General Discussion, Thursday, May 24, 2018

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127 Responses to General Discussion, Thursday, May 24, 2018

  1. Lucille says:

    Have a wonderful Thursday…

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Menagerie says:

    This article is a bit repetitive but makes the point in the final paragraphs. The important part about the whites who are leaving the Democrats is that they can help carry the electoral college.

    Liked by 4 people

    • lovely says:

      The democrats are unmasked. (well for anyone who is not looking through their Nanny Glasses, things are looking up. My brother in law a life long, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama, democrat, voted for President Trump and he will again. Oh he is also a lifelong union member.

      Liked by 4 people

      • Menagerie says:

        They always try to paint the whites who left the party as less educated Southern hicks, outright call them rascist, or hint at it. The Civil Rights era was a long time ago. Most of the people I know who vote Republican are doing it because of economic reasons, with a strong helping of conservative moral principles.

        So because they oppose generational handouts and abortion and gay marriage, that equals uneducated hicks.

        Personally, I’m betting their statistics on education levels and party choice is a stacked representation skewed by surveying blue states only. Yeah, we get that big city urban areas centered around either liberal Meccas like LA or NYC, or elite universities are all highly loyal to the Democrats. Go ask some wealthy business and social leader outside your favorite demographic.

        Meanwhile, your ship just got a hole shot in the bow by all those many kinds of fed up people voted for President Trump and keep him in powder and cannon balls.

        Liked by 3 people

        • lovely says:

          My brother in law has his Masters.

          The democrats are so used to scare tactics, lying cheating and their racism going unchallenged that they are whole unprepared for President Trump’s raw war on them. When someone just keeps hitting you with truth bombs and pointing out your nakedness it is a little useless to keep telling the same lies while you’re running around naked.

          Liked by 3 people

        • stella says:

          A study like the one that Republicans are mentally ill more than Democrats? The one that was actually the opposite?

          Liked by 2 people

    • G-d&Country says:

      About 3 years ago I met a man, probably in his mid seventies, at church who said he was a democrat & union member, but he voted republican because the democrats were no longer democrats. This is an important distinction and demographic for republican powers to be to propagate! YOU CAN BE A ‘DEMOCRATE’ BUT STILL VOTE REPUBLICAN BECAUSE YOUR DEMOCRATS NO LONGER EXIST. JFK WOULD NOW MOST LIKELY BE A REPUBLICAN NOT A DEMOCRAT. This is not just older people either. i have relatives in their 50’s who feel abandoned by the democrats as well & WHEN YOU ASK THEM WHAT THEY BELIEVE IN THEY ALIGN WITH REPUBLICANS, So it is important to say ‘YOU CAN BE A DEMOCRAT, & VOTE REPUBLICAN.

      Liked by 3 people

  3. nyetneetot says:

