General Discussion, Sunday, February 7, 2021

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77 Responses to General Discussion, Sunday, February 7, 2021

  1. texan59 says:

    Beautiful sight. Wouldn’t get me within 500 yards of the edge of that cliff. Mornin’ all.

    Liked by 6 people

  2. texan59 says:

    The once highly esteemed FBI has fallen mightily. I don’t know if they can get up. I’ve seen this iin multiple sites, so I’m pretty sure it’s legit. But who know nowadays.

    Liked by 6 people

  3. Lucille says:


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    • Menagerie says:

      Lucille, love the bird pick. I used to work in a house that had about seven or eight ceramic birds lined up in the middle of the dining table. All had little metal feet, they were different bright colors and different poses. Charming. Captivating. I’ve looked for them everywhere after asking the owner where she got them and not finding any. I check eBay every so often.

      Closes I came was a colorful metal sculpture that I put over my entry door. I’m not a bird watcher but I often love the pictures of them, especially the little indignant blue birds. Thanks for the fun!

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  4. Menagerie says:

    Good morning everyone, Happy Sunday. A little over a week until the somber days of Lent begin. I’m trying to think of sacrifices and prayers, ways to allow God to re make me.

    The trouble is, I keep trying to take a hammer to myself, or I just refuse to change at all, instead of (gasp!) allowing myself to be whittled and molded. Increasingly in the quiet I hear God whispering, offering his great graces. I wish to be a person of stillness rather than the clamor and discord that I am.

    Liked by 6 people

    • auscitizenmom says:

      If you are be whittled and molded, chances are you just aren’t noticing it.

      Liked by 5 people

    • stella says:

      Mornin’ Menagerie. I suspect that those of “clamor and discord” are needed in this world as much as those of stillness.

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    • Lucille says:

      If God could take all the clamor and discord that was St. Augustine in his youth and use it to create the great theologian he became, there is hope for us all. The following is from a scholarly discourse on Augustine’s SOLILOQUIES:

      “Always a lover, loving life, love, man, woman, letters, discourse, with
      inexhaustible passion, Augustine coasted half his life at his peril among the rocks and
      over the shallows along the shore of the vast deep which waited for him far beyond.
      But now at thirty-three years of age when we meet him in the Soliloquies, he has gone
      to sea with God. Flood-tide has lifted him off the perilous ledges of his passions, and,
      fearless in those unsounded depths where pilot and port are one (Soliloquies I, 4), all
      the currents of his soul set to one course, — “God and the soul,” “the soul and God

      At this solemn interval moment we see him in communion with the immanent
      Deity concerning the issues of life. Behind him lies his past in ruins; before him looms
      his future in nebulae; between these Augustine questions and prays: “Teach me how to
      come to Thee! I have nothing but the will. I know nothing but that the fleeting and
      failing should be spurned, the certain and eternal sought. This I do, Father, for this is
      all I know: but how to make my way to Thee I know not. Do Thou suggest it, make it
      plain, equip me for the journey! If they who take refuge in Thee, find Thee by faith,
      give me faith! If by virtue, give me virtue! If by knowledge, give me knowledge!”

      Liked by 5 people

      • Lucille says:

        Sorry it printed out so strangely…but maybe it’s easier to read this way.

        God knows our inner desire to belong more securely to Him and to do His will. I was reading recently in the Book of Mark where Jesus is confronted by a father bringing his demon possessed son to Him for healing. He asks Jesus…(Chapter 9:22…) “But please, if you’re able to do something, anything—have compassion on us and help us!”

        23 Jesus said to him, “What do you mean ‘if’? If you are able to believe, all things are possible to the believer.”

        24 When he heard this, the boy’s father cried out with tears, saying, “I do believe, Lord; help my little faith!”

        May this be our response to those deep longings for greater faith in these times when stress can overpower us…”Lord, help my little faith.”

        Read the full passage of Mark 8:14-26 here…

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    • As I was saying my prayers I clicked on this article I saved rather than my regular prayer document. This jumped out at me to forward to you. Interesting that it is by St Augustine as Lucille has also mentioned him:
      A Prayer to the Holy Spirit, by St. Augustine:
      Breathe into me, Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy.
      Move in me, Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy.
      Attract my heart, Holy Spirit, that I may love only what is holy.
      Strengthen me, Holy Spirit, that I may defend all that is holy.
      Protect me, Holy Spirit, that I may always be holy.
      Amen ~ from “Pentecost Sunday: The Coming of the Holy Spirit” Posted on May 31, 2020 by Dr. Eowyn

      This is also a short prayer to the Holy Spirit, maybe my favorite prayer:
      Come Holy Ghost:
      COME, Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of Thy faithful, and kindle in them the fire of Thy love.
      V. Send forth Thy Spirit, and they shall be created;
      R. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
      Let Us Pray
      O God, Who has instructed the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Ghost, grant that by the same Spirit we may be always truly wise, and ever rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. (From the Roman Missal)

      I dearly love the Holy Spirit, and believe fervent prayers to the loving 3rd person of the Trinity, our advocate and guide, has truly changed my life. I am very much still a vessel chipped and cracked by my sins, but also glued back together by God’s mercy, so hopefully I may in my little way be of service to Him by sharing the light, love and consolation of the Holy Spirit sent to us by God.

