Music of the Day – All I want for Christmas …

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3 Responses to Music of the Day – All I want for Christmas …

  1. Sharon says:

    These renditions are so fun. What the liblefts can’t grasp is that we just like him because in so many ways, he really is just like us. And now it is our delight the he is in a position to make good things happen for our country.

    What a combo he and Melania are. She’s high class who grew up common and is at ease with common folk and children. He’s a blue collar billionaire who is sharp as a tack and generous, both with what he knows and with what he has.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lucille says:

    Great fun. I’m including this in some of my Christmas emails.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You can make one of these videos on a smartphone, with the right apps.

    From scratch.

    It’s ridiculous the tech we have in our pockets. Absolutely ridiculous.

    Also ridiculous how much music we can make with so little.


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