General Discussion, Monday, December 14, 2020

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43 Responses to General Discussion, Monday, December 14, 2020

  1. Lucille says:


    Alberta, Canada…

    Central Park, NYC…

    Benton Harbor, Michigan…

    Have a great day!

    Liked by 7 people

    • czarowniczy says:

      I can remember the morning light in Utah after a snow storm. The storm cleared the air and while the rising sun indirectly lit the valley from behind the mountains, as it crested the peaks the golden light would illuminate everything from trees to buildings from the top down.

      Same up the valleys, but there you’d get the uneven lighting due to sunlight sneaking in from other angles. Probably not that much of that left now as the California nest-dirtiers have changed the Valley forever.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Lucille says:

    American Thought Leaders – The Epoch Times – December 13, 2020

    Joining us today is attorney Sidney Powell, who has been leading election lawsuits in multiple states. On Friday, she filed emergency requests to the Supreme Court, asking the justices to order officials in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona to de-certify their 2020 election results.

    We discuss the current status of the legal challenges she’s involved in and her thoughts on the Supreme Court’s rejection of the Texas lawsuit as well as the conclusion of the Flynn case.

    This is American Thought Leaders, and I’m Jan Jekielek.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. auscitizenmom says:

    Mornin’ everyone. Back up into the 70’s. Guess it will be in the high 80’s or 90’s here by afternoon. Not very Christmassy. Oh, well, another day……..more news. Hope everybody stays safe and warm.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Lucille says:

    BREAKING: Antrim Co. Forensic Report BOMBSHELL Reveals Dominion Machines Were Set At 68.05% Error Rate…Meaning 68.05% Of Ballots Could Be Sent Out For Mass Adjudication, Giving Individuals Or Machines Ability To Change 68.05% Of Votes
    By Patty McMurray – Published December 14, 2020 at 10:48am

    Background article also at…looks like a threat which is against the law to me….

    MI Attorney Responsible For Forensic Examination Of 16 Dominion Machines Gets Threatening Call From MI State Bar… Radical MI AG Nessel Threatens “MI Lawyers” Supporting Trump
    By Joe Hoft – Published December 13, 2020 at 10:15pm

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Lucille says:

    Stephen Miller: We have more than enough time to right the wrong of this fraudulent election result


  6. Lucille says:

    Hopefully the Trump team is advising our President to do this….

    Steven Douglas
    THREAD #NotForTwatter

    *Problem*: Elections are controlled exclusively by States. Ergo, no federal access to ballots or machines. The federal government has VERY limited jurisdiction, which States can EASILY obstruct.

    *Solution*: Establish that foreign actors directly meddled in ALL State elections (2018 EO activated).

    It ALL becomes a federal (National Security) issue. Ballots AND machines can ALL be seized – BY THE MILITARY – for targeted searches for evidence of FOREIGN interference.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. auscitizenmom says:

    Just heard on The Five that Bill Barr has given President Trump is resignation.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Lucille says:

    In case you missed this like I did…more great work by our President….

    President Trump Finalizes Rule Protecting the Right of Christian Groups to Hire Christian Employees
    By Steven Ertelt – December 10, 2020

    Imagine running a Christian organization or business and having the government tell you that you have ti hire someone whose religious or non-religious views are totally contrary to the aims and goals of your organization. Imagine running a pro-life group and having the government insist you hire someone who promotes abortion.

    Liked by 1 person

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