      My journey towards the Holy Spirit started with reading the simple fact HE was the one sent to guide and be our advocate on this earth. That is the promise of Jesus. Four of the seven sacraments are a result of the Descent of the Holy Spirit: Reconciliation, Confirmation, Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick. After that realization I said the Novena for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit found here I also read the little booklet “The Holy Ghost Our Greatest Friend”, and that as they say is how it started. 🙂

      We are all on a journey, and some don’t even know it. You know, and you seek God. God hears you, but with a full and stressed mind it is hard to hear Him. We must accept there will be suffering in life, which is hard for everyone. I know I whine too much at times!!! Today’s Sunday Devotional is well-timed as well: Sunday Devotional: Suffering is the human condition Posted on February 7, 2021 by Dr. Eowyn

      Remember: “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words” (Rom. viii., 26).

      So go to bed and let your thoughts go to God’s love for you, and let Him take the overnight shift, for as I once heard, He’s awake all night. Tomorrow is a new day to start fresh again. 😉

      Liked by 3 people

      • Lucille says:

        Romans 8:26 is such a beautiful promise God makes to us. I learned it as a child when the King James Version was the most read at my church. And the word instead of “sighs” is “groanings” in the KJV, which is so visual.

        Humans groan for various reasons, mostly because of pain but the cause can also be confusion or indecision or disbelief…not that the Holy Spirit is experiencing any of those, of course. Groanings indicate something coming from deep within, however. And when WE ARE experiencing those things, the Holy Spirit acknowledges our emotions about them and forms our prayers for us, thus aiding us in conforming our desires to what God knows is best for us.

        The Holy Spirit’s intercession…what a gift…a magnificent gift!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. WeeWeed says:

    Meanwhile, in Louisiana……

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  6. auscitizenmom says:

    Morning’ everyone. What a way to start the day. We took our regular walk. It had rained last night and the concrete around the pool was wet, As soon as I stepped foot on it, my foot went out from under me and down I went on my left side. I am sitting with ice on my shoulder and knee. But, I hit flat on my side. The problem was getting up. And, Loki stayed right with me, thank goodness, I couldn’t have run after her.

    My neighbors had a party that started last night about 7:00 and evidently lasted until around 5:00 this morning. I have a noisemaker in my bedroom so I could still sleep. But, I woke up a couple off times and still could hear the music, but went right back to sleep. I’m surprised the other neighbors didn’t call and have it stopped. I actually find it hard to believe that people who live in an apartment think it is okay to have a loud party after midnight.

    Liked by 8 people

  7. auscitizenmom says:

    Now, after alll that whining, I hope you all have a nice day.

    Liked by 6 people

    • czarina33 says:

      Rain is over for a couple of days, sunny soon and warming up. Going to our house in NO to wash windows and plant azaleas. My brother and step-son are fixing-up the house to put it on the market, hopefully before the end of the week.

      Liked by 9 people

  8. Sharon says:

    The daily HIGH temp across eastern Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, and dropping south a bit from those areas …. is going to be between 2 and 10 blow zero (F) all week this week. Litenmaus is going to have some three-dog nights.

    I do not gloat about it….good grief, no……but I am grateful not to be facing those temps any more. It’s a 24/7 alert—just to say well and alive–

    Reminds me to pray for the poor truckers whose dispatchers are sitting somewhere in Alabama or Missouri yelling at the trucker to get his butt back on the road and stop whining….the #2 fuel that truckers ordinarily use begins to gel at the 20-30 below night time temps that these areas will be having….so they need to buy #3 fuel….and sometimes those dispatchers and their bosses won’t authorize that alternative.

    During the years we lived near Rothsay in west Central MN, we occasionally saw those truckers nearly in tears in the middle of the night, trying to deal with conditions they themselves were also unfamiliar with, and having some yahoo yelling at them on the phone. That kind of cold just hurts and is, fairly quickly, life-threatening.

    So I have a thought for the truckers up there today….as well as anyone who suffers a flat tire. Gotta stay home…..

    Liked by 5 people

    • Sharon says:

      I don’t know if this will go to the window I have open, or just the general NOAHH site….

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    • litenmaus says:

      Morning Sharon……It is definitely a wee bit cold here. Got down to about -15 last night and at the moment it’s about -7.

      You’re absolutely correct, this kind of cold hurts. I walked across the street this morning to break the ice and water the feral kittehs and by the time I got back in the house (about 10 minutes) my face was in agony and my leather gloves were frozen solid.