    Mornin’ stella! (Smiter of those that ought to be smote) 😎 🍸 (Long Island Iced Tea)
    Mornin’ WeeWeed! (Master Mixologist Extrodinare) 😎 🍸 (Old Fashioned)
    Mornin’ Menagerie! 😎 |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| (Jack Daniels – Single Barrel )
    Mornin’ Ad rem! (Queen Felis catus) 🐱 🍸 (Flaming Lamborghini)
    Mornin’ Sharon! 😎 🍸 🍸 (earthquake)
    Mornin’ ytz4mee! 😎 🍸 (cosmopolitan)
    Mornin’ waltzingmtilda! 🙂 🍸 (white wine and perrier)
    Mornin’ partyzantski! 🙂 |_| (Tom Collins)
    Mornin’ texan59! 🙂 |_| (Black & Tan)
    Mornin’ ZurichMike! 🙂 🍸 (fuzzy navel)
    Mornin’ Col.(R) Ken! (hand salute) 🙂 |_| (Boilermaker)
    Mornin’ czarina33! (aka czarina) 🙂 🍸 (Lynchburg Lemonade)
    Mornin’ czarowniczy! 🙂 |_| (Wild Turkey Rare Breed)
    Mornin’ letjusticeprevail2014! 🙂 |_| (Irish Car Bomb)
    Mornin’ Patriot1783-ctdar! (aka “ctdar”) 🙂 🍸 (grasshopper)
    Mornin’ tessa50! 🙂 🍸 (flaming volcano)
    Mornin’ waltzingmtilda! 🙂 🍸 (sidecar)
    Mornin’ varsityward! 🙂 |_| (Godfather)
    Mornin’ MaryfromMarin! 😀 |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| (Mortlach)
    Mornin’ Wooly Covfefe! (aka “Wooly Phlox” aka “taqiyyologist”) 🙂 |_| (Roy Rogers)
    Mornin’ Howie! (aka “doodahdaze”) 🙂 |_| (Classic Daiquiri)
    Mornin’ TwoLaine! 🙂 |_| (Gin & Tonic)
    Mornin’ Sha! 🙂 🍸 (Lemon Drop)
    Mornin’ BigMamaTEA! 🙂 🍸 (Harvey Wallbanger)
    Mornin’ cetera5! (aka “Cetera”) 🙂 |_| (Blackberry wine)
    Mornin’ The Tundra PA! 🙂 🍸 (Gentleman Jack Whiskey Sling)
    Mornin’ lovely! 🙂 |_| (Backdraft)
    Mornin’ michellc! 🙂 🍸 (Salty dog)
    Mornin’ auscitizenmom! 🙂 🍸 (Kiss on the Lips)
    Mornin’ Margaret-Ann! 🙂 🍸 (White Russian)
    Mornin’ Auntie Lib! 🙂 🍸 (Tom and Jerry)
    Mornin’ holly100! 🙂 🍸 (Jack & Coke)
    Mornin’ Pam! 🙂 (Not even water)
    Mornin’ Ms.Tee! 🙂 🍸 (Mojito)
    Mornin’ koolkosherkitchen! 🙂 🍸 🍸 (Cuba Libre)
    Mornin’ ImpeachEmAll 🙂 |_| (Flaming Dr. Pepper)
    Mornin’ Monroe! 🙂 |_| (Stinger)
    Mornin’ Les! 🙂 |_| (Rusty Nail)
    Mornin’ shiloh1973! 🙂 |_| (Jack Daniels)
    Mornin’ TexasRanger! 🙂 |_| (Whiskey Smash)
    Mornin’ Ziiggii! 🙂 |_| (B52)
    Mornin’ oldiadguy! 🙂 |_| (Rum & Coke)
    Mornin’ smiley! (“stuck in spambucket”) 🙂 🍸 (Spanish coffee)
    Mornin’ derk! (“Stellars”) 🙂 🍸 (Kamikaze)
    Mornin’ Jacqueline Taylor Robson 🙂 🍸 (Shirley Temple)
    Mornin’ facebkwallflower! 🙂 |_| (Night Train Express)
    Mornin’ Ms. Cindy! (aka “Ms Cynlynn” aka “ms cynlynn”) 🙂 🍸 (1970 ducru beaucaillou)
    Mornin’ sandandsea2015! 🙂 🍸 (1961 Château Montrose)
    Mornin’ amwick! 🙂 🍸 (Blue motorcycle)
    Mornin’ hocuspocus13! 🙂 🍸 (1970 Chateau Latour)
    Mornin’ Sloth1963! 🙂 🍸 (1971 Moulin Touchais)
    Mornin’ MTeresa! (Ex-lurker) 🙂 |_| (Albanian Raki Moskat)
    Mornin’ rheavolans! (aka “Rhea Salacia Volans”) 🙂 |_| (Hot Buttered Rum)
    Mornin’ joshua! 🙂 |_| (Mudslide)
    Mornin’ John Denney! 🙂 |_| (RumChata)
    Mornin’ litenmaus! 🙂 |_| (Stolichnaya elit, no ice)
    Mornin’ kinthenorthwest! 🙂 🍸 (A Lonely Island Lost in the Middle of a Foggy Sea)
    Mornin’ TwoLaine! 🙂 |_| (Smoking Bishop)
    Mornin’ patternpuzzler! 🙂 🍸 (Old Lady)
    Mornin’ Senatssekretär FREISTAAT DANZIG! 🙂 |_| (Red Russian)
    Mornin’ G-d&Country! 🙂 🍸 (Blind Russian)
    Mornin’ Gary! 🙂 |_| (Yuengling)
    Mornin’ valeriecurren! 🙂 🍸 (Flaming Sambuca)
    Mornin’ Lucille! 🙂 🍸 (Peach Schnapps)
    Mornin’ Lburg! 🙂 🍸 (Lburg lemonade)
    Mornin’ davidhuntpe! 🙂 |_| (Baileys Irish Cream on the rocks)
    Mornin’ skipper1961! 🙂 |_| (Brompton’s Cocktail – No cherry, no umbrella, no plastic monkey)
    Mornin’ mightyconservative! 🙂 |_| (Benjamin Franklin’s clarified milk punch)
    Mornin’ whiners and complainers! 😛 (No drink for you!)
    Mornin’ to people posting that I missed. 😳
    Mornin’ to all you lurkers! 😕

