Today’s Twitter hits …

Let’s all pray for the safety of those in the path of the hurricane.

Things that make you scratch your head and say “huh?” Why would they post this tweet of such a stupid statement?

H/T to WeeWeed!

I hope so, Mr. President.

AOC steps in it again!

Yes, she is a class act.

Congratulations, Candace and George Farmer!


…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Let’s not forget or let anybody else forget this.

Stay strong!

She may not be conversing about it, but the rest of us will.

Fall is almost here. My favorite time of year.

Charlie’s prayer.

Enjoy the day, and the long Labor Day weekend!

This song always makes me laugh, and I’m many of us have shared the sentiment at one time or another …


This entry was posted in 2016 Presidential Race, 2020 Presidential Race, Amendment 2, AOC, Corruption, Current Events, Economy, Faith, Humor, Illegal Immigration, Politics, Social Media, The Culture, The Squad, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Today’s Twitter hits …

  1. glendl says:

    Prayer began a couple of days ago and are ongoing.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lucille says:

    The Boston Straight Pride Parade had as their grand marshall, Milo Yiannopoulos. In his speech, he praised the “balanced” household of a male and female. I see that Ocasio-Cortez left that out….but she probably doesn’t know who he is she’s so ignorant.


  3. jeans2nd says:

    Re: the Johnny Paycheck song – yup, did that, twice. Felt great both times. Shocked the heck out of both bosses.
    Always had another job within a day or two – good IT was/is in demand here. Until Obama, anyway…
    Candace said she & George knew each other only two weeks before becoming engaged. He seemed to be the yin to her yang. Hope all goes well for them.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. auscitizenmom says:

    Boy, some of the things lefty’s tweet is just totally ignorant.

    Liked by 1 person

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