Manchester Bombing – ISIS Claims Responsibility


A suicide bomber killed at least 22 people and wounded 59 at a packed concert hall in the English city of Manchester in what Prime Minister Theresa May called a sickening act targeting children and young people.

May said police believed they knew the identity of the bomber and police then said a 23-year-old man had been arrested in connection with the attack carried out late on Monday evening as people began leaving a concert given by Ariana Grande, a U.S. singer who attracts a large number of young and teenage fans.

“All acts of terrorism are cowardly…but this attack stands out for its appalling sickening cowardice, deliberately targeting innocent, defenseless children and young people who should have been enjoying one of the most memorable nights of their lives,” May said outside her Downing Street office in London.

“The attempt to divide us met countless acts of kindness that brought people closer together.”

Witnesses related the horror of the Manchester blast, which unleashed a stampede just as the concert ended at what is Europe’s largest indoor arena, full to a capacity of 21,000.

“We ran and people were screaming around us and pushing on the stairs to go outside and people were falling down, girls were crying, and we saw these women being treated by paramedics having open wounds on their legs … it was just chaos,” said Sebastian Diaz, 19. “It was literally just a minute after it ended, the lights came on and the bomb went off.”

U.S. President Donald Trump described the attack as the work of “evil losers”. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said it “will only strengthen our resolve to…work with our British friends against those who plan and carry out such inhumane deeds.”

A source with knowledge of the situation said the bomber’s explosives were packed with metal and bolts. At least 19 of those wounded were in a critical condition, the source said.

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12 Responses to Manchester Bombing – ISIS Claims Responsibility

  1. czarowniczy says:

    I don’t believe for a second that the pols give a rat’s butt about those killed by the vermin they allow in unless it splashes back on them. The have a ‘Child’s Golden Book of BS Comfort Phrases’ they can use to feign concern, phrases that offend no one, even murderers or potential mass murderers. Note Trump spoke from the gut while the rest speak from the soapbox.
    You have a Moslem London mayor, you have a vast mlitary and police intel system, you have thousands of unvetted Moslem filtered into a country that’s already contributed many Moslem fighters to Iraq and Afghanistan, and oh yeah a country where you can’t buy a pointed stick never mind a vest full of high explosives. Something doesn’t add up…after decades of the IRA how come they can’t find these bad guys until just after the event?
    My soapbox: the government, not to mention the UN, want us to give up our means of self defense, even the idea of self defense. At the same time they are encouraging and actively assisting potential corrosive elemsnts to form businesses that will gove them legal access to weapobs banned from civilian ownership. We also have the decades of proof that no government anywhere seems to have been successful in banning the illegal importation of anything…back to Britain and the IRA and now Moslem terrorists. The British subjects of the state are once again subject to violence as the government dithers between being proper and trying to not offend the offensive.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. czarowniczy says:

    Local news is tieing into the London murders by showing how more police will be available at
    sports, music and graduation venues. One wag pointed out that there’s minimal police presence at the events’ exits but a security expert (they keep one in the newsroom drawer) blew that one off. The city’s Homeland Security expert assures us that they were in contact with all state and federal LEAs on terrorist matters – for those of you who don’t speak bureaucratese thst means “if anything goes wrong it’s the Fed’s fault’.
    They also have an ex-FBI agent on tap (keep him in the cabinet) who told us that it’s all about the intel. From what I hear from friends thst means we’re in trouble unless the Feds assume that blame. It’s amazing that as lucrative a target as the big NOLA venues are, as blatantly offensive to traditional Islamic values as they are, as loosely policed as they are that they haven’t been hit. In the first few years after 911 there was an almost palpable concern but as the years rolled on eith no issues concerns went back to feral thugs shooting up parade goers, our native threat. Time will tell…

    Liked by 1 person

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