    Also just in case someday; mornin’ to Elvis Chupacabra, F.D.R. in Hell and sundance! :mrgreen:


    NEW and IMPROVED breakfast with extra bacon for ZurichMike!

    Pastries for coffee!

    Liked by 6 people

  4. lovely says:

    Team Trump starts another day.

    Good morning patriots! 🇺🇸

    Liked by 5 people

  5. lovely says:

    President Trump about people who kneel during our National Anthem.

    “You have to stand proudly for the national anthem. Or you shouldn’t be playing, you shouldn’t be there, maybe you shouldn’t be in the country.”__President Trump

    Bravo Sir, bravo!

    I love the smell of victory in the morning. President Trump is teaching people to accept thrown dignity as people, he is changing hearts and minds,

    He is nurturing the mind set that it is ok, it is good it is moral to be victorious and not to wallow in victimhood.

    Amazing, amazing time to be alive we are on the precipice of victory or the abyss, President Trump refuses to accept the second option and he is dragging the world along with him.

    Thank you Good God, thank that I am an American,thank you for President Trump, thank you for this land and the people fighting to see her, please give us the strength to return ourselves and our country to you 🙏🏼.

    Liked by 5 people

  6. G-d&Country says:

    Today’s state flower is

    Alaska – Forget-Me-Not

    Photo Courtesy: giftscollection dot com

    The Forget-me-not, Alaska’s state flower, is a small clump-forming perennial that grows 5 to 12 inches high in alpine meadows. The best time to see the flower is from late June to late July. The flowers are very fragrant in the evening and night time, but give off little or no scent in the daytime.
    The Forget-me-not was first adopted in 1907 as the official flower of the “Grand Igloo,” an organization formed by pioneers that had arrived in Alaska before 1900. They named the flower in their constitution and it quickly was adopted by the broader population as a symbol of the Alaska region. In 1912, the US Congress passed the second Organic Act, which authorized Alaska to create a territorial government. Five years later a bill was introduced to make the Forget-me-not the official floral emblem. Esther Birdsall Darling wrote a poem for the occasion:

    So in thinking for an emblem
    For this Empire of the North
    We will choose this azure flower
    That the golden days bring forth,
    For we want men to remember
    That Alaska came to stay
    Though she slept unknown for ages
    And awakened in a day.
    So although they say we’re living
    In the land that God forgot,
    We’ll recall Alaska to them
    With our blue Forget-me-not.

