General Discussion, Thursday, July 26, 2018

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146 Responses to General Discussion, Thursday, July 26, 2018

  1. lovely says:

    The nice thing about spending a day in nature is that you get to stop and see the little beauty that is is easily missed in the rush of a normal day. The nicer thing about spending a day in nature with little people is that you get to see it through new eyes, how easily a flower becomes a ring 🙂 !

    or a dinosaur necklace,

    Have a beautiful day folks!

    Liked by 9 people

  2. Lucille says:

    This beautiful church is in North Hollywood, CA. One of my friends was a parishioner there when she lived in NH. What could prompt someone to commit such an act could be anything, of course, or maybe he had a grudge against one of the many entertainers who attend there. A terrible thing.

    “Vandal Causes $100K Of Damage To NoHo Church, Police Say”
    July 25, 2018 at 11:30 am

    Liked by 6 people

    • Gil says:

      We have several wild fires going that were caused by someone going to multiple places too. Crazy people, drug addled people everywhere here. Everyone in jail has some mental issues already. I hope they find out who did it. Right after they refurbished too.

      Liked by 4 people

      • czarowniczy says:

        We’re being inundated with programs about heroin users as ‘victims’ and how they need hugs to get off drugs. Oh yeah, we should also buy, at our own expense, Narcan, in case we come across some poor, OD’d soul.
        Interesting how the news no longer reports houises, warehouses, any building that’s been abandoned and burned down as a haven for druggies. The number of property fires has dropped from a bunch a year where druggies probably have been involved to zero, No fires from druggies nodding off and leaving open flames unattended, no ODs (though there’s a ‘crisis’ going on). no drug related shootings – seems things are l;ooking up.

        Liked by 3 people

        • Col.(R) Ken says:

          We have a lot of this crap around, these people even have OD parties………

          Liked by 2 people

          • czarowniczy says:

            Works for me. As I’ve said before, no one put a gun to their head and forced them to get addicted. They are the victims while the bloody and damaged path in the wake of that shot is ignored. ODing is a sure method of rehab.


            • Menagerie says:

              Back in the 80’s my boss told me about some friends of theirs. They, at great expense and sacrifice, put their son in a residential treatment program. When they visited him he was ususally out by the pool. He had great meals, very nice accommodations, the pool and other entertainment options.

              After awhile they saw no motivation in him, nothing that signaled he was busy working hard to reform his life. They discussed it, decided if anyone was due very nice accommodations, poolside living, catered meals and easy living it was them. They yanked him out and put the money back for their own vacation.

              I really admired those people, though I never met them. Sounds like a cute story, a no brainer kind of thing to do, but being a parent, I know it was a lot deeper choice than that.


              • auscitizenmom says:

                I know someone, a family member, who was a pilot and then an air traffic controller. He was also a hard core alcoholic. His parents sent him to rehab many times. He lived in Canada and I believe they sent him from work, too. He would stop drinking for a while, but then would start back. He died pretty young, in his late fifties or early sixties, I believe. There was just nothing anybody could do for him because he wouldn’t do it.

                Liked by 2 people

              • czarowniczy says:

                I saw the junkies robbing, burgling, selling themselves, murdering or getting murdered if things went too bad. The misery the drug causes from the poppy fields to their veins doesn’t justify more than one – two at the very most – almost futile attempts to get them off the needle.
                The thought that 360-million people have to suffer for the illegal needs of ~1-million heroin jinkies makes ZERO sense.

                Liked by 5 people

              • Sharon says:

                That’s a good report. And, like you (I think) I see both sides of the situation, Menagerie. In fact, in real life with regard to our two sons who were two years apart, sometimes I decided one way about a consequence and other times, I decided the other way. I told them early on that, depending on the situation, sometimes I would fight FOR them and sometimes I would fight WITH them.

                The consequence has to be valid and understandable and directly tied to the offense. It sounds like their son’s offense was ingratitude and laziness and refusal to deal with reality, in which case their choice was the perfect one.

