General Discussion, Wednesday, January 15, 2020

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53 Responses to General Discussion, Wednesday, January 15, 2020

  1. Lucille says:


    Grosse Pointe Park, Belle Isle, Michigan…

    Reine Village, Lofoten Islands, Arctic Norway…

    Liked by 5 people

  2. rumpole2 says:

    Trump said he’s also considering building a wall in the Atlantic. “The Atlantic Wall — can’t believe no one has thought of it before,” he later said to reporters

    Liked by 4 people

  3. rumpole2 says:

    How Communist Ideology Infiltrated America’s Security Agencies & Fueled Spygate—Diana West
    Premiered Jan 13, 2020
    American Thought Leaders – The Epoch Times


    • rumpole2 says:

      Some GREAT info.
      Comey was (is) an AVID Communist

      Liked by 1 person

    • stella says:

      She’s a smart lady.

      Liked by 1 person

    • czarowniczy says:

      The Company has had a career of elitist DCIs who shaped it in its early years. It’s also had a history of hiring people from elitist US Universities who bring their elitist mindsets with them. The old Soviets also spared no expense infiltrating the Company but even if they’re still there they may be helping the Russians/Chinese but I believe it’s more self-centered than ideological as the classic Communist government out there is as dead as the Cold War.

      The CIA is a huge beast, it has tentacles all through government and business, it owns businesses that contribute to its budget and give it its contacts in the business world. It’s also operations driven though most media emphasize its analytical side, the order of succession to the DCIA goes through the Operations deputies first and then to the Analysis deputy. Ops is where the power’s at.

      The CIA, as with the KGB, sees itself as the ‘sword and shield’ of the US. It has access to technology and has its own private tech development area too, it needs this – and a huge cash reserve – to keep us out of the mouths of unfriendly nations but decades of the power and scope of operations it had, tempered by the elitist philosophies of so many of its recruits, can’t help but breed some corrosive internal cliques. It’s got an ego.

      The power and compartmentalization in the CIA was demonstrated during the years after the Bolton Amendment when the CIA took over funding the efforts against the Communist government of Nicaragua. That was an operation that spanned the world and still isn’t appreciated for its depth and breadth. Then we have the operations in Afghanistan both during the Soviet occupation and spearheading Operation Enduring Freedom. All of this while maintaining regular ops tempo in the rest of the world. That’s breadth and depth of power yet there were sections working on ops that had no idea of what other sections working on the same ops were doing.

      I have no doubt there are far-Left leaners there just as there are far-Right but I question if the actors’ motivations are politically or personally motivated. Whomever is doing what they have to survive a regular schedule of polygraphs ranging from short to a lifestyle test that can run hours so unless there’s a group of dedicated Marxists with control over a large chunk of operations I don’t see a Marxist control but due to Agency compartmentalization pockets of dedicated Leftists are possible.


  4. rumpole2 says:

    Devin Nunes: Spygate is Greatest Political Scandal in Modern US History—& He’s Still Investigating

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Menagerie says:

    For my Louisiana pals. Three Cajuns have causes for sainthood opened by bishop. It is very time consuming, and the parish and diocese assume a rather large financial responsibility to open a case and have the extensive investigations and studies done.

    These three, one only a twelve year old girl, led exemplary and very interesting lives.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. WeeWeed says:

    Mornin’ y’all!

    Liked by 4 people

  7. czarowniczy says:

    WooHoo!! Humidity’s down to 78%! We’re agoin’ thru a dry spell!


  8. rumpole2 says:

    Clearly Botox has a limited “half-life”
    Nancy’s has some sort of cognitive issue. Slurred speech disjointed and mispronounced words


  9. stella says:

    Interesting. Wonder how much is true.

    How the Trump administration is secretly assisting Iranian protesters

    The critical point here is that this is about giving Iranians the tools to campaign for their own freedom and future, rather than interfering with Iranian domestic politics or instigating protests. The U.S. programs are not a 1953 coup part deux, but a provision to help those already on the streets struggle for their freedom.

    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is the point man for these efforts, centered at the State Department and the U.S. intelligence community.

    The story begins in early 2017, with then-CIA director, Pompeo. Determined to escalate the CIA’s activities against Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s regime, Pompeo unified Iran operations under a specific mission center and aggressively minded chief. What followed were successful U.S. operations to obstruct Iranian nuclear activities, contest the regime’s external activities, recruit Iranian officials (including senior officials), and identify those behind the repression of Iran’s population. The mission center’s activities now define Pompeo’s push to see the CIA accept greater operational risks. The current director, Gina Haspel, has continued in this vein.

