Today In History, June 10, Guest hosted by patternpuzzler!

1610 First Dutch settlers arrive (from NJ), to colonize Manhattan Island

1639 First American log cabin at Fort Christina (Wilmington Delaware)

1652 In Boston, John Hull opens the first mint in America

1692  First Salem witch hanging

1720 Mrs. Clements of England markets first paste-style mustard

1752  Franklin flies kite during thunderstorm [ ]

1775  John Adams proposes a Continental Army, that the men laying seize to Boston should be considered a regular standing army, despite most of the men were from militia assemblies. He would further propose George Washington lead the Continental Army.

1760 NY passes first effective law regulating practice of medicine

1768 British customs officials seize John Hancock’s ship, “The Liberty”, on the suspicion that Hancock had illegally unloaded cargo without paying duties a month earlier

1793 First public zoo opens in Paris

1801 Tripoli declares war on US for refusing tribute. Known as the First Barbary War, pirates of North Africa takes on the US and Sweden: Infogalactic

1809 First US steamboat to a make an ocean voyage leaves NY for Phila

1846 Robert Thomson obtains an English patent on a rubber tyre

1847 Chicago Tribune begins publishing

1848 First telegraph link between NYC & Chicago

1854 The first class of the United States Naval Academy students graduate.

1869 ‘Agnes’ arrives in New Orleans with first ever shipment of frozen beef [How they did it:

1898 US Marines land in Cuba during Spanish-American War

The First Marine Battalion, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Robert W. Huntington, landed on the eastern side of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on 10 June 1898. The next day, an American flag was hoisted above Camp McCalla where it flew during the next eleven days.

1902 Patent for window envelope granted to H F Callahan

1907 France and Japan sign an agreement to maintain the independence and integrity of China, equality for all nations in trading with China, and the status quo in the Far East

1908 First flying club, Aeronautical Society of NY, opens

1916 Great Arab Revolt begins against ruling Ottoman Turks

1924 First political convention broadcast on radio-Republicans at Cleveland

1925 Inaugural service for the United Church of Canada, a union of Presbyterian, Methodist, and Congregationalist churches held in Toronto Arena.

1932 First demonstration of artificial lightning Pittsfield Mass

1933 John Dillinger robs his first bank, in New Carlisle, Ohio. He takes $10,600

1933 Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker flip their car into a ravine. Parker suffers serious third degree burns from the accident which would affect her for the rest of her life.

1935 Dr Robert Smith & William Wilson of Akron form Alcoholics Anonymous (date of Smith’s last drink)

1939 MGM cartoon character Barney Bear debuts

1940 Italy declares war on France & Britain during WW II

1940 Norway surrenders to Nazis

1940 Canada declares war on Italy.

1943 FDR becomes first US president to visit a foreign country during wartime

1943 FDR signs withholding tax bill into law

1944 Joe Nuxhall, 15, of Cincinnati Reds is youngest player in major league

1952 US President Harry Truman expresses a desire to nationalize the steel industry

1953 Eisenhower rejects calls for U.S. “isolationism” He maintained that the US should have a strong defensive capability to deter communism.

1955 First separation of virus into component parts reported

1963 US Equal Pay Act signed into law by President John F. Kennedy

1966 Beatles “Paperback Writer” is released in UK

1966 Beatles record “Rain” first to use reverse tapes

1966 Janis Joplin’s first live concert (Avalon Ballroom in SF) American Masters Timeline: Janis Joplin Life and Career ***

1966 Mamas & Papas win gold record for “Monday, Monday”

1967 15,000 attend Fantasy Faire & Magic Mountain Music Festival, Calif

1967 Israel, Syria, Jordan, Iraq & Egypt end “6-Day War” with UN help

1967 USSR drops diplomatic relations with Israel

1968 “Danny Thomas Hour” last airs on NBC-TV

1972 Elvis Presley records a live album at NYC’s Madison Square Garden

1975 Rockefeller panel reports on 300,000 illegal CIA files on Americans

1976 67,000 fans attends Wings concert at Seattle’s Kingdome

1977 Apple Computer ships its first Apple II computers Wiki: The original retail price of the computer was US $1298 (with 4 kB of RAM) and US $2638 (with the maximum 48 kB of RAM).

