Good News! August 14, 2017

I said earlier today that there is so much bad news lately that I just want to retreat to my bed with a pillow over my head!

There is so much bad stuff in the news that I feel overwhelmed, and wondering if there is any way possible that I can make any difference at all, if there is any way for any of us to reverse the awfulness. It makes me nervous, tense and cranky, to the point that I don’t like the way I feel, or how I feel about other people. You may have noticed that my sense of humor has definitely suffered lately (Sorry.)

It occurred to me that if I would concentrate on finding some good news every day, I would feel a bit better, and maybe sharing it with you will make you feel a little better too.

The stock market made a bit of a recovery today, as tensions seem to be easing with China and North Korea. Overall, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has gained 11-12% year since January 1, and the stock market has gained about two trillion dollars in wealth since the election. 18,332.74 on November 8, and looks to close just under 22,000 today.

98-Year-Old Marries 94-Year-Old After Meeting At The Gym

On Aug. 5 Gertrude Mokotoff, 98, and Alvin Mann, 94, tied the knot after meeting at the gym where they still work out twice a week.

“I kept getting teased about dating a cougar,” Alvin told The New York Times, laughing. “But the age difference never really bothered me because we just hit it off, and I wasn’t about to let her go.”

Alvin and Gertrude dated for eight years before she asked him to marry her.

“I asked him to marry me,” she said with a chuckle. “I was tired of chasing after him.”

Baby Girl Who Weighed Just 12 Ounces at Birth Finally Goes Home After Months in the NICU

Tiny Ariana Cruz-Gutierrez weighed as much as three sticks of butter when she was born at just 24 weeks on March 9 at Anne Arundel Medical Center (AAMC) in Annapolis.

At exactly 12.4 ounces, Ariana was the smallest baby AAMC has ever seen when she was welcomed by her mother, Claudia Cruz, and father, Oscar Gutierrez.
Following months of care from neonatal experts and nurses, Ariana — now 4 pounds, 15 ounces — was sent home Aug. 3 after showing positive signs of development.
“She met all of the criteria that we would sort of look for, like any sucking, swallowing, breathing on her own,” AAMC spokeswoman Arminta Plater, told
“The tiniest baby ever born at AAMC went home today!” AAMC said in a celebratory Facebook post. “Special thanks to our amazing NICU team who took care of Ariana

Goya Foods Donated 10,000 Pounds Of Food To Catholic Charities In Recognition Of The Dominican Day Parade In New York

“What better way to celebrate the Dominican Day Parade than by helping others and giving back to our community,” said Rafael Toro, Director of Public Relations of Goya Foods.  “To Goya, it’s not just about donating food or money, but about making a difference in the lives of our consumers and their families.”

The food will go directly to Catholic Charities’ food pantries, where it will be distributed to hundreds of families in need.  “We are grateful for the ongoing generosity of Goya and their support in our mission to providing meals to all hungry New Yorkers in need,” said Executive Director, Monsignor Kevin Sullivan. “In celebrating Dominican Week, we highlight one of the many communities our agencies are proud to serve.”

Veteran has hired more than 40 out-of-work veterans for his business

In fact, every employee of Patriot Cleaning knows all about being a patriot.

“Since 2011, we have hired more than 40 veteran employees and about 12 family members of veterans,” Smith said proudly.

Since Smith was once one of the one million unemployed veterans in the U.S., he opened doors for his fellow vets when he started his own business.

“When we do things together, we smile at each other because we know veterans helping veterans is our motto,” Griffin told us.

“We do for each other. We help each other and we help others out,” Bradley added.

Smith was recently in a battle with another enemy; lung cancer. It’s now in remission thanks in part to chemotherapy and the healing therapy of his military brothers.

“It just means a lot to be working with these guys and gals that I served with,” Smith said.

There are still good people, and good things, and miracles in the world.

Please share your good story!

