Astronauts Enter Crew Dragon after Docking at the International Space Station

After a successful docking of the SpaceX Dragon 2 capsule to the International Space Station the crew onboard opened up the hatches and entered the capsule.

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3 Responses to Astronauts Enter Crew Dragon after Docking at the International Space Station

  1. texan59 says:

    Might be better if Mr. Musk stuck to rocket ships. Unless he’s doing a Master Class on how to burn through millions of dollars a day over at Tesla. He’s killin’ it over there. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • stella says:

      Triple “likes”!


    • jeans2nd says:

      Oh heck, Musk is just getting started on burning through cash. We ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
      Musk will unveil Tesla’s Model Y SUV on 14 March 2019.
      But no worries. Commie Chick will rescue Musk with the Great Green Leap Forward.
      Until then, we shall still enjoy the space travel. Pray the auto engineers stay out of Musk’s rocket business.


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