General Discussion, Wednesday, April 7, 2021

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73 Responses to General Discussion, Wednesday, April 7, 2021

  1. Lucille says:


    Sandbridge Beach, VA…

    Cambria, CA…

    Naples, FL…

    Have a great day!

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Lucille says:

    April 6, 2021 – By Tony Perkins

    But, you know, there are a million social justice movements here in the United States. [And these companies] are talking out of both sides of their mouth. We’re going to call them out, but they won’t change their behavior until we hit them on their bottom line. And that’s what conservatives need to do.”

    Liked by 3 people

    • auscitizenmom says:

      I understand a lot of season ticket holders are asking for their money back. I can’t help but laugh out loud whenever Stacy Abrams’ name is mentioned. The fool didn’t realize how much this was going to hurt her people and has been backpedaling ever since it finally dawned on her little brain. It would be so good to have her face out there every day saying she supported the boycott. I think it might do her in politically.

      Liked by 4 people

      • Lucille says:

        What’s disturbing is that you know these vicious haters of America all get together and figure out how to do us in…and with glee throw into the mix every terrible attack on our freedoms they can come up with. Hypocrisy is their mindset and they feel no shame that they are phony bums.

        Typical communist thinking. Should they ultimately succeed in their evil goals, a good percentage actually think they will avoid the Stalinesque purges. Communism always kills its own.

        Liked by 2 people

    • weather257 says:

      Spine chilling, Lucille – thanks for posting this. I just re-posted it on Gab.
      Alternative media (like Stella’s, Gab and ‘our neighbors’) ultimately will undermine the MSM and left’s evil agenda. I truly believe this.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lucille says:

        Good day, weather! That’s a great idea of putting it on Gab. The more people know, the more banding together can happen to save our republic and our liberty.


    • jeans2nd says:

      G’Afternoon Lucille, Stella, Stellars.

      Interesting article, Lucille, thank you.
      Now plug in what’s going on in Arizona – it ain’t pretty, folks – and add a dose of Kristin Sinema (D-AZ) taking Joe Manchin’s place today and speaking out against eliminating the filibuster.

      And a good time was had by all.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lucille says:

        Hi, jeans! Both Manchin and Sinema have tried in the past to be independent thinkers and it didn’t work too well for them. They need to remain strong against the so-called democratic socialists. We know there is nothing “democratic” about the socialist ploys of Pelosi and Schumer.


    • glendl says:


      – I read something about MLB losing its tax exempt status which would open it up to anti-trust laws. Other pro-sports do not have anti-trust protections.
      – I do not know which minorities are facing all that persecution by the ChiComs, but Christians had best be included in those being persecuted.
      – If the Moslem minority is included, they had best get the rest of the Moslems in the world to stop attacking Christians, Pagans, and Animists around the world.
      – I cannot find much if any sympathy for the Moslems in Communist China because of what the Moslems are doing elsewhere.
      – Now for Coke, Nike, et al, I believe corporations doing so much business out of the United States are allowed to keep $50 billion dollar in foreign accounts without paying taxes. They do not need to pay taxes until they bring it into the US.
      – I have other ideas about this overseas crap and being given special tax rates. I believe that the first $50,000 of income is non taxable if a citizen lives elsewhere.


  3. WeeWeed says:

    Mornin’ all!

    Liked by 9 people

  4. WeeWeed says:

    This lady (or ladies) makes jewelry out of antique buttons.

    Liked by 4 people

    • auscitizenmom says:

      Those are really neat. I love old buttons and pins.

      Liked by 1 person

    • jeans2nd says:


      G’Afternoon, WW

      Liked by 1 person

    • Lucille says:

      That’s wonderful! It’ll take days to go through each category. Oh, goodie!

      My paternal grandmother framed her huge collection of antique buttons of every type. She had seashell, glass, porcelain, bone, metal, semi-precious stones, Bakelite, animal horn, ivory, tortoise shell and also had a number of Union and Confederate uniform buttons. Their home had at least nine-foot ceilings and she placed the collection on the living room walls like art…which, indeed, they were. I remember looking up at them as she talked to us about special ones.

      Liked by 4 people

      • auscitizenmom says:

        Cool. 🙂


      • WeeWeed says:

        How cool! Did you keep any of them?


        • Lucille says:

          Don’t I wish. When she passed away in 1950, my grandfather told the family to take them as he was going to rent a smaller house. Mom and Dad had no place to keep them. Mom thought my aunts and uncles might have given them to the Salvation Army where Grandma went to church. As a matter of fact, Grandma bought a lot of the buttons at the SA Thrift Shop.

          The military uniform buttons are worth a bundle today. Hopefully some collector has them and they didn’t trashed. I’ve always suspected that since their fate was rather vague, everything got put out for the trashman. Sigh!

          Liked by 1 person

  5. stella says:

    Mornin’ all! Beautiful weather yesterday and today. Windows open and fans on. My internet was out for part of last night. Seems okay now.

    Liked by 6 people

  6. auscitizenmom says:

    Mornin’ All. Sunny and beautiful here. Not much going on here. Loki woke me up at 7:30, her preferred time to get up and take a walk. She now has walked, eaten breakfast, barked at the neighbors walking past our patio, and is ready for a nap. I will be off to the Chiropractor here in a little bit. Hope everyone has a nice day.