1977 James Earl Ray (Martin Luther King’s killer) escapes from prison

1981 Pete Rose ties Stan Musial’s NL record of 3,630 hits

1984 US missile shoots down an incoming missile in space for first time

1985 Coca Cola announces they’d bring back their 99-year-old formula

1988 Greatest number of participants (31,678) on a bicycle tour (London)

1989 “Tales From The Crypt” TV Anthology debuts on HBO

1991 David Lynch’s “Twin Peaks” airs its final episode airs on ABC-TV

1991 Mother of All Parades-NYC welcomes Desert Storm troops

1996 Intel releases 200 mhz pentium chip speed: 233-450mHz

1999 Kosovo War: NATO suspends its air strikes after Slobodan Milošević agrees to withdraw Serbian forces from Kosovo.

2002 The first direct electronic communication experiment between the nervous systems of two humans is carried out by Kevin Warwick in the United Kingdom.

2003 The Spirit Rover is launched, beginning NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover mission

2007 “The Sopranos” series finale on HBO (infamous “cut to black” ending) “Almost 12 million people tune in for the series finale of HBO’s critically acclaimed, multi-award-winning Mob-family drama The Sopranos on this day in 2007.”

***Bonus Video: Janis Joplin’s “Summertime”:

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13 Responses to Today In History, June 10, Guest hosted by patternpuzzler!

  1. patternpuzzler says:

    Hi all! Hope you’ve had great weather and a day that made you smile a time or two!

    re: 1720, Mrs. Clements mustard.
    Pope John XXII was so fond of mustard that he created a new Vatican position, the ‘grand moutardier du pape’ (mustard-maker to the pope) and appointed his nephew to the post.

    1932: Artificial Lightning: This took place at the laboratories of General Electric, where a 10 million volt lightning bolt was created. (14 million, per another source.) There is a curious occurrence when a lightning bolt hits the sand. It creates a “petrified fulgurite.” Check it out here:

    Actually, I believe creating fulgurites is becoming a form of art, and I can see why – they can be so very beautiful!

    Liked by 5 people

  2. shiloh1973 says:

    Thank you for posting these history time lines. I love them!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. nyetneetot says:

    “1752 Franklin flies kite during thunderstorm “

    This is an example of another case of US history presented in a very odd way. There was a lot to this as to what he was trying to prove and what/who was involved.

    The jar, which was a capacitor, was accidently invented about 10 years prior. Electricity was known about and used as a treatment for some medical conditions. What was unknown at the time, was if lightening was electrical in nature. As I recall, one account reads that Franklin had his son hold the kite. Lightning didn’t strike the kite (they all would have been killed) but the capacitor received a charge.

    Liked by 2 people

    • patternpuzzler says:

      My immediate reaction to your comment, Nyet, is that I’ve seen some of those “medical devices” that were used as curative for some of those medical conditions, even before it was used for electroconvulsive shock therapy. Can’t think of a single dysfunction I’d not rather have if that was the alternative… Sadly, though I know ECT is still used and is in a supposedly more humane form, a great many people were still tortured to get us to where we are today.

      OK, in my research I just accepted “Leyden jar” and now I’ll need to go look that up too, lol!! The question you’ve brought me to is “Leyden jar – why???”

      The different facets of Franklin’s kite experiment really are fascinating, but I found that different sources told the story with different emphasis, which I suppose is to be expected. This is one that was I to have written a paper in college I would have ended up with a 20-page paper rather than10!

      Then, too, are the variances in tale regarding the actual experiment itself, as you say. The Benjamen Franklin Kite legend is one of the Rabbitholes of History!

      Liked by 2 people

  4. nyetneetot says:

    “1977 Apple Computer ships its first Apple II ….”

    …. and you could put the floppy disks in and record on either side. I recall playing “pitfall”, but that was in the early 80’s

    Liked by 2 people

  5. nyetneetot says:

    “1976 67,000 fans attends Wings concert at Seattle’s Kingdome”

    I watched the construction of the Kingdome start in the early 70’s. It had just opened in 1976.

    Liked by 2 people

    • patternpuzzler says:

      I’ll bet it was fun to watch the construction of that behemoth! Did you get to see it on a commute?? Watched a Seattle Seahawks game when my daughter came to visit while I was living in the PNW. Just taking in the stadium expanse was impressive – and so, then, was Randy Johnson- “The Big Refridgerator”!

      Liked by 2 people

      • nyetneetot says:

        We lived in West Seattle at the time and could see the city skyline and the construction from the living room window.

        Liked by 2 people

        • patternpuzzler says:

          Sweet. Used to live in Anacortes, right up against Mt. Erie Park, smack dab in the middle of the island. Can’t begin to tell you how much I miss it. You’re lucky, Nyet, to be so much in those parts. In my book, anyway…

          Liked by 2 people

  6. Lots of fascinating things in this post, pattern! I want to comment more but WP and my iPad are at odds again. 😦


  7. Puzz, thank you for your kind advice in last night’s thread.

    And, of course, for your history threads.

    Liked by 1 person

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