Pentagon sends 800 troops to US-Mexico border as alien caravan advances

There are 2,200 national guard troops now serving on the border; 1,145 soldiers in Texas, 115 in New Mexico, 580 in Arizona and the remaining 360 in California.

In addition:


Oct. 25  — The Pentagon plans to deploy at least 800 U.S. troops to the southern border to prevent a migrant caravan from Central America from crossing — making good on President Donald Trump’s vow to use the military to stop an influx of immigration. [translation: aliens entering our country illegally. The latest ‘caravan’ could rightly be described as an invasion force.]

Three administration officials speaking on condition of anonymity told CNN Defense Secretary James Mattis could sign the orders Thursday.

White House sources told The Washington Post and Fox News the same thing.

Thursday morning, Trump tweeted, “I am bringing out the military for this National Emergency. They will be stopped.”…


The official said roughly 800 soldiers will be sent to the area to offer “logistical support,” including providing tents and vehicles.

It’s not immediately clear which units are being tasked with the mission as details are still being finalized.

The migrant caravan as of Thursday is still in southern Mexico, more than 1,000 miles away from the nearest entry point into the U.S.

While the caravan has been said to consist of 7,000 people, there are recent reports that the number is dwindling as the days pass, as fatigue, heat, and weather take their toll. Reports of two more ‘caravans’ following this first one are still largely undefined.

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67 Responses to Pentagon sends 800 troops to US-Mexico border as alien caravan advances

  1. czarowniczy says:

    Just commented on this next door I believe – could be here but it’s been a busy day.
    I’m betting these are advance troops to get the sites ready, not the final cadre.
    I’m pushing for a few AC-130s being sent to bases in the southern area instead…or in support. As the fulminating throng of criminals pauses at the edge of the Rio Grande the ACs could open up and turn the US side of the river into a churning cauldron of foam and fire – just sorta a hint. Of course the decision to go to ‘guns free’ if they cross would being the NCA’s hands but in reality I don’t see the fish downstream getting chummed.
    Nieto’s not gonna do crap to stop this mess, we see the Chinese hands in this caravan and I’m betting they have backdoor deals with him on trade just as they do with Canada to help salve the hurt we could put on Mexico. This is more than an invasion, it’s war.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. czarowniczy says:

    Number of troops serving on the border mentioned does not include those attached to Joint Task Force North. Ain’t a huge amount but they’re there and the Task Force has been doing border work for decades.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. auscitizenmom says:

    My bloodpressure just hit the roof. I have The Daily Briefing on and Jennifer Griffen was on. She said the troops would be at the border with “nonlethal” weapons. These guys may be facing well armed insurgents. How dare they be sent without a way to protect themselves! She says it is because of posse comitatus. I didn’t think that would be in affect when we are being invaded. 😡

    Liked by 2 people

    • stella says:

      I think the National Guard can be armed.

      Liked by 1 person

      • czarowniczy says:

        The Guard belongs to the governor of the State, not the Feds unless the Feds take control from the governor, something that the Feds are really reluctant to do n- see Gov Blanco during Katrina. If the gov wants the Guard to go there unarmed that’s the gov’s choice but I don’t see that happening. They may put riot MPs out front and the Guard mainline with sheathed bayonets and empty weapons – but ammo close by – but again that’s the gov’s choice.

        Liked by 2 people

    • hocuspocus13 says:

      Posse Comitatus is that the Military cannot be used against “American Citizens”


      • auscitizenmom says:

        Yes. I wondered why she said what she did. But, with the immigration problem, people are always talking around in circles about what can and cannot be done. Jennifer Griffen usually knows what she is talking about.


    • czarowniczy says:

      Wrong, Possee Comitatus is almost a dead fish, there are dozens of workarounds.
      In 2007/2008 changes were made that allow Federal forces to be used under the Insurrection Act of 1807 (just as old as Possee Comitatus). The President may employ the Armed Forces in a number of situations where there’s lawlessness and public insurrection, violence and the people are deprived of any right or protection guaranteed in the Constitution.
      Now that’s a very brief synopsis and I’m sure the DoD lawyers are parsing the hell out of the Possee Comitatus Act, the 2006/2007/2008 changes to the Act and ditto the Insurrection Act and will have zero problems justifying their deployment. Matter of fact the various state governors involved will probably breathe a collective sigh of relief if the Feds activate their Guard units – one political hot potato passed.
      This isn’t going to be a matter of having the legal ability, it will be solely a matter of who has the most resolve.