                Then there are those situations where I have watched our sons neck deep in things that actually were OTHER people’s consequences being played out in their lives, and their only fault was not identifying the corrosive behavior sooner. So then we stand by, give them our presence, and perhaps provide some breathing room while they work it out.

                Those life situations are the places where I learn how to endure and how to be patient. Both of those are choices or actions. Neither of them are feelings. Feelings are part of it, of course, but not the primary part. I find it encouraging that both patience and endurance can be lived out, with benefit for both me and them, when feelings have crashed and burned.

                Liked by 5 people

    • czarowniczy says:

      Yes, but after all of the targeted vandalism and arson it must be a relief to know it wasn’t a ‘hate crime’. Anyone got an idea of what a hate crime is in Hollywooid/LA?

      Liked by 2 people

      • Gil says:

        Yep, wearing a red maga hat in a public space. I look everywhere, never see them. But we have a lot of trucks with the Flag flying. Im in a more conservative area.
        Actually, Im going into that beast called LA in a couple days. If I see anything odd or crazy Ill let ya know.

        Liked by 3 people

        • czarowniczy says:

          WE gots a lotta them flags aflyin’ too…Stars and Bars and American – but then we’s a backards, ignernt raidnek area sooooo…..

          Liked by 1 person

        • Sharon says:

          I frequently see trucks (and motorcycles) with flags flying in the Willamette Valley here in Oregon – between Portland and Salem. On half mile walks, I can always count at least 22 houses that have flags flying every day, not just on national holidays. On national holidays, the count will exceed 40.

          Oregon, as a complete state, is no more infested with libs than Minnesota or Colorado are, although people might think it is if they are only aware of activities in Portland and Eugene.
          Many residents in Clackamas County, which borders Multnomah (Portland) on the SE sides, specifically choose to have nothing to do with Multnomah County and are loud about it. There are regular proposals of one kind or another in which Multnomah is begging to get access into the tax revenues of Clackamas County.

          Thank God for the electoral college – I think that’s our only solid protection against a “lib democracy” where we would be destroyed by the #s.

          Liked by 4 people

      • lovely says:

        Misapplying a gender title?

        Liked by 3 people

        • czarowniczy says:

          But…but…but there are sooooo many gender descriptors now, how will we ever be sure we got the right pronoun?
          How ’bout the Engvall solution: “Here’s your sign!”?

          Liked by 3 people

    • That’s so sad. I hope the vandals are caught and punished.

      Liked by 4 people

    • stella says:

      How terrible. What kind of mind finds joy in destruction?

      Liked by 4 people

    • Menagerie says:

      I saw a question on Quora yesterday. A young man asked how he could prepare himself for the physical test to enter the army, saying that he was not able to pass it. A drill instructor came back and said simply, (I am paraphrasing it, of course) change your mind. It must never be a part of your thinking that you can’t do it. Only each day working to the day that you can do it. Then he went further, but that was his emphatic point.

      I have one son who absolutey believes he can do anything he puts his mind and effort into, and his effort is always over the top. From the time he was born he had that confidence, although I will say my husband is like that too, and nurtured it in our son, who exceeded even his father in self confidence.

      Having never had that level of confidence and conviction, I admire it greatly, wish I had it, and never completely understand it.

      Liked by 5 people

      • Lucille says:

        Being secure in your abilities–once you’ve recognized them, of course–is the path to doing a good job no matter what line of work you choose. Neither over nor under confident is the key. The next step is honing and perfecting.

        If you’ve ever seen the Green Bay Packers QB Aaron Rodgers throw a football, you know he’s very good in placing the ball where he wants. Innate ability, yes, but as he says, then comes the preparation, the training, the hard mental work.

        Example: Aaron Rodgers hits Richard Rodgers for a 61-yard touchdown to end the game in Detroit! This just might be the most spectacular throw/catch in football history.

