to be sublimely beautiful. It gives hope when we would otherwise be hopeless, reason when we cry why, and unites us in care for our brethren, the Body of Christ.

          I believe Christ told us to take up our cross and follow him for a reason, and he wasn’t speaking symbolically.

          Liked by 2 people

          • Lucille says:

            IMO, the Catholic Church is one of the last to indicate that there is redemptive suffering. It should not be so, seeing as St. Paul’s letters and the Psalms are full of such doctrine.

            When I hear or read someone’s remark asking why would the God we follow allow suffering, my first thought usually is to take the person seriously and indicate that their question is not unusual…it has been asked for thousands of years. Then I recommend they read St. Paul and the Psalms…and if they really want to know the answer they will search for it. I also recommend they read St. Augustine’s insightful, discerning commentary on our relationship to our Triune God.

            This is an excellent article on St. Augustine’s writings about suffering. As it indicates, modern man may think he was a nut, telling people suffering is good for us…but what the good saint says is Biblically true….

            St. Augustine on Suffering as a Medicine
            Msgr. Charles Pope • August 27, 2018

            Liked by 4 people

          • rheavolans says:

            I have not heard of it in a great deal of depth. I don’t believe that what I suffer from can be combined with Christ’s suffering on the cross to help atone for sins. Only Christ can make atonement for us.

            Suffering can bring us to a place where we realize that without Christ we really can do nothing, as the Scriptures say. It also reminds us that this world is passing away. And I take heart in the knowledge that the new body I will have someday will not have diabetes anymore.

            Liked by 3 people

    • TOG&C says:

      They are science deniers. My comment yesterday: I keep waiting for an announcement about RB Ginsberg so we can have a NON-“science denier” on the SCOTUS and the rulings will reflect the SCIENTIFIC TRUTH of the pro-life position.

      As to killing babies after birth,their is a couple of people that proposed that in Britan and were basically driven out, so they went to Australia.

      What is really sad is the “assisted suicide” law in Belgium (a formerlly Catholic country) that allows “assisted suicide” even for children and NOT just for terminal illness. They have “suicided” minors there already. EVIL, EVIL, EVIL

      Liked by 2 people

  2. jeans2nd says:

    These people are evil, no two ways about it.
    How anyone could think otherwise is beyond one’s ability to comprehend.

    There is reason to be optimistic.
    Many many many of today’s Millennials and Gen-Xers are the product of mothers who chose life. These kids especially appreciate the value of life in the womb.
    Lord willing, things will change. Evil like this may exist now, but when the evil people of our generation die out perhaps Our Lord will allow our redemption through the work of our offspring.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Lucille says:

    A sad day, indeed…but look up…many doctors will refuse to accept the killing of children in the womb. New York will become a mecca for death even more so than it is right now. However, people of conscience will look upon abortion with broken hearts.

    Canada has no law at all restricting or prohibiting abortion. The majority of doctors, however, refuse to kill a child past a certain gestation month (can’t remember what that is…20 weeks maybe).

    Within my family there have been four abortions that I know of…three before 1960 when it was still illegal and done by the family doctor; and one in the 2000s. I’m quite sure I’m the only one left in the family who knows about two of them; and perhaps the daughter of one knows about the third family member’s abortion.

    I have no knowledge of who knows of the fourth one as I’ve not mentioned her confidential revelation to anyone else. She knows I’m pro-life but telling her I’d always love her no matter what her decisions are in life relieved her mind a great deal.

    It’s quite amazing, but my family has always had the most adorable babies (some not so great as adults—LOL!). I look at the precious baby faces of my mother’s and father’s siblings and all their children/grandchildren/great-grandchildren and it’s heartbreaking to think that some children’s lives have been lost without ever having a photo taken to remember them by.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Lucille says:

    Two articles from LifeNews’ Steven Ertelt on January 25, 2019…

    Beyond horrifying…just what Obama wanted for the state of Illinois when he was a state senator…

    “Babies Born Alive After Abortion Can be Left to Die Under New York Law Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth”

    Imagine! I wouldn’t let an animal die alone and untended if I could help it! And these vicious people think it’s perfectly OK to let a precious little human baby die for lack of care. Satanic evil!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Lucille says:

      The very least Cardinal Dolan could do is to deny Cuomo communion until he confesses, repents and makes restitution!

      Cardinal Dolan: Excommunicating Andrew Cuomo “Not an Appropriate Response” for Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth

      “… the archbishop could deem Cuomo’s actions “obstinate perseverance” in grave sin and deny him communion.”


      Liked by 4 people

    • czarowniczy says:

      You remember a few years back when there was a story a few years back about a viable aborted baby left in a cart to die as it was supposed to be aborted? Parents didn’t want it and hospital said it didn’t have the right, it said, to take it and nurture it.

      That population control thing will eventually evolve to the euthanization of ‘damaged’ children, adults and the elderly. It will require a sea change in our culture but it won’t be that hard to do, especially playing on the issues youth has with the elderly and by portraying the ‘damaged’ as useless consumers consuming goods and services the ‘healthy’ should be using themselves. See why we have to get rid of religion?

