General Discussion, Sunday, January 14, 2018

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112 Responses to General Discussion, Sunday, January 14, 2018

  1. MaryfromMarin says:

    This one was too easy–National Dress Up Your Pet Day:

    Liked by 6 people

    • joshua says:

      waiting for the pedo#metoo deal to emerge next….


      • I’m praying it will.

        I’m pretty sure it goes back to Shirley Temple and Our Gang/Little Rascals. All the way up through Gidget, little Michael Jackson, the Olson Twins, and every other kid in every video production now, from Nick to Disney to ABC to the whole industry.

        Parents pimping out their kids for a life of luxury. I bet the Olson twins #metoo next.

        They didn’t go off the rails, in my opinion, for nothing, when they reached the age where they had the freedom to leave their programming by the Hollywood cult.


    • I love this quote, and many others by Lewis.

      “For my own part, I tend to find the doctrinal books often more helpful in devotion than the devotional books, and I rather suspect that the same experience may await others. I believe that many who find that ‘nothing happens’ when they sit down, or kneel down, to a book of devotion, would find that the heart sings unbidden while they are working their way through a tough bit of theology with a pipe in their teeth and a pencil in their hand.”

      He and Tolkein were peas in a pod.

      I’ve heard rumors about Lewis being involved in the occult, but I don’t believe them, based upon the body and truth of his written work. No way.

      I read a book in 1997, hardbound, called Part III. Very, very heretical title, right? A whole bunch of theologians and literary geniuses got together and nominated several works, and got it printed and published, which they believed were Inspired and should be Canonized like the other books we have in our Bible. Many chapters are amazing. Authors from St. Augustine to Lewis to Billy Graham.

      I cannot find the book now, no matter how many search terms I use.

      It sure did get me thinking about whether God is still inspiring people’s writing.

      Breathe into. I think he still does, and has since the days of Christ. A heretical thought, I know, to think that further works could possibly be canonized, but better folks than me have been called heretics.

      I don’t believe for one second that John’s Revelation was the last God-inspired writing. Not by a long shot. We’re going to find out if I’m right, one day. We see through a glass, darkly.


      • Lucille says:

        Regarding Tolkien, I decided to watch this episode of Antiques Roadshow BBC, “Caversham Park 1” and found this wonderful segment. Run the vid to 13:58. A woman brings for appraisal three communications from Tolkien…


        • Lucille says:

          After several interruptions, I finally finished watching this episode a few minutes ago. It’s really worth watching the whole thing. I enjoyed it a lot.


        • Thank you.

          I think it’s worth far, far more, and this guy is bulls*itting her, and rubbing his hands together.

          At auction it would fetch nearly a million, if not more.


      • Menagerie says:

        As I stated in our prior discussion, and feel most compelled to re-emphasize, I most vehemently disagree.

        The why of it, among many reasons, is mostly this. What you are really just advocating is the heresy of Modernism. Look it up and study it. I don’t need to, and don’t want to try to sway you. This you must come to believe, or not, by your own choice. Buy you need more thought and information.

        The death of John left the Church with all the Revelation she would need, and use through the centuries for Christians to possess the full extent of God’s Word. I don’t believe He is an “Oh, yeah, by the way I want to add this, this, that, and oops, two more” kind of God.

        Look at the writings on Sacred Traditions, the Deposit of Faith. Mull the differences of the writings of the Doctors of the Church, and the differences between that and the first two. Read about the magisterium.

        All of these things have value and place. Some of the things you have said to me have truly, powerfully impacted and changed me. That does not mean they should be added to the Canon of the Bible, or dogmatic teachings.

        Wooly, what you advocate is as logical as the liberals wanting, demanding, that society tell them everything they want to do is good, or we are racist or judgemental or hate filled. Same logic. Because someone sees value in St. Augustine does not mean we mess with what has stood for two thousand years. Soon you have nothing with authentic authority, but hey, everybody got their favorites in.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Lucille says:

    Les Fées du Lac – Jean – Marc Staehle

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Lburg says:

    What a wonderful Sunday photo, Stella. Wow.