    Liked by 7 people

    • Lucille says:

      Hi, aus! Your little girl is such a character. Hope you had a cracking good time at the chiropractor.

      It’s overcast here and coolish. Right now we’re at our high today of 57 degrees. It’d be perfect weather for a long walk…if only!

      Liked by 4 people

  7. Lucille says:

    Some more lovely scenes of the Georgia coast….

    North Beach, Tybee Island…


    Driftwood Beach, Jekyll Island…

    Gateway to the Golden Isles, GA…

    Liked by 2 people

    • Menagerie says:

      Jekyll Island is a neat place too, but I think it costs more than I usually spend. My uncle lived there when we were kids and I loved it.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Lucille says:

        Oh, how nice that you had family that lived on Jekyll Island. There are lots of Jekyll photos on the Internet showing how beautiful it is. The driftwood is so photogenic.

        Liked by 2 people

  8. stella says:

    Andrew Cuomo’s New York: Illegal Aliens to Get $1.1B More in Taxpayer-Funded Aid Than Small Businesses

    Nearly 200,000 illegal aliens living in New York will soon receive $2.1 billion in taxpayer-funded stimulus checks and unemployment benefits thanks to a budget agreed upon by Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D).

    While more than a million jobs have been lost in New York and an estimated 80,000 New York businesses may not make it to the end of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, Cuomo and elected state Democrats agreed on a budget deal that provides billions to illegal aliens at the taxpayer’s expense.

    Specifically, according to the New York Times, the state budget includes $2.1 billion in taxpayer-funded one-time payments in the form of stimulus checks and unemployment-style benefits for about 187,000 illegal aliens — about $1.1 billion more than small businesses are set to get in grants and tax credits after being forced to close by Cuomo’s economic lockdowns.

    The budget also provides about $2.3 billion in federal funds for tenants who have been behind on rent as a result of Cuomo’s lockdowns, just $200,000,000 more than what illegal aliens will receive.

    Previous estimates suggested illegal aliens could receive up to $28,600 a year thanks to the taxpayer-funded benefits approved by Cuomo. Weekly, illegal aliens could receive $500. For those unemployed since March 2020, illegal aliens could receive, on average, $12,600.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. czarina33 says:

    Went to an archery shop to get a target, glove and arm guard for Czar’s 13 year old GGS to practice with, then he immediately went out and practiced til he got to be 90% accurate in hitting the target somewhere.

    Liked by 7 people

  10. Lucille says:

    I’m not a subscriber to GatewayPundit and so can’t read the comments, but I bet they are choice!

    Joe Biden and His Handlers to Unveil Executive Action on Gun Control and Limiting the Second Amendment Thursday
    By Jim Hoft – Published April 7, 2021 at 1:05pm

    Uhhh, excuse me but don’t changes to the Constitution have to be voted upon by the people of each state? I wonder when the lawsuits start whether SCOTUS will say we don’t have standing to bring a suit.

    Liked by 1 person

    • stella says:

      I don’t subscribe to Gateway Pundit either, but I can read the comments.


      • Lucille says:

        Now that is strange. The comment section won’t come onscreen for me. Obviously I made the incorrect assumption that it was due to my not being a subscriber. Weird!

        Liked by 1 person

    • glendl says:

      I just read Biden’s unveiling, not much was unveiled. I clicked on the link to go somewhere and it didn’t go anywhere.
      Biden mentioned the 40,000 killed with firearms each year, that includes those righteously killed by police. Biden warned us of the fears of ghost guns and is banning them. I have never heard of anyone killed with a ghost gun, but there was no mentioned of the shootings and killings in the South-side of Chicago. The Chicago Police Chief said there was no intention to disarm the street gangs.

      Seems people waited until after Biden’s speech to tell him Executive Orders cannot override the Constitution. I would have started as soon as he announced his intention to do that.
      Maybe these EO’s are to take the focus of whatever may happening at the border, As I said before it is my problem because the taxes I pay is being used to cover it. It is my problem because the money I pay will be used to house the Illegal Aliens be it in prison or 5-star hotel or graveyard.


      • auscitizenmom says:

        I’m beginning to think that the gun control issue is being pushed the cover the problems at the border and the problems at the border are being pushed to cover the gun control issue. And the election law in GA is to confuse us about all of it. And, on and on and on and on. This is all nuts.

        Liked by 1 person

        • glendl says:

          You are more than likely correct and that is the main reason I refuse to concern myself with this humanitarian crisis. My concern ends with how much will this cost me.
          To me the real focus ought to be on the Dems overhaul of America’s election process, which the Constitution assigns to the States and their gun ban and it will be a gun ban.

          Sign In #6.

          Liked by 1 person

        • glendl says:

          Maybe, I just read a commentary on Biden’s blame and sanctions on Russia. He is now officially has Russia, Communist China, Iran & NK in a state of heightened tensions. Biden declares a State of National Emergency based on Russia’s Actions in the 2020 election even though the Dems say it was the most secure ever. Also, the ChiComs are acting very aggressive to Taiwan.
          The question asked in the article. “Why does Biden need that control? What is he going to do?
          Democrat Axiom: “Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste”.

          Liked by 1 person

          • glendl says:

            Here is the title of the article I referenced. I can copy and paste.

            Right Wing RightWing

            Joe Biden Declares Russia Actions a “National Emergency”


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