General Discussion, Thursday, October 11, 2018

Beautiful Critters.

Underwater Photography Guide

The Blue-Ringed Octopus, affectionately called the BRO, are a highly sought after underwater photography subject, topping the holy grail critter list for many underwater photographers and naturalists. There are approximately 5-10 different types of species found. They were originally discovered inhabiting the western coast of Australia, and they are the only lethal octopus known to man.

The Lesser Blue ringed octopus, Hapalochlaena maculosa (found only in Australia), and Greater Blue Ringed Octopus, Hapalochleana lunulata, are the most common. The species are divided and named not by the size of the animal but by the amount of rings.

They possess eight arms with dual rows of suction cups, a large head and two big eyes.


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84 Responses to General Discussion, Thursday, October 11, 2018

  1. Gil says:

    Does ANYTHING in or near australia not kill us? Have you seen how big their spiders are? I dont know what this one is but mr gil said its from Australia.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Gil says:

    I hope Joshua, Lucille, and all our friends who dont chat daily know we all think of them, pray for them, and wish them well, esp those of you who know all the “old timers”. I will do a nice Happy Thursday to everyone.

    Liked by 9 people

  3. Gil says:

    Im on a roll….

    Kiddo loves art. He actually remembers discussing Paul Cezanne in class, understanding light and shadow, still life, and learning to use different paint. He said they painted fruit bowls in class today. Maybe art can help him center himself. Either way, its a good habit to enjoy art.

    “Kitchen Table”

    “Still life with apples and oranges”

    Liked by 7 people

    • I think it’s wonderful he loves art. Is there an art class he could attend? It sounds like he’s very interested in it.

      Liked by 4 people

    • Sometimes it’s beneficial to expose kids to different mediums of art. My autistic son Josiah has had Art Therapy for years & would do very limited things like certain very basic stick drawings that looked almost the same over a decade+ of “growing up”. He also used to fixate on the 9-11 attacks & do various representations of the Twin Towers on paper, wood, etc in various states of the attack.

      Anyway in High School he actually took an art class & got exposed to some different types of art. He did an amazing collage that had some beautiful coloring (I don’t know if he had help with it or not). He got exposed to chalks/pastels & I observed him at Art Therapy independently doing a chalk creation with strategic blending. It was actually very beautiful & encouraging to see him expanding his self-expression (something he was usually Extremely Resistant to in the past).

      Even though his drawing still has limited improvement there are some mediums where he can shine. Blending colors abstractly with chalk/pastels is something he does very well. It’s a joy to see that our kids can make creative strides & find fun, unique, & meaningful ways to express themselves.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Gil says:

        He chalked up our back porch over summer and does draw in composition books now too. His thing atm is coloring pencils. They will get to use watercolor paint pencils later. I think he will enjoy that.

        Liked by 3 people

        • I have a very artistic daughter, now 20. She uses Anything. Once she spilled a bunch of birdseed in her room & did a negative space message of “I love you” with the “love” represented by a heart. Art in the midst of chaos!

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Morning all! My DD and baby B get to go home from the hospital today and they are doing great. My son-in-law sent me a picture yesterday of B smiling from ear to ear when we were heading up to visit yesterday, which melted my heart. I’m sure it’s not a genuine smile, but her little cherub face just lit up. Anyway… it’s been a wonderful week in our family and today is mostly a rest day for me as the other grandparents will be helping for the next few days. Hope all here are doing well and that we hear from auscitizenmom and Menagerie today. Praying that they are safe.

    Liked by 8 people

  5. nyetneetot says:

