Friday Hurricane Irma Update

Be sure and read the extensive report at The Conservative Treehouse (Last Refuge). Sundance has done a fine job covering all the bases, and has extensive knowledge of on-the-ground experience with hurricanes, and recovery operations following major hurricanes in Florida in past years. He has a vested interest in getting this right, as he, his family and their home are in jeopardy.   The latest:

The 11:00am Hurricane Center Update shows a slightly weaker Hurricane Irma, with continued likely forecasts slightly West of central Florida.  Mandatory evacuations of barrier islands are now underway on both coasts.  Irma has the potential to be a topography changing event for the Southwest coast line of Florida.

At 1100 AM EDT (1500 UTC), the distinct eye of Hurricane Irma was located near latitude 22.0 North, longitude 75.3 West. Irma is moving toward the west-northwest near 14 mph (22 km/h), and this motion is expected to continue for the next day or so with a decrease in forward speed. A turn toward the northwest is expected by late Saturday. On the forecast track, the eye of Irma should move near the north coast of Cuba and the central Bahamas today and Saturday, and be near the Florida Keys and the southern Florida Peninsula Sunday morning.

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30 Responses to Friday Hurricane Irma Update

  1. ImpeachEmAll says:

    Nice day for the beach – 90°F
    with an onshore breeze and
    very, very, very few people. 😉


  2. lovely says:

    Prayer for all of those in the path of Irma.

    Liked by 7 people

  3. So, Sunday night I pray my parents take the neighbors/friends up on their offer. The neighbors have a sturdier house, and a beefy central room. Lotta glass on my folks’ house, and they didn’t cover it.

    I also pray it weakens considerably by monday morning.

    Did you see the overlay comparing this to Andrew? Jeez.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Already doing so, constantly.


  5. Imagine if it just missed Florida, to the South, made it to the Gulf, strengthened, and hit NOLA again?

    I wonder how they’d handle it this time?


    • auscitizenmom says:

      Probably pretty much the same way they handled Katrina…………maybe without so much media coverage if they could manage it. 🙄

      Liked by 1 person

      • Wooly Covfefe says:

        …and if it happened like that, what would you call that?

        Would that be “irony”? I’m still unsure on the whole concept of irony.


        • Wooly Covfefe says:

          I think it is irony.

          We have media personalities and elites on Twitter actually invoking Karma or a Diety they don’t believe exists, and blaming Florida for this, because Trump. They had it comin’. The whole state. And just as in Katrina, they blamed Bush and Cheney, in a weird, voodoo sorta way, for a weather event, and just as (what, two weeks ago?) in Houston, they blamed Texas and Karma. Texas had it comin’.

          The supreme irony here, as far as I can tell, is that the areas most devastated are the ones that didn’t vote for Trump.


        • auscitizenmom says:

          Er…… Not sure. I could say for sure that they don’t learn. 🙄


        • auscitizenmom says:

          I believe we might call it satire. “to ridicule or expose”


    • WeeWeed says:

      The same. But now it’s Trump’s hurricane machine. 🙄

      Liked by 1 person

    • ImpeachEmAll says:

      Wooly, do you realize the size of this storm?

      Irma is as wide as Florida is long.

      It would have to be way south of Cuba to just miss Florida, to the South.


      • jeans2nd says:

        Heard this afternoon Irma is the size of Ohio. Now that is scary.
        Btw, if anyone knows of folks who need a place to stay, we have plenty of room here on the North Coast. Will even drive to go get them if need be. Our relatives are staying in Fla. smh

        Liked by 1 person

  6. stella says:

    Due to Hurricane Irma, most stores in the Tampa Bay area are out of water. For this reason, we want to offer our filtered water to anyone worried about finding clean, safe water for the coming days. Just bring a refillable bottle, container, etc. to our restaurant and we will gladly fill it for you. Stay safe, Tampa Bay, and know that we are here for you at Chick-fil-A Oldsmar.

    (From Facebook)

    Liked by 5 people

  7. Lucille says:

    No audio…this looks unreal….

    ISS passes over Hurricane Irma
    Fox News

    Liked by 1 person

    • auscitizenmom says:

      Years ago, I flew up to Upstate NY. We were over land but could see out over the ocean. There was a hurricane out at sea. It was so amazing to look out the airplane window and see it like that.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Lucille says:

    Thousands evacuate Florida ahead of Hurricane Irma
    Fox News

    Key Largo braces for epic storm surge from Irma
    Fox News


  9. Lucille says:

    Irma makes her uneasy debut in the Florida Keys overnight
    Fox News


  10. Still watching the radar/satellite loop.

    Click on “layers” at the bottom-right, and select “radar/satellite”, then hit the play button. Takes a minute for all frames to load.

    Looks like Irma might be going a lot further West than they’re predicting. She still hasn’t taken that hard right toward FL, and seems to be going straight West at this time, just now making landfall in Cuba. Hard to imagine it going North all of a sudden, but we’ll see. That cone keeps shifting West.

    I could even see the eye missing Key West, and this beast making it to the Gulf. It all depends on whether she decides, “Ok, I’m taking a right!” Does Cuba have Cheney’s hurricane machine now and can push her North real quick? The trend is, the cone keeps shifting West. Every 6 hours, the cone goes further and further past Florida’s peninsula’s centerline. In another 6 hours, it seems it will do so again.

    I’ll be up late tonight, just to watch this thing STILL not head North. Prayers for the Cuban prison-population.


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