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19 Responses to Good News! August 14, 2017

  1. Excellent idea for a weekly (if not daily) thread, Stella.

    🙂 😀 🙂

    When we all wake up and read Drudge or the other dreary MSM headlines, we need news of goodness, to be reminded that there is still a whole lotta goodness out there, that it will never cease, and that the good is just as infectious as the bad.`

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Wooly Covfefe says:

    Imagine making a Drudge-like site, where all the links are happy news, in contrast to his links.

    It would be easy.

    There are more happy news stories every day than Drudge has dystopic-future stories.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. auscitizenmom says:

    This is excellent. Great idea!

    Liked by 5 people

  4. hocuspocus13 says:

    I’m home my favorite place to be

    With chicken drizzled with olive oil and fresh carrots and the smell of garlic roasting in the oven

    Sitting in my bed relaxing burning a bright yellow candle that seems to have the sweet scent of honeysuckle with of course my dog right next to me

    Hot tea steeping in a tall pink cup no milk or sugar I’ll take mine straight up…please!

    I’m reading and writing on Stella’s wonderful and very popular blog 🌞

    …and I listen to the World around me for just this moment it has a lovely sound of quiet and peacefulness and I needed that… ~~~thank ~ you~~~

    💛 Have a Beautiful Evening 💛

    Liked by 7 people

  5. Lucille says:

    “Circus Lion Freed From Cage Feels Earth Beneath His Paws For The First Time”

    Rancho dos Gnomos Santuário in Brazil shows the thrilling moment a lion named Will experiences, for the first time, the feeling of soil and grass beneath his feet. Prior to being rescued, Will traveled with a circus for 13 long years, living in a cramped cage when not performing.

    This scene was filmed in 2006. Marcos Pompeo, the Sanctuary founder, said, “He had five years of tranquility before he died. Here he had the opportunity to interact with other lions. He loved to lie in grass and look at the sky. He was a very happy lion.”

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Menagerie says:

    My youngest grandson, who was born a month premature, and spent almost a week in NICU, is a little piggy now. He has fat cheeks, a big smile, and he is doing well. My four year old grandson who is autistic started pre-k last week at a great school for kids with learning disabilities and he loves it. He is excited to go and learn every day, he seems to be behaving well, and is actually sliding into some behaviors with ease that we have worked on for months.

    My oldest son will be married a week from Saturday. His fiancé has three kids who already consider him a father. These thre children desperately needed a good father, and my son desperately needed children to love, a wife to build a home with. People who have had some knocks and got back up, these two will make a much better future for themselves and their children, and our family gains three more beautiful grandchildren.

    Because of some really tough times and problems, they had to move in with him a year ago, so they are already a family. Not one time in that year have I heard him complain about them, or even remark maybe that it’s a lot harder to support a family. He has expressed nothing but joy and happiness at having them to care for and love. Not one regret. A man who knows what is valuable. I am glad for him and very proud of him.

    RCIA starts Next month. Last year 75 people came into the church. How many this year?

    It’s raining a lot. I get more time on the porch, with coffee in the fog. And the best coffee I’ve ever had is sold right here in my little town, fresh roasted, choice of flavors.

    My eleven year old dog, one of the great loves of my life, is still healthy enough to annoy me by carousing in the woods at night and barking at the critters.

    I live right on the edge of where the full eclipse is, so I get almost the full deal.

    Fall is coming. Football, bread and soup, hiking in the fallen leaves, crisp air, fun crafts with the kids, pumpkin farms. Hot apple cider.

    And last but not least, Lynchburg still turns out barrels of Jack.

    Liked by 7 people

  7. jeans2nd says:

    Record my misery; list my tears on Your scroll – are they not in Your record?

    “…you will call on Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. I will be found by you” declares the Lord.

    “For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
    Psalm 56:8, Jer 29:14-15, 11 NIV

    Every day we awake is another opportunity to change someone’s life for the better, including yours. Be blessed.
    apologies if this offends

    What a great post and comments. Thank you.
    Speaking of pillows, ’bout time for a nap, it seems.

    Liked by 3 people

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