Sen. Lindsey Graham Rips Democrats for ‘Hypocrisy’ During Brett Kavanaugh Hearing

Had to share. This is great stuff and, in this case, I give a big pat on the back to Lindsey Graham.

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3 Responses to Sen. Lindsey Graham Rips Democrats for ‘Hypocrisy’ During Brett Kavanaugh Hearing

  1. auscitizenmom says:

    That was a very intelligent, coherent statement.


  2. lovely says:

    Bravo, Lindsey 🙂 .

    Liked by 1 person

  3. jeans2nd says:

    In some interview recently, forget which, Lindsey Graham was asked why he changed his stance on backing/not backing Pres Trump. Graham replied that the voters of his state – S Carolina – supported Pres Trump, and he, Graham, represented the choices of his constituents.

    Cannot recall another time when Sen Graham sat in a hearing like this and publicly called out the Dems for their blatant lies. Hopefully Sen Graham not only does not change back to the way he was, but influence a few other GOPs w/his change of heart.
    Plus Sen Graham is funny – “Mr. President…some things you do drive me crazy…” you too, Sen Graham, you too

    Liked by 3 people

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