    Pompeo again emphasized Iran operations on becoming secretary of state. And today, alongside its counterproliferation and counterterrorism activities, the United States now has significant human rights centered programs to help Iranians. While Britain’s MI6 and France’s DGSE actively work with the U.S. intelligence community on counterproliferation and counterterrorism issues, these human rights programs are something that the U.S. does largely alone…

    And more.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Lucille says:

    Attorney General Barr says Pensacola jihad murderer was motivated by “jihadist ideology”
    JAN 15, 2020 12:00 PM BY ROBERT SPENCER

    This is momentous. For years now, since Obama in 2011 banned all mention of Islam and jihad from counterterror training, the US government has been committed to the fantasy that there is no jihadist ideology. There are still many in the clueless and compromised FBI and other agencies who believe these delusions.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. rumpole2 says:

    Impeachment LIVE updates….

    As of 8 minutes ago…

    Senate Republicans say they will not officially accept the articles tonight and will instead inform the House managers they should return tomorrow to formally present the articles and read them aloud on the floor.
    But House Democrats insist that they expect the Senate Republicans to accept the articles of impeachment and still plan to attempt to deliver them.

    Here’s the bottom line: Right now, we don’t know exactly what will happen but we should be able to see the managers march across the Capitol to the main entrance of the Senate chamber.

    The House clerk could go on the floor and read aloud a message to the Senate that the House has articles of impeachment to present to the Senate.

    It’s also possible the House managers would attempt to enter the Senate chamber (they have floor privileges) and deliver the articles to the Secretary of the Senate or whatever official is there. We just don’t know yet.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. rumpole2 says:

    PBS (and others) live now… without the daft commentary….


  13. auscitizenmom says:

    Mark Stein was standing in for Rush today. He said even if President Trump is removed from office through this impeachment, he will still run and win in 2020. LOL

    Liked by 1 person

  14. rumpole2 says:

    Rachel Maddow will interview Lev Parnas (with his lawyer) Tonight at 9:00

    He still under indictment in the Southern District of New York.

    I have no idea what, if anything he might say in relation to Giuliani, Trump, or Impeachment? I am not sure he is believable anyway, and of course Rachel Maddow is nuts!


    • rumpole2 says:

      FWIW (From Vox)…..

      Who is Lev Parnas again?
      Lev Parnas is a Soviet-born US citizen now living in Florida who donated large sums of money to Republicans in recent years and became a close associate of Giuliani. Parnas and his colleague Igor Fruman ended up serving as Giuliani’s “fixers” in his search for dirt that would help Trump politically in Ukraine. They talked to Ukrainian officials and tried to help Giuliani get documents and meetings.

      In October, though, Parnas and Fruman were indicted by the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York on charges of campaign finance law violations, regarding those hundreds of thousands of dollars they donated to Republicans in 2018. Since then, Fruman has been quiet — but Parnas went public, claiming through his lawyer that he had important information about the impeachment inquiry that Democrats would want.

      The judge in Parnas’s case gave him permission to turn over some of the evidence prosecutors had obtained to House impeachment investigators. He has done so — and this is our first look at some of what he provided.


    • rumpole2 says:

      Apparently (according to preview), Parnas implicates Trump (and Giuliani)

      Lev Parnas: ‘Trump Knew Exactly What Was Going On’

      Looks like a “Plea Deal”… make stuff up?

      Liked by 1 person

    • rumpole2 says:

      Alleged note ….
      This is from a phone conversation with Rudy Giuliani, Lev Parnas tells @maddow:


    • rumpole2 says:

      The Rachel Maddow Show 1/15/20 | MSNBC News January 15, 2020
      Jan 16, 2020


    • rumpole2 says:

      Lev Parnas interview had a LOT of damning claims.. and even without any confirmation, the left on twitter and in the media are hailing it as a win.
      It needs to be refuted.


  15. Lucille says:

    Doomsday Democrats Don’t Stand a Chance
    Donald J Trump Campaign 2020 – Published on Jan 15, 2020

    President Trump said watching the Democrats debate is like watching death—he was right!


  16. Lucille says:

    NO SWIMMING! ‘We Build The Wall Inc.’ Constructs FIRST EVER Border Wall On Rio Grande River
    By Alicia Powe – January 15, 2020


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