        The same play captured by a spectator which shows how high the ball went, not just how far forward…

        Liked by 1 person

  3. czarowniczy says:

    A bit off to the side but I swent tgo the store today for some bug stuff and – pow! – there were what we used to refer to as ‘5th generation chem/bio weapons’ right there on the shelf. There was a product that interfered with the hormones that control insect reproduction and growth. There was a spray that interfered with the growth rate of grass so you don’t have to cut it as often.
    There were whole lines in process a while back, experiments were in process to interfere with any number of vegetative and animal hormones and enzymes for…..commercial…..purposes. For those who may not know the development of chemical weapons has heavily followed a ‘developing insecticides’ line since Day One. The first nerve gasses developed were developed from insecticide research and that continued right down to the novichok series.
    If wevwant to play tecnical games you could, by squinting and holding your head just right, do what the Russians did with T-2 mycotixins, saying they wrrent’t ‘chemical’ weapons as the toxin was a natural product that, if it were what they’d used and it wasn’t, wouldn’t be a chemical weapon. Same with these ‘bioregulator’ items, they’re from natural sources, researched/developed for agricultural purposes and… know how it goers.
    And the grand games goes on.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Lucille says:

    Here are some ideas for all Stellars who are in the decorating mode right now….


    Liked by 3 people

    • Gil says:

      I have an accent wall that is peacock blue but a liitle dark. Problem is, I cant reach to roll the whole think bc its partial cathedral ceiling. Have paintings I wanted to hang but cant cause I need an 8 or 9 ft ladder and an extra set of arms. I probably need a handyman to do it.

      Liked by 3 people

  5. Menagerie says:

    Good morning everyone. Almost the weekend! Here’s a really fun video to rock you into the weekend. Tell me truly, who can sit still when Little Richard plays? Not this guy!

    Liked by 6 people

  6. I keep hoping Nyet will post our fun breakfasts, but until then…. y’all have me. We miss you, Nyet!

    I brought out the champagne again to celebrate pre-Friday! Why not, right? 😉

    Liked by 8 people

  7. Menagerie says:

    Here’s a short article that really makes you see your prayer life in a different light. It’s really worth the read.

    Liked by 5 people

  8. WeeWeed says:

    Mornin’ y’all!

    Liked by 9 people

  9. stella says:

    Seen on Facebook:

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Today’s painting is from The Little Mermaid by Rie Cramer. I chose it because the image on the sail of the ship fascinated me. Does anyone know if old ships put pictures on sails? I know eventoday there is aship with Maltese crosses on the sails. It looks like this may be either St Nicholas of Myrna or St. Erasmus (Elmo), both are patron saints of sailors and sailing.

    Here is a pretty, but damaged female paper nautilus, argonauta argo. The broken tentacle attaches close to where it is placed near her face, but the “wing” I’ll call it, belongs to the right near the other one. Her head shimmers like a piece of Tiffany glass.

    Here is a colorful and beautiful creature. I’m guessing a jellyfish. (Not every website has names for the specimens).

    and finally we have Botryllus schlosseri, the Star Ascidian. I saw the bottom one first, and thought it looked like a rock! They are animals that look like they camouflage themselves as flowers!

    Have a great day everyone, and hello to anyone I missed. See you all later 🙂 🙋

    Liked by 8 people

  11. litenmaus says:

    Mornin’ OGC, these are so amaaazing. Thank you for sharing all this beauty, such an awesome way to start the day. :0)

    Liked by 2 people

  12. stella says:

    Joke of the day:

    Not to pidgeon-hole the Scots, but…

    There was a Scottish painter named Smokey MacGregor who was very interested in making a penny where he could, so he often thinned down his paint to make it go a wee bit further.

    As it happened, he got away with this for some time, but eventually the local church decided to do a big restoration job on the outside of one of their biggest buildings.

