General Discussion, Friday, November 10, 2017

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261 Responses to General Discussion, Friday, November 10, 2017

  1. Lucille says:

    FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10th: 242 years of service to the United States of America….
    Marines | 2017 Birthday Message

    Liked by 7 people

    • patternpuzzler says:

      The Marine Creed (The Rifleman’s Creed):

      This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me my rifle is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless. I must fire my rifle true. I must shoot straighter than the enemy who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will. My rifle and I know that what counts in war is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst, or the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will hit.

      My rifle is human, even as I am human, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strengths, its parts, its accessories, its sights and its barrel. I will keep my rifle clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other.

      Before God I swear this creed. My rifle and I are the defenders of my country. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life.

      So be it, until victory is America’s and there is no enemy.

      Warriors all. Thank you all for your service and your sacrifices for God and Country.

      Liked by 6 people

    • Col(R)Ken says:

      To my Marine Brothers, Sisters; I extend my BIRTHDAY Wishes too you, and THE CORP.

      Liked by 9 people

    • Menagerie says:

      I’ve known a few Marines, fine men all. Two of them worked for me at Home Depot, both such fine young men. One of them told me a few years ago that his mission in life is to pass on faith to his two sons, to make them strong, responsible, and the best men they can be.

      They are in high school now, and appear well down that road. Over the course of the last year, they have helped their dad and mom build their own house, they have a small farm and raise cattle, and they are both wrestlers who have won titles. I believe the oldest has the intent to join the Corp when he graduates.

      His father is one of the finest, and most hard working, smart working men I’ve ever known. He was very young when he worked for me, and he easily got the work of three men done every shift. Today I will pray for all our Marines, and give thanks for their mighty and honorable service.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Lucille says:

      Around 1:35 you’ll see Sgt. Maj. Bradley Kasal. If you don’t know his story and that of the “House of Hell”, check out a book written about him entitled, “My Men Are My Heroes–the Brad Kasal Story” and a book by Bing West entitled “No True Glory–A Frontline Account of the Battle for Fallujah” which gives the wider picture of the battle. Kasal’s recovery from severe injuries is nothing short of miraculous. Tenacity, grit, determination.


  2. patternpuzzler says:

    Stella, that is one great photograph. My brain knows what it is, but as an abstract it is – for me – just hypnotic. My mind is always active, but I could sure quiet it down with that image! Changing it to my new background, so thanks!!


    Liked by 4 people

  3. lovely says:

    Look at the chap in the background recognizing admiring our FLOTUS,

    What a beauty.

    Liked by 3 people

    • patternpuzzler says:

      WOW!!! What a beauty she is; I am always taken by it anew.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Col(R)Ken says:

      Yes, yes, yes……

      Liked by 4 people

    • stella says:

      I see that she’s back in heels. I wonder if she was trying to minimize her height (as opposed to the President and his wife) when they were having official portraits taken?

      Liked by 4 people

      • lovely says:

        I had that thought also.


      • G-d&Country says:

        She is beautiful, kind-hearted, and elegant, but I just don’t understand those heels. She is already tall. They must be wrecking her feet. After spending an entire summer being lectured to about shoes by the chiropractor and podiatrist, I almost feel pain when I see heels like that. I really, really hope this does not start a 5/6″ stiletto fashion trend. Oh well, maybe it’s a way to keep chiropractors and podiatrists at 100% employment – MAGA! 😉

        Liked by 2 people

        • Menagerie says:

          I don’t get it either. No heels are good but the extreme ones always make me wonder why?

          Of course, I suffered from extreme foot pain a number of years, and it took two years for my foot to heal, as best it will, after surgery, so I do not get why anyone would willingly suffer foot pain. But that’s because it’s an extremely personal issue for me. I am not able to be unbiased and I know it.


        • stella says:

          I have been told (by someone who always wears high heels) that when you wear heels all of the time, your muscles, tendons, etc alter to accommodate the position of the feet in heels, and that it isn’t comfortable to wear flat shoes for long periods of time.

          Liked by 2 people

          • czarowniczy says:

            Two-inch roper heels is about it for me.

            Liked by 1 person

          • lovely says:

            That is true. My dad had an aunt who wore high heels all the time, even her slippers were high heels and it changed the form of her foot, when she was old she had a very hard time walking because her foot would not flatten out.

            Liked by 2 people

            • G-d&Country says:

              Yes, constantly wearing high heels can cause your feet to be misshapen to the point of eventually needing surgery when older. I know a woman currently trying to avoid this surgery. I’m short, but tried to wear varied shoes, not just heels. After dislocating a bone in my foot and it never going back quite right, and plantar fasciitis and metatarsus, I’m still in flats. After knowing what that other woman is going through, and my feet feeling so much better in flats with good arches, the only time I would wear heels is to a wedding. Stilettos do look lovely, and being short I like the height, but not the pain.