      Liked by 1 person

    • NC Nana says:

      I thought the reason for the discussion of the U.S. Constitution – Article 1 Section 9 a few days ago was so the military could use all their tools to stop the invasion.

      I posted these comments about it at CTH on the 21st:

      President Trump needs to close the border until the wall is built. I don’t care if it takes 6 years to build the wall instead of 1 year. In the mean time activate applicable laws* then bring the armed military in to keep invaders out. All up and down however many thousand miles there are on the border between Mexico and the US.

      This is an invasion.

      * U.S. Constitution – Article 1 Section 9

      …. The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it. …

      MS 13 and illegal opioid drugs are completely out of control, we are experiencing diseases that have been previously been eradicated and new ones we have never seen, murders, rapes, drunken driving** without recourse have put thousands upon thousands of US citizens in jeopardy.

      ** VDH says CA residents call it the 3 No’s: No license, no insurance, no registration. I would add no punishment because when released on bond they are gone with the wind. They just steal someone else’s name and go else where.

      The full comment is here:

      Liked by 1 person

      • auscitizenmom says:

        I am watching Lou Dobbs. He just had a near melt=down talking to a guy from the Border Patrol. The poor guy was gobbsmacked. Lou made him admit there was nothing they could do to stop the invasion if they got their feet on U.S. soil. He finally said the only thing they can do is hold all the invaders until they see a judge. Lou is furious.

        Liked by 2 people

        • auscitizenmom says:

          Forward to the 16:36 mark, that is where it starts. It is Brandon Judd, the Pres. of the National Border Patrol Council.


          • NC Nana says:

            Thanks Mom.

            I was going to look to see what Lou said next. You saved me some search time.


          • NC Nana says:


            Regarding your original remarks about the 800 military personnel would be unarmed:

            I just saw on the Lou Dobbs video that the 800 military personnel will be logistical in nature. They will include engineers, doctors, and lawyers. Somewhere tonight I heard or read this logistical group may be the set up for further troops to come in later.

            I am thinking that they could set up the forward base (engineers) in case others need to be called in. (This is strictly a guess so take it for what it is worth.) I could imagine a whole bunch of needs for doctors and lawyers including ideas like the doctors are on hand in case one of the engineers is injured etc. Lawyers could fill in processing paperwork etc. Who knows, until the Pentagon is ready to announce their plans everything is speculation and rumor.


            • auscitizenmom says:

              Hm. That’s a thought.


            • NC Nana says:


              My comment: “Somewhere tonight I heard or read this logistical group may be the set up for further troops to come in later.”

              Czarowniczy’s comment “I’m betting these are advance troops to get the sites ready, not the final cadre.”

              Oh, just saw it again in the first comment; Czarowniczy is the one who said the engineers are probably the site prep personnel. Probably time for me to think about winding it down tonight.

              Sweet dreams.


  4. Ann says:

    Something tells me these troops will assit these invaders not turn them back.


  5. Lucille says:

    The info originally put out on this invasion force seems real, IMO. It certainly could be that the Chinese or Russians are in on it, too. But this is an International Left movement all the way…

    Liked by 2 people

    • czarowniczy says:

      And Russia and China aren’t supporting Leftists? China’s keeping Venezuela afloat and Russia has a hand in there too. China and Nieto are taking long warm showers together – don’t forget those ports China’s building there – they both want another Obama traitor in the WH.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lucille says:

        Obviously I wasn’t clear. Of course, China/Russia/Cuba/Venezuela and every other leftist entity in the world wants to take down the U.S. and always have.

        Liked by 1 person

        • czarowniczy says:

          Sorry, didn’t mean to sound Nurse Diesel. They jes awant another treasonous, Baathist-house Willie in office. They’re trying, from what I see, to somehow sever the nationalist part of America from the consumer part. They see us as too strong, to arrogant but they need our economy.