    Smokey put in a bid, and, because his price was so low, he got the job. So he set about erecting the scaffolding and setting up the planks, and buying the paint and, yes, I am sorry to say, thinning it down with turpentine……..

    Well, Smokey was up on the scaffolding, painting away, the job nearly completed, when suddenly there was a horrendous clap of thunder, the sky opened, and the rain poured down washing the thinned paint from all over the church and knocking Smokey clear off the scaffold to land on the lawn among the gravestones, surrounded by tell-tale puddles of the thinned and useless paint.

    Smokey was no fool. He knew this was a judgment from the Almighty, so he got down on his knees and cried:

    “Oh, God, Oh God, forgive me; what should I do?”

    And from the thunder, a mighty voice spoke.

    (you’re going to hate this)


    Liked by 7 people

    • auscitizenmom says:


      Liked by 2 people

    • litenmaus says:

      :0) Mornin’ Stella….very cute…:0)

      Liked by 2 people

      • stella says:

        Mornin’ litenmaus! I’ve got lots of Scots genes, so I can tell that one!

        Liked by 3 people

        • litenmaus says:

          My husband’s grandmother, a 100% Scot who died at the age 104, may have apprenticed in Smokey McGregor’s paint shop. Just say’N :0)

          Liked by 3 people

        • Menagerie says:

          Okay, in danger of missing the joke (I didn’t) I have to say this. Blame it on Lucille. 😀 Perhaps her video about painting, combined with this joke, just overwhelmed the painter in me, so I have to say this, just in case it helps someone.

          For many years when we bought paint I insisted on getting cheaper paint. Not the bottom of the barrel, but not good paint. We were just so strapped for money.

          One of my positions at Home Depot was running the paint department, and I had lots to learn. So, first up, good paint is economical. It has far more solids in it than the cheap stuff. And the very cheapest paint is made with leftover stuff that was not used in the good paint. So, you are going to use less paint and a heckuva lot less labor with good paint. Combine that always with a quality primer and your painting job will be cheaper, quicker, better, and longer lasting.

          Which leads me to one last observation, I promise. Good quality paint can never be made to look as good as it should if applied with poor quality brushes and rollers.

          The end. From someone who had to learn the hard way.

          Liked by 7 people

          • Lucille says:

            Thank you, Menagerie…I love to be around knowledgeable people.

            My paternal grandfather had a painting contractor business which he ran until his early 70s when he fell off a ladder and broke both his heels. He was very exacting and professional in his work, properly taping the windowpanes so he wouldn’t have to scrape the paint off later, and always using the best paints. Any contract which had his name affixed meant the paint job would be a good and lasting one.

            My Dad’s brother also was a painter and worked for various painting companies over the years. He learned his lessons well from his father. In the family keepsakes are my uncle’s union pins and paperwork. I keep meaning to make a shadowbox with a photo of him and his co-workers, the pins, the union books and work memorabilia. Maybe I’ll leave it to one of the two other humans still alive who remembers him…my nephews.

            Liked by 4 people

        • Scots are known for their Thriftiness.
          How was copper wire invented?
          2 Scots fighting over a penny!

          Liked by 5 people

    • Gil says:

      Oh boy….. lol…


    • lovely says:

      An Englishman, a millennial and an Irishman walk into a bar.

      They all sit down and each orders a pint of beer. As soon as the beers are served 3 flies swoop in, one landing in each beer.

      The Englishman wrinkles his nose and pushes the pint away in disgust.

      The millennial delicately picks out the fly and tries to give it mouth to mouth weeping in sorrow over the death of the drowned fly.

      The Irishman delicately picks the fly up by the wings, carefully holds it over his mug and shouts, “SPIT IT OUT YOU B*STARD!!!”

      Liked by 3 people

  13. stella says:

    A couple of you have asked about it, so I finally did it! We now have a Prayer Requests link at the top right of the page. Please check periodically, as you are moved, to see if anyone is needing prayer. Thank you.

