General Discussion, Saturday, March 19, 2022

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26 Responses to General Discussion, Saturday, March 19, 2022

  1. WeeWeed says:

    Mornin’ y’all!

    Liked by 5 people

  2. stella says:

    Mornin’ all! Rainy and in the 50’s today, but the sun will be back tomorrow. Tucker and I are off to his vet appointment today. Nothing special.

    Liked by 6 people

  3. WeeWeed says:

    Its that time of year again! Copperhead tips 1) If an adult bites you, you may only get a dry bite. 2) If you smell cucumber for no reason, you are within striking distance of a copperhead and you have already disturbed him. 3) Juveniles often have a yellow tip on the tail. 4) Possums eat copperheads, so leave the possums alone. 5) other snakes such as rat snakes compete with copperheads for food, King snakes eat copperheads, so dont kill other snakes.they are harmless, 6) Biden is a shill. 7) Epstein didn’t kill himself – Learn to identify all snakes in your area.

    Liked by 6 people

  4. auscitizenmom says:

    Hello all. Just got home. It is so hot and humid I can’t seem to cool off. I will. But, it will take some time. Drinking cold water. I unloaded the car and it is all in the house. I put everything that needed to go in the fridge in it. But, I am home. Always glad to be home. It was hot at the beach today. My friend’s time-share week is 11. They were making some other challenges and I suggested that she move her week to April and the manager was happy to. He is doing a lot of good things with the time-shares. This will be really good. I may not ever go again, but I hope she can find someone else to go with her. 😦 Hope yur weather is good wherever you are.

    Liked by 5 people

  5. WeeWeed says:

    Liked by 2 people

  6. The Tundra PA says:


    Good afternoon, friends. I didn’t do an update post yesterday because there was nothing new to tell you. Not a single team finished the race on March 18th (a rarity for the week after the winner finishes). It was late last night when I checked in to see what Bridgett’s progress was, and to my great disappointment I saw that she and two other rookies had scratched at White Mountain. What?!? She and the dogs were fine at Koyuk, what happened. To my frustration, I could find no further information.

    This morning the official Iditarod blogger Terri Hanke told the story:

    The Topkok Hills are not that tall, but they sit right along the northern edge of the Bering Sea and the winds blowing over them are known to be brutal at times. Yesterday appears to have been one of those times. I am so very glad all three mushers and their teams survived without serious injury (not that a broken collar bone isn’t significant!).

    There are seven teams remaining on the trail, stretched out over ten miles between White Mountain and Safety. The Red Lantern should arrive in Nome either late tonight or early tomorrow to put Iditarod 50 in the history books.

    GO DOGS!

    Liked by 1 person

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