General Discussion, Friday, January 10, 2020

Lake Huron, Alpena, MI

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93 Responses to General Discussion, Friday, January 10, 2020

  1. Lucille says:


    Liked by 5 people

  2. Lucille says:

    10 Horrible Gun Control Laws from VA Democrats
    One America News Network

    Liked by 3 people

    • czarowniczy says:

      When guns are outlawed only criminals and Democrats will have guns. OK, a distinction without a difference.

      BTW, these laws are more Bloomberg than Democrats per se, he bought this election having funded heavily the governor, State Attorney General and a number of state legislators. I see it as a trial for his 2020 campaign.

      Liked by 2 people

      • glendl says:

        Bloomberg ought to be doing life for violating gun laws and laws that can do that exist and have for decades. Some of his henchmen should be doing time for their part.

        I am referring to the buying of firearms, “straw purchases” and falsifying federal documents.
        Bloomy sends his henchmen to buy firearms and give them to him just to show how easy it is to buy a firearm. 10 years in a Federal prison, minimum for each thug for each gun. 5 years each.
        There is no problem because the guys he sends out are not criminals, so their backgrounds are clear.
        The guy that bought the firearms for the San Bernadino shooters should be doing life for giving them guns that he bought. That is possible even if they had not committed any crimes prior to the shooting.


        • czarowniczy says:

          When I worked with the ATF years ago one of my jobs was to review gun purchase records for possible straw purchases – they aren’t hard to spot. In most cases someone went to the purchaser’s house and asked to see the gun. If it were there they’d talk to the purchaser and try to get them to dispose of it or at least let them know s/he/xis was being watched. If it had been passed to the person for whom it had really been purchased the person would be run to see if s/he/xis were really capable of owning that gun and if s/he/xis were then that person knew s/he/xis was aware of the All Seeing Eye.

          The time I was there (Army loaned me) I do not remember one person being prosecuted on a straw purchase. I don’t even remember a person prevented from owning a firearm who’d received one being prosecuted by the Feds. In all fairness the Feds prosecution off people that doesn’t involve self-promoting press coverage can be glacial, but…

          Liked by 1 person

          • glendl says:

            Wasn’t the woman that brought a pistol for the Columbine killers charged and convicted for giving the pistol to the killers? She was over age 21 and they weren’t, so they couldn’t buy handguns.
            Wasn’t the guy who bought the firearms for the San Bernardino killers convicted of the straw purchase rule?


            • czarowniczy says:

              I’m not sure but in high-profile cases the prosecutors go for all of the publicity they can. If you’re going to get prosecuted by the Feds, or any state prosecutor for that matter, the lower the profile of your case the better you’ll fare.

              I just know what they did in the cases I was involved in. When the locals pick up felons in possession of a firearm they could get the Feds involved but generally don’t and the state penalty is from 10 to twenty years in prison and a large fine but you generally don’t hear of the defendant being charged or if s/he is, not getting the maximum charge.


            • czarina33 says:

              Wikipedia shows San Bernadino buyer is still awaiting sentencing (locked up I hope) b/c first the father of a victim objected to a negotiated sentence as too low, and later b/c he got a new lawyer. Last entry was re 2018.

              Liked by 2 people

  3. czarowniczy says:

    Temp’s about 65 outside, strong breeze that’s making white noise in the pines. There’s a bank of thin clouds moving through fast just barely covering a mostly full moon. Other than the wind it’s all dead still as if everything’s waiting for that front to come through.

    Liked by 4 people

      • czarowniczy says:

        Yeah, quite possible. The IRG was created as THE guardian of the revolution by Khomeini himself and they’ve always had that ‘politically superior’ streak, they’re active in internal and external politics and there were bound to be internal friction factions due to their job, position and powers. The very nature of the IRG made it inevitable.

        I’ve wondered why Soleimani would go to Baghdad like that, he knew not only the US but Israel was hunting for him and Israel has better intel in the area than the US, to me it was a dumb move.

        I’d been posting more at CTH than here, I’d mention there within a few hours of the shootdown that it was a missile and probably fired by some jumpy missileer but I was thinking more of a Strella than a Thor, that was definitely more extreme.

        Bottom line is that the IRG will stay the IRG to us, its machination in Iran willstay more or less the same as will its position as the mullah’s SS. The US public will largely continue to eat the B vfed to it as it’s too much trouble and too big of a distraction to look it up for themselves.


      • glendl says:

        Col.(R) Ken.

        I am looking for information on the explosion that downed TWA Flight 800. This is the plane that is supposed to have exploded because two bare wires created a spark that ignited jet fuel fumes in a half-full fuel tanks.

        Can you help me?
        Thank you,


        • Col.(R) Ken says:

          Jerome Robert Corsi
          He may have author a book or papers
          On Fl 800.
          Yes it was shot down SAM missile, read the
          Testimony of the Air Guard pilot…….

          Liked by 1 person

          • glendl says:

            Thank you, I will check out Corsi.

            The Air Guard pilot was the most credible witness of a handful of credible witnesses.

            A SAM fired by a US submarine?
            Or a SAM fired from something at sea?

            A submarine on the surface is a sitting duck and there is only one reason for them to be close to shore and there were 3 of them positioned on the surface as close as they could be and remain afloat.