              Liked by 2 people

        • lovely says:

          I love the heels. I never wore heels quite that high but I used to wear high heels. Melania was a model and both her and the president put a large emphasis on presentation. She isn’t in the lime light too much (yet), I imagine she is barefoot or in comfy shoes at home. This is just me but I think the stilettos add to the elegance of the look they bring it all together.

          Like Menagerie I am not unbiased but on the other side now that I have problems with my feet and I have to wear sensible shoes I miss wearing heels, I have given most of my beautiful shoes away 😐.

          I had a very good friend who was a dancer, she wore heels in public all the time, she was 5′ 11″ without heels!

          Sadly she passed away. Her daughter had a memorial service for her, it was before my foot problems and I wore high, high, shinny red heels to her service, in honor of her spirit. Her daughter knew as soon as she saw me why I was wearing them.

          Liked by 1 person

      • Menagerie says:

        I noticed the flats on the Great Wall video you posted. I could not walk one step in those shoes, not even before the busted foot.

        Liked by 1 person

    • joshua says:

      hubba hubba….

      Liked by 1 person

    • Oh my goodness! It’s so nice to have a First Lady who knows how to dress? Anyone remember Michelle’s black widow spider dress?

      I wish I was good enough to walk in heels that high!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. lovely says:

    Has the MSM gone nuts over this tweet yet or they still to busy making scurrilous accusations against Judge Moore?

    Liked by 3 people

    • joshua says:

      the Chinese “rosa parked” the Bammer…..and our Man got the parade treatment…..

      Liked by 2 people

    • auscitizenmom says:

      Remember, Pres. Trump said he would not have gotten off the plane if they did to him what they did to Obama. I believe him and I think they believe him.

      Liked by 4 people

    • Menagerie says:

      One of them is the Leader of the free world, as well as President of the United States. The other one occupied the office for 8 years.

      I’d bet he absolutely would have had the plane leave. First, the Office demands respect and he won’t let our country be disrespected in such a way. Second, it would have gone against his killer negotiation skills to let them put him at such a disadvantage.

      Liked by 3 people

  5. Lucille says:

    What Happens When Google Disagrees With You?
    Prager U Channel

    Note from Lucille: Prager U has 1,000,000 YT subscribers. Please consider giving them your support by subscribing. You’ll get provocative vids and the satisfaction of supporting free speech at the same time.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. nyetneetot says:

