General Discussion, Sunday, July 26, 2020

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77 Responses to General Discussion, Sunday, July 26, 2020

  1. Lucille says:


    Saint Anselm College, Orvieto, Umbria, Italy

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Lucille says:

    Visit Your Pacific Northwest National Forest

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Lucille says:

    Stella turned us onto this attorney from Canada who often comments on U.S. law cases…excellent one here…

    Michael Flynn’s RESPONSE to Judge Sullivan – Lawyer Explains
    Viva Frei Vlawg – Jul 24, 2020

    Liked by 4 people

  4. lovely says:

    10 Smiles


    Photo of Louise Brooks, shot by Eugene Richee.

    2 ) Cameras

    3 ) A&E has lost 50% of its viewership since it dropped “Live PD” 🙂

    4 ) Good memories.

    5 ) The beautiful and brilliant Kayleigh McEnany’s quick wit and crushing take downs of the MSM buffoons.

    6 )“Empusa fasciatacan be found from western Asia to the northeastern coast of Italy, and appears most commonly in the southern Balkans.”

    Photo: Mehmet Karaca

    7 ) An old joke told by an old friend.

    8 ) Swimming weather.

    9 ) Cool evenings.

    10 )

    The democrats were smoked by a man in a manic phase of his bipolar disorder.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Lucille says:

      Beautiful compilation, lovely! Wonderful photo of Louise Brooks…she was quite the hottie and threw caution to the wind.

      6) Very nice! Love the color of Empusa fasciatacan, and the fact that it grows mostly in the southern Balkans since I’m quite enamored of the 2 boys from the Balkan nation of Croatia, the 2CELLOS…LOL! I love just about everything Balkan at the moment. And, of course, our beautiful-in-every-way First Lady is from the Balkans.

      Liked by 2 people

      • lovely says:

        I’m happy you like it Lucille 🙂 ! I did know the 2 Cellos boys are from Croatia, nice 🙂 ! It looks like a walking flower to me.

        I think the photo of Louise Brooks is amazing !

        Liked by 2 people

    • czarina33 says:

      We had a pink and black, 1956 station wagon.
      Oops, I thought the flower name was the name of the purple praying mantis! Looked the insects up and found they come in lots of absurd colors and shapes which help them to hide.

      Liked by 2 people

      • lovely says:

        I wasn’t sure when I swathe photo what was being described, love how the flower and praying mantis look so similar.

        Station wagons always remind me of childhood, my uncle had one he would pile 9 or ten of us kid in there at one time 🙂 ! Red with fake wood paneling !

        Liked by 2 people

        • stella says:

          We had two station wagons in the 1950’s, and took one of them on a cross-country trip. I remember laying down in the back with my bare feet out the back window.

          Liked by 3 people

          • lovely says:

            Such a good memory! We took my uncles to Canada, I was young but I don’t remember how young, the back was always coveted, you could put you rem and hand out the window encouraging truckers to blow their horns, (Sorry Uncle!) I won’t repeat his favorites phrase for that vacation.

            And yes feet out the window, laying on the long rectangle with no seatbelt and watching the sky and tree tops fly by….

            Liked by 3 people

      • jtrstill says:

        We have some Berberis shrubs in front of our porch that have deep purple leaves and tiny yellow flowers. I’ve found quite a few praying mantises that are the same color as the the leaves! I always thought they were green. Purple ones are cute!

        When I was a little girl, We had a Japanese lady that was a neighbor. She had a few indoors that were huge. She kept them as pets, and said they kept control of cockroaches! I never saw any roaches in her house!

        Liked by 2 people

  5. WeeWeed says:

    Mornin’ kids! I didn’t know they had awards/winners for wipeouts…..

    Liked by 6 people

    • lovely says:

      Morning Wee! I vote for the guy who legs are running in the air !

      Liked by 4 people

    • stella says:

      Mornin’ WeeWeed!

      Liked by 2 people

    • Lucille says:

      Good day to you, WeeWeed! Speaking of wipeouts…pray diligently for a heavy and injurious wipeout of the leftist Dems.

