Byron York: Dossier author was in contact with Obama Justice Department

Washington Examiner

It’s been ten months since Washington learned that former British spy Christopher Steele, author of the so-called “Trump dossier,” took the Hillary Clinton-funded opposition research document to the FBI, which considered sponsoring the anti-Trump work at the height of the 2016 presidential campaign. Now, congressional investigators have made what is perhaps an even more consequential discovery: Knowledge of the dossier project, during the campaign, extended into the highest levels of the Obama Justice Department.

The department’s Bruce Ohr, a career official, served as associate deputy attorney general at the time of the campaign. That placed him just below the deputy attorney general, Sally Yates, who ran the day-to-day operations of the department. In 2016, Ohr’s office was just steps away from Yates, who was later fired for defying President Trump’s initial travel ban executive order and still later became a prominent anti-Trump voice upon leaving the Justice Department.

 Unbeknownst to investigators until recently, Ohr knew Steele and had repeated contacts with Steele when Steele was working on the dossier. Ohr also met after the election with Glenn Simpson, head of Fusion GPS, the opposition research company that was paid by the Clinton campaign to compile the dossier.

Word that Ohr met with Steele and Simpson, first reported by Fox News’ James Rosen and Jake Gibson, was news to some current officials in the Justice Department. Shortly after learning it, they demoted Ohr, taking away his associate deputy attorney general title and moving him full time to another position running the department’s organized crime drug enforcement task forces. [Really? Why wasn’t he fired?]

Investigators believe the dossier’s sensational allegations of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign played a role in the beginning of the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into the Trump-Russia affair — an investigation that later morphed into special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., whose investigation has led to a number of revelations about the dossier, was unhappy to learn about such a key piece of information months after the investigation began. Ohr’s contacts with Steele and Simpson were covered by a subpoena Nunes issued to the FBI and the Justice Department on Aug. 24. Yet as recently as Tuesday, when Nunes, along with House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., met with deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein, the department said nothing about Ohr’s role.

Investigators believe the dossier’s sensational allegations of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign played a role in the beginning of the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into the Trump-Russia affair — an investigation that later morphed into special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., whose investigation has led to a number of revelations about the dossier, was unhappy to learn about such a key piece of information months after the investigation began. Ohr’s contacts with Steele and Simpson were covered by a subpoena Nunes issued to the FBI and the Justice Department on Aug. 24. Yet as recently as Tuesday, when Nunes, along with House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., met with deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein, the department said nothing about Ohr’s role.

Since Devin Nunes has now been cleared of all allegations that he disclosed classified information [after EIGHT MONTHS!!!] by the House Ethics Committee, I think we may see accelerated progress into the ‘Russia’ investigation. As Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, and a member of the Gang of Eight, he is a powerful fighter for Truth and Justice.

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3 Responses to Byron York: Dossier author was in contact with Obama Justice Department

  1. auscitizenmom says:

    I think it is all falling apart…………….or maybe coming together. Dominoes. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  2. lovely says:

    Unbeknownst to investigators until recently, Ohr knew Steele and had repeated contacts with Steele when Steele was working on the dossier. Ohr also met after the election with Glenn Simpson, head of Fusion GPS, the opposition research company that was paid by the Clinton campaign to compile the dossier.

    We get a clearer vantage point to see why Devin Nunes hightailed it over to the White House, Comey’s epic firing (I still imagine Comey squinting his eyes and reading the CNN scroll “President Trump fires FBI Director James Comey” and on and on.

    There is no way, that President Trump did not have this information long before he tipped his hand.

    I can’t wait until President Trump pardons Flynn.

    Trump warned them again and again “I know more about them than they remember about themselves.”

    President Trump is not draining the swamp he is setting ups swift strategic nuclear strike.

    If that b*stard wins we all hang from nooses. __Hillary Clinton

    From your lips to God’s ears Hillary.

    Liked by 2 people

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