      Liked by 3 people

      • Menagerie says:

        Several times now on Facebook I have stumbled across some heated conversations where young people, I don’t know what generation they are, in their late twenties/early thirties mostly, express outrage at baby boomers owning 80% of the wealth in this country. I haven’t checked that figure I don’t care. I just get into it with them about how we worked for it, why should they just “get it” because it’s there?

        What’s alarming to me is that these are not young liberals I am talking to. Several are liberterians, and they are conservative on most issues.

        Liked by 2 people

        • czarowniczy says:

          Yup, before the 2008 meltdown thaty made billions disappear the Baby Boomers inheritances being passed on was supposed to be the largest wealth transfer in mankind’s history.
          I can remember in the late 60s our college profs were whipping up a frenzy about the Boomers owning so much of the nation’s worth, it was aimed at the students. There’s always a cadre of potential Redistributionists who see the acquisition of wealth by confiscation more preferable than working for it…you know, the ones that eventually become politicians?

          Liked by 2 people

      • stella says:

        It’s already happening in Europe (the Netherlands).

        Liked by 2 people

    • czarowniczy says:

      I would love to know how doctors who swore to the Hippocratic Oath unless it’s been redesignate the Hypocritic Oath.

      Liked by 3 people

      • stella says:

        My guess is that a lot of doctors will refuse to do it. That’s why the new law doesn’t restrict abortion practitioners to be medical professionals.

        Liked by 2 people

        • czarowniczy says:

          And that lack of restriction is what bothers me most. We’re going to have a cadre of state sanctioned killers who have what kind of training? They gonna have junior college courses right up there with auto body repair and plumbing?

          Liked by 2 people

    • stella says:

      I was watching reruns of Call The Midwife a week or two ago. In one episode, they cover the birth of a child born prematurely and a victim of thalidomide. The child was born alive, but left on a table to die alone. The nun/midwife entered the room and picked the baby up and held it until it died, speaking softly and sweetly to the child.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. czarowniczy says:

    Well, it’s all about marketing. The ‘health’ is a descriptor sort of like how ‘Arbeit Macht Frei’ was a descriptor for Jewish resettlement.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. lovely says:

    I’m not going to comment much on this. I am fighting in my own way and this has made me physically sick.

    I was set to adopt a baby who would be 2 months older than my oldest daughter, instead, after some time of protecting him, his mother changed her mind and aborted him.

    I do not revisit it often because I become too depressed.

    Sometimes, how we are still here as a nation, I do not know.

    Far too often Satan is clothed in human flesh.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Menagerie says:

      I am sorry lovely. That is a sad story, and I will say a prayer for the mother who made such a choice.

      Liked by 2 people

      • lovely says:

        Thank you Menagerie. Really terrible he would have been raised right alongside our daughter, almost twin 😦 . It is heartbreaking. She never really had an answer other than being pregnant was” too much.”

        Liked by 2 people

    • TOG&C says:


      Romney ruined hospitals and adoptions in Massachusetts when I lived there. Unless you lived there and were trying to adopt or were politically aware, very few people know how bad Romney really is.

      Liked by 3 people

      • lovely says:

        Thanks TOG&C .

        I believe you about Romney.

        The girl just decided one day that it was “too much” to be pregnant? I don’t know. All I know is she said afterward that it was the worst day of her life 💔.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. TOG&C says:

    I have been thinking a lot lately about children and thier lost innocence. It is evil. Little children do not understand what is being pushed on them about sex. I would not have at such an early age.

    Then there is that crazy “mother” who is a doctor in TX who is giving sex change drugs to her 6 YO son even though when he is with his father he is a normal boy.
    Then the “drag queen” boys being paraded around shown with and performing for adult “males” throwing money at them (Munchaussen’s by proxy or just greedy parents?)
    Now NY has legalized baby killing.

    Is there a group formed specifically to protect children’s innocence? If not could it be formed and called something like “CHIP” – the CHildren’s Innocence Project?

    Any ideas Stellars?

    If we don’t start something then who?
    If not now (after all this) then for God’s sake WHEN?

    Liked by 3 people

    • Menagerie says:

      As some of my grandchildren approach what the Church call the age of reason, there is a sadness I feel. I treasure the innocence and purity they possess. Surely this is one of the reasons Jesus spoke so lovingly and strongly about children. They are really the closest we can come to seeing what mankind was meant to be.

      I love the fact that they are so accepting of themselves, and comfortable with who they are. I so dread the time when society and life starts to chip away at that feeling of being okay with yourself. I hate that they will lose beautiful parts of themselves to this idolous image of cheap and tacky beauty the world offers.

      Liked by 3 people

      • TOG&C says:

        Yes, that happens to most of us I guess, but they can reclaim the beauty of what God meant for them with guidance from family and those in society that will speak out.

        That is why I asked if anyone knew of such an organization, or if anyone knew how to start someting like it. The evil ones sure know how to organize and get their voices heard. It is on command from Jesus that we spread His words of love and salvation, and that includes the value and innocence of children.

        Of all the thosands of people who read this, doesn’t anyone have experience in this?

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Col. Ken says:

    New Liver is working very well. Will fill everyone in within the week. My hands are very shaky and not steady

    Liked by 4 people

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