    Mornin’ stella! (Smiter of those that ought to be smote) 😎 🍸 (Long Island Iced Tea)
    Mornin’ WeeWeed! (Master Mixologist Extrodinare) 😎 🍸 (Old Fashioned)
    Mornin’ Menagerie! 😎 |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| (Jack Daniels – Single Barrel )
    Mornin’ Ad rem! (Queen Felis catus) 🐱 🍸 (Flaming Lamborghini)
    Mornin’ Sharon! 😎 🍸 🍸 (earthquake)
    Mornin’ ytz4mee! 😎 🍸 (cosmopolitan)
    Mornin’ waltzingmtilda! 🙂 🍸 (white wine and perrier)
    Mornin’ partyzantski! 🙂 |_| (Tom Collins)
    Mornin’ texan59! 🙂 |_| (Black & Tan)
    Mornin’ ZurichMike! 🙂 🍸 (fuzzy navel)
    Mornin’ Col.(R) Ken! (hand salute) 🙂 |_| (Boilermaker)
    Mornin’ czarina33! (aka czarina) 🙂 🍸 (Lynchburg Lemonade)
    Mornin’ czarowniczy! 🙂 |_| (Wild Turkey Rare Breed)
    Mornin’ letjusticeprevail2014! 🙂 |_| (Irish Car Bomb)
    Mornin’ Patriot1783-ctdar! (aka “ctdar”) 🙂 🍸 (grasshopper)
    Mornin’ tessa50! 🙂 🍸 (flaming volcano)
    Mornin’ waltzingmtilda! 🙂 🍸 (sidecar)
    Mornin’ varsityward! 🙂 |_| (Godfather)
    Mornin’ MaryfromMarin! 😀 |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| (Mortlach)
    Mornin’ Wooly Covfefe! (aka “Wooly Phlox” aka “taqiyyologist”) 🙂 |_| (Roy Rogers)
    Mornin’ Howie! (aka “doodahdaze”) 🙂 |_| (Classic Daiquiri)
    Mornin’ TwoLaine! 🙂 |_| (Gin & Tonic)
    Mornin’ Sha! 🙂 🍸 (Lemon Drop)
    Mornin’ BigMamaTEA! 🙂 🍸 (Harvey Wallbanger)
    Mornin’ cetera5! (aka “Cetera”) 🙂 |_| (Blackberry wine)
    Mornin’ The Tundra PA! 🙂 🍸 (Gentleman Jack Whiskey Sling)
    Mornin’ lovely! 🙂 |_| (Backdraft)
    Mornin’ michellc! 🙂 🍸 (Salty dog)
    Mornin’ auscitizenmom! 🙂 🍸 (Kiss on the Lips)
    Mornin’ Margaret-Ann! 🙂 🍸 (White Russian)
    Mornin’ Auntie Lib! 🙂 🍸 (Tom and Jerry)
    Mornin’ holly100! 🙂 🍸 (Jack & Coke)
    Mornin’ Pam! 🙂 (Not even water)
    Mornin’ Ms.Tee! 🙂 🍸 (Mojito)
    Mornin’ koolkosherkitchen! 🙂 🍸 🍸 (Cuba Libre)
    Mornin’ ImpeachEmAll 🙂 |_| (Flaming Dr. Pepper)
    Mornin’ Monroe! 🙂 |_| (Stinger)
    Mornin’ Les! 🙂 |_| (Rusty Nail)
    Mornin’ shiloh1973! 🙂 |_| (Jack Daniels)
    Mornin’ TexasRanger! 🙂 |_| (Whiskey Smash)
    Mornin’ Ziiggii! 🙂 |_| (B52)
    Mornin’ oldiadguy! 🙂 |_| (Rum & Coke)
    Mornin’ smiley! (“stuck in spambucket”) 🙂 🍸 (Spanish coffee)
    Mornin’ derk! (“Stellars”) 🙂 🍸 (Kamikaze)
    Mornin’ Jacqueline Taylor Robson 🙂 🍸 (Shirley Temple)
    Mornin’ facebkwallflower! 🙂 |_| (Night Train Express)
    Mornin’ Ms. Cindy! (aka “Ms Cynlynn” aka “ms cynlynn”) 🙂 🍸 (1970 ducru beaucaillou)
    Mornin’ sandandsea2015! 🙂 🍸 (1961 Château Montrose)
    Mornin’ amwick! 🙂 🍸 (Blue motorcycle)
    Mornin’ hocuspocus13! 🙂 🍸 (1970 Chateau Latour)
    Mornin’ Sloth1963! 🙂 🍸 (1971 Moulin Touchais)
    Mornin’ MTeresa! (Ex-lurker) 🙂 |_| (Albanian Raki Moskat)
    Mornin’ Rhea Salacia Volans! 🙂 |_| (Hot Buttered Rum)
    Mornin’ joshua! 🙂 |_| (Mudslide)
    Mornin’ John Denney! 🙂 |_| (RumChata)
    Mornin’ litenmaus! 🙂 |_| (Stolichnaya elit, no ice)
    Mornin’ kinthenorthwest! 🙂 🍸 (A Lonely Island Lost in the Middle of a Foggy Sea)
    Mornin’ TwoLaine! 🙂 |_| (Smoking Bishop)
    Mornin’ patternpuzzler! 🙂 🍸 (Old Lady)
    Mornin’ Senatssekretär FREISTAAT DANZIG! 🙂 |_| (Red Russian)
    Mornin’ G-d&Country! 🙂 🍸 (Blind Russian)
    Mornin’ Gary! 🙂 |_| (Yuengling)
    Mornin’ valeriecurren! 🙂 🍸 (Flaming Sambuca)
    Mornin’ Lucille! 🙂 🍸 (Peach Schnapps)
    Mornin’ Lburg! 🙂 🍸 (Lburg lemonade)
    Mornin’ davidhuntpe! 🙂 |_| (Baileys Irish Cream on the rocks)
    Mornin’ skipper1961! 🙂 |_| (Brompton’s Cocktail – No cherry, no umbrella, no plastic monkey)
    Mornin’ mightyconservative! 🙂 |_| (Benjamin Franklin’s clarified milk punch)
    Mornin’ whiners and complainers! 😛 (No drink for you!)
    Mornin’ to people posting that I missed. 😳
    Mornin’ to all you lurkers! 😕

    Also just in case someday; mornin’ to Elvis Chupacabra, F.D.R. in Hell and sundance! :mrgreen:


    NEW and IMPROVED breakfast with extra bacon for ZurichMike!

    Doughnuts and coffee!