    The Forget-me-not was approved by the Territorial Legislature as the official floral emblem and signed into law April 28, 1917. Written in the margin of the bill was found the following poem:

    A little flower blossoms forth
    On every hill and dale,
    The emblem of the Pioneers
    Upon the rugged trail;
    The Pioneers have asked it
    And we could deny them not;
    So the emblem of Alaska
    Is the blue Forget-me-not.

    In 1927, Benny Benson, a 13-year old Aleut boy, also referenced the Forget-me not with his winning flag design. The blue field of Benny Benson’s flag, now our state flag, represents the sky and the blue Forget-me-not flower. He said, “The blue field is for the Alaska sky and the Forget-me-not, an Alaskan flower. The North Star is for the future state of Alaska, the most northerly in the union. The Dipper is for the Great Bear – symbolizing strength.” When Alaska entered the Union in 1959 as the 49th state, the Forget-me-not was adopted as the official state flower and floral emblem. Sources: Alaska dot org
    I have some Forget-me-not seeds I am going to try & grow. I love blue flowers!

    ‘Forget me nots in a vase’ oil painting by Karpov Andrey

    I can’t find who painted this, but I really like it for some reason 🙂

    Have a great day everyone!

    Liked by 7 people

    • lovely says:

      I love the painting! Beautiful. Good morning G-d&Country 🙂 .

      Liked by 2 people

    • Blue flowers are so appealing. Ohhhhh… do bluebonnets next!!!! 😊 Cuz Texas, you know? 😉


    • The Tundra PA says:

      Awesome, G&C! Thank you! Forget-me-nots truly are lovely little flowers.

      And good morning all. I’ve been way, way, way off the grid for the last 10 days–driving the Alaska Highway with my nearly 90 year old dad in a very small car that he decided to give me to be the tow vehicle behind our RV. We averaged 400 miles a day, driving 8-10 hours each day. And I drove every mile of it. This ole lady was stiff and sore by the end of it. But we had a great time, along with a few adventures. The trip was the equivalent of driving from San Francisco to Washington DC. In a Geo Tracker. Not for the faint of heart, I’ll tell you. We saw lots of wildlife: mountain goats, herds of elk, caribou, bison with very young calves, a grizzly bear sow with 3 yearling cubs, numerous black bears, coyotes, and moose–including a cow just standing up from giving birth to twin calves who were still wet. All in all, an amazing trip through beautiful wilderness and great time spent with my dad. But good to get home at last too.

      Liked by 6 people

  7. G-d&Country says:

    That doll’s face & clothes are so lovely! She looks brand new. Are we on a doll series? Hmmmm the little wheels are turning – I wonder if I have time…..

    Liked by 2 people

  8. stella says:

    President Donald J. Trump’s schedule for Thursday, May 24th:
    · Signing of space policy directive to streamline regulations on commercial use of space
    · Signing ceremony for S. 2155 – Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act
    · Present the Medal of Honor
    · Meeting with Chief of Naval Operations and the Superintendent of the U.S. Naval Academy

    Liked by 2 people

  9. G-d&Country says:

    At times before I had said if there are constitutional conservatives out there looking to move out of the state they are in, please come to NH. I am dead serious about this. NH is a small enough state a group of active conservatives can, and do, make a difference. However NH is being targeted by progressives and the anarchist, communist group calling themselves Free Staters. I believe it is because NH is the 1st in the nation primary, and all the political press given to the state, as well as the fact NH ranks so very well in many metrics such as crime, income, unemployment etc, that the progs must flip the state so their prog states don’t look so bad in comparision. We are especially looking for people interested in stopping voter fraud. Most here believe Pres. Trump actually won the valid voters in NH in the presidential election.

    So I ask again if there are any constitutional conservatives out there looking for a state please come to NH. We have low crime, constitutional carry, low unemployment, no earned income tax, no sales tax, and our real estate taxes are actually not as high as some other states. We have a great airport, skiing in the mountains, and swimming and sailing in the lakes and ocean. We need you. We will appreciate you. You can make a difference, and have a very good life here. Thank You.