          • Lucille says:

            I’m a little jumpy…LOL! Even when a leftie I’m pretty sure I was never as deranged as these nutzos are now…though the other day when cleaning out files I ran across some letters to the editor and some personal letters which made me realize why my family and Republican friends thought I’d flipped my lid. The personal communiques were hilarious (one was to a friend lamenting that she couldn’t sit in on the great conversations I had with my L.A. friends and thus learn something–for pity sakes!!) and the editor letters were typical socialist blather. But at least I was never devoted to the USSR. Haha!


  6. Lucille says:

    Just ran across this at StealthJeff (who I noticed seems to be having a feud with Sundance!, Stella, if you’e not comfortable with my posting this here, just eliminate it)…

    Thread by @drawandstrike:

    “Told you Trump wasn’t bluffing. Everybody is missing the point. Any illegal immigrants from these caravans that reach the border and manage to actually CROSS IT and get into the US, what’s going to happen to them?

    The US military is going to DETAIN THEM IN A TENT CITY until they can be deported.

    Report: Navy memo plans for Camp Pendleton to house up to 47,000 migrants in temporary detention

    By JEFF MCDONALD AND KATE MORRISSEY | The San Diego Union-Tribune | Published: June 23, 2018

    Liked by 2 people

    • stella says:

      No problem, since no insult intended on your part!


      • Lucille says:


        You’ll note in the McDonald/Morrissey article they include quotes from immigration lawyers soooo worried about how they can do their jobs if the military is domiciling the illegal aliens. Pure scare tactics.

        Their suggestion is that the illegal aliens be released with ankle location monitors. As it would be cheaper than domiciling them at Camp Pendleton or other California military facilities. Apparently, depending upon which ones are used, it’s not easy to cut the bracelets off. The question is, why should they be released into society at all? How will they live? They aren’t supposed to work. Giving them full medical, food, housing benefits is VERY expensive. And do we really want them on our streets? JUST SAY NO!

        Liked by 3 people

        • rheavolans says:

          No, I don’t want them on my street, or for that matter, on expensive electronic monitoring that I don’t think for 30 seconds they’ll honor anyway.

          Send the invaders home! And as for the immigration lawyers with their panties in a wad, send them back to law school so they can learn what “illegal” means. These aren’t legal immigrants caught up in some snafu with Customs. These people have no right to be anywhere near that border, PERIOD.

          Have the military litter the border with land mines, too.

          Yes, I’m sick of these invading parasites, in case you can’t tell.

          Liked by 2 people

    • czarowniczy says:

      So now hows Moonbeam going to interfere with those plans?


      • Lucille says:

        Probably no luck with his popping off unexpectedly; so he WILL think of something. If parental longevity is any indicator, looks like Moonbeam has got at least ten more years (Dad was almost 91 and Mom was 93-1/2 at their expiration dates).


        • czarowniczy says:

          He just might come up with a move to have the state legislature allow the dead to vote and hold office. He can get Shirley McLaine to head up the department that manages the program.


  7. czarowniczy says:

    The Rats seem to think flooding the country with Central Americans will somehow miraculously change Rat fortunes at the polls. Obviously the Rats overestimate their abilities to control or even work with these people.
    What makes the Rat leadership think that importing millions upon millions of lower class from failed countries, countries whose failure is totally due to these peoples’ inabilities to achieve a stable government and economy, and things will be different here? How many more barrios like we have in major border states will we have scattered across the country, barrios where English will be the poor stepchild language for a long time?
    What makes the Rats think these immigrants won’t turn on them as they already have on a smaller scale when they get sufficient numbers? We’re already seeing it in California as they gain power, pretty soon the white Rat California kapos will find themselves sidelined. “So long and thanks for call the fish, Gabachos.”

    Liked by 1 person

  8. jeans2nd says:

    Re: czar’s reply to Lucille – Plus China installing underwater monitoring devices 180 miles from one of our our nuclear sub bases as well as dry dock for some carriers, dropped by the Canadian Coast Guard, courtesy of Whatsits Trudeau.

    China initiating a foreign invasion army on our Southern border, courtesy of Mexican Pinata (apologies, not good on names).
    China nearly ramming one of our carriers in the South China Sea.
    China offering Europe trade concessions (which will never materialize) in pursuit of their continuing trade war on the U.S.
    China keeping NoKo at bay while transferring updated nuclear and ballistic missile technology to NoKo.

