General Discussion, Thursday, June 11, 2020

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30 Responses to General Discussion, Thursday, June 11, 2020

  1. Lucille says:


    Liked by 3 people

  2. Lucille says:

    I love fish fry and this looks delicious. It’s from Bass Bay Brewhouse, Muskego, WI…hand-breaded Atlantic Cod served with tartar sauce, french fries, marbled rye and coleslaw.

    And with fishes being the weekly theme…

    Liked by 2 people

    • stella says:

      The best fish fry I ever had was in Charlevoix, Michigan, made with fresh fish from Lake Michigan.

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      • JTR says:

        The best I’ve ever had was from “Mario’s” in Cowdenbeath, Scotland. It was a fish shop in our building where I worked. The owner was an Italian immigrant who could cook a mean fish dinner!

        Once, DH was out to sea, and he sent me a Valentine card with 500 Lira in it. My boss jokingly said it was about 5 pounds. It was all in Italian (he was in Sicily). I took it to Mario and asked him for a translation. He actually blushed! He went and got his wife to translate it. It was so sweet and mushy.

        The Lira was worth about 300 pounds!

        Liked by 2 people

        • czarina33 says:

          Can tell you that in 1999 when I was in Italy I paid 150,000 lira for 2 nights at a bed and breakfast. Money had quite deteriorated.


          • JTR says:

            This happened in 1992. European money was always crazy! But at least it was easy to exchange different currencies. Here in the country, not so easy.


        • stella says:

          I think the secret is really fresh fish, treated with respect by a good cook. And really fresh fries. No frozen!

          Liked by 1 person

          • JTR says:

            Yes, The fish in Scotland was always so fresh. The Ocean was right there, and North Sea Cod is so yummy. He also peeled and cut his own fries right in the shop. He also fried everything in beef tallow. He told me that was the secret behind good British fish ‘n chips.
            Well, that and the batter.

            Liked by 1 person

      • Lucille says:

        I’d like some fish fry for lunch! Nice crunchy breaded fish and real sliced potato fries. Sitting eating them looking at Lake Michigan would be great, too…

        10 Inspiring Pictures of Lake Michigan

        Liked by 2 people

  3. WeeWeed says:

    Mornin’ kids! The book burning crowd never gives up….

    Liked by 3 people

    • stella says:

      Mornin’ WeeWeed!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Lucille says:

      Good day to you, WeeWeed! Just goes to show that the Left does not want dialogue, does not want anything but their own narrative. Much could be learned if HBO MAX had not caved but chose to have a panel discussion with scholars who aren’t histrionic or get all emotional and insulting. They could even have all the panelists be blacks of different political persuasions. No, no, that would be too reasonable.

      I wonder how many folks know that Hattie McDaniel and Clark Gable became fast friends when they worked together on GWTW. Every Sunday she held a brunch at her home in Los Angeles for her friends to which she always invited Gable. And every Sunday he was in town, he always went.

      As for “ignoring the horrors of slavery”, Dems never like to acknowledge that they were the only ones to own slaves in the U.S. OH, NOOOO, that would be giving white Republicans some degree of honor for being the abolitionists and setting up schools and training centers after the war plus working on voting rights for freed blacks.

      No sensible person claims that slavery is an honorable way to treat another human being. Lincoln said, “As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master.” And we all know that today’s slavers are Muslims and few, if any, black leftists acknowledge that. I certainly haven’t read of K. A. Jabbar protesting in Muslim countries against their ongoing practice of slavery.

      Talk about the hypocrisy of people saying GWTW ignores such horrors!

      Liked by 3 people

  4. auscitizenmom says:

    Mornin’ all. What a dismal week this has been so far. Hopefully, things will start looking up again. I have to go pick up groceries at Walmart and then, I think I will come home, close all the curtains and lose myself in some westerns. Less violence and mayhem.

    Liked by 2 people

    • jeans2nd says:

      Mornin’ mom, all.
      Have done the lose myself thing the past couple three days. Highly recommended.
      Today is Gregory Peck day at TCM. Turn down the sound and just watch GP run around the screen is good enough to lift spirits lol.
      Did the Walmart-grocery run thing yesterday. Is it not great to have some nice young thing shop for you, carry and load your cat littler, & then meet you in the parking lot?

      Liked by 3 people

      • auscitizenmom says:

        Yes, yes it is. 🙂

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      • stella says:

        I highly recommend the grocery pickup or delivery thing (I had my groceries delivered yesterday by Instacart from Meijer.)

