President Trump & First Lady Melania Trump Arrive in China …

Our President and his wife were greeted in China with music and cheers earlier today. Accounts say that dozens of children were at the airport, waving U.S. and Chinese flags and jumping up and down.

After touring Beijing’s ancient imperial palace, including a performance by young opera students before a formal dinner, Trump said he was “having a great time” in China.

I’ll leave politics for discussion later. For now, just enjoy!

For details of the President’s schedule: President Trump’s Schedule for Wednesday, November 8, 2017   (Photos below the fold)

U.S. President Donald Trump and first lady Melania arrive on Air Force One at Beijing, China, November 8, 2017. REUTERS/Thomas Peter

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20 Responses to President Trump & First Lady Melania Trump Arrive in China …

  1. stella says:

    Liked by 1 person

  2. stella says:


  3. stella says:


  4. stella says:


    • czarowniczy says:

      Well sure, let’s not forget the comms suite on Air Force 1 would let him do so regardless but it’s sort of tacky to block a visiting head-of-state’s comms while he’s in your yard.
      China has managed to so thoroughly contain its internet service, denying folks the ability to access uncensored information I can’t help wonder how many Rat social engineers are looking at renting the technology.


  5. stella says:

    Liked by 1 person

  6. joshua says:

    Trump and Melania treated to State Dinner..


  7. joshua says:

    Chicago South Side….the USA equivalent of Forbidden City…..if you are white and plan on living awhile, that is.

    Liked by 1 person

    • czarowniczy says:

      I would say there’s a chink in your comparison but I fear it would be misinterpreted.

      Liked by 1 person

      • joshua says:

        Trump trades Bergdahl and the DNC to China for their wall which Halliburton will relocate to the Southern Texas Border…

        Liked by 2 people

      • lovely says:

        I grew up on the South Side of Chicago, my cousins lived across the street from the neo- Nazis during Frank Collins tenure a the big Poobah, right next door to the Nazi headquarters was a Chinese family, one of the sons was my age and I went to school with him and was friends with him outside of school, he only went by his nickname a name his family had given him “Chinky” we never once thought it was racists or treated him any different than the other neighborhood kids.

        The neo-Nazis for their part were a bunch of misfit strange guys, I only have a child’s view but even then I could understand that it wasn’t their worldview that brought them together but their generally be shunned by society because they were weirdos.

        My dad used to go into the headquarters and try and convince them that hating black people, Jews, Chinese, Mexicans just because of their genetics or religion was small minded and wrong. (Hey dad, they were just playing kick the can with Spooky (Mexican) and Chinky.) My other friend used to go in and steal their donations.

        I saw Frank get his ass kicked once by an old Jewish grandpa, he is lucky the police were there because grandpa would have killed him given the chance. Stupid Frank spat on the Jewish man thinking he was an old goat. Surprise.

        Frank Collins was Jewish and was later arrested for child molestation.

        For some reason your post reminded me of those days.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. joshua says:

    Trump resorts open up special gaming parlors after the Korean women win all the golf catering to Chinese interests…


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