General Discussion, Friday, October 16, 2020

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100 Responses to General Discussion, Friday, October 16, 2020

  1. Lucille says:


    Liked by 6 people

  2. czarowniczy says:

    Ahhhhhh…I remember when we lived where there was a Fall. Now we know it’s fall when the leaves fall off of the persimmon trees, the persimmons turn orange and the possums fill the trees.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. lovely says:


    The inspiration for the disco ball?

    I had the name of the photographer but when I copied and pasted with the link it disappeared 😦 .

    Photo Sarah Lloyd

    And one more by Sarah since I can post 4 photos (Thank you Stella for your site it is a lovely haven in the swirling nonsense of Today’s Madness ❤️).

    Good morning beautiful people 🙂 !

    Liked by 5 people

  4. auscitizenmom says:

    Mornin’ all. Still looking forward to Winter or Fall, or something cooler. It is only 77* at 9:00 this morning. 🙄 I am soaking wet from our walk. Two more weeks.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. lovely says:

    Liked by 4 people

    • czarowniczy says:

      Yeah, latest take on the CDC falling on its syringe is that it’s Trump’s fault as he politicized and suppressed its working while interfering in its internal matters. No word on why the CDC failed to react adequately after the SARS-1 and hemorrhagic disease outbreaks under Obama…that’s old history, don’t count, and to ask is RACISSSSSST!

      There were those in the Federal disease business who considered the CDC structure a hive for docs and PhDs who couldn’t/didn’t want to get their fingernails dirty to nest. There are workers there who bust their butts…but…you have that overarching bureaucracy of Mds and PhDs who decided to become bureaucrats and take up the hypocritic oath.

      Liked by 2 people

      • lovely says:

        Bureaucracy seems to be the mantle for all democrats no matter their profession. They lie, steal, obfuscate and make things up so they don’t have to admit that they are wrong.

        Liked by 2 people

        • czarowniczy says:

          They need bureaucrats as an excuse to cover for their incompetence as well as as a place to employ their incompetents. Bureaucracy is a self-licking ice cream cone for the Democrats.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Menagerie says:

          The trouble with Dems, and most liberals, is none of them actually want to go out and do something. They only want to rigidly control what anyone else can do, and never in their planning process is thought given to production. And I am serious, no sarcasm.

          Liked by 1 person

          • lovely says:


            I saw a liberal post a whole long list that went something like this,

            I don’t want free health care I want the taxes I pay to pay for health care.

            (You guessed it, she doesn’t pay taxes and no there is no way I was going to take on explaining taxes to her. )

            As to the politicians, they want to rule by fiat. Did you see Nancy saying about her constituents “And we feed them.” As if they are her subjects and she is letting them have a bag of rice on her birthday.

            Sick entitled group of people.

            Liked by 2 people

  6. stella says:

    A couple of days later, I was doing some work in the front yard when a woman whom I had seen before, but never spoken to, walked by.

    “Did they steal your sign?” she asked.

    “Yeah,” I said.

    She shook her head.

    How odd, I thought.

    Then it happened again — and again.

    “Four more years!” one woman shouted from her car.

    A man called approvingly from his pickup truck: “Get a bigger sign!” Another woman rolled down the window of her SUV: “You’re the only one around here with guts!”

    I met more neighbors in half an hour than I had met in nearly a year of living in the neighborhood. It was incredible.

    This was the “silent majority” — or, perhaps, a silent minority, but not an insignificant one. We were all living in fear — even of each other! — until one person broke the ice. And it felt good.

    Liked by 5 people

    • czarowniczy says:

      There’s on ‘Biden-Harris’ sign I’ve seen out here and none of the locals will touch it. The area’s aflood with Trump signs and the opposition ‘respects’ them and isn’t about to touch them.
      This area, if Biden wins, won’t cave in to Leftist Federal dictates under Biden any more than it did under Obama. There are liberal enclaves sitting in our few major cities but not out where people have dirt on their hands at day’s end.

      Big race here is Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith is running again against failed SecAg-under-Clinton Mike Espy. He’s about the only Rat tool with enough name recognition in the state to compete, and this race is expected to be dirty.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. stella says:

    Just listening to Bill Whittle’s analysis of the election. He said something that made me laugh out loud:

    “The last guy to endorse Joe Biden was Barack Obama, and he did with the enthusiasm of a guy who was asked to move furniture for a friend and has a truck.”

    Liked by 3 people

  8. stella says:

    Someone replied that this took place in Manvel, TX. Whoever and wherever they are, God Bless them!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. jtrstill says:

    There’s going to be a Trump rally in Macon, GA tonight! I won’t get to go, but I do want to watch. It’s about 150 miles South of us. I also heard Doug Collins is having a big rally tomorrow at a farm just about 10 miles South of us. Matt Geatz, Popodopoulous, and others are supposed to be there as well! Sounds like fun!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Lucille says:

    “We Did Get a Diagnosis Yesterday from My Doctor… Unfortunately, It is Cancer” – Prayers for Dan Bongino After He Breaks News of Cancer
    By Jim Hoft – Published October 16, 2020 at 4:59pm

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Lucille says:

    President Donald Trump Sends Signed MAGA Hat to 15-Year-Old Utah Student Who Was Bullied and Assaulted for Supporting Him
    By Cassandra Fairbanks – Published October 16, 2020 at 5:46pm

    Liked by 1 person

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