Where do we go from here? Alison Morrow, Rich Baris, and Robert Barnes

Scheduled to begin at 5:30 pm ET.

What will the media do now? What about polling?

Alison Morrow quit her TV news career in 2019 after 12 years as a reporter and has worked in Georgia, Tennessee, Florida and most recently Seattle where she was the Environmental Reporter for KING TV. She has left the local news to live off the grid in an Airstream with her former Marine husband.

Richard D. Baris is the Director of the Big Data Poll and Data Journalism Editor at People’s Pundit Daily (PPD). He is also the author of the must-read book on American political philosophy, Our Virtuous Republic: The Forgotten Clause in the American Social Contract.

From small-town East Ridge, Tennessee, to the elite environs of the Eastern Ivy league, Robert Barnes walks among the humble and the haughty. Traveling from the everyday to the esteemed, representing clients fighting for their civil rights and celebrities taking on the IRS, Barnes heeds the advice of his newspaper-throwing father, Walter, who was fond of reminding, “Never judge a man until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes”.

As a young man, this exposure to widely varying walks of life gave Barnes a unique ability to empathize with and advocate for others no matter their background. Today, he uses this same empathy to serve his clients, persuade his juries, and win over the judges who preside over his trials.

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23 Responses to Where do we go from here? Alison Morrow, Rich Baris, and Robert Barnes

  1. jeans2nd says:

    Re: their Q Anon discussion – no one, not one person, has mentioned Gen Flynn’s involvement with Q Anon. Wonder why.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. texan59 says:

    Forgive me, but the longer we keep pretending that Q was anything but a big psyops to get people wired up, we’re not going to get anywhere. Q is not a real person. It needs to die and be forgotten. Believing in Q is like me believing that Sandra Bullock is gonna call me someday and ask me to marry her.

    Liked by 3 people

    • stella says:

      And these three agree with that. So do I.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Menagerie says:

      These people who bought into that crap are never going to admit they were wrong, not even to themselves. One comment I trashed this morning said President Trump would be back in charge on Monday. Good grief, they never give up.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Menagerie says:

      To be fair, I’ll clarify. I don’t think that the comment in the trash was Q related, but same mentality.

      Liked by 2 people

    • glendl says:

      Everyone needs a goal in life and you have a mighty admirable goal.

      Liked by 2 people

    • glendl says:

      I am glad to hear your assessment of Q-Anon, I keep hearing the name but never figured out exactly what so important or influential about it. Granted, I never tired to find out, I just figured if it was that important, I wouldn’t have to go looking.

      So, essentially, Trump is no longer President, but Q is going to complete his mission, unless tens of millions of dollars are not spent containing it. Of course, in order to really protect us from Q, the Government will need to restrict our freedom & liberties just a little bit more. Nothing more than a ‘common-sense’ approach.

      Liked by 2 people

      • stella says:

        It is thought by many that QAnon was responsible for the Capitol “invasion”. That people like the young woman who was shot were convinced that they were being called to action by anonymous military leaders to invade the Capitol and force the Congress to deem the Electoral College vote invalid.

        Menagerie is right. There is a large group of people who are still saying “trust the plan”, that President Trump will be back in power soon, and that Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi etc will all be in jail. And some of them would support more violent action if those events could be brought to pass.

        If this is so, QAnon is responsible for actions that did President Trump harm. They are not our friends.

        Liked by 3 people

        • glendl says:

