Photo of the day …

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59 Responses to Photo of the day …

  1. Happy Kavanaugh Confirmation day to all Stellars! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    Liked by 5 people

  2. auscitizenmom says:

    Oh happy day. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Lucille says:

    Beautiful day when justice reigns! Thank You, Lord!

    LifeNews has been a supporter of Judge Kavanaugh from the beginning and this is a great place to memorialize solidarity. We’re all Christians together and standing with our brothers and sisters is what we do.

    “Senate Confirms Judge Brett Kavanaugh as Supreme Court Associate Justice”
    by Steven Ertelt – OCT 6, 2018 | 3:58PM WASHINGTON, DC

    Liked by 3 people

  4. lovely says:

    Two best tweets of the day 😂

    Take no prisoners, move straight ahead. Give the enemy no time to rest, continue to make war on them while they are weary.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. lovely says:

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  6. lovely says:

    Looks like our Justice is in the building 🙂 !!!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. stella says:

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  8. stella says:

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    • Lucille says:

      Tell them they’ve got one minute to disperse. After that, it’s handcuffs and off to the hoosegow. Use up a little more of Soros’s money. Yeah, I know, a drop in the bucket but I just love the thought of him having to pay out for these indoctrinated-to-hate-America lefties.

      Liked by 2 people

  9. lovely says:

    I am so tickled that the democrats have no new playbook.

    Democrat oligarch “I have an idea, let’s get a porn lawyer to be the new face of the democratic party”

    Democrats still living in the pre-Trump world ”Outstanding idea”.

    Democrats say Avenatti undercut their case against Kavanaugh

    Liked by 1 person

    • Menagerie says:

      He must have burrowed into the basement then because they had no foundation to begin with. What case against Kavanaugh? Only in their feeble, feeble minds.

      For years I have said too many women are really stupid. I stand by that judgement.

      Liked by 2 people

      • lovely says:

        There was no case. Ford lied. But… her lie was nebulous as to the perimeters, a bunch of drunk teenagers… the general situation could have been believed by a person of average thought.

        Her accusation, her recollection that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her was on its face an absolute line of bulls*t that I believe she conjured up to stop him from becoming a justice on the SCOTUS because she disagrees with him politically.

        Enter the porn lawyer who brings a larger nutcase to the party than Ford. A woman who claimed she attended at lest 10 parties when she was 20, parties where young teen girls were drugged and train raped, she didn’t report it (nor did any of the victims of the alleged rapes) but she did continue to go to the rape parties and wave to Judge and Kavanaugh when she saw them in the rape line.

        Sen. Collins used the Avenatti dame to lay out a firm case for due process against condemnation by ludicrous accusation, Avanatti was the path to Collins’ yes. The liberals will never forgive him. He should stay away from barbells, airplanes, train tracks, public parks, guns and anvils.

        Liked by 3 people

        • Justice says:

          Ford’s leftist hacks are probably not very happy with her anymore. She is not planning to pursue any further action against our new Justice, nor does she want him impeached. This according to her lawyers.

          She will be ignored and pushed aside now…she’s useless to them.

          Liked by 1 person

          • lovely says:

            Agreed. Ford has failed to serve her purpose. She is of no political value to her masters anymore so she will be shed.


          • michellc says:

            Personally I hope the committee recommends an investigation. You can’t say people sign a sworn statement under penalty of felony or testify under the same and then allow people to make a mockery out of it by lying through their teeth.

            Liked by 2 people

            • Justice says:

              It’s absolutely true that unless there are consequences, they will never stop doing this. I don’t think there will ever be any though. Our side generally backs down to keep the peace.

              That’s what keeps the Left empowered. They are lawless people and the hammer of justice is seldom heard. There is plenty of slander, libel and treason to pursue here.

              At least they did get the guy who doxed the Senators. That’s good. There’s news tonight that several other Senators are getting death threats via text messages and calls directly to their personal cell phones. These demons are savages and it’s going to get much worse.

              Liked by 2 people

              • lovely says:

                There is going to be civil unrest, random violent attacks by the Left on people just going about their day. Until their violence is stopped dead in its tracks they will continue to attack. The most difficult part is that the many on the Left are truly delusional. They really do not understand that Kavanaugh didn’t rape anybody, they believe we are supporting a mad rapist who now sits on the highest court of the land.

                There can be no rational discourse when another’s opinion is pure delusion.


              • michellc says:

                It makes it easy to lie when you know there will be no consequences. These are immoral people who lying is looked upon favorably.


            • lovely says:

              Perjury is very rarely charged.

              It will be interesting to see what happens here. Ford has plausible deniability in that she plays the befuddled Edith Bunker quite well. I doubt she will be charged but Feinstein may get clobbered with some well deserved nasty charges. Ru that horror out of her cushy job. Send her to jail.

              I do agree that perjurers especially false accusers should be charged to the full extent of the law. It is not politically expedient to charge Ford, nor is it a winnable case, Ford was vague on purpose, all she said with 100% certainty is that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her, everything else was couched in a fog, but all Ford has to do is get an attorney and a mental health expert to say it was not a lie it was the delusional belief of a traumatized woman. The truth will not matter.

              Ford will take her million dollars and run. Probably divorce her stupid husband and move to Europe.