    Liked by 9 people

  7. stella says:

    According to POTUS, Melania will travel to Alaska to visit the troops …

    Liked by 5 people

  8. czarina33 says:

    Beauteous morning, my trees & sky accompanied by all the great tree & sky pix above. As soon as my knee gets settled down (naproxen & ice) I have a patient to see at our local hospital, then I plan to get behind the DR mower to attack the weeds which grew up while I was not able to mow last summer. Orthopedist did MRI & found the knee cartilage on the side where Lucky Dog ran into my leg is torn up so he gave me a cortisone shot into the joint. Promised it will feel better by the end of the weekend, and may help as long as 4-6 months. Seems imposssible my leg has been a barrier to my life for 6 months, & I want to get my old life back.

    Liked by 9 people

    • Czarina, I hope that the medication gives you the relief you need. 😊

      Liked by 4 people

      • czarina33 says:

        Worked well enough to make 3 passes up & down the 800 ft. Driveway. Got it elevated now with ice on. Waiting for Czar to return with GGS & pizza. Hope to get Grandma’s National Park mowed this weekend (named for Czar’s first MIL, in honor of a place his kids played in Utah).

        Liked by 2 people

    • Lburg says:

      Sure hope the cortisone helps, Czarina. The first time my mom had a cortisone injection she woke the next morning to ‘apple dumpling’ cheeks. I thought her blood pressure had gone through the roof and became quite concerned. Instead, after talking with her home health nurse, I found out that ‘flushing’ (not the city in NY) is not uncommon for up to three days afterwards.

      I file that little nugget in the folder labeled “Things I wish I didn’t have any reason to know about.”

      Liked by 4 people

    • G-d&Country says:

      So sorry to hear of your knee problems :-{
      I hear the shots work well for many people as long as you are not prone to inflammation. I am, so it did not work well for me. Sometimes it may be sore for a few days, but then it works well for months 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

    • Menagerie says:

      I had those shots, both knees. THe doctor told me I’d get 3-6 months relief if they worked. They did, and lasted almost two years. I bitch because it cost me $832, but in hind sight I think it was really worth it. Except, dang, 400 plus a shot?

      OTOH, when it wore off, I tried getting a steroid shot from my regular doc and it did nothing. I don’t know if there was a difference in medicine, placement, or what, but the 40 dollar shot did nothing.

      Liked by 4 people

    • lovely says:

      Prayers for your healing Czarina ! I had the steroid shot in my foot it did nothing. Then about a month later the good doc gave me a different stronger type of steroid shot four shots in the heel and it really helped although I still have some pain especially if I am on my feet all day.

      Liked by 2 people

    • czarowniczy says:

      True dat, it’s been hell not havin’ her out there making soap, boiling laundry and cleaning chickens.

      Liked by 2 people

  9. stella says:

    Liked by 5 people

  10. derk says:

    Morning Stella, all,
    Beautiful pic this morning, and love the new header at the top of the page. Hope Tucker faired well yesterday, I’m sure he did, although not completely!
    Back down to Santa Cruz past couple of days, my mother was taken to the hospital Wednesday. She has a number of health issues and is a walking miracle already, but was unconscious and prognosis was in the air. She is alert and doing better, some dye test is being administered today to see if they can find a blockage of the gall bladder.
    Computer is wonky, wifi here and there. Love reading your posts, Edifying, uplifting and encouraging per usual. Informative as well. Thank you all.
    You know this red pill/blue pill thing has me thinking. In talking with my brother and his wife these past few days, good people who are productive and raising a family etc. but choose not to “see”, I sometimes am envious. I’m sure you all have as well. but “silence of the lambs” and all, I think we all definitely agree in it being much better to be aware.
    Yet, they are living the life I once remember, and am I the one who is supposed to crash it? We had a brief exchange over coffee, where white/race/mass killing/media got involved and wooheee, the air was definitely a bit heavier afterwards.
    Actually just rambling, but these are my thoughts this morning as I head back to the hospital. Love to see the President and his wife kicking butt overseas, it truly is a shame that the rest of America is not getting the same view. The media is the biggest opponent, there really should be something about it, and I think that is where my efforts should be put.

    Thanks for the listen, y’all have a great day and Stellar on!

    Liked by 8 people

    • G-d&Country says:

      Love you Piglet and Pooh drawing. Hope your Mom recovers!
      As to “good people who are productive and raising a family etc. but choose not to “see”” – they see. I have a friend like this. She was ranting why, why, why? I said you know why, you just don’t want to face it. She admitted I was right. What I did not say, that I have in the past that she also knows, is that she is a coward, and does not want the nice life she has to be disrupted by speaking the truth. She says her voting is enough. Sadly voting is not enough anymore. The progs have spent 100 years building up a lifestyle and web of connections that needs to be exposed. People notice when others speak the truth, even if they don’t say it.