    Plus the dozens of other provocations which have been forgotten (as usual).
    When do we consider that war is being waged against us?
    Russia Russia Russia

    Liked by 1 person

  9. czarowniczy says:

    Oh yeah, my Navy friends told me about the Chinese SOSUS array…opps, the environmental monitoring array. Thing is the Chinese are so flat out more advanced in their military sciences that there’s no way Canada can be sure of what else is going on with those devices. Period. When this mess started over trade I said the Chinese would stroke Canada’s ego to get their foot in the door. The Chinese liked the Obama Maoist-lite POtuS and a strong nationalist POTUS who actually does love this country, not look to destroy it and feed off of its remains like a political carrion eater, interferes with their expansionist plans.
    Russia will play with China against the US in hopes of neutralizing us…then they’ll go at each other. Right now China’s busy building its military strength in the China/South China Seas and trying to neutralize Japan and Australia as US allies and bases. China will continue to tweak our tail in the China Seas while it builds, it has patience, all they need is another treasonous Rat in the WH and they’ll have a clear field again.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. NC Nana says:

    This Judicial Watch video is all in a foreign languages. You have to read the subtitles to know what is being said. I assume the languages are Portuguese, Chinese, a dialect of an Indian language and Spanish. I don’t speak any of those languages so I had to read the subtitles.

    As I ‘listened’ to it the people said that they either heard about the caravan on TV or they met up on the road. The people said it was not political.

    From the YT notes:

    “…they are from China, there are Indians, there are people from Brazil, there are people from all over the world.”

    HAPPENING NOW–large numbers of migrants from various countries–including Brazil and even as far as China & India–are traveling through Central America to the United States. Some are coming for a new opportunity in America.

    Liked by 1 person

    • NC Nana says:

      Judicial Watch’s Chris Farrell talks to Lou Dobbs about his 4 day visit to the invasion caravan.

      His segment starts at 12:30


    • Lucille says:

      Notice all the holes in the clothes and how skinny everyone was? Yeah, me neither!

      I did notice the lie the one guy in a white shirt give out with…that he was not in charge. He can be seen moments prior telling the people to be quiet. So someone certainly made him a monitor of some type.

      More info from Judicial Watch:

      Judicial Watch Director of Investigations and Research Chris Farrell – fresh back from Guatemala – just released the following stunning information:

      Guatemalan authorities just recovered seven (7) unaccompanied minors from human smugglers working inside the “caravan.”

      Guatemalan authorities have taken the children into custody — and they are being given medical check-ups, food, water, etc.

      Smugglers have been arrested & the broader investigation into criminal activity in the caravan(s) is ongoing.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. lovely says:

    Cassidy has a good time line going on the invaders.

    It seems some patriots are headed to our side of the border. they are just waiting to see where the criminals are going to try and breach our border. Things like this have real potential to go sideways. I’m sure that the orders that the governors of specific states are giving to border guards (using the term broadly since so many outfits are already there and so many others are supposed to be on the way) are going to influence the breach point.

    Pray for our border patrol, pray for our patriots who refuse to allow criminals to invade our home.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Lucille says:

      Perhaps the military will be putting up electrified high tensile fences as the second line of protection one yard in from the first line barrier using razor wire…

      Liked by 2 people

      • lovely says:

        That would be sweet. This is the event that will define us as America again. I suspect that most of them are going to turn back. At least the women and children (what few of them there are) . Word has to be getting back to them that if they try to enter the United States of America that there is a new sheriff in town.

        Vice President Pence and President Trump are staking a lot of their political capital on keeping the invaders out.

        Liked by 1 person

        • NC Nana says:


          “This is the event that will define us as America again.”

          This made me weak at the knees when I read your comment.

          Auscitizenmom posted a Lou Dobbs video above. She refers people to the Dobbs interview starting at the 16:36 mark. At the very end of the segment Brandon Judd, the Pres. of the National Border Patrol Council, said the Border personnel do not have any new instructions from Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen to do anything differently than what they have been doing. This means catch and release … or business as usual.

          Liked by 1 person

          • auscitizenmom says:

            Someone else, on another show, said that Nielson insisted on putting someone at the head of the border patrol that the others objected to. He is anti-Trumper. He should never have been put in that job. And, evidently, she is not the right one for her job. So, there is the problem right there. They won’t do what Pres. Trump has told them to do. I hope he is looking for a replacement for her and that other guy.