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        • czarowniczy says:

          Ah yes, grocery shopping. Greatest statistical infection rate is among black residents as is the highest death rate. Every time time I go Walmart or my local grocery I see one or two black shoppers at most wearing a mask, and we’re jammed together in the aisles. My favorite is the parent sans masks with a mask on their small children…haven’t they thought this through?

          Liked by 1 person

          • auscitizenmom says:

            I was just at Publix and most people were not wearing masks. Funny, but I don’t remember seeing masks of the people who worked there, either. And, people seem to have decided to ignore the arrows on the floor telling you which way to go down the aisles.

            Liked by 2 people

            • czarowniczy says:

              I’ll admit that I have an issue with the arrows too as they arre more marketing than safety. You still have pileups where people stop to shop and you squeeze by, unless you want to wait and create a logjam, with inches to spare. There are also store employees restocking and the block the traffic flow – same problem.
              Also, in the aisles were you to keep 6 feet apart you’d have some 10 people per aisle and when one stopped… No way you can pass and maintain social distancing.

              Grocery stores count on ‘impulse purchases’ , one of the reasons they continually relocate items in aisles,they don’t want you comfortable enough to know where stuff is, don’t want you to come, get what you want and leave. They want you to stay longer and buy more. With those largely useless arrows, aided by relocating the most frequently bought stuff, they can direct you down every aisle in hopes you’ll buy more. Another reason to use their ‘pick up’ service if you’re not a hands-on shopper.

              Liked by 1 person

    • Lucille says:

      Hi, aus! Try a Clark Gable film…”The King and Four Queens” (1956) with the beautiful Eleanor Parker…unfortunately it’s on YouTube only in German. Or Gable in “Honky Tonk” (1941) with Lana Turner, not on YT for free.

      Have fun whatever you watch!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. stella says:

    I recommend reading this in its entirety. It is a complete repudiation of the “defund the police” movement.

    Repudiate the Anti-Police Narrative
    Comments submitted to the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives in response to the Oversight Hearing on Policing Practices
    Heather Mac Donald
    June 10, 2020

    Part of her conclusion:

    …This committee should denounce the defunding of police agencies. Shrinking their resources will result in poorer service to the law-abiding residents of high crime areas. Officers in depleted departments who cannot get back-up when they face dangerous suspects will be even more stressed out, and more at risk of poor judgment. Response times will increase. Cash-starved agencies will train less, not more. Lower pay scales will result in less qualified recruits.

    Shifting police funding to social services will not solve crime. For decades, New York City was the welfare capital of the United States, spending one-seventh of all government welfare dollars. Crime continued to rise. Crime started falling in the city only when the New York Police Department adopted the data-driven policing that has now become the norm across the country.

    But the most urgent task before this committee is to repudiate the narrative that law enforcement is infected by racism. The atmosphere in which officers are working is becoming more vicious and volatile. The attempts on officers’ lives, some successful, that we have seen in the last two weeks will increase. And under the pervasive charge that they are racist, officers will back off of proactive policing in minority neighborhoods. The victims will be overwhelmingly black.

    In 2015 and 2016, when officers also retreated to purely reactionary policing, an additional 2,000 black males died, the largest two-year increase in homicide in half a century. Harvard economist Roland Fryer, University of Utah law professor Paul Cassell, and University of Utah economist Richard Fowles have recently documented what I have called the Ferguson Effect: the sharp rise in crime during episodes of pervasive anti-cop rhetoric and depolicing…

    Liked by 4 people

    • czarowniczy says:

      I never had any doubt about the basis of the ‘defund’ movement, it’s just a new buzz word used by the Left to popularize a hoary revolutionary goal: replace the ‘evil’ police of the reactionary government with the ‘kinder gentler’police of the people’s movement.

      The Left puts lipstick on its new pig and uses it as they say the previous government used its. The Okhrara being replaced by the Cheka. What?, you say, you don’t like the new people’s security service – you must be a reactionary/revanchist/alt-right and must be woken!

      Every Leftist regime change have replaced the previous police with their own, it’s how they plan on retaining power, and with today’s electronic monitoring systems it’s much easier than the old days.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Lucille says:

    “Till Then” sung by Dean Martin with Lana Turner film clips.

    This sounds to me like an early recording for Martin but I couldn’t find the release date.


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