General Discussion, Monday, December 7, 2020

St. Peter & Paul’s Church, Vilnius, Lithuania

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59 Responses to General Discussion, Monday, December 7, 2020

  1. Lucille says:


    Christmas Markets in Vilnius…

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Lucille says:

    Not Voting For The Republican Senate Candidates In Georgia Is Stupid
    By Kurt Schlichter – Posted: Deemberc 07, 2020 12:01 AM

    Let’s not beat around the bush – the idea that somehow it’s a genius, 5-D chess strategy to punish the Democrats for cheating in the last election by handing them the next election (and the Senate) by boycotting the Georgia run-offs is so transcendently dumb that it’s awe-inspiring. It’s really remarkable not only in how absolutely idiotic it is, but how it also manages to combine substantive foolishness with doing exactly what the liberals want done.

    Make Chuck Schumer smile by teaching the GOP some unspecified lesson. Good plan.

    Liked by 5 people

    • glendl says:

      Excellent. I am not sure how I missed this yesterday, but I did. Every election people say they are not voting for either candidate for one reason or another, the main one being is their claim to be taking ‘the high moral ground’. The last one to say that to me brought this response. “By not voting for President Trump, you ensured that babies born alive after a botched abortion will be killed, there will be an amnesty for 40 million Illegal Aliens, with the promise of all who can get here, and that is the short list”..


  3. auscitizenmom says:

    Mornin’ all. Cool and rainy here this morning. Goodness. I just saw the winds in New England. Glad I’m not there. I almost OD’d on Hallmark Christmas movies over the weekend. I don’t want to develop Hallmark diabetes. 🙄

    Liked by 4 people

    • stella says:

      Mornin’ mom!


    • G-dandCountry says:

      Hi USMom! Yup, many up here are without power. I felt we need some Santa, hence my daily pic 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Well, maybe the rain will make extra juicy oranges and lemons next summer 😉

      I have OD’d on Hallmark They are all so similar, but sometimes the scenery and interior decor is nice so I’ll have it on while I’m doing something else and mute it! Hahaha!

      Liked by 3 people

  4. Lucille says:

    Good morning, aus! We’re at 30 degrees with overcast and maybe a little sun later.

    This film is on my agenda today. Haven’t seen it in many years. Will it be as good and crazy as I remember…hopefully yes….

    “Road To Bali” (1952) Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Lucille says:

    I’ve been listening to this beautiful piece for a couple of days now. Absolutely one of my favorites. In the late 1950s my mother and I would listen to it while sitting on our front porch in the evenings awaiting my father’s return from work around 11:30 PM.

    Rachmaninov Piano concerto No 2 in C Minor op. 18.

    Alexis Weissenberg, pianist, and Herbert Von Karajan conducting the Berlin Philharmonic – 1974
    Love the photography…the filming of Weissenberg’s hands is excellent.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Afternoon Everyone! 🙂

    So it’s cold and gray up here. Many people are still without power from a few days ago. Thankfully I have power, probably because we spent tons of money installing a whole house generator and large propane tank. BUT in NO WAY am I complaining!!!
    So to warm up and in the spirit of the season we have Santa warming his toesies next to a nice, warm fireplace by the famous illustrator Haddon Sundblom. Sundblom was widely known for his Santa illustrations, but illustrated many other subjects.

    Have a great day everyone! 😉

    Liked by 5 people

    • czarowniczy says:

      Yesssssss…nothing like knowing that there’s 400 gallons of propane and 22K whole-house backup out there. Does make one feel cozy at night when that wind’s ablowin’, totally agree.

      Liked by 1 person

      • My friend moved here a few years before me just in time for a MAJOR ice storm! Many, many towns lost power for weeks. She barely had any time in her newly built house before they had to drain all the water and leave to stay with relatives for 2-3 weeks. Right after they came back she got a whole house (probably not really for the size of her mcmansion) generator. After her experience the 2nd thing we did after moving in was get that generator and propane tank (we have oil, she had propane but not a back-up generator). The “funny” thing is we’ve only lost power 1-2 times a year for a relatively short time with the longest time being only once for about 8 hours. Oh well, we had no way of knowing that before we plunked down thousands of dollars. And people wonder why the house hasn’t been “prettied up” yet. However I am NOT looking for a huge storm to get my money out of it! Nope, Nope, don’t even want to think of that!

        Liked by 1 person

    • The Tundra PA says:

      Looks like the old Coca Cola Santa. Same artist?

      Liked by 2 people

      • Yes! It is reported Sundblom got the idea from the “Twas the Night Before Christmas” poem by Clement Clark Moore 1st anonymously published in 1823.
        I have not watched this video yet, but it looks interesting. 🙂
        Here is Santa illustrated by Sundblom for the 1931 “Thirst knows no season” advertising campaign:

        * Saint Nicholas the Bishop would not have been fat considering he spent years in prison.
        A great website about Saint Nicholas is
        I wanted to post info from the site, but you have to get written permission before copying anything. I don’t blame them because I’m GUESSING the info they have has been mangled and changed for many reasons. It is a great site to visit.

        Saint Nicholas day was Sunday Dec 6th.
        Born:Traditionally 15 March 270, Patara, Roman Empire
        Died:Traditionally December 6, 343, Myra, Byzantine Empire
        Major shrine:Basilica di San Nicola, Bari, Italy

        Liked by 3 people

  7. JTR says:

    You are one lucky gal! We have propane, but the heater doesn’t work without the lekkie! We can heat with the stove, but have to keep a window in the kitchen cracked to avoid bad gases! I have been known to park a parrot in my bra!

