President Trump Addresses Tax Reform

Scheduled for 3:30 pm.

Trump to speak in St. Charles Wednesday

ST. CHARLES, Mo. (AP) _ President Donald Trump will be in St. Charles for a speech Wednesday, his second visit to Missouri in three months. Trump is expected to highlight local business owners.

He is expected to speak to around 1,000 invited guests at around 2:30pm in the St. Charles Convention Center. Protesters have said they will be in the area.

The speech announced Monday comes as Trump and other Republicans seek tax reform. The House passed a $1.5 trillion bill and Senate GOP leaders hope to push their bill through this week. The package blends a sharp reduction in top corporate and business tax rates with more modest relief for individuals.

Trump also discussed the need for tax reform in August in Springfield.

Republican Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley’s office says Hawley will be at the event and supports the tax plan. Hawley is running for Senate in 2018, seeking to unseat Democrat Claire McCaskill.

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6 Responses to President Trump Addresses Tax Reform

  1. czarowniczy says:

    Let’s face it, Rats are not only against real tax reform not just because it’s Trump pushing it but they are trying to expand their parasitic base and they need the money those who earned it would spend on self and family to care for their pets.
    I’m also suspicious about the limitation/elimination of deductions on mortgage interest and local home taxes. That’s been a perpetual poison pill for decades and both parties have frequently and purposely used it to make real tax reform unpalatable and DOA. Let’s see if the House version is recognizable when it leaves the Senate and goes to the sausage making joint-houses process. I’m not popping any champagne corks any time soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    • stella says:

      Apparently neither of the two deductions you mention are on the chopping block. The only one I heard of if your buy a home in the future, the amount you can deduct on is limited to the property being $500,000 or less. At the moment, the limit is $1,000,000.

      Liked by 2 people

      • czarowniczy says:

        Which makes me think that the bill is a red herring. As strapped counties/cities look for more revenue to make up for lessened Fed contributions and climbing service costs go back to putting the squeeze on homeowners the Feds look to increase income by limiting deductions.
        An increased ‘personal’ deduction, BFD. If you look at property taxes along the I-95 urban strip cities you might as well just not bother to wait and pull the plug on the housing market. I know in NOLA we saw our house drop back in what we could sell it for drop back to what we paid for it in ’82 while the city’s tax valuation is some $50k above that. Told the city that if they’d give me the money they value the house at I’ll be more than glad to give them the house… far no reply.

        Liked by 1 person

        • stella says:

          I have a little more positive outlook on tax reform, but that’s not surprising.

          Liked by 1 person

          • czarowniczy says:

            I found that by being a professional realist-pessimist I’m not unduly surprised when my beliefs come true and anything better is a cause for celebration.
            Considering the promises of ‘tax reform’ I’ve seen promised over the last 50 years I’ve been ‘tax sentient’ I’ve not seen much in results, and we’re here where we’re at, still looking for real tax reform that doesn’t dig us in deeper.

            Liked by 1 person

  2. czarowniczy says:

    BTW, I’m for a flat tax. Everyone above the established poverty line, or a reasonable multiple thereof, pays a flat 10%. No deductions, no waffling, a flat 10% period, With US total personal income at between 134 and 14 trillion dollars that 10% plus the levies the Feds put on goods and corporate taxes they should be able to do business.

    Liked by 2 people

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