Fox News Live: Trump defense continues arguments in Senate impeachment trial Day 7

President Trump’s defense team will continue opening arguments at 1 p.m. ET.

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39 Responses to Fox News Live: Trump defense continues arguments in Senate impeachment trial Day 7

  1. auscitizenmom says:

    I think they have been pretty dynamic this afternoon. I hope they are being listened to. I doubt it will actually change any minds, though. 😦 It is all politics except for a few.


  2. Lucille says:

    After two days of defense, Schiff’s impeachment ploy is becoming clear
    By Patricia McCarthy – January 28, 2020

    The irrationally obsessed Schiff had a plan, as surely as the Crossfire Hurricane cabal had a plan, to take Trump down by hook or by crook. The Mueller Report failed to deliver, so he sought a new and fabricated reason to impeach.

    Now that we see and hear Schiff’s case be completely devastated by Trump’s defense team, one has to wonder how the House managers had the gall to stand up and spew the lies each of them put forth over twenty-three hours.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. auscitizenmom says:

    I really hope they don’t insist on witnesses because this will just drag out and it is already obvious it is a fraud.

    Liked by 2 people

    • auscitizenmom says:

      I am afraid Romney will be leading the charge to hear witnesses.

      Liked by 1 person

      • michellc says:

        Our Sen. Lankford is actually arguing for the manuscript. I will disclose my bias, he was way down on the list of candidates I would have chosen in our primary. He likes illegals, he likes more immigrants taking American jobs, he’s the Chamber’s Senator.
        I called his office, apparently none of the aides are answering the phones today, because him and Inhoffe’s offices only had recorded messages. I still left a message to both of them telling them looking at the manuscript is stupid, for starters it’s hearsay written by a man who is a disgruntled ex-employee and then regardless of what it says or doesn’t say Democrats will leak what it says even it’s a total fabrication of what it says. Him being a disgruntled ex-employee with an axe to grind is why just about any court in the country would not rule him a reliable witness.
        Oklahomans along with Americans do not want witnesses, especially Bolton, if any witnesses are called for their side it should only be those who were part of the House investigation, with the exception of the 99% who were only hearsay witnesses. So that leaves Sondland, those on the call, especially Mr. Vindman, the IG, the so called whistleblower who started this sham, Schiff and his staff who worked with the whistleblower. The President should get to call whomever he wants if they allow any witnesses.
        If any of them really cared about our country and our Constitution they’d dismiss this sham on the grounds it’s unconstitutional and tell the House never do this again.
        Finally, do something worthwhile in the Senate and pass a law that government employees can’t write a book while the current administration is in office, this mess has shown that’s a law we clearly need.

        Liked by 1 person

        • michellc says:

          Oh, I forgot the part where I told them to tell Romney we all see what he’s doing as well and many Oklahomans are disgusted we ever worked for him, sent him money or voted for him and we would never make that mistake again.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. michellc says:

    Now that media is reporting McConnell is saying he doesn’t have 51 votes to block witnesses, I guess I’ll be making phone calls again in the morning.
    Aside from asking the sorry Senators from the other states that want to hear from Bolton, why they would want to ignore their Constitutional duty to be the judge and jury, not the investigators and if they realize if they allow the House democrats to do this then it will never stop with any Republican President or any Federal Judge at any level for them matters. I will also tell them and my two Senators if the Republicans allow this then they will leave the American people with only one choice, because obviously our votes don’t matter to them and that is for us to push our states to call for a convention and repeal the 17th amendment. Something I’ve long been against because of the dangers of doing so and what could get screwed up. That’s pretty much though our last step to avoid a civil war and withdraw ourselves from the United States.
    I for once was proud of Republicans in the House, how they stuck together, proud of the Republican Senators on the first day, becoming ashamed of them now.


    • auscitizenmom says:

      Wasn’t somebody in Mittens’ family involved in Burisma. Somebody needs to remind him that they will be savaged by the interrogation of the witnesses. He can count on it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • stella says:

        I’m not sure.


        • auscitizenmom says:

          Found it. It was his top adviser.
          “Mitt Romney’s top adviser, Joseph Cofer Black, joined the board of the Ukraine energy firm, Burisma, while Hunter Biden was also serving on the board. Hunter Biden was taking a salary of $50,000 per month from Burisma, and was simultaneously engaged in a relationship with John Kerry’s stepson, Chris Heinz, and mobster Whitey Bulger’s nephew, in a private equity firm, that allegedly appeared to be laundering millions of dollars in foreign money from China & the Ukraine, through Latvia, and back to the US. “

          Liked by 1 person

      • michellc says:

        That’s why I’m sure he’ll vote for any witness that might hurt the President, but won’t be voting for the Bidens.