      Liked by 4 people

    • stella says:

      Sorry to hear about your mother. I hope and pray she is feeling better today. I know (from my mom and daughter) just how painful a bad gall bladder can be. My mother said it was worse than childbirth, and she had one baby born breech.

      Liked by 4 people

    • lovely says:

      Good to see you Derk, prayers for your mom 🙏🏼.

      Many people see I agree with G_d&Country. It is an uncomfortable thing to see. One person I talked to said “I just can’t accept that we are where we are as a nation I will lose all hope.”

      Pray for a miracle work for a Revolutionary Renaissance of True Christian and American values.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Take care, derk. Thank you for updating and I’ll be praying for your mother.

      Liked by 2 people

  11. G-d&Country says:

    Here is a happy story for veteran’s Day. Hope you all enjoy 🙂
    This is the story of Sgt. Reckless, a most amazing Marine who just happened to be a horse! Please watch the below video if you are unfamiliar with Sgt. Reckless.

    The Saturday Evenening post has the same video in it as well as other photos.
    Wikipedia also has an entry about the Sgt 😊

    Liked by 4 people

  12. G-d&Country says:

    Another Veteran’s Day post.

    They Both Survived Long Enough To Meet Again 03 Feb, 2015 (notice European format of date)

    This also from dailtypicdump

    Liked by 4 people

  13. Howie says:

    Would you fight for your country?
    A survey of several countries in 2015 by Win/Gallup found that 11% of Japanese people would be prepared to fight for their country.
    Pakistan: 89%
    India: 75%
    Turkey: 73%
    China: 71%
    Russia: 59%
    US: 44%
    UK: 27%
    Japan: 11%

    Liked by 3 people

  14. G-d&Country says:

    Instead of a painting today, I would like to post these images:
    Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima is an iconic photograph taken by Joe Rosenthal on February 23, 1945, which depicts six United States Marines raising a U.S. flag atop Mount Suribachi, during the Battle of Iwo Jima, in World War II.

    The photograph was first published in Sunday newspapers on February 25, 1945. It was extremely popular and was reprinted in thousands of publications. Later, it became the only photograph to win the Pulitzer Prize for Photography in the same year as its publication, and came to be regarded in the United States as one of the most significant and recognizable images of the war. Three Marines in the photograph, Sergeant Michael Strank, Corporal Harlon Block (misidentified as Sergeant Hank Hansen until January 1947), and Private First Class Franklin Sousley were killed in action over the next few days. The other three surviving flag-raisers in the photograph were Corporals (then Private First Class) Rene Gagnon, Ira Hayes, and Harold Schultz (misidentified as PhM2c. John Bradley until June 2016). Both men originally misidentified as flag raisers had helped raise a smaller flag about 90 minutes earlier, and were both still on the mountaintop and witnessed – but were not part of – the specific moment of raising the larger flag that was captured in the photo. The image was later used to sculpt the Marine Corps War Memorial, which was dedicated in 1954 to all Marines who died for their country and is located in Arlington Ridge Park, near the Ord-Weitzel Gate to Arlington National Cemetery and the Netherlands Carillon.
    There were two American flags raised on top of Mount Suribachi, on February 23, 1945. The photograph Rosenthal took was actually of the second flag-raising in which a larger replacement flag was raised by Marines who did not raise the first flag. Raising the First Flag on Iwo Jima by SSgt. Louis R. Lowery, USMC, is the most widely circulated photograph of the first flag flown on Mt. Suribachi (after the flag raising). Left to right: 1st Lt. Harold Schrier (kneeling behind radioman’s legs), Pfc. Raymond Jacobs (radioman reassigned from F Company), Sgt. Henry “Hank” Hansen wearing cap, holding flagstaff with left hand), Platoon Sgt. Ernest “Boots” Thomas (seated), Pvt. Phil Ward (holding lower flagstaff with both hands), PhM2c. John Bradley, USN (holding flagstaff with right hand above Ward), Pfc. James Michels (holding M1 Carbine), and Cpl. Charles W. Lindberg (standing above Michels). The flags from the first and second flag-raisings are conserved in the National Museum of the Marine Corps; the second flag, pictured here, was damaged by the high winds at the peak of Suribachi (American flags during World War II had 48 stars, since Alaska and Hawaii were not yet U.S. states).