    Liked by 2 people

    • G-d&Country says:

      Post Script: As to the bad press about the opioid epidemic here – I don’t see that in NH, especially compared to the drug problem in Massachusetts next door. The NH state police etc. have been working diligently to keep the illegal drugs from coming in from Mass. The press makes it seem like there are druggies on every corner, and it is nothing like that from what I have seen. Perhaps it is only in 2 or 3 larger or more liberal cities. I just have not seen it in the cities and towns where I go around in my daily life. I believe any problem is being seriously addressed. I also wonder if some of it isn’t just bad press coverage, as I said, it is nowhere near like what I see and know of in Mass., or hear/read of in some other places.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Lucille says:

    A Short Message for Joe Dan’s YouTube Friends
    Visit the Intellectual Froglegs website here:
    May 24, 2018

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Lucille says:

    Stellars, please remember to keep Ireland in your prayers today. This is referendum day on legalizing abortion. George Soros has put lots of money into this and evil forces have prevented a lot of pro-life ads from being aired apparently but playing up the Soros POV. His actions are so sick and sinful.

    Heavenly Father, please defeat abortion forces around the world and especially today in Ireland. May all the monies spent in trying to legalize this horror be wasted. Strengthen those who love life and the spark You have placed within the child in his mother’s womb. Thank You, Lord. We pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus, Amen!

    Liked by 4 people

  12. Lucille says:

    Soldier’s Organs Saved Dozens. Now His Mom Honors Him on Memorial Day
    Chicago Tribune 24 May 2018 By Alison Bowen


  13. Gil says:

    One must be a single digit IQ to install a spy device in their home or business and pay for the privilege!

    “As KIRO7 reports, Danielle, who did not want us to use her last name, contacted Amazon to investigate after they say a private conversation in their home was recorded by Amazon’s Alexa, and that the recorded audio was sent to the phone of a random person in Seattle, who was in the family’s contact list.

    “My husband and I would joke and say I’d bet these devices are listening to what we’re saying,” said Danielle.

    After receiving the call above from one of her husband’s employees – who was in the family’s contact list – Danielle says she unplugged all the devices, and she repeatedly called Amazon. She says an Alexa engineer investigated.”

    Liked by 2 people

  14. auscitizenmom says:

    I was just listening in my car to the Hannity radio show. Laura Ingraham is filling in for him today. She said that Brennan made a lot of changes to the FBI and one was hiring a lot of outside, and I think it includes other countries, investigators. The reason was so that he could do things and not be questioned about it inside the FBI because they wouldn’t know what was going on. I can’t wait to hear more about this. I know there has been a little talk but I didn’t know what it was all about.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Lucille says:

    Mueller caught in a trap of his own making
    By Thomas Lifson – May 24, 2018

    “Again, being blunt, it looks to me as though Mueller was showboating, using the justice system for propaganda purposes….”

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Lucille says:

    Antique French Jumeau Dolls

    Liked by 3 people

  17. lovely says:

    Trump Cancels Kim Summit, North Korea Says It Still Wants to Meet U.S.

    “Our goal and will to do everything for peace and stability of the Korean peninsula and mankind remains unchanged, and we are always willing to give time and opportunity to the US side with a big and open mind,” according to the statement. “We express our intent that there is a willingness to sit at any time, in any way to resolve issues.”

    Liked by 2 people

  18. John Denney says:

    We’re all gonna die.

    No amount of alcohol, sausage, or bacon is safe.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. stella says:

    Seen on Facebook:

    Gouging victims’ eyes out? Fine. No biggie- Democrats whine that MS-13 animals are still human beings. Maybe if thone animals started waterboarding their victims, Democrats will stop defending them.

    Liked by 2 people

  20. auscitizenmom says:

    lilbirdee12’s prayer:

    Our Heavenly Father, Your children come to you tonight to ask for healing and peace throughout our country so that we may return to being One Nation Under God. Guide us to be leaders in Your Kingdom, spreading Your Love and Salvation to all. Forgive us our sins and deliver us from evil.

