General Discussion, Wednesday, March 6, 2019

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68 Responses to General Discussion, Wednesday, March 6, 2019

  1. Lucille says:

    Meet Gouache: The New (Old) Paint That Will Rock Your World
    By Jessie Oleson Moore – October 22, 2018

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Lucille says:

    Apparently, A Fake PAC Is Soaking Up Trump Donations
    by JAZZ SHAW – March 4, 2019

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Lucille says:

    The Beatles – “Something”

    Probably somewhere around 1968 I was going along the Sunset Strip on a weekend night and out from a parking lot near Gazzarri’s nightclub pulled what looked very much like Paul and Linda in a big black Cadillac convertible. Couldn’t be sure, of course, as with heavy traffic in that area I couldn’t really take too many side glances. But I think I’m right.

    With the quadrillion other things which have happened in 50 years, amazingly I can still see in my mind’s eye their faces, the car, the slightly swervy driving, and remember my mouth being open in surprise. LOL!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. lovely says:

    10 smiles

    1) Old Dogs.

    2) “Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.” ― Groucho Marx

    3) The magnificent Italian Greyhound 🙂 .

    (Yes I am partial to the breed. )

    Despite a delicate appearance, Italian Greyhounds are swift, hardy hounds who have survived the upheavals of two millennia. Archaeological evidence suggests that IGs were bred as noble companions some 2,000 years ago in the region that is now Greece and Turkey, when the mighty Roman Empire held sway in the Mediterranean.

    The miniature Greyhound was a popular companion, and perhaps a small-game hunter, throughout southern Europe in the days of the Empire, but the breed came into its own in Renaissance Italy, where owning miniature versions of popular breeds was a status symbol among aristocrats and wealthy strivers.

    IGs can be seen in the paintings of various Renaissance masters, embodying the grace and balance so important to the era’s aesthetics. IGs found their way onto many of the noblest laps in Europe. James I, Frederick the Great, Catherine the Great, Anne of Denmark, and Queen Victoria were among the royals who augmented their majesty with an IG or two by their side. An African king named Lobengula once swapped 200 head of cattle for a single Italian Greyhound.

    4) Snoopy and all the happy memories he brings to mind.

    5) Q: What does an agnostic, dyslexic, insomniac do at night time?

    A: Lies awake all night wondering if there is a dog.

    6) Hairy Dogs.

    7) Tom’s Little Dog by Walter de la Mare
    Tom told his dog called Tim to beg,
    And up at once he sat,
    His two clear amber eyes feed fast,
    His haunches on his mat. composed a lump of sugar on
    His nose; then, “Trust!” says he;
    Stiff as a guardsman sat Tim;
    Never a hair stirred he.

    “Paid for!” says Tom; and in trice
    Up jerked that moist black nose;
    A snap of teeth, a crunch, a munch,
    And down the sugar goes!

    8 ) Q: What do you get if you cross a dog with a rose?

    A: A collie-flower!

    9 ) Dogs who get a home in spite of the odds.

    10 ) “God will prepare everything for our perfect happiness in heaven, and if it takes my dog being there, I believe he’ll be there.”– Billy Graham

    Liked by 5 people

  5. WeeWeed says:

    Mornin’ all!

    Liked by 5 people

  6. The Tundra PA says:

    Good morning friends! And what a beautiful morning it is. The Iditarod update this morning is that ALIY ZIRKLE IS IN THE LEAD!! What news to wake up to. Yee haw! Of course, as everyone quickly points out, having the lead doesn’t mean a lot at this point in the race; they are only a third of the way into it and there’s a whole lot of trail to cover. But still. Savor the sweetness. Go Aliy!

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Lucille says:

    BREAKING – President Trump meets RELEASED US hostage from Yemen at the White House
    Golden State Times

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Lucille says:


    Here We Go… Hillary Clinton Clarifies – Says She Was Misunderstood When She Said She Wasn’t Running (VIDEO)

    Liked by 2 people

  9. stella says:

    I’m so excited – my tomato seeds are starting to sprout! Even the Tiny Tims, which I just planted a couple of days ago. My old tomato seeds I planted eight days ago, and some of them are sprouting too.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. The Tundra PA says:

    Aliy continues to be the race leader at this moment, but it is a technicality. We are in that “twilight zone” time of the race when teams are leapfrogging each other as some mushers stop for the 24 hour break and others move further down the trail before doing so. That is exactly what Aliy is doing now. She is between Ophir and Iditarod, an 80 mile stretch that is the second longest between checkpoints. She arrived in Ophir approximately 5 hours after Nic Petit (Pe-TEE); he has apparently stopped for the 24 in Ophir while she has continued on and will probably take her long stop in Iditarod. One year, a musher went all the way on to Shageluk before stopping, the furthest I’ve ever heard of going before the 24 rest; but he burned up his team doing it and finished way back in the pack. It will be interesting to see whether other mushers follow her lead or not. Impending weather plays a big part in the decision; winter storms can move in at any time and nail everybody to the ground right where they are. The teams’ relative positions won’t really be clear until all teams have completed the 24 hour rest.

    Here’s what one of the official Iditarod bloggers reported about Aliy earlier today:

    Aliy Zirkle hasn’t spread straw in McGrath for a number of years. She’s always moved on to Takotna. Last night she stopped, much to the delight of village race fans. There was a huge crowd gathered around her team as she spread straw and the vets checked her team over. Aliy is very enthusiastic and energetic and it’s nothing to meet her on the way into the checkpoint and before I can even say “Hi” she’s asking me how’s it going. My reply last night was, “Hey, I get to ask you that.” She laughed and then said the first 300 miles of her race were going well. She described the tough trail into and out of Rohn. After a short rest, Aliy was back on the trail. This morning she is resting in Ophir as is Nicolas Petit. She arrived 5 hours behind Petit.

