General Discussion, Monday, December 28, 2020

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62 Responses to General Discussion, Monday, December 28, 2020

  1. Lucille says:


    Sunrise Bench in a New Jersey Winter…

    “Winter in Michigan” photo by Rachel Cohen…

    Winter in the City…

    “Bench Under Crabapple Tree In Winter” photo by Craig Sterken…

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Lucille says:

    If you’ve never been to Beverly Hills, here’s a very short tour prior to Christmas of the main shopping street I’m sure you’ve heard of…

    Let’s Tour Rodeo Drive and the Holiday Lights & Decorations

    Christophe Choo is one of the leading real estate agents in southern California.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Menagerie says:

    Good morning all. A quote to start the Monday with.

    Amid all the fear that characterizes our time, we Christians are summoned to live in joy and communicate joy—joy in spite of fear, joy in the midst of fear.
    — Hans Urs von Balthasar
    from You Crown the Year with Your Goodness

    May God help us to live this out, as we end the least joy filled year I’ve ever seen.

    Liked by 6 people

  4. auscitizenmom says:

    Mornin’ all. Bright sunny day here. My big excitement for today is to go pick up groceries at Walmart. Loki goes with me, but she has now figured out how to get out of a clip that connects to a strap in her booster seat. It takes me two hands to undo it, and somehow she has figured out how to do it in about 30 sec with no hands. :\ I don’t like her running loose in the car because she could get under my feet. Plus, it isn’t safe for her to be loose in the car in case of an accident or just me slamming on the brakes. I guess I will have to put the bigger, heavier clip back on the strap, but it is so hard for me to open that one. We will see if she can. LOL

    Liked by 3 people

    • stella says:

      Mornin’ mom. They are clever devils.

      Liked by 2 people

    • If he uses his teeth can you put a muzzle on him? In general it may be good to get a dog to not fight a muzzle (in case of emergencies they sometimes freak out and nip at those trying to help them.) Put it on using treats for a minute or two at home and gradually work up to more time and when in car. Giving a treat for being a good boy he may look at it as a good thing and a game. Might be easier on your hands.


      • auscitizenmom says:

        I just put the old link back on and she can’t get it open. It is funny how she spins and spins and the strap hooking her to the seatbelt gets totally twisted tight. But she didn’t get out of it.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Lucille says:

      Good day to you, aus! It feels a lot colder than the 31 degrees says it is and will be going down to 24 tonight.

      Sounds like Miss Loki is a genius when it comes to strap clips of the smaller variety. Hopefully using a larger clip won’t get her little brain working overtime to defeat it.

      Do you use the Pickup and Delivery online order service at Walmart? I use both the local delivery part for fresh meats, produce and perishables and the regular delivery via the usual carriers of FedEx, UPS, USPS and OnTrac for soups, cat food and kitty litter and other non-perishables. So very convenient.


      • auscitizenmom says:

        I just order the groceries at Walmart and have them put in the car. They cover groceries and some other things from the store, although I have noticed that they are removing some of the non-food items from the order pages. They are awfully busy with just the groceries, I think. I don’t buy meats, except for canned meat like tuna from Walmart. I buy chicken at Publix. It is always better.

        Our store was one of the first Walmarts to do this delivery to the car. They actually trained the people who work delivery at the other Walmart stores. So, we have always had exceptional service there.


        • auscitizenmom says:

          Yes, I was talking about the pickup and delivery service. I haven’t had delivery to my apt. I was really glad I had set this up before I injured my knee and couldn’t walk very well. Their little electric carts, of which they have many, are always out, because there are so many people injured and hugely overweight. I still could drive over and have a cart to bring it in the apt but I couldn’t walk through the store.


      • auscitizenmom says:

        There is hardly ever a weather problem here (excluding hurricanes, of course, 🙄 ) so I try to get out as much as I can for the exercise.


  5. auscitizenmom says:

    Can anybody explain what is going on with this so-called COVID tax bill? I have heard the explanation about 15 times on FOX this morning. and I can’t figure out what President Trump is doing. They say he signed the bill and sent it back for changes??? Congress isn’t going to do anything without his pressure.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. auscitizenmom says:

    Stella, WP has now decided in its infinite wisdom. 🙄 that I can now have the new posts sent to me each day……………a day late. 🙄 Seriously?!!