          • lovely says:

            I’ll watch Dobbs tonight.

            Hat tip to Aus 🙂 !

            This means catch and release … or business as usual.

            I don’t think so.

            “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

            Not many Americans are going to be very sympathetic to a horde of scumbag

            Gang Members, Criminals Are Part of Migrant Caravan, Officials Confirm


            Gang members and criminals are part of the migrant caravan currently in Mexico and heading north to the United States, U.S. officials said.

            President Trump has played the press like a fiddle from day one. There are so many forces working against him, against America, there is so much money and coordination working for team Clinton/Obama/MSM that righting our country is a mammoth task.


            President Trump is not going to let this happen on his watch. Vice President Trump is not going to let it happen on his watch.


      • NC Nana says:

        Great thought!


    • NC Nana says:

      Would that they could vote Republican.

      The problem with that type of wishful thinking is that a Yuge percentage of these people do not speak English. If they are talked into voting illegally, most likely they will be “assisted” by one of those helpful people shepherding them in the caravan now. Of course they will do it by absentee mail-in ballot.

      The border needs to be closed.

      Liked by 2 people

      • lovely says:

        The border needs to be closed.


        President Trump has the Constitutional power to do it. Vice President Pence has a backbone equal to President Trump.

        I am just getting the feeling that the vast majority of the invaders are not going to get to the border let alone across it. I could be wrong. It won’t be long before we know.

        Liked by 1 person

      • lovely says:

        Would that they could vote Republican.

        I’m not 100% sure what this means but I took the comic as the caravan is backfiring on the democrats because people, Reagan democrats, Trump democrats are not going to want our country invaded.


        • NC Nana says:

          Hi Lovely,

          Some things I don’t have much of a sense a humor about. As you can see illegal voting is one of them. I took this way too literally and just started hitting on the likely scenarios. When in truth the Democrats should be as worried about illegal voting as I am (and some are).

          I am sure your interpretation is the message the cartoonist intended. BTW, who is the cartoonist?

          Way back when the political joke that was going around after Pres. Reagan won the cold war was:

          The cold war is over and Japan won. That is what I think about the slow takeover of our country by illegals. That is why I have such a strong reaction about the illegals. In not too very long the illegals could conquer our country at the ballot box and never have to fire a shot.

          Oh well, sweet dreams.

          Liked by 1 person

          • lovely says:

            Agree with all you said NC NaNA with the exception of the comic being a joke. It’s not a joke it is a means of getting people to open their eyes, a vehicle for getting the truth out. Another arrow in our quiver.

            I don’t know who the artist is I just found it on Twitter.

            I think everyone here sees the insidious invasion of our country by illegal criminals exactly for what it is. An attempt to turn the United States into a third world country.

            Thank you. Sweet dreams!

            Liked by 1 person

      • No. America has magic dirt. When they land here, they become American. And then they love America and know and identify with our whole history! Don’t you know this truth?


  12. lovely says:

    What an odd coincidence. President Trump and The Warrior Saint are spending time together.


    • ` says:

      Ah, I remember when my hero Ronald Reagan said it was just a random thing, unconnected to any ideology whatsoever. Reagan was a genius.

      I punch myself, really hard, in the face, whenever I think this.

      Because I was an idiot. Reagan was a Hollywood Leftist.

      Soooooooooooo smart, yet didn’t know what the Muslim Brotherhood was since the 19-teens. Reagan was so smart, and the Beruit bombers were just lone wolves.

      No, Reagan was like Obama. Good speaker, Freakin’ moron.

      Liked by 1 person

      • lovely says:

        Yep. So sad my Mother in Law tried to tell me that there was no difference between Obama and Romney.

        Sad truth. They are all scum, totally in it for the wealth and power the United States and her beautiful people are simply a mens to an end for them.


        • stella says:

          If that were the case, it would be okay to vote for Hillary. Politicians are human beings. All of us are flawed and prone to sin. Doesn’t mean that Trump and Hillary, or Reagan and Hillary, are the same animals entitled to the same respect.

          Liked by 2 people

          • lovely says:

            Hi Stella 🙂 ,

            I’ve been cleaning house :I . Unexpected guest is coming this evening 🙂 !