      Ole Maxine actually has a good candidate running against her and prayerfully there will be lots of awakenings for the constituents in her district. May they realize she has done NOTHING for them and has, instead, enriched her family tremendously. The problem is that she has most of the black women on her side as she says all the right things to them…why they don’t realize she’s all talk and no walk is a mystery. But then all leftism is hypocrisy writ large.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Lucille says:

        The Republican congressional candidate is Navy veteran Joe E. Collins and he grew up in South L.A. I just looked up the district boundaries and stats…
        Median income: $56,665; Ethnicity: 46.0% Hispanic 23.6% black 15.1% white 12.6% Asian 2.7% other

        The CA 44th District to the east of the 43rd is represented by Nanette Diaz Barragan who was first elected in 2016. At one time, the predominant ethnicity was black, but Hispanics have been moving in for at least 40 years and aim to take over politics there permanently…Dem, of course. It contains the Port of Los Angeles and the Watts Towers which is a great tourist attraction.

        Seems to me this whole southern California area has been redistricted into a Dem enclave by making Republicans the minority in almost every district. But I’d have to do some research to figure out what/where the districts were when I moved to L.A. in 1963 until I moved away in 2008.

        DEPRESSING, to say the least.

        Liked by 2 people

  6. lovely says:



    They’re terrorists, terrorist supporters, insane, transparently dishonest, hysterical, arsonists, HORRIBLE propagandists, looters, alcoholics, and senile.

    Not even the Nazis were this inept.

    The Nazis had their street thugs, but they played on public discontent and offered rewards for electing them.

    The Democrats have street thugs, and they offer TO KILL YOU if you elect them.

    It’s in their platform.

    They’re promising to ethnically cleanse 77 percent of the population based on race, and they’re promising the abolition of law, prisons, borders, jobs, food, property, and individual thought.

    Whatever else they were, the Nazis were RATIONAL.

    They wanted to rule the world.

    The Democrats are irrational on every level.

    They want to destroy absolutely everything.


    They support murdering black people in the name of black people.

    It’s gone WAY beyond anything that can be diagrammed.”__Thomas Wictor


    There are places that will make a bumper sticker for you with whatever you want on it. I’m thinking of getting one that says

    “I ❤️ Thomas Wictor”

    (Tip to nosy visitor’s (Sam 😀) Wictor is not complimenting the Nazi’s nor is he a Nazi sympathizer so just before you embarrass yourself again, maybe go have a milkshake instead 😉)


    Liked by 5 people

    • Lucille says:

      The politically blinded will not, can not see what is being done to them their minds are so far gone. I just watched this from Epoch News and it brought me to tears…

      Chinese Anchor Expresses Indignation After Hometown Is Purposely |

      When your God-given rights are not acknowledged, what is happening in the China floods will be your fate. It’s quite obvious that AOC and her buds haven’t a clue of what it’s like to live under a totalitarian do-this-or-else regime. Yet that’s what they want and are working toward. Amazing!

      Liked by 3 people

  7. nyetneetot says:

    I’m so glad I moved from Seattle downtown to another state entirely.

    Liked by 8 people

    • WeeWeed says:

      No kidding – can you imagine that hellhole today?? Mornin’ Nyet!

      Liked by 3 people

      • nyetneetot says:

        Most people don’t know the “protests” had become a regular thing there since occupy wall street established the norm. The major violent protests were on specific dates like may 1st, but marchers blocking streets had become a biweekly affair when I moved away in 2018. The stuff going on now is just the logical progression of what was allowed to keep going.

        Liked by 5 people

          • nyetneetot says:

            That could have been a tweet at any point in the last few years. It’s just that the progressives can’t get the anarchists back on the leash.

            Liked by 4 people

        • lovely says:

          It’s like Chicago they walk around clanging and kazooing even on the “non-protest” days. Signs up all over “You are Loved here!” “Free of Hate”. Of course they have to step over the homeless, wear the right colors and sporadically dodge bullets to put up the signs but “meh”…..

          Liked by 5 people

        • czarina33 says:

          What do the majority of the people there think, and want to happen? You must have some contacts there. Tell us.