              Liked by 1 person

              • michellc says:

                It’s really sad, especially now when the dots can be connected to her and the former FBI friend.

                Liked by 1 person

                • lovely says:

                  President Trump is a game changer, so you never know what might happen.

                  Some folks are just realizing how dangerous people like Diane Feinstein and her minion Christine Ford actually are to a free society.

                  If I had to lay my money down I would lay it down on some type of sanction/ruling against Feinstein and the attorneys. Ford is too good at playing the basket case. It seems that years of talking to nutters has well equipped her to play the victim. I would bet a dollar to a donut that she heard the “second door” scenario from a client.


                  • michellc says:

                    It was probably something she read in her history as a professor. Far too many of these professors today are insane people that parents send their kids to every year.

                    I was reading a lady the other day talking about the crazy they learned how to do in psych classes and it was one of the reasons she changed her major.

                    I hope somebody pays a price.

                    Liked by 1 person

                  • lovely says:

                    I got into quiet a fight with one of my psychology teachers who basically said “Mental illness is a choice”.

                    Liked by 1 person

      • michellc says:

        These women are even more stupid than even I have given them credit for and believe me I have judged women harshly for years.
        Because of what they have done their #metoo movement is now going to be a huge joke.
        Women will be looked at with huge skepticism now who claim sexual assault or sexual harassment. They squandered all true victims worked for years to accomplish.
        More companies will think twice about hiring women and their backgrounds will be thoroughly investigated.

        Liked by 2 people

        • lovely says:

          These women are a great danger to women.

          Liked by 2 people

          • michellc says:

            Did you see them trying to claw their way into the Supreme Court?

            They’re either possessed or truly insane, either way a danger to even be allowed on the streets.

            Liked by 2 people

            • lovely says:

              They are delusional and yes I saw it. Like rabid cornered animals it is as if they have not been gifted with a mind that can work logically and within the laws of reason. Scary to be that disconnected from reality.


              • michellc says:

                I think even many hardcore liberal democrats are getting scared watching this stuff.
                I have seen many on FB that I know are hardcore liberal democrats who are saying this is not them, not what they believe in and not what they want to be associated with. Some saying they just will never vote again and others saying they’ll vote for Republicans until their party is ran by sane people.

                Liked by 1 person

            • lovely says:

              There is only one explanation for stuff like this. Delusion. This is not real world connectivity. It is gibberish and whoever wrote it and taped it to their back is proud to be wearing it and they think that they are conveying a profound message.


              • michellc says:

                At least he wasn’t wearing a Soros wall suit or carrying a Soros professionally printed sign.

                As much as it’s been just a little scary watching all of this knowing there are this many crazy people running around free as well as people who will do anything for a buck, I’m also glad it went on.
                I’m also glad the rat leaders are so delusional and think this helps them and are doubling down. Every time this is played on the news or some other washed up actor/actress shows up on television speaking for the party I cheer.

                Normal people are appalled and don’t see it as just politics. No normal person wants to be viewed as insane.

                Liked by 1 person

                • lovely says:

                  I’m also glad it went on.

                  I agree with this 100% . The mask is off. Lunacy, debauchary, unmitigated vicious hate, and delusional confidence being given power is no way to run a country. Giving credence to maniacal people is its own kind of delusional.

                  The madness simply has to be stopped.

                  Liked by 1 person

  10. stella says:

    From our friend, Tilda:

    Liked by 4 people

  11. stella says:

    James Woods is back on Twitter:

    Liked by 3 people

  12. lovely says:


  13. michellc says:

    I wonder if these women who screamed and disrupted the vote as well as all the women who were outside screaming along with those beating on the doors of the Supreme Court realize just how rude, disrespectful and insane they look to normal people?
    Some of these young people you can hope they’re just stupid and might possibly outgrow it, but these old women there is no hope for.


  14. michellc says:

    I don’t know if you can read Dan Rather’s FB post if you don’t have FB but the comments are quite hilarious.

    My favorite comment thread on the post:
    I bet therapists are fully booked these days. I know I’ve certainly needed mine over the last year.

    how true! Thank heaven we have someone like that, right?
    At least we are heard…

    yes! I’m thankful. I think I’d go completely nuts if I didn’t have her.

    I’m a psychotherapist and yes I’m booked and have a wailist. Epidemic levels of anxiety in our society.

    ever since the 2016 election….my clients suffering with PTSD…anxiety and depression…insomnia
    Off the charts.

    I’ve gained over 10 lbs over the past 2 months eating for comfort and wanting solitude to heal more than interacting with others..where is this going…can’t imagine raising children and raising a daughter right now…

    What can a therapist tell me to help me feel better? And everyone’s comment just tells me I shouldn’t even bother trying to see one. I won’t get to one anytime soon. At least I have some weed to temporarily make life easier to deal with.

    Therapist here too.
    Very booked…working a ton of hours, trying to help.
    It’s like a mass traumatization .
    So much anxiety.

    My therapist has sternly told me to limit my exposure to news. As someone born in DC with two parents who worked for the government, this has been very difficult. I am swearing off it this weekend for sure. The gloating would just send me over the edge.

    And Wal-mart is sold out of play-dough, teddy bears and coloring books. Sad day indeed!(I don’t think they realized that guy was making fun of them….lol)


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