    Liked by 7 people

  4. nyetneetot says:

    Mornin’ stella! (Smiter of those that ought to be smote) 😎 🍸 (Long Island Iced Tea)
    Mornin’ WeeWeed! (Master Mixologist Extrodinare) 😎 🍸 (Old Fashioned)
    Mornin’ Menagerie! 😎 |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| (Jack Daniels – Single Barrel )
    Mornin’ Ad rem! (Queen Felis catus) 🐱 🍸 (Flaming Lamborghini)
    Mornin’ Sharon! 😎 🍸 🍸 (earthquake)
    Mornin’ ytz4mee! 😎 🍸 (cosmopolitan)
    Mornin’ waltzingmtilda! 🙂 🍸 (white wine and perrier)
    Mornin’ partyzantski! 🙂 |_| (Tom Collins)
    Mornin’ texan59! 🙂 |_| (Black & Tan)
    Mornin’ ZurichMike! 🙂 🍸 (fuzzy navel)
    Mornin’ Col.(R) Ken! (hand salute) 🙂 |_| (Boilermaker)
    Mornin’ czarina33! (aka czarina) 🙂 🍸 (Lynchburg Lemonade)
    Mornin’ czarowniczy! 🙂 |_| (Wild Turkey Rare Breed)
    Mornin’ letjusticeprevail2014! 🙂 |_| (Irish Car Bomb)
    Mornin’ Patriot1783-ctdar! (aka “ctdar”) 🙂 🍸 (grasshopper)
    Mornin’ tessa50! 🙂 🍸 (flaming volcano)
    Mornin’ waltzingmtilda! 🙂 🍸 (sidecar)
    Mornin’ varsityward! 🙂 |_| (Godfather)
    Mornin’ MaryfromMarin! 😀 |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| (Mortlach)
    Mornin’ Wooly Covfefe! (aka “Wooly Phlox” aka “taqiyyologist”) 🙂 |_| (Roy Rogers)
    Mornin’ Howie! (aka “doodahdaze”) 🙂 |_| (Classic Daiquiri)
    Mornin’ TwoLaine! 🙂 |_| (Gin & Tonic)
    Mornin’ Sha! 🙂 🍸 (Lemon Drop)
    Mornin’ BigMamaTEA! 🙂 🍸 (Harvey Wallbanger)
    Mornin’ cetera5! (aka “Cetera”) 🙂 |_| (Blackberry wine)
    Mornin’ The Tundra PA! 🙂 🍸 (Gentleman Jack Whiskey Sling)
    Mornin’ lovely! 🙂 |_| (Backdraft)
    Mornin’ michellc! 🙂 🍸 (Salty dog)
    Mornin’ auscitizenmom! 🙂 🍸 (Kiss on the Lips)
    Mornin’ Margaret-Ann! 🙂 🍸 (White Russian)
    Mornin’ Auntie Lib! 🙂 🍸 (Tom and Jerry)
    Mornin’ holly100! 🙂 🍸 (Jack & Coke)
    Mornin’ Pam! 🙂 (Not even water)
    Mornin’ Ms.Tee! 🙂 🍸 (Mojito)
    Mornin’ koolkosherkitchen! 🙂 🍸 🍸 (Cuba Libre)
    Mornin’ ImpeachEmAll 🙂 |_| (Flaming Dr. Pepper)
    Mornin’ Monroe! 🙂 |_| (Stinger)
    Mornin’ Les! 🙂 |_| (Rusty Nail)
    Mornin’ shiloh1973! 🙂 |_| (Jack Daniels)
    Mornin’ TexasRanger! 🙂 |_| (Whiskey Smash)
    Mornin’ Ziiggii! 🙂 |_| (B52)
    Mornin’ oldiadguy! 🙂 |_| (Rum & Coke)
    Mornin’ smiley! (“stuck in spambucket”) 🙂 🍸 (Spanish coffee)
    Mornin’ derk! (“Stellars”) 🙂 🍸 (Kamikaze)
    Mornin’ Jacqueline Taylor Robson 🙂 🍸 (Shirley Temple)
    Mornin’ facebkwallflower! 🙂 |_| (Night Train Express)
    Mornin’ Ms. Cindy! (aka “Ms Cynlynn” aka “ms cynlynn”) 🙂 🍸 (1970 ducru beaucaillou)
    Mornin’ sandandsea2015! 🙂 🍸 (1961 Château Montrose)
    Mornin’ amwick! 🙂 🍸 (Blue motorcycle)
    Mornin’ hocuspocus13! 🙂 🍸 (1970 Chateau Latour)
    Mornin’ Sloth1963! 🙂 🍸 (1971 Moulin Touchais)
    Mornin’ MTeresa! (Ex-lurker) 🙂 |_| (Albanian Raki Moskat)
    Mornin’ Rhea Salacia Volans! 🙂 |_| (Hot Buttered Rum)
    Mornin’ joshua! 🙂 |_| (Mudslide)
    Mornin’ John Denney! 🙂 |_| (RumChata)
    Mornin’ litenmaus! 🙂 |_| (Stolichnaya elit, no ice)
    Mornin’ kinthenorthwest! 🙂 🍸 (A Lonely Island Lost in the Middle of a Foggy Sea)
    Mornin’ TwoLaine! 🙂 |_| (Smoking Bishop)
    Mornin’ patternpuzzler! 🙂 🍸 (Old Lady)
    Mornin’ Senatssekretär FREISTAAT DANZIG! 🙂 |_| (Red Russian)
    Mornin’ G-d&Country! 🙂 🍸 (Blind Russian)
    Mornin’ Gary! 🙂 |_| (Yuengling)
    Mornin’ valeriecurren! 🙂 🍸 (Flaming Sambuca)
    Mornin’ Lucille! 🙂 🍸 (Peach Schnapps)
    Mornin’ Lburg! 🙂 🍸 (Lburg lemonade)
    Mornin’ davidhuntpe! 🙂 |_| (Baileys Irish Cream on the rocks)
    Mornin’ skipper1961! 🙂 |_| (Brompton’s Cocktail – No cherry, no umbrella, no plastic monkey)
    Mornin’ mightyconservative! 🙂 |_| (Benjamin Franklin’s clarified milk punch)
    Mornin’ whiners and complainers! 😛 (No drink for you!)
    Mornin’ to people posting that I missed. 😳
    Mornin’ to all you lurkers! 😕