      • glendl says:

        Col.(R) Ken,

        I do not believe the official report.


    • lovely says:

      We’re being warned that we are all likely going to die.

      “Don’t drive anywhere from Friday night until Sunday morning!!!”___Crazy Weather Guesser

      Yep it is going to snow and we’re even going to possibly get some freezing rain in WI is January. Go figure…


      Liked by 5 people

      • czarina33 says:

        They have turned regular old weather into a series of events, to which the public should respond to with great concern. Whereas we used to say, “snow coming”, or “windy and rainy”.

        Liked by 2 people

        • lovely says:

          Yep. It is like we have never had a snowstorm or ice. Us your brain and you’ll be fine. I’m sure if I went to the store that there would be many empty shelves and all the Chicken Littles probably have stick necks from staring at the sky… Goofballs. I don’t ever remember dire warnings growing up, none of the weather guessers ever told us to stay home. More like “It looks like a great sledding day for the kids!”


          Liked by 3 people

      • czarowniczy says:

        HEAVY SNOW IN THE WINTER! It’s gotta be climate change, ‘why before Reagan we never had more than pleasant dustings of show, Currier and Ives pictures proves it!’, says Greta.

        Liked by 2 people

      • stella says:

        We are forecast rain today and tomorrow (a couple of inches), and then the temps will drop 20 degrees or so, when we will probably get some freezing rain/snow.

        Liked by 2 people

        • lovely says:

          I haven’t watched the news, just heard second hand, checked the weather online, and saw some forecasts on social media.

          My snowblower is good to go 🙂 !

          Nice and sunny today cool, 36° but it really doesn’t feel bad, I was out earlier and to take my coat off.

          Liked by 2 people

  4. The Tundra PA says:

    Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!!! I’m the first one to say it! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MENAGERIE!! Have yourself a fabulous day, dear friend. Eat cake and ice cream, heck even bathe in champaigne if you want to. Celebrate yourself and enjoy the toasts of everyone around you. I will raise a glass of Jack to you and with you tonight! And I would leave you one of those awesome digital birthday cakes if I only knew how. May your year be blessed and wonderful!

    Liked by 4 people

  5. stella says:

    Happy Birthday, Menagerie!

    Liked by 4 people

  6. glendl says:

    Good Morning Everyone
    Happy Birthday Menagerie

    Liked by 3 people

  7. rumpole2 says:

    Happy Birthday Menagerie

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Lucille says:

    Trump’s Masterstrokes
    By David Prentice – January 10, 2020

    There is an unwritten rule of military conflicts, of great sports wins, of great business coups: When you are winning, keep the pedal to the metal to ensure success, to finish the job. Now that your opponent is reeling, win the game.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. JTR says:

    Happy Birthday, Menagerie! I hope you have a good one!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. litenmaus says:

    Hope you’re having a fabulous day…Happy Celebration of Life Menagerie….:0)

    Liked by 1 person

  11. stella says:

    I’ve been watching reruns of “Call The Midwife” on Netflix. Netflix has the episodes through series 8. Series 9 is airing now in the UK, and I just read that the series is definitely going to run through series 11 (2022).

    Liked by 2 people

  12. auscitizenmom says:

    Happy B-Day, Menagerie. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Lucille says:

    Kenya: Muslims storm military base, murder 3 Americans
    January 10, 2020 12:00 PM By Christine Douglass-Williams

    Al-Shabaab stormed a military base used by Kenyan and U.S. forces and murdered 3 Americans. A statement was issued by AFRICOM Commander-U.S. Army General Stephen Townsend:

    Alongside our African and international partners, we will pursue those responsible for this attack and al-Shabaab who seeks to harm Americans and U.S. interests. We remain committed to preventing al-Shabaab from maintaining a safe haven to plan deadly attacks against the U.S. homeland, East African and international partners.

    Liked by 2 people

    • glendl says:

      I remember when the European colonies gained their independence decades ago. Kenya and Nigeria were the two up-and-coming economic powerhouses. It has taken Islam a few decades to accomplish that, but they are about to be downgraded from bread-baskets to basket-cases.

      The fatalism and nihilism of Islam wins again


    • glendl says:

      Somalia, where 0mar’s constituents vacation overseas.


  14. stella says:

    Read this damning Twitter series.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Lucille says:

    So now we know whose devious minds are calling the shots…Harry and Meghan want to pattern themselves after the BHOs…hahahahahaha!

    “Barack and Michelle Obama are advising Meghan and Harry on their new life outside the Royal Family… with Duchess set to copy their use of ‘star power’ to promote ‘humanistic projects'”

    UPDATED: 17:46 EST, 10 January 2020

    LOL! Another article indicates the duchess is making deals with fashion houses to create their “financial independence” from the royals. Uhhuh…when you spend L1.3 million since you hit the jackpot ON CLOTHES, that’s a lot of “financial independence” you’re going to need.

    Ah, well, the whole debacle is a welcome and amusing diversion from having to worry about Nance’s dentures clicking around when she’s talking.

    Liked by 1 person

    • glendl says:

      They hitch themselves to the BHOs and their falling star will become a sinking star as far as the American populace is concerned. The BHOs are good ones to counsel them on being outside anything, especially outside the law.


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