Tucker Carlson Interviews President Trump, March 15, 2017

First of two segments. Segment two will air tonight.

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2 Responses to Tucker Carlson Interviews President Trump, March 15, 2017

  1. czarowniczy says:

    Someone havked McDonald’s Twitter account and sent out a derogatory anti-Trump message on it. Could have been worse, they could have accused him of eating their stuff.
    I psrticulsrly like how so many people dislike Trump using Twitter, as if it’s the exclusive medium of the progressive and pretentious. When tbe second black POtuS used it the Left would bow to his manufactured missives as if the clouds had parted and Allah herself had given the First Bro the hi-five. Maybe instead of facing the nation’s problems Trump should instead spend more time Tweeting out his b-ball picks and complaints about the Blue-eyed Devil.


  2. joshua says:

    Trump twitters. The twits twiddle.


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