    Also just in case someday; mornin’ to Elvis Chupacabra, F.D.R. in Hell and sundance! :mrgreen:


    NEW and IMPROVED breakfast with extra bacon for ZurichMike!

    Blueberry Scones

    Liked by 7 people

  5. WeeWeed says:

    Mornin’ kids!

    Liked by 7 people

  6. WeeWeed says:

    Liked by 4 people

  7. nyetneetot says:

    For those of you looking for different gym workout tunes:

    Liked by 1 person

  8. derk says:

    Morning Stella, all,
    Agree with LBurg above, beautiful photo, thank you. Think the Texan did a drive by yesterday, Yay!
    Haven’t gone in quite awhile, but meeting a friend at the horse races today at Golden Gate Fields just above Oakland.
    Should be fun, used to be drug along there often as a youngster by my parents. Me and my brothers had a blast running amok. Grabbing the old discarded betting tickets and pretending we were loaded, popscicle sticks twisted together to make throwing stars, infields to run, grandstands to climb, the trumpet blaring and the horses. Good memories.

    May have used this one previously, but still made me laugh when it popped up again the other day.

    Have a great day out there!

    Liked by 7 people

  9. G-d&Country says:

    Morning Everyone! 🙂
    I thought we needed some bright, happy flag waving so here is today’s painting: ‘Allies Day, May 1917’ Oil on canvas – National Gallery of Art, Washington, (Frederick) Childe Hassam 1859 – 1935. (There were paintings of just American flags in this “flag set”, but artistically, I preferred this one.) Hassam was an American Impressionist painter noted for his urban and coastal scenes. Hassam was instrumental in promulgating Impressionism to American collectors, dealers, and museums. He produced over 3,000 paintings, oils, watercolors, etchings, and lithographs over the course of his career, and was an influential American artist of the early 20th century.

    “Artwork Description & Analysis: Hassam is well-known for his series of nearly thirty paintings completed between 1916 and 1919 depicting both the American flag and those of her World War I allies on display on the streets of New York City, particularly on Fifth Avenue. He painted them both to raise money for the war effort and to instill a sense of patriotism and solidarity among Americans. Many of them, such as Allies Day, are painted from Hassam’s preferred elevated vantage point along the street, juxtaposing the colorful banners waving in the breeze with the staid, gray verticals of the architecture, forms often used by Hassam to represent an American character and identity. The decking of these structures with flags suggests the depths of American commitment to the Allied cause, akin to the notion of wrapping oneself in a national flag.
    Like many of his other works, the flag series, including Allies Day, derives from several French models of public flag displays on festival days, such as Monet’s Rue Montorgeuil, Fête de 30 juin 1878 (1878). But the flag paintings also represent a deeply personal strain of Hassam’s Impressionism; each of the nations (with the exception of Canada, whose flag in the foreground contains the British flag on a red ensign) played a significant role in his life. A proud American, he was a noted Anglophile and received much of his artistic training in France. It is not surprising, then, that Hassam scoffed with disdain when he failed to find a buyer for the series as a whole in 1919 and realized the collection would be dispersed.” ~ from the art story