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Ok, Time for hot chocolate! 🙂
    The Hot Chocolate bar is OPEN!

    Here’s a nice Holiday set. There are more cups in the back, and we have an unlimited amount of refills 😉

    We can have it with the cookies from the cookie post, but what to add as “flavoring”? There must be a hazelnut liquor to add a touch! 😉

    Of course some “people” just should not imbibe!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. czarowniczy says:

    Speaking of propane…my son was cleaning the plates on the Viking range last nite and lo, there was a green tree from under the plate, nice and warm. Czarina took it out to the garage, where instead of a car we have our tropical plants right now, and put it into one of the big pots where it could dig in and hibernate.

    I’m feeling less crappier, signs pointing to my living for a while longer, sarcasm waxing and cats adjusting to the idea they won’t see the will any time soon.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Glad you are feeling “less crappy”. 🙂
      As far as the cats, just make sure they’re not covering your face while you’re sleeping. They’re worse than a useless wuflu mask! 😉

      I’ve been a somewhat stressed, bad girl playing hooky here today. Last week had doc check out lump on arm, had surgeon appointment today and ultrasound tomorrow to see whether it can be removed in office or if I’ll need to go into hospital with general anesthesia. This is the 7th fast growing tumor/cyst I’ve had. 3 benign & 3 adenomas. At least they are not cancerous like the rest of the family. Must be the side-effects of living almost the 1st 30 years of your life surrounded by 3 superfund sites.

      I have to move my butt and get some work done. I have so much to do.
      Had a nice time here today with you all! 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

      • czarowniczy says:

        I managed to drive into town and get some labs done for an upcoming doc visit and about 2 hours of misc stuff before I hit the wall. Did manage to get two nice, fat donuts to split with our grandson. No bad when, for a week almost, I was sleeping 8 to 10 hours a day and just about all of the time I was up I sat in my recliner.

        Hope the visit comes out OK, I know how the wait to find out ‘IF’,,,can be a drag. When I got my ‘all clear’ it was about 9 AM and I went out immediately to find a bar.

        Know how you feel about the toxins, I’ve been hit with an array in the military from dilute chemical weapons to aviation byproducts to handling and wallowing thru Agent Orange for a year. Ironically my father survived 8th AF in WW2, the Korean War and nearly 30 years of flying on planes that gave me the heebie-jeebies only to spend a lot of his time in VN working with Agent Orange and dying from it. The government talks the talk on toxin cleanup but does a mincing walk.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Please forgive me, but I can’t remember what your illness was. I have been “out” a lot the past few months with a back injury and multiple allergies, and have missed what’s happening with a few of the Stellars – so sorry!
          “two nice, fat donuts to split with our grandson” sounds like a good remedy, maybe not medically, but still definitely for the heart 😉 Sleep and laughter are always good medicines. I hope you continue to improve 😉

          Thank you for your good wishes. One way or another it’s surgery. I guess I’ll have to go back to being left-handed for a while like when I was a little kid. Hmmmm My online typing may be a bit off, but at least my left sleeve won’t be covered in ink!

          Yes, the military is notorious IMHO for polluting. I just bristle at how our deployed military have been and still are being treated. I really do believe that toxic pollution in a materials arsenal he had to clean up was what caused my father’s cancers that led to his death. I researched the superfund sites “clean-up” where I grew up. Putting a fence around 10 acres of a arsenic pit dump with a sensor just under it is not enough – especially considering it had been there for close to 100 years leaching into the ground.

          Liked by 1 person

          • czarowniczy says:

            Diabetes and kidney disease both directly attributable to dioxin exposure. The VA’s also checking us (less frequently now) for other conditions, especially soft-tissue cancers, directly attributable to the dioxin. There are an estimated 850,000 VN vets still alive and an estimated 390 dying each day so it won’t be that long before we’re an item of curiosity for the empty spots in the nightly news.


            • So sorry Czar. Your life is of importance! Interesting you say “soft-tissue cancers” My dad’s 1st cancer after that clean-up job was a rare soft tissue sarcoma.


              • czarowniczy says:

                Yes, my father’s killed him in just over a month, he died a month before his 60th birthday. The government finally included him in their Agent Orange settlement but the lawyers got most of the money and the distributions to the military were shrunken even more when Rat pressure got the Vietnamese living in the US included in the payout.


  10. Lucille says:

    Tucker Carlson is on the list now as an iffy go-along-to-get-along type, but this is an excellent commentary vid which I received from a friend earlier today. Worth the view…

    Tucker: The hypocrisy of lockdowns across America
    December 3, 2020

    Liked by 1 person

  11. glendl says:

    He has always been on the iffy list until recently as far as I am concerned. It appears he is back to old habits.
    I think he was a ‘Never Tumper’ and I am not sure when he became a supporter, but I know when it ended.


  12. Lucille says:

    Did anyone else see this?

    BIZARRE: Kellyanne Conway Offers To Go Work For The Biden Administration
    December 5, 2020

    Say what now?
    Kellyanne, is everything ok?
    Blink twice if you’re being held hostage.


    • Sadly my old computer is totally destroyed because I had some old bookmarked news items about her when she was 1st hired. I thought she was NOT a true or long time conservative. I viewed her as a “hired gun” to who ever would advance her career the most. That is not saying she did a lousy job for Pres. Trump, just that she is a “hired gun”.


    • glendl says:

      Her daughter must have slipped her some stuff from her private stash.


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