          Liked by 1 person

          • nyetneetot says:

            People who aren’t socialists, withdrew into their families and close friends years ago. They quit going into the city and lived their lives. The problem is the elected officials were allowed to become extreme left, and now laws are impacting the people who withdrew.
            People have been leaving Seattle and the State for years. The people moving in only know of what they see from the time they arrived.
            I hear from some business owners that seem to overly loud in support of the anarchists. It may be ignorance or they are trying not to get their storefront burned down. The founder of one company had been removed from FB for posting something to conservative. Others talk about the need to replace city officials and point to the latest horrible thing to happen on the sidewalk, but again it’s an echo chamber.
            People withdrew. Moved away, like myself. Business owners and their families are trapped there by their investments in the business. Especially the few that have been there a few generations. It’s very sad. Very beautiful area in climate and nature. But the laws and regulations have made it unlivable for years for the people who were there before the changes.

            Liked by 3 people

            • czarowniczy says:

              What I’m waiting for is the fallout when all of the businesses who’ve been damaged start suing the city for damages due to the city’s admitted failure to perform due diligence and protect them. I see where some people have already starting to file wrongful death and injury suits for shootings and beatings.

              Liked by 2 people

              • nyetneetot says:

                But this just in national news now. It’s been going on for a decade there. Sure the police leaving the East precinct was a new trick, but the rest of it has been going on at least a few hours daily. I lived only a few blocks from the precinct and would watch one protest march after another block the street and sometimes smash windows.
                My point is there already have been many lawsuits, for years against the city from what they’ve allowed.

                Liked by 3 people

              • nyetneetot says:

                The national and local news didn’t cover Nordstrom managers and employees getting attacked by the waves of homeless camped in doorways of the store

                Liked by 3 people

                • czarowniczy says:

                  We had that problem until we moved them to another area. Then they started screwing that up and last thing I saw was the city housing them in hotels at taxpayer expense.

                  Liked by 2 people

              • nyetneetot says:

                Also, many business owners that actually produce goods moved their businesses away from Seattle entirely in the last decade as well. Outside of food, its mostly service related now. The business clubs spend a lot of time talking about selling something they didn’t make for lots of money if they could only find someone willing to buy the good or service.

                Liked by 2 people

    • lovely says:

      I’m happy that you got out Nyet ! Good to see you 🙂 !

      Liked by 2 people

    • auscitizenmom says:

      Hi, Nyet! 😀

      Liked by 2 people

    • jeans2nd says:

      Very close childhood-lifelong friend moved from Seattle to Michigan UP in 2015. She really hated to leave Seattle, said the people were just the best, weather was great, etc. etc.
      Have thought of her often recently.
      One suspects she no longer regrets her move.
      Mornin’ Nyet, Stellars.

      Liked by 4 people

    • stella says:

      That was a close call. Congrats!

      Liked by 3 people

  8. auscitizenmom says:

    Mornin’ everyone. Well, we made it through another day. Prayers for President Trump and his family and for Sundance.

    Liked by 4 people

    • lovely says:

      Morning Aus 🙂 !

      Liked by 2 people

    • Lucille says:

      Good afternoon, aus! I haven’t checked the news in about 2 hours, but as far as I know, we still have a republic.

      One of the comments I see a lot from average Dems when they read that the media is not telling the truth is…”Well, they can’t all be lying.” My goodness, history proves that it’s not only possible for media to all be lying but it definitely occurred and continues to occur all around the world. The 20th Century was full of the lies of totalitarians and our 21st is no different.

      Another day to wish I was out here…

      This photo really enlarges beautifully.

      Liked by 3 people

  9. texan59 says:

    Our favorite Sunday columnist sums up the week in review quite accurately and succinctly.

    Liked by 5 people

    • czarina33 says:

      The DOJ stats I read here earlier this week, and memorized them for possible later use. The Pentagon hearings are new, however, and I’m looking forward to seeing that on the news….or A&E.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Lucille says:

      Another great column. My boss used to quote, “May you live in interesting times”, but I reckon since his business which he started in the 1950s is likely going bankrupt with the CA close-down, these are way more interesting times than he counted upon.

      This report just came over the transom…

      Portland City Government Orders Feds To Remove Riot Fences
      By TheNationalist -July 26, 2020

      The Feds better not cave. I have a feeling the next move is to demolish the building in some way, a bomb provided by the monetary backers, perhaps. This is, of course, what the city mayor wants…a terrible confrontation which will be blamed on President Trump. Insane!

      …and there’s this….

