Washington Post SHADOW EDITS Article About Project Veritas

Fake News strikes again.

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2 Responses to Washington Post SHADOW EDITS Article About Project Veritas

  1. jeans2nd says:

    Is anyone surprised? O’Keefe will bring his lawsuit to the DC courts, in front of WaPo’s handpicked jurist, confront WaPo with O’Keefe’s documented proof from their own left-wing sources, and after several years of expensive litigation WaPo will print a small retraction on page 783 of the classifieds with no apology.

    Lord willing, things will change. Soon.
    Pres Trump is holding a social media summit in the next few days, iirc. Fingers crossed…

    Liked by 3 people

    • stella says:

      I must admit, I am very much afraid that we are losing. I listened to Mark Levin’s radio podcast from last night, and that may have something to do with it.


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