    Liked by 4 people

  14. stella says:

    President Trump’s Schedule, Thursday, July 26, 2018

    9:00 am || Departs White House
    10:25 am CT || Arrives Dubuque, Iowa
    11:00 am CT || Receives a tour of the advanced manufacturing lab; Northeast Iowa Community College, Peosta, Iowa
    11:30 am CT || Participates in a roundtable discussion on workforce development; Northeast Iowa Community College, Peosta, Iowa
    12:35 pm CT || Departs Dubuque, Iowa
    1:35 pm CT || Arrives St. Louis, Missouri
    2:20 pm CT || Participates in a tour of Granite City Works – Hot Strip Mill; Granite City, Illinois
    2:40 pm CT || Delivers remarks on trade; Granite City Works – Steel Coil Warehouse; Granite City, Illinois
    3:20 pm CT || Departs Granite City
    7:05 pm || Arrives White House

    All times Eastern except as noted

    Liked by 4 people

  15. auscitizenmom says:

    My friend was over yesterday and she said her sister who lives in Texas got a call from the Dems asking for money for Hillery to run for President. They wanted $2500. She sent it. A few days later she got another call wanting another $2500. Made me wonder if she really intends to run or if she just needs some spending money.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Lucille says:

    President Trump Puts Terrorists on Notice
    July 25, 2018 3:17 PM By Amil Imani

    Liked by 2 people

  17. stella says:

    Sergio Marchionne of Fiat/Chrysler died yesterday. It looks as if he suffered an embolism after his shoulder surgery, but this report says he has been suffering from a “serious illness” for a year.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. stella says:

    I usually don’t eat snacks before dinner, but I was so hungry that I made a white bean dip to have with crackers. Really good, but I put so much garlic in it that it’s lucky I’m alone!

    By the way, I do have a bruise on my forehead from last night, and it’s still swollen.

    Liked by 2 people

  19. auscitizenmom says:

    lilbirdee12’s prayer:

    Our Heavenly Father, Your children come to you tonight to ask for healing and peace throughout our country so that we may return to being One Nation Under God. Guide us to be leaders in Your Kingdom, spreading Your Love and Salvation to all. Forgive us our sins and deliver us from evil.

    Lord, we ask for a blanket of protection over all our troops and law enforcement who serve to defend and protect us. Bless our representatives with the strength and wisdom they need to achieve the path You have chosen for us.

    Please place Your Guardian Angels of Protection around Donald Trump and Mike Pence and their families as they seek to lead America back to You.

    Grant us patience, Lord, as the evil ones try to anger us and cause us to fall.
    Spread blessings over Israel and Netanyahu.

    We humbly ask that You please comfort those who are grieving and in pain.
    Thank you Father, for Your Love and the gift of Life.

    In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

    Liked by 4 people

  20. michellc says:

    Sometimes I honestly do not understand how people’s brains work.

    There is I doubt anyone who knows me who doesn’t know I was totally against legalizing medical marijuana in my state. I also do not like how they did it and the other consequences associated with it by them getting it on the ballot during primaries instead of general election. I know why they did it because they wouldn’t have gotten enough pot heads to come out and vote to override the vote of those voting in the general election.
    However, they did it, they got it passed and it’s not the government’s job to change it just because they don’t like it. Because I said the Board of Health was wrong and did not and should not have the authority to make rules that are totally opposite of what the state question said, I now support pot and this by many who voted in favor of it.


    • Our state, Michigan, apparently recently legalized the use of marijuana to treat Autism. We’ve had some scathing discussions about that in our household (that is mightily impacted by my Autism Spectrum son’s challenges). There is Nothing good that can come from legalizing weed, in my opinion…


      • michellc says:

        I agree, but now that the people did it the government has to abide by it. If they are allowed to do it on this then they will be doing it on every state question the voters pass that they don’t like.

        Liked by 1 person

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