      Liked by 5 people

      • stella says:

        I was just watching videos of two sailing families that I follow. One Canadian family is in Thailand and were just able to get back to their boat after 13 months, with their new baby girl. The boat is a hot mess and they are busy cleaning it up and fixing it. The other couple is in Tonga. They too were separated from their boat home for months because of this Covid mess.

        They are both reporting hot and humid weather where they are!

        Liked by 3 people

    • Lucille says:

      At the family ranch about 50 kilometers west of Edmonton, it was -40 Celsius this morning which is one of those points where Celsius and Fahrenheit meet numerically. So think “40 below” in Fahrenheit. Oh, I hope the barn cats and horses are OK.

      Liked by 4 people

      • jtrstill says:

        We had snow all night. In Georgia! The lights (and heat) went out last night at 11:00. and they got them back on at 9:00 this morning! I didn’t sleep a wink all night. Woke up to 6 inches! It’s mostly melted now, sadly. But at least it has warmed up a bit! 52 degrees!

        Liked by 4 people

        • Lucille says:

          We were supposed to get snow today in the Idaho Panhandle, but no go. It’s 32 degrees right now and snow is still predicted…so maybe tonight or overnight.

          Stay warm!

          Liked by 2 people

        • Menagerie says:

          My son lives three miles from us, up on a mountain. They had snow, we had rain. It was strange to stand on our patio and look at the white mountaintop.

          Liked by 3 people

  9. Afternoon all 🙂

    After seeing the image of the fuzzy cat book yesterday on Caturday I just had to “clean it up” a little. This is a quick job, but I wanted it done today, and you can see how perhaps it originally looked. It is a trademarked “Fuzzy Wuzzy Book”

    They had fuzzy puppies, ducklings, bears and a Santa as well!

    Here is an illustration of the Old North Church and Paul Revere statue in Boston I think by Lantern Press:

    Here is a photo of the actual location:

    Take care of yourself USMom! Let us know any updates. Have to run. Great images today. Be back later 😉

    Liked by 4 people

    • Lucille says:

      I remember asking Mom to read me the “Fuzzy Wuzzy book.” It was one of my favorites besides “Beautiful Joe” about a cruelly mistreated dog being rescued and afterwards having a good life. The story is told by Beautiful Joe himself, thus its being called an autobiography. Just now I went online to see if I could find the book and burst into tears when this copy was found for sale….

      It’s funny, but I recall so many things from that time…1944-45…and the home we owned in Torrance–a smallish southern California city about 5 miles from the ocean–where after World War 2 and war work, the populace went back to farming and dairy ownership. I remember where the phone was in that house…in the dining room on what looked to me a VERY high (LOL!) built-in, glass door cabinet. And also remember Mom letting me break the yellow liquid bubble on the plastic sack of white margarine to make it look like butter.

      Oh, the things that kids thought were fun in those days!

      Liked by 5 people

  10. stella says:

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  11. stella says:

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  12. Lucille says:

    Iraq’s foreign minister enters talks with Iran to bring charges against Trump over killing of Soleimani
    February 6, 2021 12:00 PM BY CHRISTINE DOUGLASS-WILLIAMS

    Under Biden, the Middle East is as turbulent as ever, with the Islamic State rising once again in Iraq and rogue Iran viewing a Biden administration as a pushover. Bad news for Western interests, and it’s likely to get worse.


  13. stella says:

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  14. stella says:

    Just had late lunch/early dinner. Cheese tortellini with a mixed seafood sauce (frozen shrimp, squid, baby scallops, mussels in a sauce made with green onion, garlic, white wine, lemon and hot pepper flakes, salt and black pepper, and finished with butter and grated gruyere cheese). I’m stuffed! I bought the frozen seafood mix at Aldi’s. I’m afraid it had seafood from India and China, so I won’t buy that again, but it was tasty.

    Liked by 3 people

  15. Lucille says:

    I want to know what the heck we’re doing with a base in Kenya, for goodness sake!

    ‘O Allah kill the disbelievers’: Jihadis in Kenya release video of raid on US base, vow more attacks on US targets
    February 7, 2021 5:00 PM By ROBERT SPENCER

    Old Joe has emboldened jihadis not just in Iran, but all over the world. But what is with all the Islamic terminology in the communiques from al-Shabaab quoted below? Don’t these guys know that they have nothing whatsoever to do with Islam? John Kerry should fly his private jet over to Kenya and explain the true, peaceful Islam to them.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. auscitizenmom says:

    I just watched Garrett Ziegler on Monkeywerx. It is about an hour long but was sooooo interesting. He was a midlevel staffer under , okay, forgot already, but he answered a lot of questions we all have had. Patrick Byrne was not nuts and it is true that Meadows kept (the My Pillow Guy) and the best lawyer in the world out of Trump’s office when they had important info for him. In fact, Garrett had actually let them in at one point and lost his ability to usher people in because of it.

    I have to get something to help my mind. 😯

    Liked by 1 person

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