    Iwo Jima is dominated by 546-foot Mount Suribachi. Tactically, the top of Suribachi was one of the most important locations on the island. From that vantage point, the Japanese defenders were able to spot artillery accurately onto the Americans – particularly the landing beaches. The Japanese fought most of the battle from underground bunkers and pillboxes. It was common for Marines to knock out one pillbox using grenades or a flamethrower, only to come under renewed fire from it a few minutes later, after more Japanese infantry slipped into the pillbox using a tunnel. The American effort concentrated on isolating and capturing Suribachi first, a goal that was achieved on February 23, four days after the battle began. Despite capturing Suribachi, the battle continued to rage for many days, and the island would not be declared “secure” until 31 days later, on March 26. Though ultimately victorious, the American victory at Iwo Jima had come at a terrible price. According to the official Navy Department Library website, “The 36-day (Iwo Jima) assault resulted in more than 26,000 American casualties, including 6,800 dead.” Two US Marines were captured as POWs during the battle; neither of them would survive their captivity. USS Bismarck Sea was also lost, the last U.S. aircraft carrier sunk in World War II. Because all civilians had been evacuated, there were no civilian casualties at Iwo Jima. (above from wikipedia.) Stella please forgive long post, but I found it hard to cut info out.

    Liked by 6 people

  15. Lucille says:

    Boy Hands Out Homemade Lunches To The Homeless Every Week
    Posted by Meghan Walsh on 8 Nov, 2017

    Liked by 1 person

    • Howie says:

      I would use the Slick Willie ‘Blue Dress Test’ to decide. No Blue Dress, vote for Moore.

      Liked by 2 people

      • joshua says:

        If the girl’s story WERE true, and he was 30 at the time, I would suggest he was suffering from a pathetic lack of male success when he was a teenager in HS….nothing he is accused of doing qualifies as normal high drama in the back seat of a 57 chevy at a drive in movie.


  16. Lucille says:

    Teen Receives Fallen Soldier’s Car 15 Years Later
    Posted by Meghan Walsh on 7 Nov, 2017

    Liked by 2 people

  17. czarowniczy says:

    Not asking for a reply, Col Ken, but did you get a VA disability and did you get it combat-related? Liver cancer is classified by the VA as Agent Orange related and gets you/bumps up your disability rating. It’s also combat related, almost automatically, and gets your spouse a DIC if she already isn’t eligible.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Howie says:

      Link? All Liver Cancers? How to apply?

      Liked by 1 person

      • czarowniczy says:

        NOTE…NOTE: IF YOU EVEN THINK you are eligible call the VA’s main 1-800-827-1000 and tell them you are filing for a disability and you want to establish your date of eligibility. If and when your disability is approved the payment will go back to that date and you’ll get retro pay. If you just file and wait for a determination you eligibility begins the day they approve your claim and that can be a year or more of payments you can miss.
        Ask around, there should be a veteran’s service officer somewhere in your area. Here they’re paid by the state but you can look up the closest American Legion or, even better, the Disabled American Veteran’s post and they’ll know – they may even assist with your claim. The claims process paperwork is tricky and twisted so use a pro – they’re free. If you make a mistake they’ll send you the paperwork back and you are at point-zero again.
        VA disability pay is also tax free. If you are retired military the process is the same but the payout (related to agent orange and degree of disability) can be a bit more convoluted.
        Once your disability is approved you then go back and file for a ‘combat related’ rating, automatic with Agent Orange and wait about a year. That cements your spouse’s right to a DIC as long as your death certificate shows the cause as due primarily to your service connected condition or a condition related to it. You fall off a cliff or crash your truck the coroner better be creative in relating it to your military disability.
        If you even THINK you’re eligible call first thing Monday to set the hook, you’re docs will have to fill out paperwork, you’ll have to dig up paperwork…the process is sloooooow and long.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Howie says:

          Thanks a lot.


          • czarowniczy says:

            If there’s anything else just ask


          • czarowniczy says:

            also, you get a rating on your primary disability and can receive added degrees of disability for conditions related to it. E.G. diabetes is considered an Agent Orange caused disability and gets an automatic 30% while heart/kidney/eye and some other conditions are considered caused by diabetes and any rated disabilities related to them will be added to the diabetes rating. See why you need an expert?


            • G-d&Country says:

              My brother’s friend was a marine scout for 2 tours.He was exposed to Agent Orange. All his teeth rotted/fell out, and he developed heart problems – swore it was from the AO.


              • czarowniczy says:

                Stuff was nasty. Our base was a reclaimed village and rice paddy complex and the places was regularly hosed down to keep the growth down. We also sprayed it in our cantonment and work areas to keep the crud down. It got my Dad, he handled it, survived the B-17s in 8th AF and flying thousands of hours in the air after WWII to be felled by weedkiller.


