Today’s Political Cartoon

Another genius piece from Michael Ramirez.

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28 Responses to Today’s Political Cartoon

  1. rumpole2 says:

    Liked by 2 people

    • czarowniczy says:

      Well they had their chance, they arrested Ambassador Macaire for attending a memorial for the Ukrainian shootdown victims. It’s a violation of international law but this has been a dad few days for Iran and international law anyway.

      Liked by 3 people

    • auscitizenmom says:

      OMG I think perhaps that the UK Amb should go home for a visit.

      Liked by 2 people

    • rumpole2 says:

      They also burned Macaire’s effigy….


    • lovely says:

      Who knew!! Iran is getting its own share of Macedonian Trolls???

      I wonder when the vile rat Khamenei will get dethroned. It can’t happen soon enough.


      • rumpole2 says:

        I see tweets about protests, but there is no way to know how extensive they are. A lot of tweets are repeats. Some in Tehran, some in the odd other place, so who knows how big it all is? It does seem that Iran is prepared to beat and shoot and arrest people. It would be nice if the uprising takes hold and there is a regime change, but what are the chances? The Gilets jaunes began in France in October 2018.. and they have not won. And Hong Kong… still going after months.

        Liked by 1 person

        • lovely says:


          The people who seem to be in the know, from Maryam Rajavi who I have followed for years to Heshmat Alavi are hopeful. That gives me hope.

          I have one Muslim friend, a pretty close friend who I know, she is hopeful. Her nephews were killed by the Taliban so it takes a lot for her to feel any hope.

          People are defying the mullahs, the supreme leader, the taste of freedom if a very beautiful and dangerous thing.

          Sadly what it will come down to is how many Iranians who want to live in a more secular society are willing to sacrifice their lives for that freedom.

          If the armed forces turn against the regime it is over.

          The people have no guns, which makes them almost helpless against the tyrants with weapons.


          • rumpole2 says:

            If they want the Ayatollah government gone… they need something to take over. An opposition political movement. I have no idea what they have got?
            Battling the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is going to be bloody

            Liked by 1 person

            • lovely says:

              Agreed. But it is their world, they have to figure it out, not my culture or my country.

              Maryam Rajavi believes that there can be peace. I don’t know if there can be. It is a blood thirsty culture. Total reform, but what does that look like?


              • rumpole2 says:

                Agree. They have to sort it out.
                I see a few calls for the Monarch to be restored… via the old Shah’s son and heir. No idea if that is a widespread desire?

                Liked by 1 person

                • lovely says:

                  I see some in favor of this, some say no. I am not educated enough to offer an informed opinion.

                  In general thought — something new rather than anything old (with all its attached baggage, favors and grudges held) would on the face of it seem to be a more viable option.

                  Liked by 1 person

              • czarowniczy says:

                First thing any reformers are going to have to sort out is the 20,000+ IRG members whom, in the event of a sea change in government, would find themselves out of a job, having lost their privileged position in the government and probably would look askance at their sudden drop in the social hierarchy. They are rather better armed and trained than the military is too.

                Liked by 2 people

                • lovely says:

                  Thanks Czar, I knew you would have good insight.

                  That seems to me to be an almost insurmountable problem. If Khamenie went to live with Justin Trudeau tomorrow, what is left that has power is a bunch of soon to be waring IRG members who have lived a bloodthirsty existence for decades.

                  Just spitballing from the bleachers here.


                  • czarowniczy says:

                    They are religious zealots just as the mullahs are, they protect the mullahs (who are arguably the power behind the scene) from the military and the civilian government.

                    As I keep saying, Khomeini created the Pasdaran to protect the Islamic revolution and to spread it throughout the world. I swear that Khomeini followed Lenin in his forming the NKVD and Hitler’s creating the SS to protect the Nazi Party. Just as the KGB (NKVD) and the SS survived well after their governments’ deaths and helped shape governments that followed the IRG will do so too.

                    Liked by 1 person

  2. czarowniczy says:

    BTW, Senate Rats are reporting that they have enough Republican votes to pass the bill limiting Trump’s powers vis-a-vis Iran. Let’s see if they have the votes to override a veto.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. czarowniczy says:

    How about the Brits recall Ambassador Macaire and replace him with the Mayor of London?

    Liked by 2 people

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