General Discussion, Tuesday, March 24, 2020

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43 Responses to General Discussion, Tuesday, March 24, 2020

  1. Lucille says:

    Blue Morpho…



    Liked by 6 people

  2. Menagerie says:

    Good morning! I encountered three deer on my walk this morning. I came around a curve in the road, and there they were, frozen and staring at me, having just crossed the road to head toward the pond. Magical moment. I sure love these early morning walks.

    Rain and bad storms are coming in just a few hours. However, we have a few days of partly sunny weather in our forecast for the next eight. Looking forward to that! My husband mowed our tall grass this weekend, even where water was standing because it hasn’t stopped raining enough to dry out at all. It’s that or let it get knee high, and he had just mowed it a little over a week before.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. auscitizenmom says:

    Mornin” everyone. I think we will have another sunny day here. It got pretty hot here yesterday, but still not summer hot. I read yesterday that we have all these Yankees coming down from NY and DeSantis told them to self quarantine for 14 days. Wonder if that will work?

    I’m off to get my hair done. My hairdresser moved my appt up to today from Thursday because she was afraid they are going to shut down everything soon. So I’m off now.

    Liked by 3 people

    • stella says:

      Mornin’ mom! Michigan shut us down midnight last night.

      Liked by 3 people

      • auscitizenmom says:

        Wonder what all that means?

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        • stella says:

          Personally, it means that getting my groceries delivered takes more lead time. I ordered this morning, and managed to get a delivery time between 8 and 99 and 10 pm tonight. At least it’s the same day. When I ordered there were no times available. I kept refreshing the page until a time slot popped up and grabbed it. One good thing is that you can keep adding to and changing the order until an hour before delivery time.

          Liked by 2 people

        • stella says:

          Means only essential businesses can remain open – groceries, doctors, gas stations, liquor stores and marijuana dispensaries (yes, that’s right!). Others too, I’m sure. My old employer has people working from home (those that can), and phone extension numbers are forwarded to individual home numbers.

          Trips outside the home are limited to essential only (grocery, pharmacy etc), or for exercise if you keep at least 6 ft away from other people.

          Liked by 2 people

    • Lucille says:

      Good day, aus! Overcast here and the apartment is cold even though I have the heat set at 68 degrees. High ceilings look nice but heating them is another matter.

      Take care!

      Liked by 3 people

      • czarina33 says:

        High ceilings were a must in the south, because of the heat, but then winters were miserable unless you sat near the heater. Personally, I put on lots of clothes, and socks and slippers.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Lucille says:

          I remember the homes of my paternal grandparents in Ventura, CA as having high ceilings though Ventura is a beach city and seldom got out of the 80s. And the houses also had front windows which opened. If you left the windows and doors open in the bedrooms, the cross breeze would keep everything cool. I still remember the beach smell when waking up in the morning in one of Grandma’s plush beds.

          Liked by 2 people

  4. stella says:

    I had a few really overripe bananas so, of course, I made banana bread. Waste not, want not! (Good excuse, anyway)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Menagerie says:

      I bought vanilla wafers to make my husband a pudding. I can eat bananas, but I just hate the meat in food. He loves banana pudding, and banana bread too.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Menagerie says:

      Okay, not bananas, but I have another food story to share. I had a spaghetti squash I need to use. I cooked it, then put chopped roast chicken on the halves, after shredding them. Then top with fire roasted tomatoes. I used the garlic ones. Top that with Parmesan cheese and microwave 3 minutes.

      Since I keep rotisserie chicken, which I buy already deboned in large packages from Costco, this was a super easy meal, very delicious. It’s rare, as in almost never, that I come up with a recipe that uses four ingredients.


  5. stella says:

    Toilet paper humor.

    Liked by 2 people

    • auscitizenmom says:


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    • Lucille says:

      Hahahaha! What a talent! And she had absolutely the craziest, most wonderful writers.