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Morning Everyone!
    Here is a lovely painting by Cicely Mary Barker:

    I could not find the painting referenced in the following information from wikipedia ~ Cicely Mary Barker (1895 – 1973)* Barker was an epileptic as a child, and cared for at home by her parents, & later her elder sister. She was an English illustrator best known for a series of fantasy illustrations depicting fairies and flowers. Barker’s art education began in girlhood with correspondence courses and instruction at the Croydon School of Art. She produced a few Christian-themed books such as The Children’s Book of Hymns and, in collaboration with her sister Dorothy, He Leadeth Me. She designed a stained glass window for St. Edmund’s Church, Pitlake, and her painting of the Christ Child, The Darling of the World Has Come, was purchased by Queen Mary. Barker was equally proficient in watercolour, pen and ink, oils, and pastels. Kate Greenaway was a childhood favorite and an influence on her art. Barker’s child subjects wear nostalgic clothing as Greenaway’s children do, though Barker’s children are less melancholy and less flat in appearance, due perhaps to advances in printing technology. Barker studied flowers with an analytical eye and was friend to children’s illustrator, Margaret Tarrant. Along with Greenaway, illustrator Alice B. Woodward also influenced Barker’s work.

    Here she is in a 1920 photo:

    See I don’t only like Margaret Tarrant Nativity paintings – I like friends of Margaret Tarrant paintings! Hahaha! The style of this popular genre of British paintings at that time was just so nice.

    *Imagine living from the late 1800’s with little to no electricity, no automated transportation and possibly using outhouses, to the late 1900’s with airplanes, cars, cellphones, TV’s, and computers! Also 2 world wars, and the Korea and Vietnam wars and a great depression. E-gads! Talk about change!

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Here is a different design of cake to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus – the kingship of Jesus:

    Have a great day everyone! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • Lucille says:

      Love this cake idea, G&C! You’d almost hate to ruin it by cutting slices, though.

      The Cicely Barker painting is lovely and more in keeping with the thinking that Mary was a teenager rather than a full adult. Thanks for the post.


  9. MaryfromMarin says:

    A blessed Fourth Day of Christmas to all….

    Liked by 4 people

  10. Lucille says:

    OK, who out there has the nerve to drive this route in the dead of winter? Gives me the willies just thinking of it.

    Red Mountain Pass, Colorado’s “Million Dollar Highway,” US Route 550

    Liked by 1 person

    • auscitizenmom says:

      My friend and another friend who had spent their whole lives in Florida went to Denver, CO to see a Egyptian exhibition back about 8 or 10 years ago. When they flew into Denver, they had set up a car rental, a small SUV, which they were both used to driving. The man asked where they were going and they gave him the address and he said they had to take a big SUV because the smaller one would never make it up the mountain in the snow. They both freaked out. Neither had ever driven a big car, or in snow, or gone up a mountain. They had been told that their time share was in a valley. Neither realized that a valley is between two mountains.

      So it was a pretty harrowing trip and they were both scared half to death. But, their description of that road looks like this picture. I had tried to tell them that there would be snow and it was mountainous. They just didn’t believe me and wouldn’t look into it. I at least got my BFF to take my coat, scarf, hat, and gloves, and she went out and bought some long-johns to wear. LOL


    • stella says:

      I have driven that road, but not in the winter. It is often closed during storms, and it is safer now than it used to be since they installed some snow sheds (protects against being swept by an avalanche over the side).


    • stella says:

      PS: It is scary enough when it isn’t snowing, since there aren’t any guardrails and the shoulders are pretty thin.


  11. jeans2nd says:

    Merry Belated Christmas, Stella and Stellars.
    Hope all here had the best Christmas ever.

    7:00 p.m. Christmas Eve, while talking with Wicked Son, the puter decided to disconnect the inet connection.
    Having a few years experience between us (WS has been a Cisco Certified Network Engineer for quite some time), the obvious prob was the splice at the pole, but Spectrum was having none of that, so after Christmas Spectrum sent out a green tech, who checked all the lines and replaced the modem.

    Low and behold, the prob was the splice coming from the pole. ‘Magine that.
    Spectrum finally sent out a real tech.

    Anyways, apologies for tardy Christmas greetings. You all especially i wanted to send the very best Christmas wishes.

    Liked by 1 person

    • stella says:

      Glad to see you back. I had the same problem with internet a couple of months ago. They replaced the modem and all of the lines.


    • stella says:

      Forgot to mention that I was lucky to have an xfinitywifi close by my house and was able to buy a couple of days of service. I recently found out that they are no longer selling service by the day or week.


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