    Lord, we ask for a blanket of protection over all our troops and law enforcement who serve to defend and protect us. Bless our representatives with the strength and wisdom they need to achieve the path You have chosen for us.

    Please place Your Guardian Angels of Protection around Donald Trump and Mike Pence and their families as they seek to lead America back to You.

    Grant us patience, Lord, as the evil ones try to anger us and cause us to fall.
    Spread blessings over Israel and Netanyahu.

    We humbly ask that You please comfort those who are grieving and in pain.
    Thank you Father, for Your Love and the gift of Life.

    In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

    Liked by 3 people

  21. michellc says:

    It’s been a busy week around here. Work in the business, work on the farm, work on the race car and although I’m grateful for friends and family and appreciate all the birthday lunches this week, they have turned into a couple of hours in already busy days and nights.

    We took a break today and took the grandbabies to the zoo and had to explain to our grandson a zoo is not the same as an auction and the animals aren’t for sale. 🙂 He had some money for souvenirs and wanted to use it to buy animals. lol He wanted to buy a prairie dog, miniature cow and baby camel or kangaroo for himself and a monkey for his sister. He was telling the workers how to take care of the goats and didn’t like that they had no leaves to eat. They are also now informed how to pull a baby goat if the need ever arises, they also know how to trim their hooves and where you give them shots and how you give them worm medicine.
    He also told them their sheep stink and he doesn’t like sheep and apparently he thinks giraffes are stupid looking animals as he informed the girl feeding the giraffe that.
    Then during the drive-thru part he asked us if his Daddy could shoot the deer, which would of been one thing except he told the girl running the gift shop after we did the drive-thru that the next time he’d come during deer season, ’cause his Daddy says he can only shoot deer during deer season. Good thing she was a country girl with a sense of humor.
    She made the mistake of laughing at him though and talking to him, so he spent the next 15 to 20 minutes telling her all about going hunting with his Daddy, the fish he caught and how his PaPa cut them up and he ate them, all the animals he has at home, all about racing and what he’s going to race when his Mommy finally tells him he’s old enough. Not much about his short lifetime she doesn’t now know.
    She was amazed he talked so clear at 3. I told her he talked early, he was putting sentences together by the time he was a year old and fortunately or unfortunately, however you looked at it, he’d been talking this clear since way before his 2nd birthday. The only difference is his vocabulary has grown and he has no filter, anything he knows he tells and he’s brutally honest.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Menagerie says:

      Brutally honest? Ooh, ooh, bet I know where he got that trait from. 😀


      • michellc says:

        He’s kind of doomed I guess, the 4 people he’s around the most all have a habit of speaking their mind. lol

        We just matured with age and aren’t so blunt. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    • Lucille says:

      Three! I thought you were talking about a child of eight or nine! Whoah, you got a little genius on your hands.


    • auscitizenmom says:


      Liked by 1 person

      • michellc says:

        I just hope Gracie isn’t as bad as her brother or we might never be able to take them both out in public.
        For now though if she doesn’t like someone or doesn’t want them talking to her she just gives them a mean look. Her brother on the other hand will tell them he doesn’t like them and to please quit talking to him. When she gives them a mean look he tells them she doesn’t like them and to please leave his sister alone.

        We all tell him to not say it that it’s not nice, but he either forgets or chooses to forget the next time it happens. I have to admit though it’s kind of funny how he always throws in the ‘please.’


    • Gil says:

      Lol. I love it. And Grandma is thoroughly amused, but tired. Hes gonna keep you on your toes.


      • Gil says:

        My mother does not watch my kiddo or spend time with him like that. Those of you here who do with yours, thank you!!!!

        Liked by 2 people

      • michellc says:

        Too be honest Nanny lived through 3 kiddos saying whatever popped out of their mouth so I find it more amusing than his parents do.
        I know that he won’t be little forever so I tend to enjoy every minute of the bad and the good.

        Liked by 1 person

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