    Mornin’ stella! (Smiter of those that ought to be smote) 😎 🍸 (Long Island Iced Tea)
    Mornin’ WeeWeed! (Master Mixologist Extrodinare) 😎 🍸 (Old Fashioned)
    Mornin’ Menagerie! 😎 |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| (Jack Daniels – Single Barrel )
    Mornin’ Ad rem! (Queen Felis catus) 🐱 🍸 (Flaming Lamborghini)
    Mornin’ Sharon! 😎 🍸 🍸 (earthquake)
    Mornin’ ytz4mee! 😎 🍸 (cosmopolitan)
    Mornin’ waltzingmtilda! 🙂 🍸 (white wine and perrier)
    Mornin’ partyzantski! 🙂 |_| (Tom Collins)
    Mornin’ texan59! 🙂 |_| (Black & Tan)
    Mornin’ ZurichMike! 🙂 🍸 (fuzzy navel)
    Mornin’ Col.(R) Ken! (hand salute) 🙂 |_| (Boilermaker)
    Mornin’ czarina33! (aka czarina) 🙂 🍸 (Lynchburg Lemonade)
    Mornin’ czarowniczy! 🙂 |_| (Wild Turkey Rare Breed)
    Mornin’ letjusticeprevail2014! 🙂 |_| (Irish Car Bomb)
    Mornin’ Patriot1783-ctdar! (aka “ctdar”) 🙂 🍸 (grasshopper)
    Mornin’ tessa50! 🙂 🍸 (flaming volcano)
    Mornin’ waltzingmtilda! 🙂 🍸 (sidecar)
    Mornin’ varsityward! 🙂 |_| (Godfather)
    Mornin’ MaryfromMarin! 😀 |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| (Mortlach)
    Mornin’ Wooly Covfefe! (aka “Wooly Phlox” aka “taqiyyologist”) 🙂 |_| (Roy Rogers)
    Mornin’ Howie! (aka “doodahdaze”) 🙂 |_| (Classic Daiquiri)
    Mornin’ TwoLaine! 🙂 |_| (Gin & Tonic)
    Mornin’ Sha! 🙂 🍸 (Lemon Drop)
    Mornin’ BigMamaTEA! 🙂 🍸 (Harvey Wallbanger)
    Mornin’ cetera5! (aka “Cetera”) 🙂 |_| (Blackberry wine)
    Mornin’ The Tundra PA! 🙂 🍸 (Gentleman Jack Whiskey Sling)
    Mornin’ lovely! 🙂 |_| (Backdraft)
    Mornin’ michellc! 🙂 🍸 (Salty dog)
    Mornin’ auscitizenmom! 🙂 🍸 (Kiss on the Lips)
    Mornin’ Margaret-Ann! 🙂 🍸 (White Russian)
    Mornin’ Auntie Lib! 🙂 🍸 (Tom and Jerry)
    Mornin’ holly100! 🙂 🍸 (Jack & Coke)
    Mornin’ Pam! 🙂 (Not even water)
    Mornin’ Ms.Tee! 🙂 🍸 (Mojito)
    Mornin’ koolkosherkitchen! 🙂 🍸 🍸 (Cuba Libre)
    Mornin’ ImpeachEmAll 🙂 |_| (Flaming Dr. Pepper)
    Mornin’ Monroe! 🙂 |_| (Stinger)
    Mornin’ Les! 🙂 |_| (Rusty Nail)
    Mornin’ shiloh1973! 🙂 |_| (Jack Daniels)
    Mornin’ TexasRanger! 🙂 |_| (Whiskey Smash)
    Mornin’ Ziiggii! 🙂 |_| (B52)
    Mornin’ oldiadguy! 🙂 |_| (Rum & Coke)
    Mornin’ smiley! (“stuck in spambucket”) 🙂 🍸 (Spanish coffee)
    Mornin’ derk! (“Stellars”) 🙂 🍸 (Kamikaze)
    Mornin’ Jacqueline Taylor Robson 🙂 🍸 (Shirley Temple)
    Mornin’ facebkwallflower! 🙂 |_| (Night Train Express)
    Mornin’ Ms. Cindy! (aka “Ms Cynlynn” aka “ms cynlynn”) 🙂 🍸 (1970 ducru beaucaillou)
    Mornin’ sandandsea2015! 🙂 🍸 (1961 Château Montrose)
    Mornin’ amwick! 🙂 🍸 (Blue motorcycle)
    Mornin’ hocuspocus13! 🙂 🍸 (1970 Chateau Latour)
    Mornin’ Sloth1963! 🙂 🍸 (1971 Moulin Touchais)
    Mornin’ MTeresa! (Ex-lurker) 🙂 |_| (Albanian Raki Moskat)
    Mornin’ rheavolans! (aka “Rhea Salacia Volans”) 🙂 |_| (Hot Buttered Rum)
    Mornin’ joshua! 🙂 |_| (Mudslide)
    Mornin’ John Denney! 🙂 |_| (RumChata)
    Mornin’ litenmaus! 🙂 |_| (Stolichnaya elit, no ice)
    Mornin’ kinthenorthwest! 🙂 🍸 (A Lonely Island Lost in the Middle of a Foggy Sea)
    Mornin’ TwoLaine! 🙂 |_| (Smoking Bishop)
    Mornin’ patternpuzzler! 🙂 🍸 (Old Lady)
    Mornin’ Senatssekretär FREISTAAT DANZIG! 🙂 |_| (Red Russian)
    Mornin’ G-d&Country! 🙂 🍸 (Blind Russian)
    Mornin’ Gary! 🙂 |_| (Yuengling)
    Mornin’ valeriecurren! 🙂 🍸 (Flaming Sambuca)
    Mornin’ Lucille! 🙂 🍸 (Peach Schnapps)
    Mornin’ Lburg! 🙂 🍸 (Lburg lemonade)
    Mornin’ davidhuntpe! 🙂 |_| (Baileys Irish Cream on the rocks)
    Mornin’ skipper1961! 🙂 |_| (Brompton’s Cocktail – No cherry, no umbrella, no plastic monkey)
    Mornin’ mightyconservative! 🙂 |_| (Benjamin Franklin’s clarified milk punch)
    Mornin’ whiners and complainers! 😛 (No drink for you!)
    Mornin’ to people posting that I missed. 😳
    Mornin’ to all you lurkers! 😕