        It’s why I also don’t believe a word Graham says, I’m sure he’s been on the funneling money as well.

        I don’t trust McConnell either.

        Still making my phone calls though.

        Liked by 2 people

        • michellc says:

          HHmmm… I’ve been having trouble getting through to McConnell, Romney, Collins and Murkowski offices. Getting told they’re experiencing a high volume of calls, in McConnell’s case it says the mailbox is full. Left message for Collins and Murkowski, Romney’s disconnected me.

          Liked by 2 people

          • lovely says:

            Good. People are flooding the ship to chase the rats off.

            Good to see you Michelle 🙂 !


            • michellc says:

              Good to see you as well lovely.
              Before I caught what everyone else had, during my nursing breaks I would read when I could, but we’ve also had internet issues and it gets frustrating to try to comment when it goes in and out.
              Hopefully someday they can figure out how to get rural folks decent internet. lol

              Liked by 1 person

              • lovely says:

                Understood! I have been busy myself. Thank you good God, remaining healthy.

                Sorry you all keep fighting the ick.

                It is frustrating when the internet is not working well.

                Seems the impeachment scam (well this crescendo of it) should be winding down.

                I sure wish Mitt Romney would fall off the edge of the earth.

                Liked by 1 person

                • michellc says:

                  I figure some other bombshell will come out in the NYT tonight.
                  I can’t believe Roberts read Bernie’s question about POTUS lies, or what the media claim are lies.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  • lovely says:

                    I missed more than 90% of it so I don’t know what was said. But I’m sure you’re right. Robert’s is a Party man, not a patriot.


                  • michellc says:

                    One good thing about being under the weather(or maybe why my healing is taking awhile…lol) is that I’ve watched pretty much all of it, except the 3 days of Schiff and his clown car occupants. For that I just read and watched the highlights.
                    Watching Schiff for 20 something hours might have put me in the hospital.

                    As for Roberts I found it quite interesting that Schiff kept repeating that he as Chief Justice could just rule on everything, subpoenas, witnesses, executive privilege, etc.

                    Liked by 1 person

                  • auscitizenmom says:

                    You probably would have gotten well faster if you had been watching old comedies.

                    Liked by 1 person

                  • michellc says:

                    Yep, this stuff has probably delayed it.

                    Whatever this “virus” is, it in some ways is worse than the flu because it drags on for so long and you get a multitude of symptoms that appear after other symptoms disappear.


        • stella says:

          I don’t think he will get to pick which witnesses to include, and which not.


          • michellc says:

            But if Schumer demands a vote for Bolton as a witness, he’ll vote that way.
            Then if McConnell puts up the Bidens, whistleblower, Schiff, etc. he’ll vote against them.


            • stella says:

              Does it work that way? My impression is that they will vote to include witnesses, or not, and that each side can include the witnesses they want.


              • michellc says:

                I’ve heard different Senators say it different ways. I’ve heard some say they will vote if they need witnesses and if that passed then vote on each one. Then I’ve heard some say that each side would give a list of witnesses to be voted on.

                Listening to all of these press conferences kind of show that I’m not sure any of them really understand the rules.

                Either way though, if he and the other 3 vote for witnesses, then they can vote for D witnesses and against President witnesses.


  5. michellc says:

    I can’t believe they are allowing the Democrats to continue making a mockery of the Senate.

    I thought it was supposed to be asking and answering questions, not show videos.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. lovely says:

    I turned on my TV only to find out that the reason of the moment to impeach President Trump is “election interference” even with a bit of “Russia benefited from POTUS’s phone call!!!!”

    This is wild.

    Philbin is awesome. Perfect for the rebuttals/answers.

    You simply can’t ask the Senate to become the investigative party in the pursuit an impeachment. __Patrick Philbin (paraphrased)

    Love watching Philbin pull cases right out of his head.

    Nancy Pelosi cannot trace subpoena authority to any resolution that was passed or authorized by the House because no resolution was made, therefore the subpoenas previous to Resolution 660 are lawfully invalid. The issue of the validity of the subpoenas is settled by precedent. SCOTUS has already set precedent.

    House resolution 660 did nothing to address the unauthorized issued subpoenas.

    Invalid subpoena authority is a breach of balance between the two chambers of Congress.

    Simple as that. Brilliant lawyering.

    And Bravo Jay Sekulow!!! Invokes the real case of political election interference by citing out the Operation Crossfire coup attempt.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. lovely says:

    Team Trump = the anvil.

    Coup Crew = anvil smack recipients.

    Liked by 1 person

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