          I know that if Q-Anon actually exists, that I will be in due time shooting at them.
          Q-Anon can join a lengthy list of groups and people that are imminent threats to the United States and like every one of them … Let’s put it this way, I hear a lot about UFOs. but I have yet to see one.
          – I know that many claim to think and I seriously call that into question. Yes, many blame Q-Anon, the main problem is that I do not believe them. Q-Anon has a better chance of existing and actually being a threat than I have of hearing the truth from either the Democrats, RINOs, and media, not that there is difference between them.
          – I have seen many Trump supporting parades, conservative supporting parades and I have yet to see anyone in a fur suit and horns. I have yet to see or hear about any violence unless it was in self defense. There has never been any littering.
          -I am not sure what they young woman, who was shot to death, believed, I really don’t care, Called to action by anonymous US military leaders. I could call together some people and get more done that the US military put in the field that day.
          The same people that talk about the dangers of Q-Anon have yet to call the actions of BLM, Pantifa and others threat after numerous deaths and untold amounts of damages.
          – I will not hold my breath for Trump to make a return, I am not sure that there will be anything to return to in 2024. I won’t bother going into details about what I have had to say to anyone calling for stronger measures, it is barely tolerable elsewhere.
          – The Leftist mentioned the elections of 1800 & 1824 for deeming the Electoral college bot invalid. Congress can render it invalid. At which point it is put in the hands of the House of Representatives in which each state gets one vote. The Democrats knew they would lose that one. They never mentioned the Election of 1876 for as far as Electoral College problems, with good reason. That being it would have brought their own corruptness into sharp focus.


          • texan59 says:

            Nor………..have we seen JFK Jr. reappear from Davy Jones’ locker like we were told, and on and on and on. Do I think that some of the things Q talked about are real. Absolutely. That’s why people glom onto stuff like this. There’s an element of truth in there. Sadly, too many people actually believe there’s a pony in the pile of manure. There isn’t. No matter how much we want to believe in Santa Claus.


            • glendl says:

              I never heard anyone talk about the resurrection of JFK Jr, nor do I expect it. I do not dig through manure piles looking for anything, never have and never will.
              I have no idea what Q-Anon talks about or writes about if they can write. The only time I hear about or read about Q-Anon are from Leftists, most if not are government officials. Government officials that praise, enable. encourage, excuse, bail out, support in other ways, fail to prosecute, and probably fund BLM/Black Panthers, Antifa, La Raza,
              = I don’t recall if I mentioned this here before, so be it.
              In the name of Social Justice, BLM beat a friend of mine to death. It was not that neat, he spend to months in the hospital hooked to machines before one of his sons in his upper 20s had to tell the doctor to take him off life support. My friend was full blooded Chippewa Indian.
              There is not one sound reason I need to concern myself with warning from the supporters of the those that killed my friend.


              • stella says:

                The story about JFK Jr. is that he never really died. Just where he has been hiding all these years I’m sure I don’t know. Copied from Twitter by me, just now:

                Liked by 1 person

                • glendl says:

                  Thank, you.
                  These people are going to end up in padded cells, However, those that worry about the threat they pose should be current residents of those padded cells. That is why I do not pay any attention to them.


                  • stella says:

                    I’m not worried about a threat from Q either. My point is, and has always been, that Q has done damage by making the rest of us sound like nuts, and giving the left an excuse to crack down.

                    Liked by 1 person

                • glendl says:

                  If it wasn’t the Q-balls, the Left would have another excuse, not that they need much. The idea is to suppress all opposition to their agenda. Alinksy Rule 9 (original) to Rule 13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. ”
                  Even though they still riot in Portland, 8, they are not the problem.


      • jeans2nd says:

        When you’ve a spare half hour, this guy does a great job. imo

        Psy-Op Exposed! Why Are These People Lying To Us? 24:18

        Liked by 2 people

  3. jeans2nd says:

    Stella – have you listened to other discussion vids from Eric Hunley?
    Listened to one this afternoon from last week with Brad Johnson, retired CIA Operations Chief Brad Johnson. Johnson gives a great history of the CIA,and covers the Russian Hoax, validating most we already know.

    Then Johnson goes into a whole bunch of SWAG re: data switched to Germany and Italy, affidavits from Italy, and other assorted such nonsense.
    Will not link the Johnson vid, is available on youtube.

    This afternoon was Part 2 of “Where do we go from here?” with Nate the Lawyer and Viva Frei.

    Viva Frei and Nate the Lawyer Where do we go from here? 1:59:43


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