    Also just in case someday; mornin’ to Elvis Chupacabra, F.D.R. in Hell and sundance! :mrgreen:


    NEW and IMPROVED breakfast with extra bacon for ZurichMike!

    Doughnuts for coffee!

    Liked by 6 people

  6. WeeWeed says:

    Mornin’ all!

    Liked by 5 people

  7. Menagerie says:

    Hey y’all! Checking in before the party prep gets back underway. Big doings here on the hill tomorrow. All the little ghosties are coming to party. My Sadie is hosting her second annual party.

    We have a menu of pizza for the kids, chili for adults, and witches’ fingers, mummy cocktail weenies, monster eye cookies, nutterbutter ghosts, and various other treats. Along with a ghostly green brew.

    Should be fun. I’ll be having the Jack whilst watching the kiddies!

    Liked by 5 people

    • stella says:

      Sounds like fun!

      Liked by 2 people

    • Gil says:

      Do you put dry ice in the punch? Extra spooooky.. enjoy.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Menagerie says:

        Nah, just floating eyeballs, which are currently staring up at me from the kitchen counter. 😀

        Liked by 2 people

        • Gil says:

          Hey you can have your own party. Heres a few goodies for you.

          Jack Candy Fashioned


          2 oz. Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel1/2 oz. Candy Corn Syrup*2 small dashes of Angostura Bitters1 dash of Regan’s Orange Bitters*Candy Corn Syrup

          Cut candy corn and measure in a mixing glass. Add to a small saucepan. Add equal parts water. Heat and stir until candy is dissolved in water. Let cool and store in a glass bottle.

          Preparation: Add all to a double old-fashioned glass. Add a large ice cube. Stir. Mist an orange peel and garnish. Add candy corn garnish.

          Liked by 2 people

          • Menagerie says:

            Thanks Gil. I have one of the ingredients onhand! I can improvise from there. A little Jack…a little more…

            Right now I have my appleshine sitting beside the sink in honor of the long anticaped feel of fall in the air outside. The sun is shining, it’s 74 and going down to 45 tonight, and we have a breeze too! Tomorrow will only be 68.

            Finally, my favorite season arrives. About a month late, but, hey, nature follows no known schedule.

            I wrote a reply to you for your kiddo on your art post earlier but my ipad ate it. I’ll try to reply later. I am moving at half speed today getting party ready. All this work, and kids will have this place utterly destroyed within 30 minutes.

            My husband always asks me why I don’t just do the minimum and save energy for the after work. The older I get the more sensible that seems. one day…

            Liked by 5 people

  8. Gil says:

    I just saw this social media app advertised on oann. Stella and those of you who are more adept at socials, maybe you can look and see if its something you would use. Id like to know!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. The Tundra PA says:

    Howdy ever’body! (I’d say “mornin”, but it ain’t for the rest of y’all)

    Good article by Kurt Schlichter:

    We’re having a gorgeous fall day. Blue sky, sun shine, about 45 degrees and mountains out all around. Still haven’t had a hard frost yet, but can’t be too much longer.

    Liked by 4 people

  10. The Tundra PA says:

    Here’s another good one. I blow hot and cold about Ann Coulter, but sometimes she does hit a zinger.

    Liked by 3 people

    • stella says:

      Best part, and something to keep in your back pocket the next time Dems cry about the Senate not considering the nomination of Judge Garland:

      Pretending they are the wronged ones, liberals keep yipping about Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland. They believe any attack on Kavanaugh was justified after the dirty trick pulled by Republicans on Garland.