      I just looked her up and she’s 86 now…born April 26, 1933 in San Antonio, Texas. This is an excerpt from her bio at Wiki:

      After graduating from Hollywood High School in 1951, she received an anonymous envelope containing $50 for one year’s tuition at UCLA, where she initially planned on studying journalism.[15] During her first year of college, she switched her focus to theatre arts and English, with the goal of becoming a playwright. She found she had to take an acting course to enter the playwright program; “I wasn’t really ready to do the acting thing, but I had no choice.”[22] She followed a sudden impulse in her first performance; “Don’t ask me why, but when we were in front of the audience, I suddenly decided I was going to stretch out all my words and my first line came out ‘I’m baaaaaaaack!'”[22] The audience response moved her deeply:

      “They laughed and it felt great. All of a sudden, after so much coldness and emptiness in my life, I knew the sensation of all that warmth wrapping around me. I had always been a quiet, shy, sad sort of girl and then everything changed for me. You spend the rest of your life hoping you’ll hear a laugh that great again.”

      Liked by 2 people

      • stella says:

        I love the story about the relationship she had with her grandmother, who raised her.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Lucille says:

          Each of Carol’s shows ended with her tugging on her ear as a sign of love to her grandmother.

          When reading the bios of so many celebrities who were born in the 20s and 30s and their terrible childhoods, I just thank God for my entire caring family.

          Liked by 3 people

          • stella says:

            Isn’t that the truth? My mother was born in 1906, and her first three children were born in 1926, 1929 and 1930. The youngest died in infancy, and her husband was killed in a car accident in 1935. She and her children moved back to the farm with her mother. They were living in a small house with no running water, and she walked several miles to work every day. One of my uncles was living in a tent with his family. It was a tough time.


            • Lucille says:

              Funny you should mention tents. Up thread I mentioned my grandparents’ home in Ventura, CA. I have a photo of them in their front yard. Across the street in the background is a neighbor’s tent which some of their relatives lived in.

              Liked by 1 person

  6. stella says:

    Good point.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. auscitizenmom says:

    I’m very upset with Dr. Fauci and Redlener for saying we don’t know if the malaria drug is safe. That is so not true and it has been used for about 65 years. They are not telling the truth.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lucille says:

      At one time it was recommended that I take plaquenil for an illness. It is not a drug to take lightly. The side effects were such that I turned down it’s use and later when it was discovered that my case is relatively mild, I was ever so glad I’d read up on this dangerous drug. See:

      If it’s life and death, then go for it. But the side effects can be quite debilitating. I definitely hope this information was given to all those who have taken it or will in the future.

      Liked by 2 people

      • auscitizenmom says:

        Even though I have pretty much an aversion to medications, if it was a choice of taking this or being put on a respirator, I think I would give it a shot.

        Liked by 2 people

  8. Lucille says:

    Buttermere Tree, Lake District, Cumbria

    New Delhi

    “Landes Forest, France Aquitaine” by Sami Sarkis

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    • czarina33 says:

      The top picture is lovely. The bottom picture looks like my yard.

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      • Lucille says:

        I absolutely love trees, even the ones where you need to clean up their leaves all the time.

        As a child our yard had a large walnut tree in the front yard and one in the back. Every house in the entire neighborhood for miles around had walnut trees. Each year you had to whitewash the trunks to keep the creepy-crawlies from destroying the walnuts. Horrible to open a walnut to find it all wormy. LOL!

        Liked by 1 person

  9. michellc says:

    Thousands have lost their job in my state. In some areas people are even being pretty much forced to stay in their homes.

    Guess who’s going to use this to their advantage? Their unions believe they should never have to live with less money or less staff.

    My greatest hope as the State Superintendent is calling for schools to close for the remainder of the year and go to remote education that parents will realize they don’t need public school buildings.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. auscitizenmom says:

    My friend came over today. She stopped on the way and picked up a pizza and we watched Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears. We really enjoyed it. It was well done and they didn’t screw up which was what I was a little concerned about. Afterwards, we watched the first show in the TV series again. LOL Just couldn’t get enough of her. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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