    Aliy is breaking trail toward Iditarod as I write. Nicolas Petit, Jessie Holmes and Aaron Burmeister are in Ophir. Martin Buser is on his way to Takotna. As expected, there’s a large contingent enjoying Takotna hospitality for their long layover. It’s not only the pie that lures mushers to stay, it’s the moose steak cooked to perfection and the peace and quiet of the tiny village.

    Lovely, I just saw your comment from last night. I never thought about the sound the musher hears. Movement. That is the sound of movement, that was my first thought.

    Funny to see the dogs from the mushers perspective. All the dogs seem to be looking straight ahead except the one in front of the white dog closest to the sled (so not the last dog in line but second to last) he/she seems to keep looking off to the right and almost pulling that way a bit.

    Sound is a big part of the joy of mushing. All you hear, out there in the middle of wilderness, is the scraping of the sled runners on the trail and the panting of the dogs as they run. What you don’t hear is the roar of a snowmachine engine beneath you. The loudness of the runners in the “Aliycam” of the Dalzell Gorge tells me the trail is really icy; also the bumping as the sled keeps slamming the trail (that wears you out, I can tell you!). Runners make much less noise on a few inches of snow, and the ride is a lot smoother.

    Dog positions on the team have names. Leaders are first, whether single lead or double lead (one leader or two); swing dogs are second, and usually are dogs that can also lead and are gee-haw trained (will go right or left on vocal command); the two dogs directly in front of the sled are wheel dogs, a position that requires endurance and patience as these dogs are getting yanked by the sled more than the rest. All the dogs between swing and wheel positions are simply referred to as “team dogs”. Some dogs can run well in any position, and some only shine in certain spots. They also have strong preferences about which dog they are partnered with. With a team of 14 dogs, it can take a lot of training runs to get the optimal relationships worked out so all the dogs are happy.

    The team dog you mention from the 2016 Aliycam (just in front of the white wheel dog) looks to be doing fine to me. He looks off to the right some (and who knows what has caught his attention) but he doesn’t pull right. Some dogs do pull sideways a bit. Of course you don’t want them to, every bit of energy needs to go towards forward motion.

    There is another Aliycam from 2016, here:

    That was the year Aliy and the team were attacked by a drunk on a snowmachine out on the Yukon River. She thought he was trying to kill her. It was terrifying and completely shook her up, but she managed to finish the race–in third place! The Netflix documentary “Losers” explained that whole event quite well, I thought. Aliy’s segment of the documentary is about a half hour long and I found it fascinating. If you have Netflix, it is worth watching; she is in segment 4.

    GO DOGS!

    Liked by 2 people

    • lovely says:

      Thanks Tundra for all the information.

      I like that the dogs portions have names and it certainly makes sense.

      The loudness of the runners in the “Aliycam” of the Dalzell Gorge tells me the trail is really icy; also the bumping as the sled keeps slamming the trail (that wears you out, I can tell you!).

      You can hear that as Aliy responds to the bumps and the bangs. I think it is awesome that it has been a part of your life, until you posted about the Iditarod I hadn’t really thought about it but now I’d like to go for a ride someday.

      My favorite thing you said They also have strong preferences about which dog they are partnered with. << I love this, buddies want to be together!

      Stay warm! And Go Aliy!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Lucille says:

    Stop the Tape! Attempting to Override the Emergency Declaration
    One America News Network

    Liked by 1 person

  12. auscitizenmom says:

    lilbirdee12’s prayer:

    Our Heavenly Father, Your children come to you tonight to ask for healing and peace throughout our country so that we may return to being One Nation Under God. Guide us to be leaders in Your Kingdom, spreading Your Love and Salvation to all. Forgive us our sins and deliver us from evil.

    Lord, we ask for a blanket of protection over all our troops and law enforcement who serve to defend and protect us. Bless our representatives with the strength and wisdom they need to achieve the path You have chosen for us.

    Please place Your Guardian Angels of Protection around Donald Trump and Mike Pence and their families as they seek to lead America back to You.

    Grant us patience, Lord, as the evil ones try to anger us and cause us to fall.
    Spread blessings over Israel and Netanyahu.

    We humbly ask that You please comfort those who are grieving and in pain.
    Thank you Father, for Your Love and the gift of Life.

    In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

    Liked by 3 people

  13. auscitizenmom says:

    A prayer for Justice Kavanaugh and Col. Flynn:

    Prayer to St. Michael

    St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle;
    be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
    May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
    and do you, O prince of the heavenly host,
    by the power of God,
    thrust into hell Satan and the other evil spirits
    who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls.

    In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

    Liked by 3 people

  14. michellc says:

    I’m so sick of being sick. Every time I think we’re about to kick it, we start running fever again. We both got antibiotics today, so hopefully that will work.
    Doctor said he’s never seen so many different viruses going around this year and apparently this latest one is causing secondary infections.
    He said the problem is everyone is catching one and then when their immune system is weak from fighting it off they catch another one.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lovely says:

      Sorry Michelle. I hope that you have rounded the corner and are really on the mend,


      • michellc says:

        We thought we were, then last night I woke up in the middle of the night with fever. Husband woke up this morning with fever.
        I decided enough was enough. I figured the doctor wouldn’t prescribe us antibiotics because these days it’s like pulling teeth to get them to give them to you.
        So often anymore they want to just look at you and say it’s a viral infection without looking farther.

        Liked by 1 person

  15. Lucille says:

    Joe Dan has a new one…

    The Green New Episode – Intellectual Froglegs


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