      The Republicans’ refusal to hold hearings on Garland has been called an “unprecedented obstruction” (MSNBC’s Chris Hayes), a “violation of traditions in norms” (Hayes again), an “insult and injury” (Sen. Cory Booker) and “remarkable and unprecedented” (MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow). The GOP’s treatment of Garland showed their “hypocrisy on Brett Kavanaugh” (MSNBC’s Ari Melber).

      The truth is apparently a big secret, inasmuch as even Republicans aren’t saying it. You’ll read it here for the first time.

      The Republicans’ wily, underhanded, double-dealing trick with Garland was this: Win a majority of seats in the U.S. Senate! I know liberals won’t read the Constitution, but can they do math? Garland didn’t have the votes.

      Republicans had 54 seats and, in 2016, Senate rules still required 60 votes for Supreme Court appointments. Democrats would have needed 14 Republican senators to switch sides to confirm a Democratic president’s nominee.

      There was no way that was happening. A Republican Senate simply wasn’t going to give “consent” to any Democratic nominee eight months before a presidential election — even an election that everyone thought Hillary was going to win. The Constitution says “advice and consent,” not “advice and rubber-stamp.”

      There was nothing “unprecedented” about a Republican Senate rejecting a Democratic nominee — other than the fact that Republicans were the ones doing it. Democrats do it all the time.

      Liked by 4 people

      • lovely says:

        When has a fact based argument ever stopped lunacy?

        But I do have to say that I posted an article by Dershowitz and then wrote a few paragraphs about due process and my Obama loving Hillary voting liberal sister poster that she agreed with what I said. 😳! I just liked her post as I didn’t want to spoil the moment.

        Liked by 3 people

  11. lovely says:

    I know this is going to bite the sheriff but I think it is hysterical 😂.

    Sheriff accused of forcing arrestees to wear Nike shirts in their mugshots

    Liked by 4 people

  12. stella says:

    Well, that’s interesting. Wonder what goes on at the dinner table.

    Susan Rice’s Republican son allegedly physically assaulted at pro-Kavanaugh event

    John David Rice-Cameron, the Stanford College Republicans president, is pressing charges against a liberal student who allegedly “hit him” and “forcefully pushed him back” during a pro-Brett Kavanaugh event Tuesday afternoon.

    Rice-Cameron is the son of controversial Obama administration official Susan Rice, who is rumored to be considering a run against Susan Collins, R-Maine, following her support in the Senate for confirmation of Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. But on the other side of the aisle on the Left Coast, her son is busy working to “Make Stanford Great Again” as an outspoken supporter of President Trump and conservative values.

    Liked by 4 people

  13. auscitizenmom says:

    lilbirdee12’s prayer:

    Our Heavenly Father, Your children come to you tonight to ask for healing and peace throughout our country so that we may return to being One Nation Under God. Guide us to be leaders in Your Kingdom, spreading Your Love and Salvation to all. Forgive us our sins and deliver us from evil.

    Lord, we ask for a blanket of protection over all our troops and law enforcement who serve to defend and protect us. Bless our representatives with the strength and wisdom they need to achieve the path You have chosen for us.

    Please place Your Guardian Angels of Protection around Donald Trump and Mike Pence and their families as they seek to lead America back to You.

    Grant us patience, Lord, as the evil ones try to anger us and cause us to fall.
    Spread blessings over Israel and Netanyahu.

    We humbly ask that You please comfort those who are grieving and in pain.
    Thank you Father, for Your Love and the gift of Life.

    In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

    Liked by 3 people

  14. auscitizenmom says:

    Prayer for Justice Kavanaugh:
    “After watching her husband rip into pro-death senators who used Dr. Christine Blasey Ford in attempts to derail the appointment of her husband to the U.S. Supreme Court, Ashley is asking all people of faith to unite in praying Psalm 40, which reads:”


    In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

    Liked by 3 people

  15. Lucille says:

    Love and thanks everyone for your good thoughts, wishes and prayers. Nothing major except severe eyestrain…nothing broken, no mini-stroke but likely a side effect from the drops I was using. Annoyingly I have to stay off the computer for the most part because I was totally overdoing it…no more 12-16 hour days…yes, it was idiotic to pretend the eyes were 26 rather than 76.

    So see (praise God!) you sporadically!

    In the meantime, I’m out here at a nice little beach cottage on the Chilean coast…

    Have a great rest of your evening!

    Liked by 4 people

  16. stella says:

    Liked by 1 person

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