            This is going to be a bit all over the place because you asked a lot of interesting questions that deserve well thought out answers given the statement that I made.

            My opinion;

            President Trump is a totally different animal than Hillary. Hilary wanted to be president, wants to president for the wealth and power, her motivations are purely self-centered and her pat conduct indicates that she is an evil woman.

            And Hillary was in self preservation mode ”If that f*cking b*stard wins we’ll all hang from the gallows”__Hillary Clinton

            I believe that Obama and Romney were very similarly motivated except for one caveat which is very important but their similarities are what would have kept America headed straight off the cliff if Romney won instead of Obama.

            Romney and Obama were motivated by greed and power neither had the heart of America,the redemption of our great country as the motivation in their seeking the presidency.

            Romney was weak, he was terrified of the first black president and the debate moderators. He always acquiesced even when he was right. Obama bowed to dictators, Romney bowed to Obama.

            Romney would have chosen the side of Mike Brown, he would have said things very similar to Obama, about our police needing to step back, about not targeting young black men for just being black and on and on. Romney had no spine for national leadership.

            Romney would have been owned by the powers who put him in office. Just like Obama.

            Reagan really did nothing to help stop abortion. Why? It was not politically expedient to do so not was it where his lobbyist wanted him to devote his time.

            Reagan righted the ship to some degree because that is what he ran on and it was what got him re-elected and it was what his donors wanted him to do. Reagan’s donors got richer because he was president.

            And so it has been with every president with our only exception being President Trump.

            Politicians are owned by their donors.

            President Trump is owned by his fidelity to his standard of loyalty to making the world a safe place for his children and grandchildren to remain after he is dead. I said this was his motivation not long after he came down that escalator. President Trump knows that he is the only hope that his children and grandchildren have of living in a non Islam third world or a totalitarian nation.

            President Trump has said as much. During one of his speeches he said something like ”If I die, if someone shoots me” at which point he shrugged his shoulders, I’ve lived a great life.

            That was another great window into the man that President Trump really is. He has said things like I needed this like a hole in the head. I had a great life, everyone loved me.”

            President Trump went into this with his eyes wide open. He knew his infidelities would be front page news, he knew exactly what the Clintons are capable of, and still he gave up everything and is under constant attack every single day, all because he speaks the truth and refuses to say “Oh I’m so sorry I said anchor baby, please let me get on my knees and beg your forgiveness” instead he says, “I call them anchor babies because that is what they are, anchor baby, oh, you don’t like it? Too bad.”

            President Trump’s motivation and independence is what sets him apart from everyone else.

            Oh and the caveat to there being a difference in Obama and Romney. Obama hates America and Americans, Obama wants America to fail, theoretically anyhow, both he and Michelle seethe with hatred for America, for you, for me for police, for all that is sacred.

            Romney loves America and Americans. But Romney was weak and owned by his donors so the damage would have been more of a slow burning fire rather than the raging inferno that is Obama.

            Then think about what we know of McCain. What would he have done to the country. I don’t believe that McCain hated America in the way that Obama hates America but I do believe that McCain would have sold out America to the highest bidder just as fast as he gave up his brothers on the battle field. These people, lifelong politicians, are the scum of the earth.

            I believe President Trump has given the idealistic members the congress critters and our representatives the spine and the ability to actually fight for America. How many solid freshman conservatives have kicked us in the teeth after we trusted them? Every single one of them who has escaped the treadmill of perpetual politician comes out of it and says, ”I was going to vote this way but I was called into so and sos office and told that if I did vote as I campaigned I would be out the door and ruined politically and personally.”

            It is a new era, we may still go down in flames but at least we have a warrior leading the counter attack who is truly on our side and not afraid of being politically correct, he can’t be called into anyones office because he will kick their teeth down their throat.

            I do not view President Trump as a politician, I view him as a father and grandfather, an American trying to leave behind a world that is not a living hell for his children, grandchildren and fellow Americans.

            I believe POTUS 100% when he says that he really didn’t want to become president but it was forced upon him by the world as it is.

            So absolutely not, my statement did not mean it would be ok to vote for hillary, but if it had come down to Hillary and Jeb, Jeb would have been the slow burn, Hillary the continued inferno.

            Liked by 1 person

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