      Video: Oakland, California Rioters Set Fire To County Courthouse
      By TheNationalist -July 26, 2020

      A very hot summer is in store…all because Hillary lost and everyone on her side knew unwanted change was in the air, and feared revelations could no longer be repressed (though so far they’ve done a pretty good job of that). Yes, the psychopaths have taken over.

      Liked by 3 people

  10. WeeWeed says:

    Well. Happy 80th birthday, Mary Jo.

    Remembering Mary Jo Kopechne

    Liked by 3 people

  11. stella says:

    Liked by 4 people

    • Sharon says:

      Oh, that’s great!

      Liked by 3 people

      • WeeWeed says:

        How IS Portland, Sharon? We’ve been thinking about you and worried about you going into the city proper….

        Liked by 2 people

        • Sharon says:

          The focus of destruction and attempts to murder and blind (with lasers) federal officers and other LEOs is in a specific area of downtown. They like to claim it’s “only two blocks” – but when I see the video of the boarded up streets, destroyed businesses, etc. that go on for blocks, I doubt that is accurate.

          Eric is driving bus for Trimet. All of their routes through downtown have been cancelled since May. He sometimes drives where he may get a glimpse (down the street) of things burning and explosives going off. He has not had to “drive in it”.

          Someone asked me the general question, “Is he safe?” My answer: One day a time. That’s all I know.

          He lives in Oregon City which is literally in another county outside of Portland lines.

          The only time I have to go anywhere in the direction of Portland proper is when I have appointments at the Adventist Medical Center, which I did a couple of weeks ago. So I just checked with him to see if he had any cautions. He said it would be ok as long as I take my usual route.

          They focus their burning and injuring and assaulting for the hours of darkness. My appointments are always late morning or early afternoon.

          I carry a small but very sharp 4″ screwdriver everywhere I go. My hands aren’t strong enough to handle a weapon, but if someone scares me in direct confrontation, they will be injured (partly because they’ll never see it coming)

          I have really hated this summer. Total I have about six medical appts (that have been repeatedly postponed….and that still goes on….an oncology follow up that was scheduled for April just got cancelled again a few days ago and is now in August.

          Significant increase of crime here in our little town, with a high % increase in the theft of older cars, so I did some shifting around in my one car garage and have my 2006 Equinox inside now which has really felt good.

          The masks have nothing to do with chinaflu, and the riots have nothing to do with race. The riots will soon celebrate their two month birthday.

          Stupid Mayor Ted Wheeler went down and joined the protesters in the street a couple of nights ago and got tear-gassed by the feds for his trouble. I thought was fairly nifty.

          Lawlessness is sanctioned by those holding office. One lefty council woman, black with corn rows, is demanding that the police department be put under her authority.

          This is more information that you needed probably – just a report on how the west was lost.

          I told Eric a couple of days that, at least, I need a MUCH larger flag. I’m so sick of the cowardice and the panic in our over-55 community. I can’t do much physically but I think it would be nice to be flying a really big flag.

          I seldom watch any local news any more. It never changes. What I do is just check their online selections once a day so I can see how it goes, and if the blacks have returned to the riots. It’s only been whites for awhile.

          Liked by 5 people

    • czarina33 says:

      I remember this from the protests after Trump’s inauguration.

      Liked by 2 people

  12. stella says:

    I can’t vouch for the truth of this tweet, but it seems likely.

    Liked by 4 people

    • auscitizenmom says:

      I would insist that those teachers be fired. Or, I would pull my child out of school. Which I did.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Sharon says:

        I suspect that those who have the authority to fire them wouldn’t see any reason to – burning, injuring, blinding, and mayhem are SPECIFICALLY referred to as “free speech” in Portland now… the mayor and others in office.

        I wonder if I burn some stuff and destroy some businesses in the name of The Danish Navy if that would be considered free speech. Dunno.

        Liked by 6 people

        • Sharon says:

          The specific phrase using by the mayor a few days back was “expressions of free speech”.

          Last night there were 2-3,000 who came for the riots. The numbers of criminals in attendance continue to grow. This thing is not going to be stopping on its own any time soon.

          Liked by 3 people

          • Sharon says:

            re “not stopping on its own any time soon” – – – I just finally went to look at Breitbart’s lineup for today – – – their top left articles are from several different major cities with information about federal buildings being attacked.

            Liked by 2 people

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