Watch Rosenstein’s full announcement of the indictment of 13 Russians

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1 Response to Watch Rosenstein’s full announcement of the indictment of 13 Russians

  1. Ace is right. This is nothing, and desperate.

    This is almost as huge as the revelation that the RUSSIANS spent a whole $150,000 on FaceBook ads. — Ace

    13 Twitter trolls. Influenced 300 million people. Well, half of them anyway.

    It makes me want to bang my head against the desk, knowing that people actually believe this stuff, but I don’t do that. One, because that hurts, and Two, because — eventually — it might make me stupid enough to believe this stuff.

    “Yeah, I was absolutely going to vote for Hillary, but then I read some Tweets and facebook ads, and I decided to vote for Trump instead.” — Nobody ever.

    Meanwhile Obama had call centers in Gaza and the West Bank working the phones.

    And Hillary sold our uranium to RUSSIA. And the Dems have ALWAYS been tied to RUSSIA, and have always hated us for knowing that fact. For almost 120 years.

    I know they love the big lie, but this is the biggest lie they ever got away with.

    It’s like a culmination.

    Liked by 3 people

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