  18. lovely says:

    My goal is to make one person this happy this Christmas.

    Liked by 4 people

  19. Lucille says:

    Iraq veteran talks surviving injuries, inspiring others
    Fox News

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Lucille says:

    RUSH WAS RIGHT!: Facebook Founder Sean Parker Admits How Destructive Social Media Is To Our Children
    DailyRushbo Channel

    Liked by 3 people

  21. lovely says:

    Hillary Clinton believes “We are who we walk with.”

    Hillary Clinton & Ben Affleck. Affleck asked a reporter to expose her breasts.

    Hillary & Meryl Streep. Streep gave Roman Polanski, the same Roman Polanski who raped a 13 year old girl a standing ovation.

    Hillary Clinton and Louis CK. CK asked women he had power over to look at his penis and then exposed himself. CK jokes about having sex with a child if he found him or her dead in a field because then it wouldn’t really be pedophillia.

    Thomas Alfred Taylor raped 12 year old Kathy Shelton, he was defended by Hillary Clinton, Hillary lied about a 12 year old rape victim saying that she fantasized about having sex with older men, and laughed about the rape case. (I couldn’t find a reliable picture of Taylor).

    Hillary Clinton leering at another woman’s breasts.

    Hillary Clinton yucking it up with Harvey Weinstein who is a known sexual predator that preys on starlets.

    Anthony Weiner at Hillary Clinton’s side for one of her speeches. Anthony Weiner just started a 2 year prison sentence for sexting with a minor. Weiner has had multiple sexting scandals including one where he sent a picture of his covered erection with his toddler son in the picture.

    Hillary and Bill Clinton. Hillary has been married to Bill for 42 years, during those years Bill Clinton had multiple affairs including one with a young White House intern who was only 7 years older than Chelsea Clinton. Bill Clinton has been accused of multiple counts of sexual misconduct and rape. Bill Clinton settled a sexual harassment suit for $850,000. Bill Clinton was impeached and disbarred. Hillary made the women who Bill sexually abused and had liaisons with a living hell.

    Bill Clinton went on multiple trips to Jeffery Epstein’s orgy island. Jeffery Epstein is a convicted sex offender. Jeffery Epstein claimed he helped co-found the Clinton foundation.

    Liked by 5 people

  22. Howie says:

    ???Wonder if this is true?
    Saudi “Deep State” Prince Bandar Among Those Arrested In Purge

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sharon says:

      I talked with a friend today who had worked as a medical professional at The King’s Hospital (Medical Center – whatever it’s called) that serves the royal family in Saudi – probably about fifteen years ago. We were talking briefly about current events and her comment was simply how very, very frightening it must be.

      She observed that when she was there, things were “stable” in terms of being run how the royal family wanted them run, but that it was truly a scary place to be. She said that the cruelty that was the norm for their public functioning and procedures was so obvious and “scary” to a westerner. Said she couldn’t imagine what it is like during these days, although she was obviously and sure in favor of the changes that are being attempted……just acknowledging that some of the same cruelties and deadly consequences are surely being played out these very days and hours.

      Blood is running in SA, whether it’s talked about or not.


      • Sharon says:

        Sorry for the repetition in certain words. When I’m tired on top of long range slow-brain feeling, I have realized that I often re-use words. Oh, well. I’m among friends, I know.

        When I’m over-tired these days, my short term memory and use of language is impacted. Doesn’t really bother me deeply, but I am aware of it.

        Liked by 3 people

        • G-d&Country says:

          Dear Sharon, you are among friends who understand, and you know you are loved by us, your extended “family”. You write your thoughts clearly. Fatigue impacts everyone’s writing skills, not just yours. I think you notice it more than I (we) do. I have to often re-write a comment multiple times before posting, and I doubt I am the only one to do so. It is very frustrating, but it is important to keep on posting, interacting with good people, and using the skills we have – whatever the level of our ability. It often takes me 20 minutes or more to write a comment beyond a sentence or two.
          You have been on my mind often the past few days, because I perhaps sense some melancholy in your recent comments. I have wanted to write something to you, but have not been able to find the right words. You are more than your writing skills. You are a beautiful and valued child of God. There is tragedy in those who die young, and a different sadness, and sometimes even fear, in those of us who grow old and live past some of our most beloved ones. (Sometimes this is my feeling.) No matter what your (writing) abilities, you are loved for your beautiful soul. You are not alone in your journey. We are here. Maybe it would be good to spend more time with your son. You said you were going to see him. In the long run, it is our knowledge and love of God that gives us peace. May all of God’s Blessings be upon you, our dearest Sharon. Keep on posting. 🙂


          • Sharon says:

            Oh, I appreciate your conversation! Yes, the paths of life present changes as we go along, short or long, and have a way of manifesting lessons that can be a treasure and resource to us.