    **** And here is today’s Fun Food Pic – a red,white, and blue pie cake! h/t Charles Phoenix

    It is made of:cherry, blueberry, and apple pies, 3 cake mixes, and cream cheese frosting. BAKE PIES (do not overcook – he used Sara Lee pies), put ½ box batter in pan, put in pie, put in ½ box batter, cook for an hour! Frost as usual. ENJOY!

    Off to pack away Christmas decorations – Have a Happy Red, White, and Blue day!

    Liked by 4 people

  10. lovely says:

    Fox news as of earlier this morning was reporting that President Trump called sh*t holes sh*t holes. So I decided to see what the heck is really going on and went over to another MSM, it was channel 5 maybe “Greet the Nation” I’m not sure who the host was other than a liberal quack.

    Anyhow the host had 2 people on and both were present at the meeting one was a democrat and one a republican, the republican said it never happened that POTUS didn’t say it, the democrat said while he didn’t hear President Trump say those exact words, that the phrase “Why are we letting people in from shit holes like Haiti and African countries” conveys the spirit in which President Trump was speaking 😂.

    Ok other than giving me a chuckle as it is something we already knew I thought “meh”.

    Then I was reading and I see the shifting narrative, Because of President Trump’s “sh*t hole” remarks the DACA deal is now compromised.

    So there you go.

    The democrats figured out that President Trump painted them into a corner and that they are going to be blamed for blowing the DACA deal so therefore the MSM is going to start blaming President Trump’s “sh*t hole remarks” for DACA being dismantled.

    Master player.

    The Left is predictable as minute rice.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Lucille says:

    Just for old time’s sake….

    The Wild Wild West – A Cowboy’s Work is Never Done

    Conrad was uber handsome in person…and he’s a conservative Republican. I believe he still has a digital radio talk show out of L.A. He’ll be 83 in March.


  12. Lucille says:

    Since I’m up writing at all hours of the night, this was an interesting read…

    The Connection Between Writing and Sleep
    A new study shows journaling helps you fall asleep, but content matters.
    Posted January 12, 2018


    • What do you write?

      I’m rather surprised by the small sample size – only 57 people? And while I can see where writing a to-do list may be helpful for some people, writing about things that have happened can help too, especially if your mind continues to replay the events long after they are over.

      I don’t have any studies to back that up but I just looked at the calendar and realized I’ll have been journaling for 10 years in October (I should buy myself something nice in honor of the occasion, a nice pen or a fancy journal or something.) So that’s my only source of “why this maybe works.”

      I actually have this journal that I bought back when I started college when my insomnia seemed to begin in earnest. It might help people who want to start a night journal but aren’t feeling too sure about doing so.

      I never actually wrote in mine. It sat on the shelf above my bed for a long time, and then I realized that I could translate the concept behind that journal into my regular journals, and then I did that. But I still like it.


  13. lilbirdee12’s prayer:

    Our Heavenly Father, Your children come to you tonight to ask for healing and peace throughout our country so that we may return to being One Nation Under God. Guide us to be leaders in Your Kingdom, spreading Your Love and Salvation to all. Forgive us our sins and deliver us from evil.

    Lord, we ask for a blanket of protection over all our troops and law enforcement who serve to defend and protect us. Bless our representatives with the strength and wisdom they need to achieve the path You have chosen for us.

    Please place Your Guardian Angels of Protection around Donald Trump and Mike Pence and their families as they seek to lead America back to You.

    Grant us patience, Lord, as the evil ones try to anger us and cause us to fall.
    Spread blessings over Israel and Netanyahu.

    We humbly ask that You please comfort those who are grieving and in pain.
    Thank you Father, for Your Love and the gift of Life.

    In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

    Liked by 1 person

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