  23. lovely says:

    Judge Moore will be on Sean Hannity tonight.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Howie says:

      I saw this. It appeared to me that he had dated some young girls with their parents blessing but he denied the specific allegation by the primary accuser who claimed he dated her at 14.. Just my take on it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • lovely says:

        Agree with you Howie.

        It came across to me that he likely dated girls who were 18 and 19 when he was in his early thirties. Not a good thing but not the same thing as molesting a 14 year old.

        I think the 14 year old girl story is a total con job. Makes no sense in a day and age before cell phones he was getting “her” phone number while her mother left her with him a total stranger while she went in the courthouse for a custody hearing?

        Judge “Mam, where is your 14 year old daughter right now.”

        Mom fighting for custody of her daughter “Outside with a strange man your honor.”


        Please and then he called her twice on the family home phone and took her out on two dates? If it makes no sense it isn’t true.

        Dirty dirty politics when the DNC and RNC hook hooves.


      • Sharon says:

        There’s something so false in terms of their virtue-signaling in this situation, bearing in mind that (almost always) virtue signaling is done by those who are habitually most unvirtuous.

        When I think back to the school years of the 1950s, now I realize there is probably almost no boy – now man – among the student body that could ever dare run for office. What if that girl he had a crush on after he graduated from high school says something about the day he tried to kiss her when he was older… it’s stupid.

        Our band director who was in his late 20s made a verbal pass at me when I was in 8th grade – and even this simple, completely ignorant farm girl noticed and thought, “Yikes – what on earth??>>……………” and got out of his office as soon as I could and made sure I was never in there alone with him again.

        I wonder if I should try to run him down? And then run him down???? just in case, in his late 70s, he thinks he got by with something????????

        These people are so ridiculous. Am still waiting for them to get up in arms about bill clinton.

        Nothing worse than an inherently immoral-behaving jerk to undergo some kind of compulsory conversion, because of their own obvious consequences, and suddenly turn on everyone else. The weirdest episode of projection I’ve seen yet is harveyweinstein saying that his repentance was going to be expressed in his attacks against the NRA.

        That one just leaves me – huh? Even realizing what a goofball he is, at all levels, I can’t even guess at how he connected those dots for himself.

        Liked by 1 person

  24. czarowniczy says:

    WOOF! 211 responses today, you’re packin’ ’em in. About 40 are mine but still…..

    Liked by 1 person

  25. czarowniczy says:

    Re that ‘dark outside’ thing. High pressure, light wind and rain cleared the sky and moon’s not up yet. Sky is so clear and dry the town lights some 20 miles away aren’t reflected in the night sky so it looks like a planetarium display.


  26. auscitizenmom says:

    lilbirdee12’s prayer:

    Our Heavenly Father, Your children come to you tonight to ask for healing and peace throughout our country so that we may return to being One Nation Under God. Guide us to be leaders in Your Kingdom, spreading Your Love and Salvation to all. Forgive us our sins and deliver us from evil.

    Lord, we ask for a blanket of protection over all our troops and law enforcement who serve to defend and protect us. Bless our representatives with the strength and wisdom they need to achieve the path You have chosen for us.

    Please place Your Guardian Angels of Protection around Donald Trump and Mike Pence and their families as they seek to lead America back to You.

    Grant us patience, Lord, as the evil ones try to anger us and cause us to fall.
    Spread blessings over Israel and Netanyahu.

    We humbly ask that You please comfort those who are grieving and in pain.
    Thank you Father, for Your Love and the gift of Life.

    And, Lord, we pray for all the people who have been affected by the earthquakes and hurricanes.

    In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

    Liked by 4 people

  27. Wooly… hope all is well with you and Tripod. Haven’t seen you in a few days, but I could have missed your posts. Just wanted to say howdy. 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻😊

    Liked by 2 people

  28. joshua says:

    cold in Dallas….and a bad cold in my head…family all have colds…miserable….musta made Someone mad in the health control dept….nyquill and throat spray…water and sleep….fighting off cranky….gotta go nap with the doggies….

    Liked by 1 person

  29. auscitizenmom says:

    I can’t stop laughing. CNN accuses us of being racisists.
    “Over 200 Ex-Employees File Suit Against CNN for Racial Discrimination”
    “For the second time this year!”

    Liked by 2 people

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